Artist picture of Silly Wizard

Silly Wizard

1 058 fans

Listen to all of Silly Wizard's tracks on Deezer

Artist's top tracks

Album cover of If I was a Blackbird
If I was a Blackbird
Album cover of The Queen Of Argyll
The Queen Of Argyll
Album cover of Atholl Braes / The Drunken Piper
Atholl Braes / The Drunken Piper
Album cover of A Scarce O'Tatties / Lyndhurst
A Scarce O'Tatties / Lyndhurst
Album cover of Tha Mi Sgith (Strathspey) - Eck Stewart's March - MacKenzie's Fancy (Marches)
Tha Mi Sgith (Strathspey) - Eck Stewart's March - MacKenzie's Fancy (Marches)
Album cover of The Highland Clearances
The Highland Clearances
Album cover of Donald McGillavry / O'Neill's Cavalry March
Donald McGillavry / O'Neill's Cavalry March
Album cover of The Fisherman's Song
The Fisherman's Song
Album cover of The Fisherman's Song/ Lament for the Fisherman's Wife
The Fisherman's Song/ Lament for the Fisherman's Wife
Album cover of Hame, Hame, Hame - Tha Mi Sgith (Slow Air)
Hame, Hame, Hame - Tha Mi Sgith (Slow Air)

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