Artist picture of Bart&Baker


3 539 fans

Listen to all of Bart&Baker's tracks on Deezer

Artist's Top Tracks

Album cover of Downloaded (Rogan Remix) [feat. Lolly Wish]
Downloaded (Rogan Remix) [feat. Lolly Wish]
Album cover of 16 Tons
Album cover of J'ai rendez vous avec mon âme (feat. Clémentine)
J'ai rendez vous avec mon âme (feat. Clémentine)
Album cover of Swing You Winners
Swing You Winners
Album cover of The Swing Phenomenon (Radio Edit) [feat. Nicolle Rochelle]
The Swing Phenomenon (Radio Edit) [feat. Nicolle Rochelle]
Album cover of Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Album cover of Love Me, Love Me Now
Love Me, Love Me Now
Album cover of Badaboum
Album cover of Windows of the World (feat. Pheel Balliana) [Timo Jahns Extended Remix]
Windows of the World (feat. Pheel Balliana) [Timo Jahns Extended Remix]
Album cover of Whoopee (Radio Edit) [feat. Kitten on the Keys]
Whoopee (Radio Edit) [feat. Kitten on the Keys]

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