Artist picture of Jimmie Vaughan

Jimmie Vaughan

16 735 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Jimmie Vaughan na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Dengue Woman Blues
Dengue Woman Blues
Album cover of Baby, Please Come Home
Baby, Please Come Home
Album cover of Kinky Woman
Kinky Woman
Album cover of Can't Say No
Can't Say No
Album cover of Motor Head Baby
Motor Head Baby
Album cover of Don't Cha Know
Don't Cha Know
Album cover of Tilt A Whirl
Tilt A Whirl
Album cover of Just a Game
Just a Game
Album cover of Hey Yeah
Hey Yeah

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Jimmie Vaughan: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Blues greatest hits vol.2 Blues greatest hits vol.2 32 faixas - 512 fãs
Cover of playlist pure blues pure blues 51 faixas - 381 fãs
Cover of playlist Blues greatest hits vol.1 Blues greatest hits vol.1 40 faixas - 613 fãs

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Born March 20, 1951 in Dallas, Texas, legendary blues guitarist Jimmie Vaughan would be one of the masterminds behind The Fabulous Thunderbirds and record a famous album with his younger brother, fellow blues guitar icon Stevie Ray Vaughan, before finally launching a solo career. After a series of influential albums with The Fabulous Thunderbirds, and gaining a reputation as one of the finest blues guitarists in the world, Vaughan went solo for the first time with 1994’s Strange Pleasure, a collection of blues and rock that captured his signature sound. The 1998 follow-up Out There took the same approach and featured collaborations with Nile Rogers and Dr. John. He brought in jazz elements for 2001’s Do You Get the Blues?, and it still won the Grammy for Traditional Blues Album. He played live regularly for the next ten years, but didn’t release another album until 2010’s Plays Blues, Ballads & Favorites, on which he covered such songwriters as Willie Nelson, Little Richard, and Jimmy Reed. He repeated the approach for 2011’s Plays More Blues, Ballads & Favorites. For 2018’s Baby, Please Come Home, he recorded songs from Lloyd Price, Lefty Frizzell, T-Bone Walker, and Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown.