Artist picture of Umberto Tozzi

Umberto Tozzi

79 011 fãs

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Album cover of Ti Amo
Ti Amo
Album cover of Gloria
Album cover of Eva
Album cover of Tu
Album cover of Ti amo
Ti amo
Album cover of Ti amo (feat. Anastacia)
Ti amo (feat. Anastacia)
Album cover of Te Amo (Ti Amo)
Te Amo (Ti Amo)
Album cover of Tu
Album cover of Gloria
Album cover of Gente Di Mare
Gente Di Mare

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Umberto Tozzi: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Ti Amo Italia Ti Amo Italia 50 faixas - 46 200 fãs
Cover of playlist City Sounds Naples City Sounds Naples 50 faixas - 4 481 fãs
Cover of playlist Good Mood - Healthie HOUR Good Mood - Healthie HOUR 2 000 faixas - 818 fãs
Cover of playlist 70s italy 70s italy 40 faixas - 2 594 fãs
Cover of playlist Soundtrack: La Casa de Papel Soundtrack: La Casa de Papel 101 faixas - 652 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Gianni Morandi 100% Gianni Morandi 50 faixas - 235 fãs
Cover of playlist Italy Eurovision Hits Italy Eurovision Hits 43 faixas - 341 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Umberto Tozzi 100% Umberto Tozzi 50 faixas - 977 fãs
Cover of playlist Italohits Italohits 101 faixas - 3 350 fãs
Cover of playlist 50 Ans Warner Music France 50 Ans Warner Music France 192 faixas - 143 fãs
Cover of playlist Włoskie Hity Włoskie Hity 42 faixas - 63 fãs
Cover of playlist Your favorite B-Sides Your favorite B-Sides 2 000 faixas - 875 fãs

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Italian singer Umberto Tozzi was born in Turin on March 4, 1952. In 1968, he made his singing debut, inspired mainly by Anglo-Saxon rock and local artists such as Adriano Celentano. In 1977, the young crooner released the song that changed his career, "Ti amo". This romantic theme is featured on his second album È nell'aria ... ti amo, released the same year. " Ti amo" reached number one in Italy for seven months running, and went on to become a huge hit throughout Europe and the United States. Armed with this timeless title, Umberto Tozzi enjoyed a successful period until the early 1980s. He followed this up with the lilting "Tu" in 1978 and the Italo-disco-influenced "Gloria" in 1979. Halfway between pop and rock, while retaining his eminently Italian character, Umberto Tozzi became a key player on the international scene with albums such as Notte Rosa (1981), Gli Altri Siamo Noi (1991) and Bagaglio a Mano (1999). Also singing in Spanish, English and sometimes French, Umberto Tozzi has sold over seventy million albums, including originals, live performances and compilations. In the 2000s, Umberto Tozzi re-recorded his signature songs alongside other artists, with Tozzi / Masini in 2006 and Raf Tozzi in 2018. Born in the age of vinyl, "Ti amo" stands out once again in the age of streaming, appearing on the soundtrack of the popular series La Casa de Papel in 2020.