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Two sweet, dreamy romantics with everyday quirks and wonky pop harmonies, Charles Watson and Rebecca Taylor have been making heart-melting indie pop since first forming in Sheffield in 2006. Raised on their parents' Beatles, Beach Boys, Neil Young and Fleetwood Mac records, the pair spent years playing pubs and supporting bands which passed through their hometown's vibrant music scene, before signing to Moshi Moshi Records for debut album 'Yeah So' in 2009. Built on low budget, scruffy charm, Taylor's love of show tunes and '90s pop collided with Watson's knowledge of guitar bands and introspective folk songwriters and, alongside a heap of critical praise, they also gained a celebrity fan in Daniel Radcliffe, who went on to star in their video for single 'Beginners'. They became festival regulars and grew out of some of their twee shyness on albums 'Complete Surrender' and 'I Swam Out to Greet You' but, after a decade bubbling away as indie favourites, the band was at a critical crossroads. It resulted in them changing direction and recording fifth record 'One Day This Won't Matter Anymore' with producer and Americana songwriter Matthew E. White in his studio in Richmond, Virginia in 2016. Backed by a great group of session musicians called The Spacebomb Band, their bitter-sweet, melancholy ballads adopted a more polished and soulful sound that drew on Muscle Shoals grooves and fireside, Southern-rock comedowns.