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Not all girls named Françoise and born in Cherbourg go on to make films. Françoiz Breut, for example, has never been able to choose between her two passions: songwriting and illustration. After being Dominique A's protégée, she freed herself from his tutelage and created a personal musical universe acclaimed by groups such as Calexico and Walkabouts, who have each covered one of her songs. The depth and warmth of her voice have sometimes earned her comparisons to Jeanne Moreau.
2008 saw the release of his fourth and most personal album, A l'Aveuglette. Produced with the help of Don Niño, La Chirurgie des Sentiments put Françoiz Breut back in the spotlight in October 2012. Four years later, she teamed up with Adrian Utley of Portishead to create the album Zoo.