Show cover of The Divergent Path with Rollie Peterkin

The Divergent Path with Rollie Peterkin

My name is Rollie Peterkin and this is The Divergent Path. I am here to share the stories of people who have chosen an alternative path in life and taken risks. I hope you're as inspired by their stories as I am.


In this episode I speak with Cristen Hemingway Jaynes, who is the author of Ernest's Way, a travel biography about her great-grandfather, Ernest Hemingway. The book traces Hemingway’s world travels and life abroad. Each chapter is dedicated to a different place like Key West, Paris, or Venice. And she takes you through all his favorite haunts, where he lived, where he ate, and of course, where he drank. It's part travel guide and part biography. Christen holds an MA in Creative Writing from Birkbeck, University of London. She has a JD and an Ocean & Coastal Law Certificate from University of Oregon School of Law. She is a writer at EcoWatch and a passionate advocate for environmental issues.  Cristen is the author of a short story collection called The Smallest of Entryways. And she’s working on another book with stories about her travels around the US and Europe.   

1/22/25 • 57:28

Mark Cirino has written and edited many books about Ernest Hemingway, including Reading Hemingway's Across the River and Into the Trees, One True Sentence: Writers and Readers on Hemingway's Art, Ernest Hemingway and the Geography of Memory, Hemingway's  Spain, and Ernest Hemingway: Thought in Action. He's the editor for Kent State University Press Reading Hemingway series. He's also the author of two novels, Name the Baby and Arizona Blues. And my favorite, he hosts a podcast called One True Podcast. One of my favorite podcasts out there.  

12/30/24 • 63:26

In this episode I speak with my friend Nancy Da Campo. She has some of the most amazing travels around the world and shares her great perspective on travel. Nancy just recently returned from 3 months in Iran. Then she traveled to Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Nancy shares what her experience was like as a solo female traveler around the Middle East. She also has an amazing Instagram with her architectural photography, make sure to follow her: @_nancy_dc 

10/5/24 • 91:43

Madison Tuff is an amazing human being. Born and raised in Canada, but truly a citizen of the world. In my travels I have met many adventrous travelers, but she takes it to another level. In this episode, she explains how she became interested in traveling to off the beaten path places and fell in love with experiencing new cultures. She visited North Korea, Afghanistan, Sudan, and many other places that most of us would never dream of. And she recently returned from volunteering on the front lines of Bakhmut, Ukraine with an organization that was helping evacuate citizens from the brutal warzone that is the current situation. It was so inspirational speaking with Madison and this is one you don't wanna miss! 

3/6/23 • 61:55

In this episode I finally get the chance to chat with Nathan Pettijohn who has a really crazy story. He left LA, where he was firmly established for years, and packed his stuff in his car, along with his dog Rafa, and drove south through Mexico and Central America and into South America. 

2/27/23 • 51:57

If you've followed this podcast you might remember Marina from the VERY FIRST EPISODE. She brought it then and she brings it again on this episode. Marina is someone who has been one of my biggest trave inspirations over the last few years. She's been a sounding board for ideas and always gives great advice. She has now been to 115 countries, which is completely crazy! And she's been working on yachts for the past year and has some cool insights to share. Hope you enjoy this episode!

2/20/23 • 72:43

Dave is the best Spanish speaker that I know and someone who is deeply thoughtful about languages and language acquistion. In this episode we talk about the best way to learn a new language and some tips and tricks for practicing. And the big question: Why learn a new language?

2/14/23 • 62:34

In this episode I speak with my friend Irina who is a tour guide in Moldova. We met a few years ago and have become good friends since then. We talk about what to do and see in Moldova. Since this is called the Divergent Path podcast, I feel it's fitting to talk about a place not many people visit but they should! 

2/7/23 • 37:41

My friend Inna joins us on this episode and shares her experience traveling around the world to crazy places like North Korea, Iran, and Chechnya. We talk about he war in Inna's home country of Ukraine and what it means to be Ukrainian. She is someone who inspires me 

1/31/23 • 53:18

In this episode I chat with my frien Illimani about our travels around the world and experiencing different cultures. We talk about learning about the history and traditions of a place and how that leads to deeper travel and understanding. 

1/24/23 • 56:52

I've been waiting a long time to get the chance to talk to Lauren! She is a fascinating person and had led a truly Divergent Path. Lauren is a falconer who has worked with may species of birds of prey around the world. She even trained with Kazakh hunters in rural Mongolia. I mean, come on! Who does that? Lauren does. I was so happy to finally speak with her and hear her story. Website: IG: Lauren:

2/10/22 • 60:24

In this episode, my old friend Andy interviews me about my recet travels. Andy was a atural in his podcast debut and it was such a fun conversation. YouTube Video: Website: Instagram: Andy:

2/4/22 • 61:16

In this episode of the podcast, I get the chance to speak with legendary music composer Jonathan Wolff who wrote music for 75 primetime series, including the theme songs for 44 TV shows. Most famously, he wrote the iconic theme song for Seinfeld. Jonathan is a fascinating and thoughtful person and it was such a pleasure to speak with him!

9/15/21 • 64:46

Quint Clarke had a successful career as a lawyer. And he admits that he hadn't led a very adventurous life before he decided to book a trip to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. And his life was never the same. So profound was Quint's experience that he came home, quit his job, and spent the next year traveling the world. Since then, Quint has been teaching history at Blair Academy for the past twenty years. But the story doesn't end there. Inspired by his experiences abroad, he always encouraged students to travel and experience the world. And he has led countless student trips abroad in search of a greater understanding of the world. And on one trip to Africa, he was inspired to make a difference. So he began raising money to build a school there. Today, they have two schools where serve 1,000 Kenyan students. Read more here: Quint's journey is fascinating and I was so happy to have him share it with me on this episode of The Divergent Path! ------ Website - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - My book - The Cage: Escaping the American Dream

3/15/21 • 46:56

Ryan Warner is the host of the Wrestling Changed My Life podcast. He is one of the premier voices in the wrestling community and has interviewed all of the greats. He most recently produced the 7-part audio docuseries The Smiths which follows John and Pat Smith, two of the most successful American wrestlers. In this episode we talk about some of the challenges of producing the documentary and some of the inspirations behind it. IG: @wrestlingchangedmylife Twitter: @Ryan_N_Warner ------ Website - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - My book - The Cage: Escaping the American Dream

3/1/21 • 48:34

Dr. Coyte Cooper is a former university professor at UNC, holds a PhD, was a Division I All-American wrestler, speaker, and has authored three books. It seems like he's done it all. But Coyte and his family have recently embarked on a new adventure: they sold all of their possessions and bought an RV. Together with his wife and two children, they have been traveling around the country for the last 5 months, experiencing a nomadic lifestyle. And they have no plans to return to their stationary life. It was a fascinating discussion we had! Learn more about Coyte : Instagram: @coytecooper / @livingoutsidethelimits ------ Find Out More : Website - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - My book - The Cage: Escaping the American Dream

3/1/21 • 60:38

Mark Neilan never ran cross country in high school. And he wasn't very into sports. But now he runs 100-mile races regularly. Find out how he made the transition to becoming an endurance athlete, how he trains, and the mentality he uses to survive such grueling tests of willpower. Mark is the owner of Excel Fitness Center. IG: @excelfitnesscenter @mark_neilan Find me here: Website - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - My book - The Cage: Escaping the American Dream

2/22/21 • 54:52

Tommaso Ferrari hails from Verona, Italy, of Romeo and Juliet fame. Tommaso played guitar in a heavy metal band as a teenager, but soon found that he was paying more attention to the sound equipment and acoustics. He became so passionate about audio engineering, that he decided to pursue a career in the field. Tommaso wanted to work on films and TV. So he worked as a driver whenever people from the film industry visited Verona. And one day he was driving to the set of Hollywood movie Letters to Juliet, when they noticed that he was the only person around who spoke English. This led to his breaking into the industry. Now Tommaso resides in Tenerife in the Canary Islands and works on film and TV sets all around Europe. Read more about Tommaso here: Find me here: Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Website - My book - The Cage: Escaping the American Dream

2/3/21 • 53:50

Jake Hunter is the Chief Operating Officer of Wrestling Mindset. But this episode is about so much more than wrestling. We talk about Jake's career path from high school teacher to mindset coach to a fulltime job with Wrestling Mindset. Jake and I nerd out a little bit about Roman history also. It was great catching up with Jake! Read more about Jake here: Find me here: Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Website - My book - The Cage: Escaping the American Dream

1/26/21 • 61:49

D'Juan Owens is a professional MMA fighter with 35 fights of experience, even though he never played any organized sports growing up! D'Juan has a fascinating perspective and such a great attitude in everything he faces. In this episode he talks about dealing with losses and why he fights. He also discusses the 14 trips he has taken to the African continent, where he has led projects teaching self-defense to women as well as other initiatives. It was great speaking with D'Juan! Read more about D'Juan here: Find me here: Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Website - My book - The Cage: Escaping the American Dream

1/18/21 • 59:25

Justin Jenny is a photographer who specializes in exploring abandoned buildings and quarries. He has some crazy stories about sneaking into rundown asylums at night and run-ins with police and metal scrappers. Check him out on Instagram @justinjenny

1/11/21 • 53:41

Enrique "El Fuerte" Barzola es un pleador de MMA Peruano que tiene un record de 16-5-2. Barzola fue campeon del The Ultimate Fighter: Latin America 2 y ganó un contrato con el UFC. Despues, entrenó en los EEUU en Florida con American Top Team, y luego en California con AKA. Ha tenido muchas experiencas en el deporte y nos comparte en este episodio. Lee mas aqui: Instagram: @fuertebarzola ----- Me puedes encontrar aqui en rede sociales: Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Website - My book - The Cage: Escaping the American Dream

12/23/20 • 50:48

Donald McNeil grew up wrestling in Massachusetts and won a state championship his sophomore year. But that summer, tragedy struck. While wrestling in an off-season tournament, he got thrown on his head and fractured two vertebrae. He couldn't move or feel his body. He spent over a month in the hospital and a year rehabilitating. But despite the traumatic experience, he returned to wrestling. And he returned with a vengeance. He wound up wrestling Division I in college for Ryder University and still competes at the senior level. Read more about Donald here: Instagram: @realdeal__mcneil ----- As always feel free to reach out to me on social media! Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Website - My book - The Cage: Escaping the American Dream

12/17/20 • 61:04

Chris Stefanou is a shark fisherman who is well-known for catching massive sharks from the beach in Long Island. He talks about the techniques he uses and how he got into it. Chris is passionate about the conservation of these animals and works with NOAA to tag the sharks and release them so that they can be studied and tracked. Instagram: @lisharkman Read more about Chris here: ----- As always feel free to reach out to me on social media! Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Website - My book - The Cage: Escaping the American Dream

12/14/20 • 59:55

Alix Seyfarth was working for a tech company in Boston when a typhoon hit the Philippines and she decided to go volunteer and help to rebuild local communities that were devastated. She didn't realize it would change her life forever. That was six years ago, and Alix is still working in the disaster relief field. Alix spent 14 months in the Philippines, living in conditions without electricity, WiFi, or running water. Alix eventually got a job working full time for the nonprofit, which is called All Hands and Hearts. She's been helping coordinate their efforts around the world. She has visited and helped out in the so many disaster situations and has an incredible story. Read more about Alix here: Instagram: All Hands and Hearts: ----- As always feel free to reach out to me on social media! Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Website - My book - The Cage: Escaping the American Dream

12/10/20 • 56:22

Andy Valenti is a member of the band Oh He Dead. Their song Lonely Sometimes was described by the Washington Post as "an infectious, groove-based track about yearning for human connection." They had a major tour booked right before the pandemic hit, but have been trying to make the most of the downtime to write and record new songs. Spotify: Band Instagram: Andy Instagram: Read more about Andy here: ----- As always feel free to reach out to me on social media! Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Website - My book - The Cage: Escaping the American Dream  

12/7/20 • 73:00

In this episode, I talk about my love of hitchhiking. I tell you about why I love it so much and the lessons it can teach you. And I go into some safety measures you can take. And then I go into the mechanics of it. Read more here: As always feel free to reach out to me on social media! Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Website - My book - The Cage: Escaping the American Dream  

12/2/20 • 47:10

Jason Bryant is one of the most well-known wrestling journalists out there who knows everything there is to know about the sport. He tells his story of how he got into broadcasting at a young age when he was obsessed with sports. And how he grew to love the sport of wrestling. He is the host of the Short Time Wrestling Podcast and founder of Mat Talk Online.  You can check him out at: Twitter: @mattalkonline and @jasonmbryant As always feel free to reach out to me on social media! Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Website - My book - The Cage: Escaping the American Dream  

11/24/20 • 78:10

Steven Kampmann holds a masters in Psychological Counseling and wrote a thesis on the topic of dreams, which has evolved into a lifelong passion. He teaches a course on dreams which revolves around the works of people like Carl Jung and Herman Hesse.  Steven began his film and TV career as a comedic actorand writer at the legendary Second City Theater appearing both in Chicago and Toronto. He co-starred as Kirk Devane on the successful Newhart show. He has appeared as an actor in eight movies including Club Paradise with Robin Williams, For The Boys with Bette Midler, and Analyze That! with Robert DeNiro and Billy Crystal. Along with his close friend Harold Ramis, he co-wrote the hit comedy Back to School starring Rodney Dangerfield. And he co-wrote and co-directed the film Stealing Home starring Jodie Foster and Mark Harmon. Read more about Steven here: As always feel free to reach out to me on social media! Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Website - My book - The Cage: Escaping the American Dream

11/20/20 • 56:56

Amy Currie is a video producer who specializes in culinary and lifestyle videos. She was a full-time video producer at Panna Cooking where she won a James Beard Award for her work. She has worked with the who's who of top chefs on their videos. And she eventually co-founded HotDish Productions. Website: HotDish Productions: Instagram: Read more about Amy here: ------ As always feel free to reach out to me on social media! Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Website - My book - The Cage: Escaping the American Dream  

11/12/20 • 61:06