Welcome to Timeless Truths, a sermon podcast from St. Mark Ministries in Greater Green Bay, Wisconsin. Join Pastors John Parlow, Ben Workentine, and Ben Reichel as we dig into God's timeless Word.
God designed families to be faith incubators: faith and the habits of the faithful are nurtured, practiced, and honed. So, why is family so hard? Adam and Eve must have asked that question a million times after the events of Genesis 4. The short answer is sin. The long answer...? Join us this episode as we consider how God answers the difficulties of family. Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
2/11/25 • 17:44
The decisions we make affect others. Adam makes a decision 3,500 years ago and we're still dealing with the complications and implications of his decision. You are not an isolated individual. If you lead anyone or anything, everything under you is affected by you. Join us this episode as we dig deeper into the story of Genesis.Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
2/4/25 • 24:12
God is multi-vocational at creation. He is the world maker, a soon-to-be matchmaker, Adam’s surgeon, Eve’s builder, and now Eden’s gardener. Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
1/28/25 • 21:53
Does your life have meaning and purpose, or are you a cosmic accident? The Bible tells us that Adam and Eve were crafted with divine intention, in the very image of God, as the pinnacle of God's creation. They were given a divine command to be stewards over all of God's creation.Join us this episode as we explore the significance and purpose for which God has designed each one of us.Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
1/21/25 • 22:07
The book of Genesis is a selective theological telling of our planet and human life on it. It’s a big picture that hones in on Adam and Eve, our first parents, and our relationship with God.Join us this episode as we kick off our new series, "In the Beginning."Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
1/14/25 • 23:07
Churches can make the mistake of not seeing what business they are really in. So, what business are we in? Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
1/7/25 • 25:32
What's in a name? More than just a label, the name of Jesus embodies the Savior's mission to rescue, unite, and redefine our identities. Discover how the name of Jesus offers you eternal hope and challenges you to live with a new purpose. Join us this episdoe as we explore the significance of the name of Jesus.Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
12/31/24 • 23:24
"God with us." What could have caused God to do something like that?The creator entered into and became part of creation. The waves of that event reverberate even to this day, not just in the nostalgia of Christmas, but in our everyday lives. Join us this episode as we learn to live in the reality of "God with us." Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
12/24/24 • 18:07
Lost in darkness, we long for light. Matthew 2 reveals Jesus as the light that guides, the King who saves, and the Savior who redeems. This episode, let's discover the powerful rescue that only Christ can bring.Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
12/17/24 • 20:41
This Teacher set himself apart by talking about a way of life that not only gives you a breath-taking view of God but allows you to experience him now. Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
12/10/24 • 21:48
For a few minutes, we're going to try to stand back and look at who this Jesus is. Forget about ourselves. This message is not going to be about your life or my life. We will possibly be overwhelmed, possibly be stunned, delighted by how God has shaped history through Jesus in awesome ways.Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
12/3/24 • 21:52
We've all been lied to! Not only have we been lied to, we've bought the lie. This lie has affected every decision, every action, every thought since we were young. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah forces us to confront that lie and offers us the truth. Join us this episode as we take a look at the lie that sits at the bottom of the human condition.Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
11/26/24 • 20:39
How does an event that took place almost 5,000 years ago impact us today? The Tower of Babel is a famous Sunday School story, but there are far more truths in this story than a simple Bible history lesson. Join us this episode as we examine this monumental event and how it impacts our walk with Jesus.Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
11/19/24 • 25:51
How do you separate myth from truth? A Great Flood is such a grand story shared across cultures and religions that it can seem hard to separate myth from truth. Join us this episode as we try to do just that - separate out the truth and see how it changes us. Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
11/12/24 • 20:25
Heaven is this beautiful, wonderful land of promise and unending happiness. Who would keep anybody out? How could you believe in a God who acts like a bouncer at an exclusive club, letting in only a small percentage of the billions of people standing in line? How could anyone believe in that God? Maybe we shouldn't. But that rethinking starts with a better understanding of heaven. So, let's get into it. Join us this episode as we understand heaven and the path to get there.Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
11/5/24 • 21:13
It is clear the central message of the Bible stands strong: Jesus indeed lived; his activities and teachings were written down within the lifetime of those who knew him. Jesus, born a Jew, was worshipped as God by Jews and Gentiles. And the claim of his resurrection was the central teaching from the very beginning of the spread of Christianity.Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
10/29/24 • 26:44
As you vote in this presidential election, you will be evaluating which person and platform you think uphold the most biblical view, and the most compelling aspects of a biblical worldview. Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
10/22/24 • 20:26
For those of us who follow Jesus and for those who want to know what following Jesus in this political season would mean, we need to get back to some biblical roots. Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
10/15/24 • 19:54
It seems so contrary to our modern sensibilities, to claim truth and an exclusive truth. Who can do that, especially on something as "subjective" as religion? Wouldn't it be easier to just let everyone believe what they liked? Problem is, Jesus makes some exclusive claims. He asks simply, "Are you in or are you out?" We know when we look at everything he said and did that we can't be both. Join us this week as we consider the difficult question of "How can Christianity claim to be the only true religion?" Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
10/8/24 • 20:07
"Can God make a rock so big that he can't lift it?" It seems like an almost impossible question to answer. If we say "Yes, he can make a rock that he can't lift," then someone will claim that God is not all-powerful because he can't lift the rock. But if we say, "No, he can't make a rock that he can't lift," then someone will claim that God is not all-powerful because he can't create that rock. So how do we answer that question? Join us this episode as we hear how Jesus answered a different seemingly impossible question with a brilliant answer, which can guide our answer to the rock paradox.Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
10/1/24 • 23:05
"The Bible is old, out of date, and written with all kinds of biases." At least, that's what many say and think about the Bible. If we're honest, even Christians sometimes struggle to see the Bible as relevant to everyday life. How should we think about the Bible? What role does it play for us? Can we trust its message? Most of all, can we trust the portrait of Jesus we find in the Bible? Join us this episode as we ask the good question, "If men wrote the Bible, is it a reliable source of truth?" Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
9/24/24 • 21:51
Is it any wonder that God blessed the Jerusalem church with growth? Christians there offered love and acceptance. They modeled vulnerability, compassion, caring, and giving. The aroma of these qualities drifted from the church into the streets of Jerusalem like brats on the grill. And the world came to dinner.Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
9/17/24 • 23:20
Our attitude toward others reveals our attitude toward God and what kind of “church” we really are.Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
9/10/24 • 21:21
This new series takes a close look at the Church, what the Bible calls "The Bride of Christ", and what makes her beautiful. Worship is at the heart of what makes this bride different, what wakes her from her sleep. It can be easy to assume what worship is, easy to label it as an event, easy to relegate it as something you do. The ancient church saw "worship" as something you are, something that affects every area of life. So, join us this episode to catch a vibrant vision of what it looks like for this Sleeping Beauty to really worship.Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
9/3/24 • 20:49
Remember a renewed mind results in a transformed life. That’s the truth. And it is His Truth that will set you free. Join us this episode as we conclude our Fresh Start series, with a message called "Finishing Touches."Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
8/27/24 • 23:38
We love the story of self-invention, the person who is down and out and rises from the ashes. But what fuels a person to restart? It's not easy, so having the right starting point is the key. That's true of the Christian more than anybody. But what's our motivation, where do we start new? Of course, with the eternal Word of God. Matthew records Jesus' own words and works as he starts his ministry to save humanity and start a movement to tell the world. Join us this episode as we start new... on the right foundation.Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
8/20/24 • 22:04
What does Jesus ask of those who follow him? It's not what you might expect, it certainly was not what early believers expected. Are you up to the challenge? Join us this episode as we consider what work Jesus has prepared for us to do.Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
8/13/24 • 25:45
In order for us to demonstrate Christian character and integrity and produce good fruits in all areas of our life, we must remain connected to the Vine, the source of life and power for our souls, Jesus Christ.Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
8/6/24 • 21:26
What is character? Character is the will to do what is right as God defines right, regardless of the cost. Join us this episode as we kickoff our brand-new sermon series, "Fresh Start." Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
7/30/24 • 18:52
If you gain the whole world, Jesus says, it won’t be big enough or bright enough to cover up the stain of insignificance. No matter how many of these things you gain, it’s never enough to make you sure of who you are. Send us a textSupport the showStMarkMinistries.comFind us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Copyright St. Mark Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this audio broadcast may be rebroadcast or retransmitted without express written consent.
7/23/24 • 20:47