Artist picture of Cavalera Conspiracy

Cavalera Conspiracy

82 093 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Cavalera Conspiracy na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Inflikted
Album cover of Troops Of Doom
Troops Of Doom
Album cover of Morbid Visions
Morbid Visions
Album cover of From the Past Comes the Storms
From the Past Comes the Storms
Album cover of Escape to the Void
Escape to the Void
Album cover of Nightmares Of Delirium
Nightmares Of Delirium
Album cover of Inquisition Symphony
Inquisition Symphony
Album cover of To the Wall
To the Wall
Album cover of R.I.P (Rest in Pain)
R.I.P (Rest in Pain)
Album cover of Spectral War
Spectral War

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Cavalera Conspiracy: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Metal Brasil Metal Brasil 50 faixas - 3 133 fãs
Cover of playlist Thrash Legacy Thrash Legacy 80 faixas - 24 832 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Cavalera Conspiracy 100% Cavalera Conspiracy 50 faixas - 175 fãs
Cover of playlist Combat Zone Combat Zone 50 faixas - 5 675 fãs
Cover of playlist The Heavy Mix The Heavy Mix 98 faixas - 1 371 fãs
Cover of playlist Metal AF Metal AF 120 faixas - 354 fãs
Cover of playlist KINK Distortion Top 500 2022 KINK Distortion Top 500 2022 497 faixas - 216 fãs

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Cavalera Conspiracy is a Brazilian-American heavy metal supergroup from Phoenix, Arizona. Founded in 2007 by Brazilian brothers Max Cavalera (vocals, rhythm guitar) and Igor Cavalera (drums, percussion), former iconic members of Sepultura, the band was originally called Inflikted before changing its name for legal reasons. The creation of Cavalera Conspiracy marks the end of a decade of conflict between the Cavalera brothers, who founded Sepultura in the early 1980s. The band came into being after Igor Cavalera left Sepultura in 2006 and Max invited him to Phoenix for a concert with Soulfly, the band Max formed after leaving Sepultura in 1996. This reunion gave birth to a new musical project, also bringing together Marc Rizzo on guitar (Soulfly) and Joe Duplantier on bass (Gojira) to record the first album, Inflikted, released in 2008 on Roadrunner Records. Cavalera Conspiracy went on to release several albums: Blunt Force Trauma (#123 on the Billboard charts in 2011), Pandemonium (#178 in 2014) and Psychosis (2017). The band's discography is marked by a return to the thrash metal roots of the 1980s. Marc Rizzo left the project in 2021, then Max and Igor Cavalera, the only two active members of the band, re-recorded the album Morbid Vision and the EP Bestial Devastation in 2023 and the album Schizophrenia (#24 in the German charts) in 2024, classics of the Sepultura discography. They do so under the shortened name Cavalera, emphasizing their musical heritage while continuing to innovate in their sound. Two singles are taken from Schizophrenia, "Escape to the Void" and "From the Past Comes the Storms".