Artist picture of Elin Manahan Thomas

Elin Manahan Thomas

1 148 fans

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Artist's top tracks

Album cover of Cantata Memoria : Jenkins: Cantata Memoria - Lament for the Valley
Cantata Memoria : Jenkins: Cantata Memoria - Lament for the Valley
Album cover of Dowland: Weepe you no more, sad fountaines
Dowland: Weepe you no more, sad fountaines
Album cover of J.S. Bach: Bist Du Bei Mir, BWV 508
J.S. Bach: Bist Du Bei Mir, BWV 508
Album cover of Pergolesi: Salve Regina in F minor: Et Jesum
Pergolesi: Salve Regina in F minor: Et Jesum
Album cover of Dowland: Flow My Tears
Dowland: Flow My Tears
Album cover of Handel:
Handel: "Where'er You Walk" (Semele), HWV 58

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