Show cover of Explain Podcast

Explain Podcast

The Podcast Explain is for everyone interested in DNA/RNA sequencing or technology in general. As Iuliia doesn't have a solid background in sequencing, she keeps asking "simple" - even silly at times - questions and Daniel gives his best to make us understand.


Because only one type of nucleotide is not complicated enough Chapters: 01:35 Introducing old problems 15:30 More Phred, more better 34:40 QuickGen: genetic testing 47:40 Bioinformatics tools: samtools PacBio ONSO Specs: SBB explained by PacBio: Why higher quality is better: Short read sequencing market heating up: SBB for visual learners: Since 2018, West German Genome Center ( operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ).

28.01.25 • 54:37

Mixing up long and cheap Chapters: 00:00:00 Intro 00:03:30 Florians history 00:13:50 Q&A Ressources for Bioinformatics 00:27:00 00:35:42 ONT || PacBio 00:57:00 Storage 01:09:00 Outro Up-to-date, raw prices: Dovetail comparing the two long-read technologies: Comparing PacBios old CLRs to ONT: RNA Performance comparison, wonderful read: Integras 0.02$: Since 2018, West German Genome Center ( operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG ( (No. 407493903)

01.08.24 • 71:56

Rolling in circles to make DNA yarns Chapters: 00:00 Bioinformatics Upper Crust Tools 04:04 STAR 05:00 MGI 15:00 Daniels first contact 20:00 Brief Market Overview 22:30 Short read market 26:00 DFG High Costs Sequencing Projects Application 29:20 QuickGen: Introns and Exons 35:00 Conclusion MGI vs Illumina: Rolling the circle: MGI vs Illumina legal case: The basics of MGIs technology: DFG Application: GTL/WGGC: TSM link - submit your request and our colleagues will contact you Since 2018, West German Genome Center operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG ( (No. 407493903)

02.07.24 • 36:54

Who needs all bases anyway? Chapters: 00:00 Phasing 08:50 Not Sequencing, really 14:00 Bionano Saphyr Chip 26:00 Nabsys - going electric 29:30 Tools available 39:00 QuickGen with Iuliia: Transposons! Links: Small explainer by CAP: What genome mapping can be used for: Finding SVs with genome mapping: Bionano github repos: Listen to our podcast and send your feedback to podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com Since 2019, West German Genome Center operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network NGS-CN – network of NGS core facilities in Germany. The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Multimediazentrum at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility ”West German Genome Center” funded by the Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

27.05.24 • 48:12

Chapters: 00:00 Gambling 15:00 Bubbles 30:00 Holes 57:30 One more thing 1:07:00 Finale 1:08:00 Finale of season 1! Eric Chow explaining single cell sequencing: Overview of things to consider: How to analyze single cell data: A very good single cell analysis toolkit: Explainer for the rough workflow: Quick explainer on single cell sequencing: A method-overview paper: Comparing BD Parse and 10xGenomics: Pseudotime analysis: Since 2018, West German Genome Center ( operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and send your feedback to ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf ( Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG ( (No. 407493903). PS: I do not know how in the Parse approach the cells are treated to let the ligase and DNA enter each cell, but do not let RNA flow out of the cell at the same time. -DR

22.03.24 • 70:38

Getting the most out of Machines Chapters: 00:00 PhiX 14:30 low complexity 19:30 UMIs 32:10 FastQC 43:00 MultiQC 56:40 PycoQC PhiX concentrations for loading a validation run: Dnatech on why UMIs are used: BMH learning on UMIs: FastQC for QC of .fastq(.gz) files: A FastQC report from a „good“ sample: multiqc for summarizing QC reports: UMI-tools for working with UMI data: pycoQC for Nanopore QC: Since 2018, West German Genome Center ( operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf ( Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG ( (No. 407493903).

09.02.24 • 70:43

Pushing spaghetti through holes Chapers: 00:00 Intro 11:15 Measuring Ions 17:00 Quality 23:00 Duplex 24:30 MinION 25:15 PromethION 28:20 Methylation 29:00 Direct RNA sequencing 38:25 Basecalling 46:00 Basecalling bias 53:50 Sequencing proteins - Nanopore explainer: - Oxsci explaining the technology: - History of Nanopore: - Shmou’s Biology explaining Nanopore sequencing: - A direct comparison of Nanopore and Illumina output: - A nice Nanopore QC tool we use: - How a MinION looks like: Since 2018, West German Genome Center ( operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf ( Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG ( (No. 407493903).

16.01.24 • 57:00

Zipping rounds in zeptoliters Chapters: 00:00 Intro 07:00 Laser 09:00 Zeptoliters 13:30 Polymerase speed 19:00 Error rate 22:00 SMRT Cell 25:45 ccs 30:00 Fragment size 34:30 Megaruptor 38:20 Data flow 47:00 SVs 53:00 MAS Seq - Starter: - Karobben on PacBio sequencing: - bioinformticamente explaining the technology: - Basic Biochem explainer of SMRT sequencing: - Genomics Lab explaining it: - PacBio explaining BAM Tags: - Megaruptor3 explainer (how we make the right sized fragments) : - How we select the right sized fragments: Since 2018, West German Genome Center ( operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf ( Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG ( (No. 407493903).

21.12.23 • 56:27

Glued DNA bridges and rainbow clusters Chapters: 00:00-Flowcells 03:40-DNA glued to glass 09:00-Bridge amplification 15:50-Cluster density and patterned Flowcells 28:30-Illumina SBS summary 30:30-Limits 33:00-Multiplexing and Demultiplexing - enseqlopedia on patterned vs unpatterned flowcell: - ClevaLabs on Illumina sequencing: - Yourgenome on how the Illumina workflow works: - DNATech comparing Illumina Machines: - iBiology on sample preparation for Illumina sequencing: - StatQuest on how to use Illumina sequencing for RNA analysis: - Illumina Flowcell and sequencing machines pictures: - Nice explainer about paired-end sequencing: Since 2018, West German Genome Center ( operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and send your feedback to ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf ( Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG ( (No. 407493903). Clarification: Each Flowcell on the Illumina platform has 1-8 channels, each channel can be filled with multiple different samples - DR

01.12.23 • 38:39

Colour mixing in PHRED space Chapters: 00:00 Nucleotides level 2 09:00 Cycles 12:00 Not-so-wobbly mutations 15:30 Reducing colourspace 22:30 Cutting connections 28:14 Costs and PHRED - ClevaLabs on Illumina sequencing: - Yourgenome on how the Illumina workflow works: - DNATech comparing Illumina Machines: - iBiology on sample preparation for Illumina sequencing: - StatQuest on how to use Illumina sequencing for RNA analysis: - Illumina Flowcell and sequencing machines pictures: - Nice explainer about paired-end sequencing: Since 2018, West German Genome Center ( operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and send your feedback to ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf ( Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG ( (No. 407493903). CORRECTION: On the Illumina 1-channel chemistry, one base signal gets added, one removed at the enzymatic step: so that's one signal that stays, one that disappears, one that comes to shine and one that never shines. - DR

13.11.23 • 34:31

Iuliia killed the stripey cat Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:04:44 Stripes 00:11:40 Sanger with colors 00:17:20 CATCATCAT... 00:33:20 Planes 00:38:15 Genome assembly 00:40:00 Transcriptomics 01:01:00 Hi-C Why women are stripey: Future-science about str profiling: Mark Santucci explaining str profiles: NIJ explaining the theory for beginners: MIT on genome assembly: Fundamentals of genome assembly by Bioinformatics DotCa: Genome assembly tips from F1000Research: CD Genomics explaining some genome assembly metrics: Geneticeducation giving an intro to transcriptomics: A slideshare explaining transcriptomics: How to create a volcano plot in R: Bioinformatic walk-through by the galaxy project with a typical RNA-Seq experiment: RNA splicing explained by arpan: khanacademy on RNA processing: Since 2018, West German Genome Center ( operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf ( Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG ( (No. 407493903).

20.10.23 • 67:17

H+ ions and where we can find them Chapters: 00:00 Intro 04:26 pH 08:04 DNA Polymerase reaction with H+ 12:30 Nucleotides 16:30 Homopolymer problem, but different 19:30 PCR is mean to some bases 24:30 AmpliSeq 33:40 Today’s status 38:58 cfDNA 40:00 PHRED vs Qscore 44:59 Chip scaling and prices 51:00 Outro - bitesizedbio on the technology: - Quick explainer from Basic Biochem: - Slideshow giving an overview: - biobinge explaining Iontorrent sequencing: - rna-seqblog showing a comparison to Illumina: - Explainer by Shomu’s Biology: Since 2018, West German Genome Center ( operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf ( Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG ( (No. 407493903).

22.09.23 • 52:32

If ligation is more your thing - Special Operations explaining SOLiD Sequencing: - Writeup by the Apollo Institute on SOLiD Sequencing: - Quick run-through video by ABI: - Ars technica about the technology: - atdbio explaining SOLiD sequencing: - Biogene Blog on SOLiD sequencers: Chapters: 00:00 Intro 02:45 Ligation 06:50 Getting hairy balls 20:00 Bead 1 with DNA polonies 23:30 6 Base Jokers 24:00 2-Base encoding colours 29:15 Offsets and holes 35:00 Randomness and barcodes 37:25 Chemistry summary 40:30 Homopolymers are not the problem 46:30 SOLiDs fate Since 2018, West German Genome Center ( operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf ( Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG ( (No. 407493903).

22.08.23 • 51:54

Iuliia and Daniel have fun with salt water and alcohol Chapters: 00:00:00 DIY DNA isolation 00:15:38 Directed evolution of Enzymes DNA isolation in your kitchen - Experiment during the episode: - Another protocol with the same approach: - Extract DNA from a strawberry: - Banana DNA extraction: BONUS: Directed, artifical evolution of enzymes: - Where it comes from: - Chemistryworld about the idea: - A few of many results of this method: - MIT News about adding robots to this: Since 2018, West German Genome Center ( operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and send your feedback to ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf ( Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG ( (No. 407493903).

04.08.23 • 22:47

Daniel and Iuliia are confused about fireflies - Scientific american on how fireflies create light: - A small breakdown of a typical Pyrosequencing workflow: - Biology-pages on Pyrosequencing: - Biotechfront on Pyrosequencing: - Shomu's Biology on Pyrosequencing: - Quick Biochemistry Basics explaining the method: - Bionity on Pyrosequencing: Chapters: 00:00 Intro 03:00 Fireflies 04:00 Energy 06:00 Luciferase Reaction 11:00 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT...T? 14:00 microwell Plates 18:00 Pyrosequencing 25:00 Storage & Price 30:00 Teaser 31:00 Pyro? 34:00 Outro Since 2018, West German Genome Center ( operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf ( Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG ( (No. 407493903).

14.07.23 • 34:24

Iuliia is confused about RNA and Daniel doesn’t know the size of a DNA nucleotide Chapters: 00:00-Intro 02:00-DNA 08:27-Enzymes 13:05-RNAs, tRNAs 16:18-mRNAs, µRNAs, lncRNAs, circRNAs 21:35-Wobble 23:30-PCR 33:20-Sanger sequencing I 36:30-Gel electrophoresis 40:00-Sanger sequencing II 53:10-Teaser next Episode, Outro Topics: DNA, RNA, Protein, PCR, Gel Electrophoresis, Sanger Sequencing - The Royal Institution on the DNA Discovery: - The discovery of DNA on science history: - The New York Times on Franklins’ part: - Wikipedias article on Proteins with history: - Jrank on RNA: - Microbe Notes showing the central dogma of molecular biology: - ThoughtCo on RNA and DNA: - khanacademy explainers on PCR and Gel electrophoresis: - Amoeba Sisters on PCR: - Promega explaining Sanger sequencing: - Microbe online’s writeup on Sanger sequencing: - LibreTextsBiology on Proteins and Enzymes: - excedr on Taq Polymerase and PCR: Since 2018, West German Genome Center ( operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf ( Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG ( (No. 407493903). P.S.: One DNA nucleotide is ~0.34 nanometers in „length“ - DR

26.06.23 • 53:49

The Explain Podcast hosts are bioinformatician Daniel and scientific coordinator Iuliia. We aim to EXPLAIN key next generation sequencing techniques and how these techniques contribute to our everyday life.The Podcast Explain is for everyone interested in DNA/RNA sequencing or technology in general. As Iuliia doesn't have a solid background in sequencing, she keeps asking "simple" - even silly at times - questions and Daniel gives his best to make us understand. Since 2018, West German Genome Center (WGGC) operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics&transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN) - network of NGS core facilities in Germany.Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf. Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by DFG (No. 407493903).

09.06.23 • 05:29

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