Show cover of Soooo Goood

Soooo Goood

The podcast where two nerdy white guys talk to each other. Pop culture. Movies. Television. Comics. Stand-up. The zeitgeist. History. Whatever we last had to eat. Maybe science and technology if there's time left.


Geoff and subject matter expert Alex get into the details of one of their favorite game franchises, now an Amazon series.

6/12/24 • 60:32

Joshua and Geoff (and friends) have completed a gargantuan feat: keeping their attention through all 24 James Bond films! Was it worth it? probably not.

8/4/20 • 109:51

Joshua and Geoff discuss what they've been doing while under lock down.

5/10/20 • 61:35

Geoff and Joshua are back! After a long hiatus, the boys reunite to talk about the global pandemic, societal changes, politics, as well as previous pop culture depictions of pandemics.

4/16/20 • 66:46

Originally recorded in 2017, this episodes features special guest Casey Ramay, and covers a plethora of media released from that year.

4/10/18 • 59:42

Netflix has another superhero series, but has the hype finally outgrown the content?  

4/7/17 • 47:28

Home Alone, Blank Check, Camp Nowhere... What was with all those films where kids got exactly what they wanted?  

3/29/17 • 63:06

We invite a special guest onto the show to discuss the reasons why some movies are so fondly remembered (and produce violent reactions when new viewers don't share the same reactions).

2/16/17 • 53:07

Season 1 of the HBO break-out hit, mixing sci-fi & western tropes, with AI mind games.

1/19/17 • 74:12

The finale is here! Episode 13: You Know My Steez. Luke vs Diamondback... and Us vs the Writers  

1/14/17 • 44:49

Episode 12, Soliloquy Of Chaos, Luke has to go on the run, and Harlem's heroes and villains begin to make themselves known.

1/7/17 • 58:43

In episode 11: Now You're Mine, the shoot-out at the night-club leads to a tense stand-off. Luke Cage is stuck fast trying to save a lot of innocent people from Diamondback's wrath.    

1/5/17 • 47:20

Rogue One has finally dropped, and we let loose with all our nerdgasms, nerd rage and just straight up nerd-invested criticisms to this vaulted attempt to build on the backstory of a 40-year-old film. Was it more successful than the critically panned trilogy of prequels that came before it?      

12/23/16 • 74:09

Episode 10: Take It Personal; Luke may be healing, but Harlem is torn asunder. Mariah and Diamondback subvert his good work, Misty continues to be the only detective in the borough, while Claire and Luke revisit the past for answers.    

12/14/16 • 37:19

We talk about recent action and suspense flick The Accountant, and the depiction of autism in this film as well as other recent media.    

12/6/16 • 51:27

Episode 9: DWYCK. Misty faces judgment while Luke is in dire straits.    

12/5/16 • 64:07

Episode 8: Blowin' Up the Spot. Is this confrontation worth the build-up?      

11/23/16 • 45:41

Episode 7: Manifest. We're at the halfway mark, and it's definitely a high point for the show.    

11/13/16 • 45:32

We review the 14th Marvel Cinematic Universe feature film, featuring the wiz with the biz, Doctor Stephen Strange! Is 3D worth it? Are there plot holes? What even is a chakra?    

11/9/16 • 92:10

We talk about Luke Cage episode 6: Suckers Need Bodyguards. It's the mid-season point, and a perfect place to catch-up or jump on!      

10/30/16 • 41:18

We recap Luke Cage episode 5, Just to Get a Rep. The turf war between Cage and Cottonmouth is heating up.    

10/27/16 • 49:16

We recap Luke Cage, episode 4: Step In The Arena. Mostly flashbacks, so confusing, Joshua can't even keep straight his feelings from beginning to end!    

10/23/16 • 35:41

We recap Luke Cage: Episode 3, Who’s Gonna Take The Weight. It's the scene. THE Scene you wanted to see. And some other good stuff.        

10/17/16 • 47:04

We talk about Netflix's Luke Cage episode 2: Code of the Streets. More swears, more fists, more twists.        

10/7/16 • 57:21

We recap the 1st episode of Netflix's new Marvel series: Luke Cage. SWEET CHRISTMAS! It's the premiere that broke the Internet.      

10/2/16 • 60:43

We recap Stranger Things Chapter 5: The Acrobat and the Flea. Unrelenting forces, immovable objects, and people playing by more horror movie tropes!      

9/27/16 • 40:15

We recap Stranger Things, Chapter 4: The Body. Mystery, Action, Ham Radio, Rocks, Childhood Incontinence! So much happens.    

9/16/16 • 40:39

We recap Stranger Things, Chapter 3: Holly, Jolly. The lights get brighter, Joyce gets crazier, and there might just be a few surprises. No, wait. You've already seen the show. There are no surprises.      

9/9/16 • 59:23

We recap Stranger Things, Chapter 2: The Weirdo on Maple Street.    

8/23/16 • 42:41

We recap the Netflix original Stranger Things, Chapter 1: The Vanishing of Byers. Yeah, this might be a thing for awhile. You might wanna go watch this.      

8/20/16 • 37:31