SustainabiliTREE is a podcast that explores all things trees and woodlands, specifically focusing on the issue of plastics within the forestry sector. In each episode, we’ll be looking at various topics around this theme, including woodland creation, funding streams, plastic pollution, deer, soils, ecology and so much more!
Welcome to the fifth edition of SustainabiliTREE, a podcast that explores all things trees and woodlands, with a specific focus on the issue of plastics within the forestry sector. In each episode we’ll be looking at a variety of topics around this theme, including woodland creation, funding streams, plastic pollution, deer, soils, ecology and so […] The post SustainabiliTREE Podcast Ep5 – Small Mammals and Trees appeared first on Mascarandy Media.
12/1/24 • 65:26
Welcome a bonus episode of SustainabiliTREE, a podcast that explores all things trees and woodlands, with a specific focus on the issue of plastics within the forestry sector. To celebrate National Recycling Week we are looking at how the sector is cleaning up its act! Episode Notes: 0:35 National Recycling Week 2:20 Why do we […] The post SustainabiliTREE Podcast Ep4 – Bonus Episode – Recycling Week 2024 appeared first on Mascarandy Media.
10/15/24 • 27:49
Welcome to the third edition of SustainabiliTREE, a podcast that explores all things trees and woodlands, with a specific focus on the issue of plastics within the forestry sector. In each episode we’ll be looking at a variety of topics around this theme, including woodland creation, funding streams, plastic pollution, deer, soils, ecology and so […] The post SustainabiliTREE Podcast Ep3 – Deer with Ben Harrower appeared first on Mascarandy Media.
9/11/24 • 66:47
Welcome to the second edition of SustainabiliTREE, a podcast that explores all things trees and woodlands, with a specific focus on the issue of plastics within the forestry sector. In each episode, we’ll be looking at a variety of topics around this theme, including woodland creation, funding streams, plastic pollution, deer, soils, ecology and so […] The post SustainabiliTREE Podcast Ep2 – Plastic Tree Shelters and Pollution appeared first on Mascarandy Media.
7/12/24 • 62:20
Welcome to SustainabiliTREE, a new podcast that explores all things trees and woodlands, with a specific focus on the issue of plastics within the forestry sector. In each episode, we’ll be looking at a variety of topics around this theme, including woodland creation, funding streams, plastic pollution, deer, soils, ecology and so much more! Episode […] The post SustainabiliTREE Podcast Ep1 – Welcome: Why do we plant trees? appeared first on Mascarandy Media.
5/2/24 • 31:47
Why isn’t caving more mainstream? What makes a caver and why are the media so down on us. I make no excuses for the fact I’m a caver and love being underground. But why do we do it? In this free ranging chat I spoke to Jack Overhill who is the training officer at the […] The post Mascarandy Meanders Podcast (#12): What Makes a Caver? appeared first on Mascarandy Media.
11/29/21 • 64:47
Hear my chat with author John D Burns for his Outside In Podcast. Recently, I got together with the author of Sky Dance, The Last Hillwalker and Bothy Tales to talk about creativity in lockdown, how I got into writing and my thoughts on the future of the Yorkshire Dales and its uplands. I don’t […] The post Mascarandy Meanders Podcast (#11): A Chat with The Last Hillwalker appeared first on Mascarandy Media.
6/11/21 • 64:47
The tenth edition of the Mascarandy Meanders podcast looks at the tricky world of anxiety and the outdoors… It is a follow up to this blog. Feel free to get in touch on what you hear – You can support this free podcast by leaving a tip here. Remember to subscribe and leave a […] The post Mascarandy Meanders Podcast (#10) appeared first on Mascarandy Media.
2/22/21 • 31:12
The ninth edition of the Mascarandy Meanders podcast asks for your help! What do you want to hear on the podcast? Also, news on new projects and lockdown blues. Feel free to get in touch on what you hear – You can support this free podcast by leaving a tip here. Remember to subscribe […] The post Mascarandy Meanders Podcast (#9) appeared first on Mascarandy Media.
11/26/20 • 09:36
The eighth edition of the Mascarandy Meanders podcast provides a little update at what has been happening at Mascarandy Towers during lockdown, and how the time hasn’t exactly helped the creative process. The post Mascarandy Meanders Podcast (#8) appeared first on Mascarandy Media.
8/3/20 • 09:35
The seventh edition of the Mascarandy Meanders podcast talks about ‘Secret Dales’ – Mike’s tenth book and how you can get involved! Feel free to get in touch on what you hear and make suggestions: You can buy Mike’s new book – 50 Gems of Cheshire – here. What’s in the show… FATMAP: […] The post Mascarandy Meanders Podcast (#7) appeared first on Mascarandy Media.
7/16/19 • 06:16
After a small hiatus of around six months and endless technical difficulties the Mascarandy Meanders Podcast returns with a look at ‘connecting the dots’. Inspired by Forest 404 Mike takes a look at his change of circumstance and why outdoor writers have to link people to nature even if it means giving up their ‘gems’ […] The post Mascarandy Meanders Podcast (#6) appeared first on Mascarandy Media.
5/27/19 • 09:46
Edition Five: Mike muses about Travel Writing on a wander up Black Hill in Cheshire/Peak District/Kirklees* delete where applicable! Feel free to get in touch with me on I mention the Travel Writer’s Field Guide in this edition and it’s well worth listening to the podcast there. A few unedited pics of my […] The post Mascarandy Meanders Podcast (#5) appeared first on Mascarandy Media.
11/21/18 • 07:39
Edition Four: A real meander this time as Mike talks about expectation! Feel free to get in touch with me on The post Mascarandy Meanders Podcast (#4) appeared first on Mascarandy Media.
7/24/18 • 09:01
Edition Three: Mike muses on promotion and social media … what do you think is the best way? Feel free to get in touch with me on The post Mascarandy Meanders Podcast (#3) appeared first on Mascarandy Media.
6/20/18 • 06:33
Edition Two: Mike talks about ‘disappointment’ in publishing whilst on a walk at Winnats Pass in Derbyshire. The instagram account I mention within the Podcast is @atter.cliffe Feel free to get in touch with me on The post Mascarandy Meanders Podcast (#2) appeared first on Mascarandy Media.
6/11/18 • 08:45
Edition One: Mike takes a walk around Delemere Forest in Cheshire and talks about publishing. The post Mascarandy Meanders Podcast (#1) appeared first on Mascarandy Media.
4/10/18 • 08:29