Artist picture of Screamin' Jay Hawkins

Screamin' Jay Hawkins

30 037 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Screamin' Jay Hawkins na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of I shot the sheriff
I shot the sheriff
Album cover of I Put a Spell On You
I Put a Spell On You
Album cover of I've Got You Under My Skin
I've Got You Under My Skin
Album cover of I Love Paris
I Love Paris
Album cover of Constipation Blues
Constipation Blues
Album cover of Stone Crazy
Stone Crazy
Album cover of Coulda', woulda', shoulda'
Coulda', woulda', shoulda'
Album cover of What's Gonna happen on the 8th Day
What's Gonna happen on the 8th Day
Album cover of I Put a Spell on You
I Put a Spell on You
Album cover of Do You Really Love Me
Do You Really Love Me

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Screamin' Jay Hawkins na Deezer

I Hear Voices

por Screamin' Jay Hawkins


3 fãs

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Screamin' Jay Hawkins: Álbuns mais populares

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Screamin' Jay Hawkins: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Sex Education soundtrack Sex Education soundtrack 100 faixas - 15 147 fãs
Cover of playlist Roots of Rhythm and Blues Roots of Rhythm and Blues 70 faixas - 7 343 fãs
Cover of playlist blue // coco moe blue // coco moe 38 faixas - 120 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Screamin' Jay Hawkins 100% Screamin' Jay Hawkins 50 faixas - 78 fãs
Cover of playlist Soul Reaper Soul Reaper 42 faixas - 1 365 fãs
Cover of playlist Pour avoir peur Pour avoir peur 125 faixas - 139 fãs
Cover of playlist Early Soul Early Soul 30 faixas - 2 889 fãs
Cover of playlist Narzissen und Kakteen Narzissen und Kakteen 534 faixas - 228 fãs
Cover of playlist Nancy Jazz Pulsations since 1973 Nancy Jazz Pulsations since 1973 261 faixas - 50 fãs
Cover of playlist Soundtrack: Sex Education Soundtrack: Sex Education 179 faixas - 3 226 fãs
Cover of playlist HALLOWEEN PARTY 2023 👻 HALLOWEEN PARTY 2023 👻 183 faixas - 1 437 fãs

Destaque em

Ouça Screamin' Jay Hawkins na Deezer

Para todos os moods


One of rock's greatest showmen, Screamin' Jay Hawkins would appear on stage from a coffin, wearing a bone through his nose, clutching a flaming voodoo skull on a stick, letting off firecrackers and unleashing an almighty cry to the heavens. A former boxer who dreamed of being an opera singer and idolised Paul Robeson, Hawkins became a prisoner of war and was tortured while serving in the US Airforce during WW2. He later played piano for Fats Domino, Count Basie and Wynonie Harris before turning solo and releasing his legendary signature song I Put A Spell On You in 1957. Initially meant to be a traditional ballad, the band recorded it while drunk and turned it into a creeping, sexy R&B classic full of grunts and screams so groundbreaking that it was later named on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's list of 500 Songs that Shaped Rock'n'Roll. A wild outsider, too abrasive for many, he gained great popularity in Europe and was rediscovered in the 1980s when he worked with garage rockers The Fuzztones and starred in several films by cult director Jim Jarmusch. He later toured with The Clash and Nick Cave and earned a reputation as an incredible womaniser who reputedly bore over 50 children by many different women. He died in 2000 after surgery on an aneurysm, aged 70.