Show cover of The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide Podcast

The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide Podcast

The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide - This podcast is a resource for Truthers. It's for those that have been labeled by society as conspiracy theorist kooks because you have begun to question OfficialDUM. Join us we explore answers and provide insight for the journey of the Truthers – those daring souls who continue to question the mainstream narrative. Coming from a conservative biblical world view, we will navigate the uncharted waters of many conspiracy theories and the fallout from embracing them. The loss of friends and family for not going along with OfiicialDUM anymore. We will explore the Mandela Effect and the Supernatural Bible changes, and unravel the mystery surrounding the blindness within the Christian community, especially among pastors, as they grapple with the inexplicable alterations in their sacred texts. We will explore Flat Earth, the lie which is NASA, underground bases, chemtrails, the vax eugenics rollout, the mark of the beast system, the elites and their breakaway civilization, the existence of reptilian shapeshifters that run the world from the shadows, clones in positions of power, geo politics and more….all from a biblical worldview.  Jump - Merch - & more the book - The Conspiracy Theorist Survival GuideAvailable on Amazon and most retailers more about the book John for interviews, live events etcjohn@wakeuporelse.comWakeuporelse Conspiracy theory Illuminati Tin foil hat Chemtrails Aliens Area 51 Deep state Global Elite Eugenics Extraterrestrials UFOs False Flags Fluoridation Rabbit hole Freemasons Freemasonry GMOs HAARP SCALAR Wave mind control MKUltra DARPA quantum dot hollow Earth JFK assassination matrix moon landing mud flood melted buildings NWO New World Order Antichrist 666 prophecy Supernatural Bible changes Nibiru parallel universe hydrogel dracos reptilian shapeshifters RFID Chips mark of the beast secret societies shadow government time travel transhumanism vaccines Qanon 9/11 inside Job sandy Hook false flag zombie 


Join Mark Masaeno and myself as we explore the biblical directive to warn those who are in danger. It would seem that there are quite a few people in the Mandela effect community who acknowledge that the phenomenon is authentic and that the changes that are taking place include the Bible, but their position is that we shouldn't say anything about it. That we're causing more harm than good or that we are doing this out of some dysfunctional motive like we're insecure and we are motivated by Pride or if God is the one doing this we shouldn't be meddling with it But try to apply that thinking to someone in a burning building and you'll get my short answer to that concept. My position is that anybody that suggests this idea has a very superficial understanding of what following Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven is really all about The saints come in all shapes and sizes but there are warrior class Christians that engage in battles that most people would not even consider engaging in And those people are often ridiculed by the church because many prefer their leaders to just be loving all the time with ou getting messy.Well try getting a PA system and setting it up right in the middle of an LGBT parade.....that's some Christianity baby And the path that God has us on is a war path .....make no mistake about it So we're going to be talking about that warpath and dispelling some of the christianese concepts that are clouding people's thinkingRumble Live stream link Live stream link both of my books FREE www.wakeuporelse.com1) "The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide"2) The Mandela effect Supernatural Bible Changes And The Doctrine Of The Preservation Of ScripturePurchase on AmazonMy 1st book: The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide: A Guidebook For Persecuted Truthers on Audible & Itunes My 2nd book: The Mandela Effect Supernatural Bible Changes and the doctrine of the preservation of scripture is listener supported.Be a $10.00/month partner to giveText "wakeup" to 801801Stay connected in case we get bannedSign up for newsletter this podcast at —

2/9/25 • 164:25

I'm quite certain that God would have us to be living with a victory spirit which seems to be escaping many Christian truthers, and if I'm honest, I may be included in that number. Join me as I unpack some of the beliefs and ideals of the Christian truther during this unprecedented time.Rumble LIVE Stream Link LIVE Stream Link both of my books FREE www.wakeuporelse.com1) "The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide"2) The Mandela effect Supernatural Bible Changes And The Doctrine Of The Preservation Of ScripturePurchase on AmazonMy 1st book: The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide: A Guidebook For Persecuted Truthers on Audible & Itunes My 2nd book: The Mandela Effect Supernatural Bible Changes and the doctrine of the preservation of scripture is listener supported.Be a $10.00/month partner to giveText "wakeup" to 801801Stay connected in case we get bannedSign up for newsletter CardCash"The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide Podcast"Apple Music (Podcast ) Public John wakeuporelse@proton.meSupport this podcast at —

2/6/25 • 151:19

In this video I will refute the number one argument of the unconvinced regarding the supernatural Bible changes. This is the suggestion that our bibles are not changing and there is no phenomenon but instead everyone is simply confused because of all the different versions that are floating around. I will show that this is statistically impossible and provide 100% irrefutable objective proof that every version of every Bible ever printed is supernaturally changing Get both of my books FREE www.wakeuporelse.com1) "The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide"2) The Mandela effect Supernatural Bible Changes And The Doctrine Of The Preservation Of ScripturePurchase on AmazonMy 1st book: The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide: A Guidebook For Persecuted Truthers on Audible & Itunes My 2nd book: The Mandela Effect Supernatural Bible Changes and the doctrine of the preservation of scripture is listener supported.Be a $10.00/month partner to giveText "wakeup" to 801801Stay connected in case we get bannedSign up for newsletter CardCash"The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide Podcast"Apple Music (Podcast ) Public John wakeuporelse@proton.meSupport this podcast at —

2/6/25 • 50:14

Learn more at alteredbible.comwakeuporelse.comSupport this podcast at —

1/19/25 • 154:40

What is coming next is probably a little of both. Time will tell. Join me as I attempt to unpack the center piece of the white narrative...THE QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEMLearn more at www.alteredbible.comwww.wakeuporelse.comSupport this podcast at —

1/19/25 • 155:23

Join me as I host an interview with none other than Paul from understanding conspiracy on YouTubePaul will be breaking down the incredible Revelation that we may be living in the period of time after the tribulationThere's more evidence to support that we are then we're not..... so set your long-held beliefs aside for a moment and be instructedIt's not heresy if it's in your BiblePaul's linksYOUTUBE:    / @uconspiracy  PATREON:   / understandingconspiracy  BUY CLOWN BOOK AMAZON: understandingconspiracy@gmail.comPAYPAL: https://my-store-dc9f56.creator-sprin...Millennial Kingdom Playlist Here:    • Millennial Kingdom Came...?   The original Clown series playlist is here:   • The Nephilim Look Like Clowns  Get both of my books FREE www.wakeuporelse.com1) "The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide"2) The Mandela effect Supernatural Bible Changes And The Doctrine Of The Preservation Of ScripturePurchase on AmazonMy 1st book: The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide: A Guidebook For Persecuted Truthers on Audible & Itunes My 2nd book: The Mandela Effect Supernatural Bible Changes and the doctrine of the preservation of scripture is listener supported.Be a $10.00/month partner to giveText "wakeup" to 801801Stay connected in case we get bannedSign up for newsletter CardCash"The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide Podcast"Apple Music (Podcast ) Public John wakeuporelse@proton.meSupport this podcast at —

1/9/25 • 149:13

Join me as i dismantle this idea brick by brick until there's nothing left but the bare truth. All of humanity is not completely brainwashed by misquotes from pop cultureGet both of my books FREE www.wakeuporelse.com1) "The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide"2) The Mandela effect Supernatural Bible Changes And The Doctrine Of The Preservation Of ScripturePurchase on AmazonMy 1st book: The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide: A Guidebook For Persecuted Truthers on Audible & Itunes My 2nd book: The Mandela Effect Supernatural Bible Changes and the doctrine of the preservation of scripture is listener supported.Be a $10.00/month partner to giveText "wakeup" to 801801Stay connected in case we get bannedSign up for newsletter CardCash"The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide Podcast"Apple Music (Podcast ) Public John wakeuporelse@proton.meSupport this podcast at —

1/9/25 • 74:57

Get both of my books FREE www.wakeuporelse.com1) "The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide"2) The Mandela effect Supernatural Bible Changes And The Doctrine Of The Preservation Of ScripturePurchase on AmazonMy 1st book: The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide: A Guidebook For Persecuted Truthers on Audible & Itunes My 2nd book: The Mandela Effect Supernatural Bible Changes and the doctrine of the preservation of scripture is listener supported.Be a $10.00/month partner to giveText "wakeup" to 801801Stay connected in case we get bannedSign up for newsletter CardCash"The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide Podcast"Apple Music (Podcast ) Public John wakeuporelse@proton.meSupport this podcast at —

12/6/24 • 116:26

Get both of my books FREE www.wakeuporelse.com1) "The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide"2) The Mandela effect Supernatural Bible Changes And The Doctrine Of The Preservation Of ScripturePurchase on AmazonMy 1st book: The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide: A Guidebook For Persecuted Truthers on Audible & Itunes My 2nd book: The Mandela Effect Supernatural Bible Changes and the doctrine of the preservation of scripture is listener supported.Be a $10.00/month partner to giveText "wakeup" to 801801Stay connected in case we get bannedSign up for newsletter CardCash"The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide Podcast"Apple Music (Podcast ) Public John wakeuporelse@proton.meSupport this podcast at —

12/6/24 • 151:14

Get both of my books FREE www.wakeuporelse.com1) "The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide"2) The Mandela effect Supernatural Bible Changes And The Doctrine Of The Preservation Of ScripturePurchase on AmazonMy 1st book: The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide: A Guidebook For Persecuted Truthers on Audible & Itunes My 2nd book: The Mandela Effect Supernatural Bible Changes and the doctrine of the preservation of scripture is listener supported.Be a $10.00/month partner to giveText "wakeup" to 801801Stay connected in case we get bannedSign up for newsletter CardCash"The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide Podcast"Apple Music (Podcast ) Public John wakeuporelse@proton.meSupport this podcast at —

12/6/24 • 132:31

rumble - Live stream link both of my books FREE www.wakeuporelse.com1) "The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide"2) The Mandela effect Supernatural Bible Changes And The Doctrine Of The Preservation Of ScripturePurchase on AmazonMy 1st book: The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide: A Guidebook For Persecuted Truthers on Audible & Itunes My 2nd book: The Mandela Effect Supernatural Bible Changes and the doctrine of the preservation of scripture is listener supported.Be a $10.00/month partner to giveText "wakeup" to 801801Stay connected in case we get bannedSign up for newsletter CardCash"The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide Podcast"Apple Music (Podcast ) Public John wakeuporelse@proton.meSupport this podcast at —

12/6/24 • 137:40

Join me as a do a line by line analysis of pure mind control that is being disseminated by a major Christian broadcaster.Get both of my books FREE www.wakeuporelse.com1) "The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide"2) The Mandela effect Supernatural Bible Changes And The Doctrine Of The Preservation Of ScripturePurchase on AmazonMy 1st book: The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide: A Guidebook For Persecuted Truthers on Audible & Itunes My 2nd book: The Mandela Effect Supernatural Bible Changes and the doctrine of the preservation of scripture is listener supported.Be a $10.00/month partner to giveText "wakeup" to 801801Stay connected in case we get bannedSign up for newsletter CardCash"The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide Podcast"Apple Music (Podcast ) Public John wakeuporelse@proton.meSupport this podcast at —

11/22/24 • 115:59

The two Christian hosts of Dangerous Info Podcast had me on their show for a wild interview discussing Trump, Satan's little season and the supernatural Bible changes. This was a good one. Reposted with permissionSupport this podcast at —

11/6/24 • 130:03

Join me as we meet with a Bible school graduate to discuss his journey in concluding that the Bible is supernaturally changingGet both of my books FREE www.wakeuporelse.com1) "The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide"2) The Mandela effect Supernatural Bible Changes And The Doctrine Of The Preservation Of ScriptureWakeuporelse is listener supported.Be a $10.00/month partner to giveText "wakeup" to 801801Stay connected in case we get bannedSign up for newsletter CardCash"The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide Podcast"Apple Music (Podcast ) Public John wakeuporelse@proton.meSupport this podcast at —

10/31/24 • 90:32

If God is asking you know me or do you just know the book, then we need to know what it looks like to know Him. Join Mark Maesano and myself as we discuss what knowing God looks like. What does it mean to be on fire for God? What does someone that is hungry for God look like? Get both of my books FREE www.wakeuporelse.com1) "The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide"2) The Mandela effect Supernatural Bible Changes And The Doctrine Of The Preservation Of ScriptureWakeuporelse is listener supported.Be a $10.00/month partner to giveText "wakeup" to 801801Stay connected in case we get bannedSign up for newsletter CardCash this podcast at —

10/30/24 • 79:12

Join Mark Maesano and myself as we attempt to compare the Sacrifice of Abraham to the test that God is having us to pass through in this hour by allowing the Bible to be changedGet both of my books FREE www.wakeuporelse.com1) "The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide"2) The Mandela effect Supernatural Bible Changes And The Doctrine Of The Preservation Of ScriptureAlso available on AmazonMy 1st book:The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide: A Guidebook For Persecuted Truthers on Audible & ItunesMy 2nd book:The Mandela Effect Supernatural Bible Changes and the doctrine of the preservation of scripture is listener supported.Be a $10.00/month partner to giveText "wakeup" to 801801Stay connected in case we get bannedSign up for newsletter CardCash"The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide Podcast"Apple Music (Podcast ) Public John wakeuporelse@proton.meSupport this podcast at —

10/30/24 • 123:14

Join me as we explore the mindset and motivations of American pastors as we explore why they are so motivated to advise all their people to ignore conspiracy theoriesGet both of my books FREE www.wakeuporelse.com1) "The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide"2) The Mandela effect Supernatural Bible Changes And The Doctrine Of The Preservation Of ScriptureAlso available on AmazonMy 1st book:The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide: A Guidebook For Persecuted Truthers on Audible & ItunesMy 2nd book:The Mandela Effect Supernatural Bible Changes and the doctrine of the preservation of scripture is listener supported.Be a $10.00/month partner to giveText "wakeup" to 801801Stay connected in case we get bannedSign up for newsletter CardCash"The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide Podcast"Apple Music (Podcast ) Public John wakeuporelse@proton.meSupport this podcast at —

10/30/24 • 116:26

Join me as I explore how the church has mishandled the conspiracy theory narrative and how they need to join us or lose legitimacyGet both of my books FREE www.wakeuporelse.com1) "The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide"2) The Mandela effect Supernatural Bible Changes And The Doctrine Of The Preservation Of ScriptureAlso available on AmazonMy 1st book:The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide: A Guidebook For Persecuted Truthers on Audible & ItunesMy 2nd book:The Mandela Effect Supernatural Bible Changes and the doctrine of the preservation of scripture is listener supported.Be a $10.00/month partner to giveText "wakeup" to 801801Stay connected in case we get bannedSign up for newsletter CardCash"The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide Podcast"Apple Music (Podcast ) Public John wakeuporelse@proton.meSupport this podcast at —

10/30/24 • 165:24

We now finally have absolute proof that the Bible is supernaturally changing. Find out what the 14 questions are that the church can't answer. Church leaders have been running and hiding from this topic but those days are quickly coming to a close.Get both of my books FREE www.wakeuporelse.com1) "The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide"2) The Mandela effect Supernatural Bible Changes And The Doctrine Of The Preservation Of ScriptureWakeuporelse is listener supported.Be a $10.00/month partner* Credit Card* Cash App* Venmo* Paypal* Crypto*"The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide Podcast"Apple Music (Podcast ) Public John wakeuporelse@proton.meSupport this podcast at —

9/10/24 • 176:48

I was in the Revival in Toronto for 9 months. I was living in a pastor's retreat in Buffalo NY and we went up to the Toronto Airport Fellowship four to five times a week for 9 months. We went to 2 services a day. I was in over 300 services. Each one lasting five to six hours. I was there in the middle of this world wide revival and what I can tell you is that it was not Kundalini. If you weren't there you can't possibly know what you are talking about. The people making the hit piece videos about people making animal noises are lying to you. They are only showing you a small part of what really went on there. What about the 30 to 50 healings and deliverance testimonies that I heard in each service. That's about 15,000 personal testimonies that I personally heard myself. One was more glorious than the next. Is Kundalini healing and delivering people. How about the 50 to 100 million people that were born again from this move of God. How about all of the healed marriages and ministers who had their vision restored. If you want to get the whole story...listen to this and the messages I will be delivering from now on. It's go time.  Support this podcast at —

5/24/24 • 116:40

This is a foundational deep dive 1 hour overview of the doctrine of preservation in the light of the Mandela effect Does the bible itself give us permission to believe that it could be supernaturally changed? Does the fact that it's changing mean that God is a liar?The answer of course is yes it's changing and no he's not a liar. Find out how all that is possible in this important messageSupport this podcast at —

5/20/24 • 98:26

All Through the Bible, God has demonstrated that he confirmed his word with signs following. To state this succinctly, the Bible gives numerous examples of how doctrinal disputes were resolved. It wasn't to schedule a debate, it was to schedule a showdown. The doctrine of this showdown was we both are going to agree to work a miracle. If you try to work a miracle and nothing happens and then I try to work the same miracle and it does happen, then that is proof that my doctrine is right and your doctrine is wrong. That is proof that God agrees with me and not you.Who won the debate between Elijah and the prophets of Baal?Now you may have some doctrine to counteract my doctrine, but if you were to suggest that my doctrine about the doctrine being confirmed by a miracle is not good doctrine then I would challenge you to a power demonstration contest like Paul did in 1st Corinthians 4 where he says the kingdom of God is not in word but is in power. There were people talking smack about him, and he didn't challenge them to a debate. What does "the kingdom of God is not in word but in power mean?And so what God has impressed upon me is that he is going to confirm our message that the Bible is supernaturally changing with miracles.Jump the book - The Conspiracy Theorist Survival GuideAvailable on Amazon and most retailers more about the book John for interviews, live events etcjohn@wakeuporelse.comSupport this podcast at —

5/10/24 • 155:07

This podcast will show that if the doctrine of preservation is unfounded and based on presumption and utilizes scriptures that are being mishandled then there's no biblical reason why the Bible couldn't be changing. It turns out that's exactly what's happening.Jump - Merch - & more the book - The Conspiracy Theorist Survival GuideAvailable on Amazon and most retailers more about the book John for interviews, live events etcjohn@wakeuporelse.comSupport this podcast at —

4/26/24 • 135:03

It turns out that the doctrine of the preservation of scripture is not as much of a Doctrine as we have all been led to believe. It's based on a lot of presumption and wishful thinking and scriptures that are either being mishandled, taken out of context or purposely presented in a way that is untruthful to advance a pet doctrine. This is an atom bomb message that you do not want to miss in light of the supernatural Bible changes Because the so-called doctrine of preservation is the primary defense against the suggestion that the Bible is being supernaturally changed. If it's determined that the doctrine of preservation is unfounded then there is no argument against the Bible being supernaturally changed and the testimony of hundreds of thousands or millions of Christians will be entered into the court of public opinion. Jump - Merch - & more the book - The Conspiracy Theorist Survival GuideAvailable on Amazon and most retailers more about the book John for interviews, live events etcjohn@wakeuporelse.comSupport this podcast at —

4/22/24 • 156:17

A review of all “Bible can’t change” proof textsThe Doctrine of preservation in the light of the Mandela EffectContextual analysis, hermeneutics, root meanings•We’re just biblically illiterate charlatans trying our bestJump - Merch - & more the book - The Conspiracy Theorist Survival GuideAvailable on Amazon and most retailers more about the book John for interviews, live events etcjohn@wakeuporelse.comSupport this podcast at —

4/15/24 • 133:21

The majority of the Christian church has made an idol out of the Bible and has attempted to turn the Bible into something that it was never meant to be. In many cases it's because they have an agenda to avoid the responsibility of demonstrating the gospel instead of just teaching the Bible all the time This overview will pull back the veil on God's behavior since the time of Adam and Eve. What we see from God's choices is that he prefers the revelation of himself not to be perfect, orderly, flawless and everything in a row for us. He communicates in dreams and visions in parables and in mysticism and he's purposely aloof and invisible because it's the glory of God to conceal a matter. Find out why the doctrine of preservation is not what we've been led to believe.Jump - Merch - & more the book - The Conspiracy Theorist Survival GuideAvailable on Amazon and most retailers more about the book John for interviews, live events etcjohn@wakeuporelse.comSupport this podcast at —

4/11/24 • 135:09

Most truthers are relying on their wits and their resources to navigate the coming storm. But the acceleration of information because of AI, unbridled tyranny, economic collapse, censorship, engineered famine, engineered earthquakes, social chaos and persecution are going to render your own resources insufficient.This message chronicles the author's supernatural encounters and highlights the importance of your ability to hear the voice of God. Find out what you have to do to be able to hear from God because you're going to need itJump - Merch - & more the book - The Conspiracy Theorist Survival GuideAvailable on Amazon and most retailers more about the book John for interviews, live events etcjohn@wakeuporelse.comSupport this podcast at —

4/5/24 • 119:13

At the core of the debate as to whether or not the Bible is being supernaturally changed is the question of why God would allow it. Not did he allow it but why would he allow it Join myself and my returning guest Mark Maesano as we delve into the scriptures to discover the possible reasons behind why God would allow Satan to supernaturally change the scriptures to fulfill His purposes and plans for His bride. You don't want to miss this one.Jump - Merch - & more the book - The Conspiracy Theorist Survival GuideAvailable on Amazon and most retailers more about the book John for interviews, live events etcjohn@wakeuporelse.comSupport this podcast at —

3/31/24 • 127:58

This message will possibly be one of the most important messages you will ever hear if you are a Christian. Most of us have been led to embrace a wrong emphasis on the Bible and it has led us down a path that God is now rescuing us from by allowing the supernatural Bible changes.  Jump - Merch - & more the book - The Conspiracy Theorist Survival GuideAvailable on Amazon and most retailers more about the book John for interviews, live events etcjohn@wakeuporelse.comSupport this podcast at —

3/31/24 • 121:32

The Simulation Theory is just another attempt to get mankind to deny the existence of God. The monkey to the man picture and the spinning ball earth are similar attempts. This detailed analysis of the Simulation Theory narrative will give you all of the details you need to know which narrative is more rational.Jump - Merch - & more the book - The Conspiracy Theorist Survival GuideAvailable on Amazon and most retailers more about the book John for interviews, live events etcjohn@wakeuporelse.comSupport this podcast at —

3/28/24 • 118:51

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