Artist picture of Lorie


80 357 fans

Listen to all of Lorie's tracks on Deezer

Artist's top tracks

Album cover of Tu te dessines un sourire
Tu te dessines un sourire
Album cover of Je vais vite
Je vais vite
Album cover of Je serai (ta meilleure amie)
Je serai (ta meilleure amie)
Album cover of Je serai (ta meilleure amie)
Je serai (ta meilleure amie)
Album cover of Santiago de Cuba
Santiago de Cuba
Album cover of Et si
Et si
Album cover of Je fonce
Je fonce
Album cover of Sur un air latino
Sur un air latino
Album cover of Entre vous deux
Entre vous deux
Album cover of A 20 Ans
A 20 Ans

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Hyper Lorie (Vol. 2)

by Lorie


351 fans

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Noticed via the internet, Lorie came to public attention in 2001 with the hits "Près de moi", "Je serai (ta meilleure amie)" and "Toute seule". A generation of little girls and pre-teens now follow her and respond to her subsequent albums. From "J'ai besoin d'amour" to "Sur un air latino" and "Week-end", Lorie scored one hit after another and enjoyed constant success. But as the Lolita grew, so did her fans. By 2005, she was sporting a different style (still marked by a new haircut) with more R&B sounds, and in 2007, she tackled electronic sounds and Tecktonik with her hit song "Je vais vite". With shows worthy of the great American professionals, the showgirl never tires of taking to the roads of France. 2011 marks Lorie's comeback with the album Regarde Moi. Faced with the commercial failure of this album, Lorie took her destiny into her own hands and released the Latinized covers album Danse in 2012 with the help of vente-privé