Artist picture of Leto


917 756 fans

Listen to all of Leto's tracks on Deezer

Artist's Top Tracks

Album cover of J’crois qu’ils ont pas compris
J’crois qu’ils ont pas compris
Album cover of TNF
Album cover of Tes parents (feat. Ninho)
Tes parents (feat. Ninho)
Album cover of NO LÈCHE
Album cover of Tout gâché
Tout gâché
Album cover of Macaroni (feat. Ninho)
Macaroni (feat. Ninho)
Album cover of Vie de star (feat. Ninho)
Vie de star (feat. Ninho)
Album cover of Sosa
Album cover of Mapessa (feat. Tiakola)
Mapessa (feat. Tiakola)
Album cover of Train de vie (feat. PLK)
Train de vie (feat. PLK)

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Capitaine fait de l'art

by Leto


12130 fans

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Playlists & music by Leto

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Half of the duo PSO Thug (Porte de Saint-Ouen Thug), Leto began a solo career in 2017. He caught the public's attention the following year with the mixtape Trap$tar (#30) and followed it up with the single "Avon Barksdale" (#124), on which he shares the mic with Ninho, two years after their collaboration on Sadek's "C'est trop" . Following on from this, Leto unveils a second mixtape, Trap$tar 2 (no. 10), which takes the name of his single. The following year, he released a series of freestyles called "Double Bang". But it was in 2020 that he took on a new dimension with the EP Virus: Avant l'Album (No. 8), all of whose tracks reached the top of the bestseller lists in France. In the middle of the summer, the album 100 Visages (No. 3) was released, featuring contributions from Booba on "Charbon" and Lacrim on "Big Money", although it was the duet with Ninho, "Macaroni", that gave him his best position in the French charts to date (No. 2). 2021 saw the release of the album 17% (no. 2), which included the track "Sale histoire" (no. 59), but it was above all the track "Mapessa", recorded with the help of Tiakola, that stood out in the French charts (no. 6). In 2022, in collaboration with Guy2Bezbar, he released the collaborative album Jusqu'aux Étoiles (no. 6), featuring 15 tracks and contributions from rappers such as SDM and Koba LaD. In 2023, after the release of the single "Zaza", ranked #66 in France, the rapper resumed his mixtape series with the release of Trap$tar 3 , featuring collaborations with SDM, Gazo, Tiakola, Ninho and Koba LaD. Less than a year after this release, Leto returned with a surprise mixtape, Capitaine Fait de l'Art. Featuring the track "C'est des oufs" recorded with Kepler and Tvslym, it reached number 13 in the French album chart.