From our gun barrels directly into your ear holes, Ultimate Audio Bang is Rock Paper Shotgun’s online shooter podcast. Listen for news and chat on all things FPS, with a heavy dose of the unrelated too.
On this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang, we get an update on Hayden's knees. We also check out dark fantasy FPS Dark and Darker, and provide an update on our hunting ventures. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
17/02/2023 • 68:36
On this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang, we look ahead to our most anticipated shooters of 2023. We also learn about patience and the benefits of fresh poo in theHunter: Call Of The Wild, as we begin our journey to become experts in - quite literally - the field. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
27/01/2023 • 81:46
On this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang, we drop our early verdicts on the state of Warzone 2 and whether or not it lives up to expectations. That's with thoughts on DMZ mode too, which we reckon has great potential. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
09/12/2022 • 82:55
On this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang, we give our verdict on Modern Warfare 2 and its grab bag of a campaign. Hayden thinks it's terrible, I don't think it's actually that bad, and we debate this fact for around an hour. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
07/11/2022 • 66:09
On this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang, we deliver our impressions of Overwatch 2 and discuss whether Overwatch really needed a number "2" slapped on the end of it. The chat then delves into other live-service competitors and how they've handled growth. Is Overwatch's watchability to blame? Is there actually anything to worry about at all? Or, in fact, will Overwatch 2 retain its player base for years to come? So many questions and lots of putting Hayden on the spot with them. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
17/10/2022 • 86:00
On this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang, we dig deep into Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's recent multiplayer beta weekends and discuss whether Warzone needs a total revamp, how Warzone impacts the multiplayer side of things, and whether Warzone's upcoming DMZ mode may be Call Of Duty's big gambit. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
30/09/2022 • 72:42
On this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang podcast, we select a few of our favourite non-traditional guns that aren't really guns. You know, the sorts of weapons that don't just spew bullets but generate portals or even clean filth off car bonnets. What really happens is we go off on a massive tangent about Deathloop, because we can't help ourselves. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
19/08/2022 • 71:23
On this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang, we get all nostalgic as we pick our favourite FPS game modes over the years. It's mainly an excuse for me for me to bring up Gears Of War and it's long-forgotten Wingman mode, which I demand make a return to the series. I also learn that Hayden likes big games, big modes, and big comradery. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
05/08/2022 • 81:41
On this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang, we turn our attention to shooters and their demands. They all want our undivided attention and for Hayden and I, it's fast becoming a bit much. Believe it or not, we're adults with clothes to fold and ovens to pre-heat! Daily quests and inane challenges aren't bringing us back, if anything, they're beginning to drive us away. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
22/07/2022 • 67:37
The Ultimate Audio Bang is back! Yes, after a sad albeit festive farewell to Imogen (RPS in peace) I've since roped poor Hayden in to chat with me. As it's his first rodeo, we keep this episode fairly relaxed and get to know a bit more about our new pod bud, then follow it up with our Point Of Interest: Summer Geoff Fest. Namely, the shooters and shootery things that caught our eyes from its many showcases. We're still ironing out the structure of the pod, especially when it comes to our Point Of Interest and all the newsy bits. We may end up mixing the two together, or perhaps only picking out a couple of the most interesting stories of the last two weeks. The consensus, I think, is that the PoI will take precedence and we'll try our damndest to make it spicy for you all. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
08/07/2022 • 72:15
This week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang is both festive, but tinged with sadness. It's Imogen's final run of the pod and I'm very sad about it. But we (I) gather ourselves and chat FPS news, like how PUBG is going free to play, Overwatch actually has something new, and lots of Halo Infinite stuff. We also get one final update on Imogen's Apex Legends rank. I'd love to say it's positive, but it's actually quite crushing. Merry Christmas. Of course, it wouldn't be our podcast with doing a weekly theme - sorry, Point Of Interest. Yes, this week we're talking festive stuff. What are we doing to celebrate the hols? Any games lined up? Any backlogs being cleared? It also veers off FPS discussion a bit, but what the hell, it's Christmas so it's fine. And to finish, Imogen presents three strange player names she's encountered on her FPS travels. We learn a bit more about life even though we don't want to, as is always the case. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
17/12/2021 • 84:49
This week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang is, once again, all about the big releases. Battlefield 2042's in a bit of state, so we talk about the many patches scheduled to fix it up. Halo Infinite's multiplayer surprise launched and Outriders DLC appears out of nowhere too. Imogen rounds off the news with her Apex Legends ranked update. Has she reached the platinum dream? Imogen also pointed out that we've been doing a weekly theme, that isn't really a theme. Instead it's more a point of interest, so we've renamed it a Point Of Interest because that's vaguely FPSey. Anyway, we chat about Halo Infinite's multiplayer and how it makes me (a longtime fan) and Imogen (new to Chief) feel. And to round things off, I present three strange player names I've encountered on my FPS travels. This time we discuss piss and learn a naughty Scottish word. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
26/11/2021 • 74:18
This time, I've returned from a trip to Devon having spent too much time ignoring my friends and playing Hollow Knight instead. But what about FPSes? Well, I didn't play any of those. Thankfully Imogen has all of us covered on this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang, with a news segment rammed with lots of exciting announcements. Namely, Apex Legends gets a new Legend and map, Halo Infinite sees a new trailer, and Call Of Duty's new anti-cheat Ricochet leaks early. I arrive at this episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang thoroughly shootered. Both big FPS releases of the month, Call Of Duty: Vanguard and Battlefield 2042 have been at my fingertips this week and I've got some thoughts. Of course, Imogen hits us with news too. Valorant has another new character coming out, Fortnite pulls Travis Scott, and Imogen gives us the lowdown on just how much she's enjoying Apex Legends' latest season. This week's theme is Call Of Duty: Vanguard flavoured, namely thanks to the campaign mode I reviewed early in the week. We question whether FPS games with a strong multiplayer focus need story modes anymore. What do you reckon? And to round things off, I look at a random site with suggested CoD names under different categories: funny, cool, and clan. Turns out they all don't quite fit into any of their categories and are, in fact, a bit naff. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/11/2021 • 60:06
This time, I've returned from a trip to Devon having spent too much time ignoring my friends and playing Hollow Knight instead. But what about FPSes? Well, I didn't play any of those. Thankfully Imogen has all of us covered on this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang, with a news segment rammed with lots of exciting announcements. Namely, Apex Legends gets a new Legend and map, Halo Infinite sees a new trailer, and Call Of Duty's new anti-cheat Ricochet leaks early. For this week's theme, we're tackling all the weird and wonderful vocab we use when playing FPSes. To communicate efficiently, it's far easier to name map locations after body parts and fruit, as opposed to saying what they actually are. From now on, I am referring to my local supermarket as "Basket". And to top things off, Imogen hits us with some player names she's encountered in her Valorant travels, and this time they're a bit more chill than usual. This doesn't mean they're any less thought-provoking, though. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
29/10/2021 • 64:22
I've returned from my trip to the Lake District, with aching calves and a desire to talk about online shooters with Imogen. On this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang, we don't chat sore muscles, instead, we focus on various Halloween events in games like Apex Legends and Rainbow Six: Siege, our thoughts on the Battlefield 2042 beta, Destiny 2 vaulting yet more stuff, and Call Of Duty: Vanguard finally introducing anti-cheat. The theme this week? Gaming merch and how we feel about it owning it, wearing it, and popping it on our shelves. We come to a consensus - body pillows are good. It was my turn to surprise Imogen with some names I'd plucked from in-game lobbies. Immediately, I divery proceedings into a chat about reality TV and food; this will never get old for me. Imogen's turn next time, and I look forward to it. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
15/10/2021 • 71:56
This week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang is marked by competition. Imogen and I quiz each other on all things shooter trivia, and someone knows more than the other. Anyway, before that, there's plenty of news to catch up on. Call Of Duty: Vanguard has fixed a weird dognado glitch, time-loopy shooter Lemnis Gate is out, Halo: Infinite tech preview number two arrives very soon, and Overwatch 2 announces some reworks. Spoiler alert: Bastion now has a hat. Speaking of spoilers, I've already spoiled this week's theme which is a 1v1 quiz to the death. Imogen and I throw some questions at each other for glory and supremacy. Not money or anything like that; that would be silly. It was Imogen's turn to surprise me with some odd or amusing player names we've encountered on our FPS travels. This time we have a short discussion about Babybels and Dracula. I am under pressure to seek out more delectable names next week, so I best get searching. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
01/10/2021 • 77:00
Predictably, Imogen and I begin this week's episode of Ultimate Audio Bang by getting excited about Deathloop before realising that there's plenty of other newsy bits to cover. Listen to get our hot thoughts on the Call Of Duty: Vanguard reveal, Battlefield 2042's delay, the Overwatch League using an early build of Overwatch 2 in 2022, and plenty more shootery things. And for this week's theme, we consider the things that make up a good online shooter? Cue a solid chat about weighty guns and the sounds of footsteps. And also a bit more Deathloop chat. We're actually both pretty passionate about the sound of footsteps in games, particularly if they're varied. God, we love footsteps. Finally, it was my turn to surprise Imogen with some player names, all of which stemmed from my time in Splitgate. Once again, I learn that something isn't a vegetable and we round things off with a debate on strange dance moves. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
17/09/2021 • 82:01
On this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang podcast Imogen and I chat EA sharing Apex Legends' ping system with other companies, Call Of Duty: Vanguard things, and the fact Destiny 2 is adding a big lady. I for one am a fan of this big lady as her getup reminds me of a candelabra, which is nice. For our theme, we consider what FPS universes would make for a good Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Predictably we fall back on some old favourites, including Overwatch and Imogen's desire to roleplay as Reinhardt and bash everything with a large hammer. It was Imogen's turn to surprise me with some player names, and we learn a lot about each other and our reactions to certain fruit. After this episode, I'm not sure I'll ever eat a kiwi again. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
27/08/2021 • 58:12
This week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang podcast kicks off with some chat about ice creams, which Imogen then sprinkles with some news shavings. We talk Apex Legends cross-progression, Titanfall hacking drama, and nice buffs. Also, Back 4 Blood is a bit good isn't it? PUBG has naked zombies, Splitgate is doing very well, and one Valorant Agent's feeling a bit stuck. And for our theme, we ask, "If the Olympics hosted an FPS tournament, what game would we like to see?". We both know the IOC would probably pick Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, so we purposely don't go down that avenue. Instead, we pick things that are colourful and fun and... still quite similar to CS:GO, but that's okay! It was my turn to hit Imogen with some weird player names, and once again, I take this opportunity to fill the glaring holes in my knowledge banks. Onion rings are also very tasty, and I'm not sure how you could dislike them, but okay. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
13/08/2021 • 64:19
On this week's episode of Ultimate Audio Bang, Imogen shares some juicy news nuggets with us. Splitgate – a Halo meets Portal FPS – seems to have garnered some serious interest. Naturally, both haven't played it. Sounds cool, though. Elsewhere Halo Infinite's doing a thing this weekend, which they also aren't playing. To be fair, they're waiting for John Masterchief's invite. And just to round things off, Apex Legends has a new character, while PUBG might be going free-to-play. It's a stacked one, folks. For the theme, they decide to throw it back to the games that got them started in online shooters. This quickly transforms into a chat about the good old Destiny days. For Imogen, it was her first game, and for Ed, it was his second. Ed dreads to think what it's like now, though, and how much he's missed. It was also Imogen's turn to surprise him with three weird and wonderful player names, and this week doesn't disappoint. The gang chat France and Kung Fu Panda, both of which are excellent. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
30/07/2021 • 56:57
On this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang, the videogame drought continues, but Imogen managed to pluck some news from the parched earth with her special news detector. The first find - Warzone's huge mid-season update. It promises trucks, which is always a good thing in my books. There's also some chat over Apex Legends new Arena map which is messy, chaotic, goodness. Then we dive into our theme of the week, which has Imogen guide me through D A R K lore. Turns out Overwatch and Valorant's heroes and agents aren't as heroic as they seem. I mean, I now know why Widowmaker is blue. I thought she was an alien being or something, but clearly not. Then to round things off, I surprise Imogen with three player names I've encountered recently. We both quickly come to realise that they teach me a lot about myself, and thus, these segments become journeys of discovery. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
16/07/2021 • 66:53
Now that we're over the E3 hump, Imogen and Ed thought they'd catch a break on this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang. But no, the online shooters simply do not stop reloading. PUBG dropped a new map on its test servers, Warzone fixed its murder door, and Valorant's new agent sounds very overpowered. And speaking of agents, our theme this week was, well, agents/heroes/operators/characters, or whatever else you'd call them in an online shooter. We both went down the Overwatch route because, my word, does that game have some good heroes. I think they're called heroes? It was Imogen's turn to surprise Ed with some strange names she's played with this week. Amazingly, two of them weren't Sage players in Valorant. Unbelievable. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
02/07/2021 • 68:21
On this episode of Ultimate Audio Bang, Imogen and I comb through the shrapnel left by the E3 explosion. There is lots! A charred Randy Pitchford, lots of games like Left 4 Dead, and shooters like Stalker 2, which we have no history with, but it sure look nice. We also talked a bit about pre-E3 stuff and some stuff not really related to E3, like Warzone Season 4 and Overwatch getting crossplay. But mainly, we chatted about the shooters that got us all hot and bothered at E3. Imogen liked the look of Rainbow Six: Extraction and I thought Halo: Infinite's multiplayer hit the mark. Did I mention E3 was on? I reckon this week's Names bit is one of our best yet. Mainly because I learned a lot about myself, my ignorance, and Imogen's nan. If you're already subscribed to the Warzone Audio Bang feed, you'll see the episode pop up in your app automatically. But, if you're not subscribed, click on one of the links below. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
18/06/2021 • 60:42
Imogen and I recorded this episode of Ultimate Audio Bang last week, as I've been enjoying a few days off this week. We thought it would be a lighter episode, but in fact, we touched on many things in shooterland. Mainly, we focused on pinging, rounded up the news, and we talked about Imogen's knees. And if my voice sounds more sultry, frightened, and clear, it's because I'm finally using a proper microphone. So I hope you enjoy the HD remaster of Ed Thorn and don't picture me hunched over the mic like a gremlin. Our theme this week is pinging in shooters and how it's pretty good, actually. We're just not sure how pings are going to work in a game as hectic as Overwatch 2. I've also not had the chance to really drop into the Warzone lately. Since things have opened up, I've spent most of my evenings playing badminton and developing horrid blisters on my feet. This means that I'm not only in agony when I walk, but that I've not managed to secure three names to surprise Imogen with. However, Imogen is a seasoned professional and came prepared. Instead of the usual triage of silly names, we chatted about the origins of her bizarre clan tag in Apex Legends and I am once again confused and... mildly disturbed? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
04/06/2021 • 56:36
Warzone Audio Bang has been put to rest... but Ultimate Audio Bang is here to pick up the slack. In this first episode of Ultimate Audio Bang, we try to continue Warzone Audio Bang's legacy. I am channeling James' energy as the pod's new host, and I'm joined by the wonderful Imogen who has good chat and knows a lot about shooters. And that's what this podcast is all about: online shooters. We're still touching on Warzone, of course, but we're also scoping in on different games that involve pulling triggers and pinging targets. You could say it's a natural evolution of Warzone Audio Bang, hence the "Ultimate" bit in the name. Makes sense, doesn't it? As Imogen knows her news stuff, she takes us through a bunch of stories in shooter land. We touch on the fact two sweaty, angry men have been added to Warzone, discuss how nice Valorant's new map is, and we express our indifference at the prospect of another Battlefield game. A new segment for this new era is our discussion-y bit that doesn't have a name. Basically, every fortnight we'll be breaking down one particular aspect of online shooters. On this episode, we chat about the best maps. After realising that it's quite a difficult question to answer, the conversation spirals out of control and I'm made aware of Overwatch's super dark lore. I am still shaken. CoD Names also returns, but we'll be looking at the colourful characters present in every online shooter, going forward. This week, it's time for the players of Valorant to shine. Imogen presents me with three names that conjure up confusion and admiration. It's my turn to surprise next week, so I hope those of you with good names drop into Verdansk for me. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
21/05/2021 • 59:28
From our gun barrels directly into your ear holes, Ultimate Audio Bang is Rock Paper Shotgun’s fortnightly online shooter podcast. Listen for news and chat on Call Of Duty: Warzone, Apex Legends, Valorant, Overwatch, PUBG and more! 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
07/05/2021 • 00:30
In this week's episode of Warzone Audio Bang, we go nuclear. And by this, we mean that James and I discuss the aftermath of Verdansk's explosive transition into the 1980s, as opposed to, errr, starting a nuclear energy company. This of course means it's full of chatter. Inane chatter about what we make of Verdansk's new locations and it's new colour palette, as well as the meta shake-up of the century. What else? Oh yes, two new guns! One of which we've affectionately named the PeePeePooPoo, which we find - and will always find - very amusing. In Stories From The Warzone, we discuss the time I actually entered The Matrix. Like, channeled Neo from the lobby scene, and clicked heads with laser focus. And we also talk about that time we all got crushed by a truck and felt very hard done by. CoD Names makes its triumphant return as well, with three absolute sizzlers, all of which actually relate to personalities from previous episodes. It's something we hadn't planned at all, but it's worked out very nicely. Perhaps a clear sign that CoD players share a similar energy and are all linked in some way. Very deep stuff. And, finally, James quizzes me on what I reckon the price of a tactical tomahawk would cost. It's safe to say that it left quite the impression on me. Hmmm, that "finally" was a bit early actually, as I'm sad to announce that this is the final Warzone Audio Bang as you know it. Just like Warzone always changing, so do other things, like James' life. My co-host is moving onto exciting new things, and sadly has banged his last audio. This doesn't mean that the Audio Bang format is gone forever. It'll return in some capacity, but may not be quite as Warzone oriented as before. But, yes, it's been a real pleasure nattering with James and I'm going to miss podding with him dearly. Obviously, we won't stop playing Warzone together. Put your ear to the wind and you'll hear us whining, don't worry. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
30/04/2021 • 51:35
James and Ed are back to rattle your eardrums with their words on Warzone. The zombie outbreak has escalated a little, and some 'nerfs' have hit two rifles they despise. James also can't stop accidentally purchasing RC-XDs at the Buy Stations. There's also talk about what it feels like to be 27 years old and the unbelievable gift Ed received from his Warzone brethren. James talks about this 007 car chase sequence where a helicopter pursued him for ages, and Ed reckons it deserves a movie adaptation. And of course, they blame all their recent losses in the Warzone on the meta. They hate the FFAR meta and it sucks. In another surprise, Ed actually spent some money in the COD Store on a skin. He thinks it's very cool and he would absolutely spend his hard-earned cash on virtual items again. COD names re-emerges once again, this time with a family the lads keep bumping into and a certain someone with a particularly large appendage. The Captain Price is Right also makes a triumphant return, and this time Ed has picked out a Tac-Laser for James to take a swing at. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
16/04/2021 • 55:13
Ed and James have continued to pop into Verdansk for post-work shenanigans despite the wish for more wild events going down in our favourite danger zone. The zombies from last time have moved to the bank vault, because as we all know, the undead much prefer cash-in-hand for tax purposes. That’s not all, though! They've been playing extremely well in the game’s Resurgence mode, mostly because James can jump in and die immediately, before getting respawned for free. Ed’s 27th birthday is coming up and James teases a surprise their squad has gotten him - one that in the real world he has received and very much enjoyed. There'll be debriefing on the next episode. They also chat a bit about the brand new crossbow, the R1 Shadowhunter. Its arrival means Ed will now be able to jump into Verdansk with two crossbows in tow. He's always finding unique ways to slice through a stale metagame. There’s even a special mention of Craig Charles, who can consider this an open invitation to come on the show. Big fans. COD Names returns, as the lads bump into one of the greatest soap opera characters in UK history And, they have a brand new segment: The Captain Price Is Right. They find the real-life versions of things in hyper-realistic military shooter Call Of Duty: Warzone, and then they must guess – based on how it plays in the game – how much it costs in the real world. This time around they go for the World War II relic, the Kar98k. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
02/04/2021 • 43:37
Verdansk is James and Ed's second home, a less-than-safe space to relax after work and pull some triggers. It's a place they deeply care about, and now it's filled with undead. Initially, they'd welcomed them in with open arms, but now the zombies are starting to bore them. And they share their desperation to see something, anything come of their presence in this episode of Warzone Audio Bang. Rest assured, this second episode isn't just one big whine, though. We take a brief look at what Warzone could learn from Fortnite, a game which seemingly never stops changing. And there's some talk of our two victories in a row; perhaps our greatest feat yet. Call Of Duty is filled with many interesting player names, and each week we place three under the miscroscope to dissect with our mouths. This time, there's one name in particular we're actually scared to repeat again, in case he hunts us down. Otherwise, we compare one of our teammates to a famous dog whisperer. There's also a bit of chatter over the meta right now and how it's getting a bit tired. With this in mind, why not have a gander at James's CR-56 AMAX loadout and my Fara 83 loadout. These aren't crazy strong, but they're fun to use, and we love fun here on the podcast. 🌐 Check out our lovely website: 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: / / 💬 Join the RPS Discord: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
19/03/2021 • 41:10