Artist picture of Jason Gray

Jason Gray

6 708 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Jason Gray na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Sparrows
Album cover of I'm Gonna Let It Go
I'm Gonna Let It Go
Album cover of With Every Act of Love
With Every Act of Love
Album cover of Something True
Something True
Album cover of When I Say Yes
When I Say Yes
Album cover of Be Kind
Be Kind
Album cover of Learning
Album cover of Remind Me You're Here
Remind Me You're Here
Album cover of Glow in the Dark
Glow in the Dark
Album cover of Rest (The Song of the Innkeeper)
Rest (The Song of the Innkeeper)

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Jason Gray na Deezer

Ecstasy [Flying High]

por Jason Gray, Naomi


0 fã

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Jason Gray: Álbuns mais populares

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Jason Gray: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Musica Cristiana Musica Cristiana 72 faixas - 361 fãs
Cover of playlist COUNTRY TUNES COUNTRY TUNES 88 faixas - 646 fãs

Destaque em

Ouça Jason Gray na Deezer

Para todos os moods


Jason Gray was born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was raised in a religious family and therefore knew that he was destined to play some role in the church, and so he spent his early years in the youth ministry before deciding to dedicate his time to religious music. Determined to make it in the music business, Gray released four records independently before being spotted and signed to Centricity Records. Through his new label he released the 2007 album All The Lovely Losers which cemented his place in the business. In 2013 he reached an even wider audience with his single Nothing Is Wasted which peaked at the number one spot on the Soft AC Chart, retaining its position for nine weeks. Love Will Have The Final Word was released in 2014 and in the same year Gray embarked on a new tour titled K-LOVE Listener Appreciate. The same year he also joined The Bible: Son Of God 2014 Tour with similar artists Natalie Grant, Chris August and Francesca Battistelli. In early 2016 Gray made a public announcement on his website informing his fans of his divorce from his wife Taya; he confirmed with reassurance that his main focus would be on the church and his family.