Artist picture of Brenda Holloway

Brenda Holloway

1 325 fans

Listen to all of Brenda Holloway's tracks on Deezer

Artist's top tracks

Album cover of Every Little Bit Hurts
Every Little Bit Hurts
Album cover of Think It Over (Before You Break My Heart)
Think It Over (Before You Break My Heart)
Album cover of All I Do Is Think About You
All I Do Is Think About You
Album cover of Just Look What You've Done
Just Look What You've Done
Album cover of Every Little Bit Hurts
Every Little Bit Hurts
Album cover of When I'm Gone
When I'm Gone
Album cover of When I'm Gone, Pt. 2
When I'm Gone, Pt. 2
Album cover of Suddenly
Album cover of Just Look What You've Done
Just Look What You've Done
Album cover of You Didn't Say a Word
You Didn't Say a Word

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Brenda Holloway is an American soul singer who learned to play the piano, flute and violin as a child in California and made her recording debut as a teenager in 1962. Following the release of the single 'Hey Fool', she was signed to the Motown label and released an album titled 'Every Little Bit Hurts' in 1964. The title track reached number three on Billboard's R&B chart and number 13 on the Hot 100. 'When I'm Gone' (1965) went to number 12 on the R&B chart and 'Just Look What You've Done' peaked at number 21.

Albums include 'The Artistry of Brenda Holloway' (1968), 'Brand New!' (1980), 'All It Takes' (1990), 'It's a Woman's World' (1999) and 'My Love Is Your Love' (2003). A concert release, 'Together (Live)', came out in 2000 and she appears on the compilations '20th Century Masters' (2003) and 'Anthology (Tamla-Motown)' (2005). Her career was boosted in England when her tracks became favourites of Northern soul fans. She recorded 'I Ain't Gonna Take You Back' with The Carrolls in 2014 and released a track titled 'Same Page' with Rags Moody III in February 2018.