Artist picture of Frank Zander

Frank Zander

9 243 takipçi

Tüm Frank Zander şarkılarını Deezer'da dinle

Sanatçının En çok dinlenenleri

Album cover of Nur nach Hause
Nur nach Hause
Album cover of Marlene
Album cover of Oh Susie
Oh Susie
Album cover of Nur nach Hause (feat. Berlin für Hertha)
Nur nach Hause (feat. Berlin für Hertha)
Album cover of Oh, Susie (Der zensierte Song)
Oh, Susie (Der zensierte Song)
Album cover of Hero Turtles
Hero Turtles
Album cover of Hier kommt Kurt
Hier kommt Kurt
Album cover of Freunde wie Felsen
Freunde wie Felsen
Album cover of Tanze Eileen (Come on Eileen)
Tanze Eileen (Come on Eileen)
Album cover of Der letzte Kunde
Der letzte Kunde

En popüler prodüksiyon

Yeni çıkan şarkılarıyla Frank Zander Deezer'da

Popüler albümler

Frank Zander ve en popüler albümleri

Çalma listeleri

Çalma listeleri ve müziğiyle Frank Zander

Cover of playlist Hörbücher Kinder Hörbücher Kinder 1 992 şarkı - 707 takipçi
Cover of playlist Deutschland, deine Hits - 90er Deutschland, deine Hits - 90er 60 şarkı - 5 000 takipçi
Cover of playlist 100% Frank Zander 100% Frank Zander 50 şarkı - 178 takipçi
Cover of playlist FETENHITS - Fussball FETENHITS - Fussball 101 şarkı - 229 takipçi
Cover of playlist Die Schlagernacht des Jahres Die Schlagernacht des Jahres 52 şarkı - 18 takipçi
Cover of playlist Deutsche Fußball-Hymnen Deutsche Fußball-Hymnen 25 şarkı - 35 takipçi

Yer aldığı albümler

Frank Zander şarkılarını Deezer'da dinle

Her ambiyans için


Frank Zander is a guitarist, singer and voice actor from Germany. In his long career he has recorded parody records of Trio, Falco and in the style of Rammstein. He has also written the club song for Berlin's Hertha football team, as well as a song to welcome Knut the new polar bear to Berlin zoo. In between recording music, Zander also provides voice acting talent to a variety to TV and movie projects.