Artist picture of Fantastic Negrito

Fantastic Negrito

14 033 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Fantastic Negrito na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Undefeated Eyes
Undefeated Eyes
Album cover of California Loner
California Loner
Album cover of A Letter to Fear
A Letter to Fear
Album cover of Chocolate Samurai
Chocolate Samurai
Album cover of Plastic Hamburgers
Plastic Hamburgers
Album cover of Runaway From You
Runaway From You
Album cover of When Everything Went Wrong (from the series Arcane League of Legends)
When Everything Went Wrong (from the series Arcane League of Legends)
Album cover of Nobody Makes Money
Nobody Makes Money
Album cover of Nothing Without You
Nothing Without You
Album cover of How Long?
How Long?

Último lançamento

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Fantastic Negrito: Álbuns mais populares

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Fantastic Negrito: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Rock Icons Now Rock Icons Now 100 faixas - 197 558 fãs
Cover of playlist Hot New Rock Hot New Rock 140 faixas - 122 165 fãs
Cover of playlist Blues Coffee Blues Coffee 50 faixas - 40 104 fãs
Cover of playlist Chicago Blues Chicago Blues 41 faixas - 15 108 fãs
Cover of playlist Sweet Blues Sweet Blues 50 faixas - 38 223 fãs
Cover of playlist Blues at work Blues at work 50 faixas - 27 330 fãs
Cover of playlist Black Icons of Rock Black Icons of Rock 50 faixas - 9 111 fãs
Cover of playlist Blues today Blues today 67 faixas - 3 044 fãs
Cover of playlist Blues greatest hits vol.2 Blues greatest hits vol.2 32 faixas - 512 fãs
Cover of playlist Guitar heroe Guitar heroe 38 faixas - 778 fãs
Cover of playlist Para calentar motores Para calentar motores 35 faixas - 346 fãs
Cover of playlist La playlist 100% America La playlist 100% America 67 faixas - 784 fãs
Cover of playlist Blues acoustic Blues acoustic 37 faixas - 709 fãs
Cover of playlist Musiques du Monde Musiques du Monde 1 100 faixas - 2 265 fãs
Cover of playlist We Will Rock You We Will Rock You 123 faixas - 3 930 fãs

Destaque em

Ouça Fantastic Negrito na Deezer

Para todos os moods


Son of a Somalian-Caribbean immigrant who played African music, Xavier Dphrepaulezz aka Fantastic Negrito was raised in Massachusetts, but moved to California when he was just 12. It was culture shock: in the space of a day, he went from Arabian songs to Funkadelic, perfecting his musical education in one of the country's most influential black communities. By the age of 20, he had taught himself to play most instruments, but his ascent was halted by a close encounter with armed men. Armed with a model, he decides to leave for Los Angeles, where he hopes fame awaits him. In the midst of Hollywood life, he signed with a manager and landed a contract with Interscope, which unfortunately curbed his creativity. An album, X-Factor, was released under the name Xavier, but failed to meet with the expected response. In 2000, he survived a terrible car accident that had left him in a coma for four weeks, and had to undergo a long rehabilitation phase. In 2008, he returned to Oakland and began to envisage a life without music. But the birth of his son gave him a new artistic lease of life. In 2016, he recorded the album The Last Days of Oakland.