Artist picture of Kyle Eastwood

Kyle Eastwood

11 344 fãs

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Album cover of Jarreau
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Song for You
Album cover of Soulful Times
Soulful Times
Album cover of Rockin' Ronnie's
Rockin' Ronnie's
Album cover of Taxi Driver – Theme
Taxi Driver – Theme
Album cover of Bullitt
Album cover of Les Moulins de mon cœur
Les Moulins de mon cœur
Album cover of Sunrise
Album cover of The Eiger Sanction
The Eiger Sanction
Album cover of Prosecco Smile
Prosecco Smile

Lançamento mais popular

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por Kyle Eastwood

3981 fãs

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Kyle Eastwood: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Acoustic Jazz Acoustic Jazz 50 faixas - 13 874 fãs
Cover of playlist 2023 Jazz 2023 Jazz 50 faixas - 2 289 fãs
Cover of playlist Jazz à Vienne 2021 Jazz à Vienne 2021 42 faixas - 286 fãs
Cover of playlist Nancy Jazz Pulsations since 1973 Nancy Jazz Pulsations since 1973 261 faixas - 53 fãs
Cover of playlist Nancy Jazz Pulsations 2019 Nancy Jazz Pulsations 2019 78 faixas - 198 fãs
Cover of playlist Jazz à Vienne 1999 Jazz à Vienne 1999 76 faixas - 113 fãs
Cover of playlist Apéro Jazz Apéro Jazz 259 faixas - 591 fãs
Cover of playlist 40 ans de Jazz in Marciac 40 ans de Jazz in Marciac 57 faixas - 1 411 fãs
Cover of playlist Jazz à Val Thorens 2019 Jazz à Val Thorens 2019 14 faixas - 27 fãs
Cover of playlist Nancy Jazz Pulsations since 1973 Nancy Jazz Pulsations since 1973 261 faixas - 70 fãs
Cover of playlist Nancy Jazz Pulsations 2022 Nancy Jazz Pulsations 2022 73 faixas - 105 fãs
Cover of playlist Jazz pour travailler Jazz pour travailler 211 faixas - 60 fãs
Cover of playlist Jazz à Vienne 2017 Jazz à Vienne 2017 51 faixas - 100 fãs

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Born in Los Angeles, California on May 19, 1968, Kyle Eastwood is an American jazz musician who plays bass and double bass. His father - film star and director Clint Eastwood - and his mother, Maggie Johnson, both played music and he grew up listening to great jazz artists at home and at festivals he visited with his parents. He started performing while in high school and studied with French bass player Bunny Bruhel. He formed the Kyle Eastwood Quartet and did a lot of session work in Los Angeles. His 1998 debut album, From There to Here, went to number 21 on Billboard's Traditional Jazz Albums chart. He continued to achieve success with his releases including 2005’s Paris Blue, which reached number 20. Other releases include Now (2006) with the title track going to number 25 on Billboard's Smooth Jazz Songs chart, Metropolitain (2009), Songs from the Chateau (2011), and The View from Here (2013), which rose to number 24 on the Traditional Jazz Albums chart and number 42 on Billboard's Jazz Albums chart. He continued to achieve success with albums such as Time Pieces (2015), In Transit (2017) and Cinematic (2019). Kyle Eastwood has contributed songs and music to several of his father's movies including Honkytonk Man (1982), The Rookie (1990), Million Dollar Baby (2004) and Flags of Our Fathers (2006). With Michael Stevens, he wrote the scores for Letters from Iwo Jima (2006), Gran Torino (2006) and Invictus (2009). Kyle Eastwood earned a Golden Globe nomination in 2009 – along with co-writers Michael Stevens and Jamie Cullum - for the song “Gran Torino” from the film of the same name. In 2023, he released the album Eastwood Symphonic, which was a musical tribute to his father’s film career and includes his interpretations of songs that have been featured in his father’s filmography.