Artist picture of Timmy Thomas

Timmy Thomas

1 785 takipçi

Tüm Timmy Thomas şarkılarını Deezer'da dinle

Sanatçının En çok dinlenenleri

Album cover of Why Can't We Live Together
Why Can't We Live Together
Album cover of Why Can't We Live Together
Why Can't We Live Together
Album cover of New York Eyes
New York Eyes
Album cover of Dying Inside To Hold You
Dying Inside To Hold You
Album cover of You're the Song I've Always Wanted to Sing
You're the Song I've Always Wanted to Sing

Yeni çıkanlar

Yeni çıkan şarkılarıyla Timmy Thomas Deezer'da

Popüler albümler

Timmy Thomas ve en popüler albümleri

Benzer sanatçılar

Timmy Thomas ile benzer sanatçıları bul

The Temptations The Temptations 571 671 takipçi
Marvin Gaye Marvin Gaye 1 737 544 takipçi
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Barry White Barry White 995 317 takipçi
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The Spinners The Spinners 43 660 takipçi
Curtis Mayfield Curtis Mayfield 182 772 takipçi
Diana Ross Diana Ross 914 495 takipçi
Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin 1 681 428 takipçi
Billy Paul Billy Paul 121 207 takipçi
George McCrae George McCrae 6 694 takipçi
Kool & The Gang Kool & The Gang 791 122 takipçi

Çalma listeleri

Çalma listeleri ve müziğiyle Timmy Thomas

Cover of playlist Mellow Days Mellow Days 70 şarkı - 87 021 takipçi
Cover of playlist Big Little Lies soundtrack Big Little Lies soundtrack 33 şarkı - 11 166 takipçi
Cover of playlist Top Hits 1973 Top Hits 1973 50 şarkı - 3 928 takipçi
Cover of playlist 100 Greatest Samples 100 Greatest Samples 99 şarkı - 762 takipçi
Cover of playlist Oldies but Goldies: SOUL Oldies but Goldies: SOUL 40 şarkı - 1 047 takipçi
Cover of playlist Anchorsong Influences Anchorsong Influences 101 şarkı - 493 takipçi
Cover of playlist Summer BBQ | Soul Classics Summer BBQ | Soul Classics 85 şarkı - 844 takipçi
Cover of playlist Classiques Soul Classiques Soul 98 şarkı - 1 938 takipçi
Cover of playlist ATLANTIC SOUL ATLANTIC SOUL 50 şarkı - 168 takipçi
Cover of playlist Funk & Soul Funk & Soul 97 şarkı - 1 740 takipçi
Cover of playlist Lata 70. Lata 70. 90 şarkı - 191 takipçi

Yer aldığı albümler

Timmy Thomas şarkılarını Deezer'da dinle

Her ambiyans için


Born on November 13, 1944, in Evansville, Indiana, Timmy Thomas was a musician, singer, songwriter, and producer best known for his single “Why Can't We Live Together,” which sold two million copies and topped the US charts in 1972. He began his career in the music business as a backing vocalist in Phillip and the Faithfuls but came to prominence in the 1960s when he accompanied jazz musicians Donald Byrd and Julian "Cannonball" Adderley. A renowned session musician, he then relocated to Memphis, Tennessee, before settling in Miami, Florida. Timmy Thomas made his debut as a solo artist with the single “Why Can’t We Live Together,” which reached Number 1 on the Billboard R&B Singles chart and landed at Number 6 in Canada, Number 12 in England, and Number 25 in Australia. While he continued as a solo artist, he never matched the success of his debut single although he did hit the charts with singles such as "People Are Changin’" (1972), "I've Got to See You Tonight" (1974), and "Gotta Give a Little Love" (1984). He issued several albums during his career including Why Can’t We Live Together (1972), The Magician (1976), Touch to Touch (1977), and With Heart and Soul (1994). After the release of his 1994 album, he devoted the rest of his career to production and music education. Timmy Thomas died on March 11, 2022, at the age of 77.