My journey of self discovery regarding the life giving teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. No one is coming to save us. We are the ones we have been waiting for. The Messenger did his job. Now it is up to us to do ours! I am not Allah. I am not the Supreme Being. I am not a Scientist. I am a Brother. Once Lost now Found here in the Hells and Wilderness of North America. Looking for Like minded Brothers and Sisters whom are ready to go in motion.
The Original Man is the Asiatic Black Man, the Maker, the Owner, the Cream of the Planet Earth, God of the Universe. The Original Man is God by birth (it is your birth right), however right now we are like a circus elephant being held down by a rope around our foot. It is up to each and every God to act like God and break free of all of the devil’s chains that he has wrapped upon us. FJEI
12/22/23 • 09:40
The Black man is God, however Allah is not a Man. Allah (All in All) is a Title. Allah is neither male nor female. Allah is all. Male and Female are descriptions of fractions of the “all”. Even both of them added together do not equate to ‘all’. Individuals are fractions of Allah. FJEI
10/3/21 • 07:36
It is better to have and not need than need and not have. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Do you have enough supplies including food and water to survive on your own for an extended period of time? I discuss what I did. In this episode I discuss how I’m starting my preparations for an emergency situation. Even though I live in an apartment it is no excuse to not have a surplus of long term shelf stable food and water. The Messenger has warned us to prepare and I would be foolish not to heed his warning. FJEI
9/20/21 • 26:47
If the law tells me to harm myself should I follow it? If the law places me under threat, duress, or coercion should I give up and submit? If the law conflicts with the teachings of The Messenger what should I do? Those of us who follow The Messenger’s teachings know what we should do; the question is will we do it? In this episode I discuss why the Laws of Islam supersede the Laws of the devil. Following the Laws of the devil will lead to certain death. To follow the Laws of Islam will require Trust in Allah. Following the Laws of Islam is not for the faint of heart. Many will claim which side they’re on, but not follow thru when it counts. This choice is mine and mine alone. I’ve already made up my mind which side I will follow. FJEI
9/12/21 • 09:45
I was guilty of having knowledge, yet not applying it. The Messenger taught that separation is more important than prayer. Going in motion is more important than just talking. In this episode I discuss how separation is happening right now; regardless of whether I am ready for it or not. Time waits for no man, including myself, so I either get with the time or time will find a way to have me removed from the equation. I have to bear witness that I am not where I need to be. My open enemy still clothes me, feeds me, and shelters me; this has to stop! Either I stop it myself or my open enemy will stop it for me? FJEI
9/6/21 • 14:27
The sins of the father get passed on to the son. I was born deaf, dumb, and blind; yet by the grace of Allah I now can see. Many of us could see as well; if we would just open our eyes. In this episode I recap my life including how I was raised and how I was introduced to Islam. I talk about my trials and errors; heart aches and disappointments. I share my feeling of abandonment, yet I believe this is all a part of Allah’s test. How else will the cream be able to rise to the top? FJEI
8/29/21 • 31:59
Negro means something that is not either this nor that and will have to be told what to do. Even though I had knowledge of self I found myself guilty of being a negro. In this episode I make a stunning discovery about myself. The truth is I have been guilty of being a negro even though I had been taught knowledge of self. I make a vow to myself to stop being a negro. FJEI
8/22/21 • 07:38
Making my first podcast; this is where my journey begins. In this episode 1, I take the first step toward Allah, who appeared in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, and go in motion. My mission is to make a way out of no way; something from nothing. Do the right thing for the right reason and Trust in Allah. FJEI
8/16/21 • 04:50