Artist picture of Willie Dixon

Willie Dixon

82 475 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Willie Dixon na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man
I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man
Album cover of The Seventh Son
The Seventh Son
Album cover of Spoonful
Album cover of Back Door Man
Back Door Man
Album cover of I Can't Quit You, Baby
I Can't Quit You, Baby
Album cover of Joggie Boogie
Joggie Boogie
Album cover of That's All I Want Baby
That's All I Want Baby
Album cover of You Shook Me
You Shook Me
Album cover of Little Red Rooster
Little Red Rooster
Album cover of Good Understanding
Good Understanding

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Willie Dixon: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Blues Essentials Blues Essentials 50 faixas - 181 572 fãs
Cover of playlist Blues at work Blues at work 50 faixas - 27 332 fãs
Cover of playlist 50's Blues 50's Blues 70 faixas - 2 364 fãs
Cover of playlist 60's Blues 60's Blues 30 faixas - 3 171 fãs
Cover of playlist Monday Blues Monday Blues 81 faixas - 144 fãs
Cover of playlist Gospel Spirit Gospel Spirit 67 faixas - 1 093 fãs
Cover of playlist Blues Blues 39 faixas - 220 fãs
Cover of playlist Blues greatest hits vol.1 Blues greatest hits vol.1 40 faixas - 612 fãs
Cover of playlist Soundtrack: Sharp Objects Soundtrack: Sharp Objects 67 faixas - 582 fãs
Cover of playlist Club Jazz Club Jazz 44 faixas - 41 fãs
Cover of playlist Blues Essentials Blues Essentials 50 faixas - 9 fãs

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One of the cornerstones of blues and rock and roll history, Willie Dixon's songs inspired Chuck Berry, Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones and Jimi Hendrix and continue to evoke the spirit ingrained in classic American music. Discovering the blues while working on prison farms in Mississippi in the 1930s, he sang in gospel quartets and began putting his own rhymes to the music he heard on the radio. Moving to Chicago, he became an Illinois Golden Gloves heavyweight boxing champion and played stand-up bass in jazz groups, but was imprisoned during WWII for conscientious objection. It was as a producer and songwriter for Chess Records during the 1950s and 1960s that his legend was formed though, as he penned the classics Hoochie Coochie Man, Evil and Wang Dang Doodle for the likes of Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf and Koko Taylor. The Rolling Stones reached Number 1 in the US with his track Little Red Rooster, Cream had a big hit with Spoonful and Led Zeppelin turned You Need Love into Whole Lotta Love; but it wasn't until he released solo album I Am The Blues (1970) and toured Europe with the Chicago Blues All Stars that he started to receive proper recognition. He later won a Grammy Award for the album Hidden Charms (1988) and was posthumously inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame after his death from heart failure in 1992.