Artist picture of Gladys Knight & The Pips

Gladys Knight & The Pips

98 615 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Gladys Knight & The Pips na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of For Once In My Life
For Once In My Life
Album cover of Midnight Train to Georgia
Midnight Train to Georgia
Album cover of Midnight Train to Georgia
Midnight Train to Georgia
Album cover of Neither One Of Us (Wants To Be The First To Say Goodbye)
Neither One Of Us (Wants To Be The First To Say Goodbye)
Album cover of Every Beat of My Heart
Every Beat of My Heart
Album cover of If I Were Your Woman
If I Were Your Woman
Album cover of Midnight Train to Georgia
Midnight Train to Georgia
Album cover of I've Got to Use My Imagination
I've Got to Use My Imagination
Album cover of Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me
Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me
Album cover of Where Peaceful Waters Flow
Where Peaceful Waters Flow

Lançamento mais popular

Novos lançamentos de Gladys Knight & The Pips na Deezer

Álbuns populares

Gladys Knight & The Pips: Álbuns mais populares

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Gladys Knight & The Pips: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Queens Of Soul Queens Of Soul 50 faixas - 227 150 fãs
Cover of playlist 70s Ballads 70s Ballads 50 faixas - 39 263 fãs
Cover of playlist 70s Pop 70s Pop 50 faixas - 29 389 fãs
Cover of playlist 70s Soul 70s Soul 50 faixas - 28 446 fãs
Cover of playlist Mellow Days Mellow Days 70 faixas - 87 210 fãs
Cover of playlist Top Hits 1973 Top Hits 1973 50 faixas - 4 047 fãs
Cover of playlist 60s Soul 60s Soul 50 faixas - 14 062 fãs
Cover of playlist City Sounds Las Vegas City Sounds Las Vegas 50 faixas - 938 fãs
Cover of playlist Anos 70 - Internacional | September Anos 70 - Internacional | September 112 faixas - 7 402 fãs
Cover of playlist Vintage Soul Vintage Soul 500 faixas - 1 821 fãs
Cover of playlist blue // boogie gems blue // boogie gems 127 faixas - 91 fãs
Cover of playlist Soul train Soul train 40 faixas - 1 608 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Gladys Knight & The Pips 100% Gladys Knight & The Pips 50 faixas - 184 fãs

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