Show cover of anything goes with emma chamberlain

anything goes with emma chamberlain

emma prefers to share her thoughts with a microphone rather than a physical human being, so thank god she has a podcast. recorded from the comfort of her bed...and some other fun places, emma talks at length about whatever is on her mind every week. anything really does go on this podcast. sometimes philosophy, sometimes a random story from 10 years ago, sometimes advice, sometimes fun interviews, and sometimes nothing at all. you never know what you are going to get, but that’s what keeps it interesting. new episodes every thursday and sunday, video available only on spotify.


[video available on spotify] every few months, i get a craving to sit down and discuss the stuff that i like, because my opinions are constantly changing. every few months i have a brand new list of things that i like. so without further ado, let me share this list with you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

06.02.25 • 83:24

[video available on spotify] hello and welcome back to advice session, a series on anything goes, where you send in your current dilemmas or anything that you want advice on, and i give you my unprofessional advice. today’s topic is what to do when you’re stuck in a rut. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

02.02.25 • 68:28

[video available on spotify] recently, i've found myself obsessing over a hypothesis i have. i hypothesize that people hate famous people now more than ever in history. let me share with you what i've observed in the world, and what brought me here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

30.01.25 • 56:13

[video available on spotify] about a year ago, i predicted the boat shoe trend. since then, i've been chasing that feeling - the feeling of predicting a trend and then seeing it in the real world. so today i’m going to share with you my 2025 fashion trend predictions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

26.01.25 • 69:02

this is the first episode of anything goes of 2025, and in honor of the year ahead of us, today i'm going to be sharing what i think is going to be “in” this year, and what i think is going to be “out” this year. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

23.01.25 • 74:15

[HOLIDAY RERUN] hello and welcome back to advice session, a series here on anything goes where you send in your current dilemmas or anything that you want advice on, and i give you my unprofessional advice. today's topic is breaking bad habits. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

09.01.25 • 53:38

[HOLIDAY RERUN] hello and welcome back to advice session, a series here on anything goes where you send in your current dilemmas or anything you want advice on and i give you my unprofessional advice. today's topic is body image and self love. out of all the topics i've ever discussed on advice session, this is my most challenging subject, personally. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

02.01.25 • 42:21

[HOLIDAY RERUN] welcome back to advice session, a series here on anything goes, where you send in your current dilemmas or anything that you want advice on. today, i'm going to be giving you unprofessional advice on what to do when you have a crush on someone.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

26.12.24 • 46:05

[HOLIDAY RERUN] if you're a long-time listener of anything goes, you might remember a little series i used to do called advice session, where i would ask you to submit current challenges and struggles that you're dealing with, and i would take a few of them and give my advice. i think the reason why i stopped doing this series was because i had imposter syndrome about whether or not i had the credentials to give advice. however, i enjoy giving advice and so we're bringing it back. i have the best intentions and i want you to win in life! but still, take everything i say with a grain of salt.  if you’re struggling with something right now and want my advice, send me a dm on the anything goes instagram page Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

19.12.24 • 42:29

hello and welcome back to advice session on anything goes, where you send in your current dilemmas or anything that you want advice on, and i give you my unprofessional advice. today’s topic is personal turmoil.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

15.12.24 • 36:29

as many of you know, i recently got rid of the majority of the clothing of my closet. i've had many epiphanies from this experience. my most recent epiphany: the real difference between being stylish and being fashionable. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

12.12.24 • 49:18

in front of me today, i have 2 lists of new year’s resolutions - one from 2023 and one from 2024. did i accomplish my resolutions? did i fail miserably? what can we learn from my past 2 years of resolutions? today i’m going to react to them with you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

08.12.24 • 47:31

to be human is to be gross, weird, disgusting and bizarre. we're all gross and weird. but most other people don't see us being gross and weird. it makes me shudder to think about it. however, ironically, today, i'm going to be sharing with you all of the gross and weird shit that i do when i'm alone. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

05.12.24 • 42:01

hello, and welcome back to advice session, a series here on anything goes where you send in your current dilemmas or anything you want advice on, and i give you my unprofessional advice. today's topic is dating complications. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

01.12.24 • 35:31

i've been living in los angeles for 6 years now, and i finally love it here. but my dad and i recently went on a road trip and it really made me contemplate my future. i'm ruminating on the various pros and cons of living in big cities vs small towns. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

28.11.24 • 43:06

this week, i came to the conclusion that i have to go completely sober from alcohol. this is not a choice that i made completely on my own. if it had been a choice that i’d made on my own, i think i'd feel a bit more excited about it. i was forced to make this decision against my own will. let me explain. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

24.11.24 • 37:57

my media consumption is at an all-time low, but the viral concept of the "winter arc" broke through my algorithm. today we discuss the concept of the "winter arc", the positives and negatives, and dig into the rules of "emma's winter arc." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

21.11.24 • 55:41

hello and welcome back to advice session. today we are revisiting a topic that we have discussed before: friendship. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

17.11.24 • 37:41

my relationship with clothing and fashion over the years used to be toxic. my mentality was, "the more clothes, the better". but recently, i figured out that a capsule wardrobe works for me, and i'm loving it. today i'm going to share with you my guide to building a capsule wardrobe. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

14.11.24 • 50:19

i woke up this morning in the mood for a debate, so i'm gonna spend the next thirty minutes to an hour discussing some of my unpopular opinions. some of these might anger you, and i know that. but let's get into it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

10.11.24 • 63:34

if i had a dollar for every time I got so angry that i threw my phone at the wall and shattered it, i would have two dollars. i’m not an angry person, so it’s extra disturbing when i have some sort of outburst. it's like a wake up call. but i’ve learned so much from these meltdowns, and maybe you can learn something too. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

07.11.24 • 48:05

hello and welcome back to advice session, a series here on anything goes where you send in your current dilemmas or anything that you want advice on, and i give you my unprofessional advice. today we have a slew of topics, all of which relate in some way or another to personal turmoil - doubting oneself, struggling with oneself, learning about oneself... personal turmoil. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

03.11.24 • 45:01

in honor of halloween, i’m gonna be sharing with you all of my paranormal stories. can i confirm that paranormal entities were involved? no. but these are all of my weird, spooky stories. let’s get into it.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

31.10.24 • 45:01

i love home decor and interior design. and i’m not alone in this. i feel like design-related content is really popular on the internet. people like seeing how other people live. but everybody has slightly different taste. today, in honor of my love of home decor, and in honor of our different tastes in home decor, i’m going to be sharing with you the worst home decor friends, in my opinion. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

27.10.24 • 50:57

i've recently hit a rough patch in my life, and this one feels different. unlike past struggles with depression, anxiety, or burnout, this time, i'm just grumpy. my fuse is short, and my willpower is nonexistent. it took me a minute to figure out what it was, but once i did, everything made sense. i'm grumpy because as of recently, i've eliminated almost all of my emotional crutches in life. what i used to use to soothe me is gone. so today we're going to be talking about emotional crutches. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

24.10.24 • 63:30

hello and welcome back to advice session, a series here on anything goes where you send in your current dilemmas or anything that you want advice on, and i give you my unprofessional advice. today's topic is the forbidden crush. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

20.10.24 • 35:05

are you getting a little sick and tired of responding to every text message you get? do you feel like you never get a moment of silence anymore? we’re constantly expected to be available because we always have our phones in our pockets. but i don’t know if i can live like this anymore. so today i want to discuss the morality of ignoring texts. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

17.10.24 • 25:17

when i started earning my own money at 16, one of the things i was most excited about was being able to buy my own clothes. i thought that having more clothing options meant i would be more fashionable. over time, my shopping habits got out of control, leaving me with an unmanageable and overwhelming closet. this past weekend, i decided it was time to clear out as much as possible from my closet. in today’s episode, i’ll be sharing what that process was like and my personal experience with clothing overconsumption Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

13.10.24 • 51:08

i love organization. but now more than ever, it’s actually kind of toxic. I think people are over-consuming in order to make organizational content on the internet, and that the way people do it online is completely unrealistic. so today i’m gonna be sharing with you my organizational routine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

10.10.24 • 38:10

welcome back to advice session, a series here on anything goes where you send in your current dilemmas or anything that you want advice on, and i give you my unprofessional advice. today's topic is confrontation. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

06.10.24 • 45:23

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