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La Jeunesse Emmerde Le Front National (Bérurier Noir Edit)
by Hadj y Baba, RemremX, Bérurier Noir
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If there's only one name left in the history of French punk, let it be this one. During the '80s, Les Béruriers Noirs left an indelible mark on the French alternative scene, to the point where they were sometimes blamed for eclipsing the aura of other '80s bands who deserved to share some of their glory. But can the Bérus be blamed for having swallowed up the French alternative rock movement they helped to create? Anarchists and anarchists, the Bérus were first two, then three, then thirteen in 1989, at the time of their break-up concert at the Olympia. More than the story of a group or a musical formation, the story of Bérurier Noir is above all the story of the suburbs of the '80s, of a raïa, a band of young punks, of what some today would readily describe as "riffraff".