Artist picture of Lorna


9 566 takipçi

Tüm Lorna şarkılarını Deezer'da dinle

Sanatçının En çok dinlenenleri

Album cover of Papi Chulo... Te Traigo El Mmmm
Papi Chulo... Te Traigo El Mmmm
Album cover of Short D*ck Man
Album cover of Q-lito
Album cover of Papi Chulo... Te Traigo El Mmmm
Papi Chulo... Te Traigo El Mmmm
Album cover of Im Horney
Im Horney
Album cover of Bubble But
Bubble But

En popüler prodüksiyon

Yeni çıkan şarkılarıyla Lorna Deezer'da

La Mami Chula

- Lorna

195 takipçi

Popüler albümler

Lorna ve en popüler albümleri

Benzer sanatçılar

Lorna ile benzer sanatçıları bul

DJ Shorty DJ Shorty 146 takipçi
Roberto ferrante Roberto ferrante 155 takipçi
Magic System Magic System 740 919 takipçi
Pitbull Pitbull 6 981 427 takipçi
Major Lazer Major Lazer 7 561 335 takipçi
Don Omar Don Omar 3 868 143 takipçi
Daddy Yankee Daddy Yankee 6 942 447 takipçi
Collectif Métissé Collectif Métissé 250 024 takipçi
Tapo & Raya Tapo & Raya 2 430 takipçi
LMFAO LMFAO 4 236 129 takipçi
Papi Sanchez Papi Sanchez 3 902 takipçi
Shaggy Shaggy 827 804 takipçi
El Alfa El Alfa 456 209 takipçi
P.L.L P.L.L 14 756 takipçi
Willy William Willy William 298 736 takipçi

Çalma listeleri

Çalma listeleri ve müziğiyle Lorna

Cover of playlist 2000s Summer Hits 2000s Summer Hits 50 şarkı - 30 042 takipçi
Cover of playlist Été 2000 Été 2000 50 şarkı - 29 009 takipçi
Cover of playlist Années 2000 Années 2000 231 şarkı - 107 717 takipçi
Cover of playlist Été 2000 Été 2000 50 şarkı - 43 takipçi
Cover of playlist Les tubes de l'été, c'est maintenant Les tubes de l'été, c'est maintenant 64 şarkı - 883 takipçi
Cover of playlist 2000s Summer Hits 2000s Summer Hits 50 şarkı - 6 takipçi

Yer aldığı albümler

Lorna şarkılarını Deezer'da dinle

Her ambiyans için


Lorna Zarina Aponte (born on May 11, 1983) is a Panamanian singer and rapper known for being one of the first female artists to perform reggaeton in her home country. Throughout her career, she has collaborated with several household names in the urbano music genre, most notably El Chombo, K4G, and DJ Chino. Aponte began her career at the age of 13, performing in small festivals in her native Panama, after which she rose to fame in 2003 for her international smash hit “Papi chulo... (te traigo el mmmm...).” The track, which featured sexy lyrics and an irresistible reggaeton beat, achieved massive global success, topping the charts in Latin America and Europe. Although Aponte experienced worldwide recognition with her first single, it wouldn’t be until 2008 that she released La Mamichula, her studio debut. She followed up with Más Sexy que Nunca (2009), which was released independently and spawned the hit “Llueve.” In 2014, Aponte decided to take a break from the music business to devote herself to her family, only to make a triumphant comeback in 2016 with the single “Pégate,” an infectious collaboration with Portuguese electro outfit Putzgrilla. In the following years, Aponte remained busier than ever, releasing a cover of the smash reggaeton hit “Tu Gatita” (2017) and “Ella Baila Reggaeton” (2019), a collaborative effort with DJ Shorty and Cuban Deejays.