The Voice of Cyber®
In a career spanning more than 25 years, Kate has worked across multiple industries, including telecommunications, retail, public sector, health, and others. Throughout this time, Kate has moved from roles in digital communication and innovation, through to senior strategic roles in government and private enterprise. Leveraging a diverse background in communications, user experience and design thinking, Kate easily translates technical concepts to strategically aligned business focused imperatives. As a Senior Consultant for Logicalis Australia, and certified Information Security Manager, Kate works with a diverse range of clients providing advice and strategic guidance on cyber security, IT operating models, information management, and protection. Kate’s ability to help organisations develop and align ICT, cybersecurity, and information management strategies to their corporate and strategic goals, has meant Kate is a much sought-after consultant.
5/5/23 • 42:01
John Karabin is the Senior Director of Cybersecurity for NTT Ltd in Australia, and is responsible for Australia’s security strategic direction, capability and go-to-market. He builds trusted partnerships with clients and technologists, bringing a keen focus to customer-centric delivery and operations. John specialises in risk-based information security, combining a consulting led approach to meet the […]
4/21/23 • 35:47
As Founder & Chief Strategist at CyberSC, Dominic Vogel holds a proven track record within cyber security across a multitude of industries (financial services, logistics, transportation, healthcare, government, telecommunications, and critical infrastructure). Dominic is a well-respected cyber security thought lead for appearing on media news outlets across North America and Internationally on BBC World News. […]
4/14/23 • 31:41
William is an IT Professional and ISACA-certified Cyber Security Auditor with over 15 years experience in Networks and Information Technology across a broad range of industries including local government, insurance, public health, construction, automotive and commercial design. William is the Cyber Risk Lead at InConsult, helping organisations to develop or improve their Cyber Resilience. In […]
4/7/23 • 33:22
Garrett O’Hara is Mimecast’s Field Chief Technologist. His appointment to the business in 2015 coincided with the opening of the Sydney office, as his experience was considered invaluable to lead the growth and development of the local team. His experience extends across development, UI/UX, technology communication, training development and mentoring. A seasoned leader of technical […]
3/31/23 • 36:58
Kyla Guru is a freshman at Stanford University, founder and CEO of Bits N’ Bytes Cybersecurity Education (BNBCE) and member of the Junior Advisory Board of the One In Tech foundation. Kyla is also the cofounder of GirlCon Chicago Conference, and has championed her message of cybersecurity resilience on national and international stages, including TEDxChicago, […]
3/24/23 • 34:58
E-Yang began his career as a Police Officer with the Singapore Police Coast Guard Division. From here, he became involved in a variety of organisations such as RSA, EMC, Verizon, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and Ernst and Young. E-Yang now spends his time At CGI, in which he provides advice on identifying, detecting, preventing and responding […]
1/12/23 • 31:17
Tulin is a third-party cyber risk management specialist. She helps enterprises develop vendor risk management programs resilient to data breaches and supply chain attacks. Tulin has held senior positions with UpGuard, InConsult, Commonwealth Bank, Westpac, Optiver, and Deloitte. Tulin is known for being highly professional, customer focused, and innovative. Tulin possesses specialist knowledge across a wide […]
12/19/22 • 34:19
Claire Tills is a senior research engineer with Tenable’s Security Response Team. Previously, she was product marketing manager for Nessus and Tenable Research. Before joining Tenable, she received a Master’s degree in communication, with a focus on information security. Her background also includes experience in public relations at a cybersecurity firm and several years teaching public […]
11/8/22 • 36:03
Nicholas is currently the Inside Sales Manager A/NZ for Palo Alto Networks, the world’s largest Cyber Security Company. Prior to this, Nicholas spent 10 years in the Royal Australian Navy specialising in military combat system integration and strategic communications, with operational deployments across the Middle East and Asia pacific regions. During this period he held multiple […]
11/2/22 • 44:12
Tinesh has 15 years of successful cyber corporate and 5 years of start-up entrepreneurial cyber experience. He has built and exited 2 start-ups and currently sits on the board as an advisor to start ups within Cyber, EdTech, Software Development and Social Tech. Tinesh is a mentor, motivator and advises individuals who are considering an […]
10/4/22 • 57:09
Cameron is a Director of several organisations within the cybersecurity field. From his education across marketing & psychology, understanding human behaviour is core to his involvement in all these ventures. And with his extensive background inside technology, he has brought these aspects together to get better outcomes across executive search & recruitment, and the architecture of marketing solutions and product development for security organisations. Cameron currently holds positions with KBI, MercSec, and the Stilt Agency, as well as advising numerous other ventures within the technology industry.
9/18/22 • 49:30
Scott’s background includes Penetration Testing, Software Development, and Security Consulting. He has held Principal Consultant roles in both Australia & New Zealand, and worked for a number of enterprise and financial services organisations. Scott is currently a Cloud Security Specialist at Oracle in Melbourne Australia. with over 15 years of IT industry experience working in […]
9/5/22 • 52:15