Artist picture of Maurice Jarre

Maurice Jarre

5 525 fans

Listen to all of Maurice Jarre's tracks on Deezer

Artist's top tracks

Album cover of Unchained Melody (From
Unchained Melody (From "Ghost")
Album cover of Lara Says Goodbye to Yuri (Lara's Theme)
Lara Says Goodbye to Yuri (Lara's Theme)
Album cover of Miss Lily Langtry
Miss Lily Langtry
Album cover of Lara's Theme
Lara's Theme
Album cover of Kwan
Album cover of Doctor Zhivago (Main Title)
Doctor Zhivago (Main Title)
Album cover of Building The Barn
Building The Barn
Album cover of The Amish Are Coming
The Amish Are Coming
Album cover of Carpe Diem
Carpe Diem
Album cover of End Credits
End Credits

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