Show cover of Right to Life

Right to Life

Hi,I'm Rebeca Seitz. I've been in the pro-life movement since it became a thing in the late 1980s. My mother, the founder of a crisis pregnancy center in 1993 who only recently retired, spent her life working to overturn Roe v. Wade.I know this movement. I've marched at the March for Life in D.C. in the freezing January winds, I've given speeches and raised funds and done all the things.In the past few years, I began hearing stories from women who had abortions.Women who are NOT in the political machinations around this issue.I think it's important that those stories be heard by others in the pro-life movement, because I think the majority of us sincerely value life - and to live that out, we need to be informed instead of weaponized as a political group (by either party).It feels urgent that I produce this show now because my state (Florida) has a referendum on the ballot this November wherein we will vote on whether to enshrine the right to abortion in our state's constitution.I hope you'll listen to the first episode and, if you agree that these stories need to be told and heard before the vote this November, please encourage others to listen and, if you can, visit our GoFundMe to support production.


In this likely final episode, Rebeca talks with Baptist pastor Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove about the morality of abortion and choice. After hearing his pastoral counsel and reviewing all she has learned from this show's multiple guests, she shares her intended vote on Amendment Four. Wilson-Hartgrove is the Assistant Director for Partnerships and Fellowships at Yale University's Center for Public Theology and Public Policy. A native of North Carolina, Jonathan is a graduate of Eastern University and Duke Divinity School. He is an Associate Minister at St. Johns Missionary Baptist Church in Durham, North Carolina, a historically Black church. He is the author of several books on Christian spirituality, including Reconstructing the Gospel, Strangers at My Door, The Awakening of Hope, and The Wisdom of Stability. Learn more about him at

10/27/24 • 40:44

Rebeca discusses Amendment 4 with “Keep Florida Pro-Life” Advisory Board member Sam Sorbo. They cover:whether the amendment would maintain any abortion restrictions in the stateif it dissolves parental consent and notice requirements for minors to receive abortions what “healthcare provider” and “fetal viability” meanand…many other things…so many…so, so many things…buses, Democrats, Gen Z sex lives, the Eucharist….so, so, so many things…The Right to Life podcast is supported by those who value Life. If you'd like to learn more and support the show, visit and reach out.

10/16/24 • 46:13

The search for truth continues with a follow-up discussion with attorney James Chilemmi regarding the specifics of Amendment 4 and particulars of settled Florida law that inform the language within the proposed Amendment. While listening to this podcast is free, publishing it isn't. We are a listener supported production. To learn more or find out how to support Right to Life, please visit our website at You can also contact us by email at

10/3/24 • 26:42

Dr. Rebecca Todd Peters, a professor of Christian Ethics at Elon University, shares the church’s historical views on abortion and the ethics surrounding it in the modern world. Right to Life host and producer Rebeca Seitz is shocked by what she learns. 

9/21/24 • 68:23

Rebeca speaks with Dr. Betsy Brothers, a practicing OB-GYN physician in Florida, regarding the medical truth about abortions, statistics, and what's happening on the front line of medical care in the State of Florida concerning the reproductive health of Florida's women. She is shocked by some of the information Dr. Brothers shares. Rebeca also shares how the Right to Life show is responding to Governor Desantis' declaration of October 6 as "Protect Life Sunday." Be sure to pick up your Right to Life t-shirt and plan to wear it in a church of your choice on October 6 and through to November 5. You can find them on the podcast's website at If you'd like to support the production of this show, please Venmo your support to @The1CStoryNetwork, or go to the website for information on how to support the show through its GoFundMe or via other methods. 

9/4/24 • 40:40

Do you believe that if a woman were the only person on the planet, Jesus would have died for her?For more information or to submit your story for show consideration, please visit If you'd like to support the production of Right to Life, please visit our GoFundMe at 

6/12/24 • 12:37

When Emily learned she was pregnant with twins, she and her husband felt elated! Then, more unanticipated news landed...and it required a life-altering decision. For more information or to submit your story for show consideration, please visit If you'd like to support the production of Right to Life, please visit our GoFundMe at 

5/27/24 • 38:46

What is actually in the Heartbeat Protection Law? Does it truly limit abortion to six weeks? Are there exceptions? Eschewing talking points and sound bites from both political sides, Rebeca sits down with unaffiliated Florida attorney James Chillemi to read through the law and the Emergency Rules regarding it that were released on May 2, 2024. The first step to forming a worthy opinion is gathering information. This episode brings you legal information about the Heartbeat Law. For more information or to submit your story for show consideration, please visit If you'd like to support the production of Right to Life, please visit our GoFundMe at 

5/19/24 • 53:56

In the inaugural episode of Right to Life, Rebeca Seitz reveals her background in the pro-life movement and Samantha shares her story of how abortion saved her life. For more information or to submit your story for show consideration, please visit If you'd like to support the production of Right to Life, please visit our GoFundMe at 

5/3/24 • 46:56