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Elisa Toffoli is an Italian alternative rock singer who started writing songs as a youngster, played in local bands around her hometown of Trieste and went on to become immensely popular in her homeland. When she was 18, she went to Berkeley, California to focus on a professional career and she released her first single, 'Sleeping in Your Hand' in 1977 with her debut album 'Pipes & Flowers' released the same year. She sings in several languages including English and Italian and performs internationally. She has released nine studio albums and two concert releases plus compilations and videos that have sold well in Italy. Throughout her career she released several albums including 'Then Comes the Sun' (2001), 'Elisa' (2003), 'Dancing' (2008), 'Steppin' On Water' (2012), 'On' (2016) and 'Diari Aperti' (2018).
Her hit singles in Italy include 'Come Speak to Me', 'Dancing' and 'Ancora qui', which she wrote with legendary film composer Ennio Morricone and features on the soundtrack of Quentin Tarentino's feature film 'Django Unchained' (2012). The soundtrack album was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media. She performs regularly at the Sanremo Music Festival and has won several prizes there. Her 2019 schedule was to include appearances at venues in several Italian cities including Naples, Rome, Milan, Florence, Trieste and Genoa.