Show cover of Explore Everywhere Podcast

Explore Everywhere Podcast

Your window to Outdoor Adventure. Join us as we explore hiking trails and paddling routes in New Brunswick, PEI (Prince Edward Island), Maine, Nova Scotia, and sometimes the rest of the world. Learn about the trails and routes, and meet the people who love and protect them.


On this episode of the podcast we discuss why we love exploring Las Vegas.  We take you with us up Mount Charleston to the highest I have ever hiked and feel the heat as we hike through the desert in the search for water at La Madre Spring at Red Rock Canyon Recreation Area. 

6/15/23 • 38:22

In this episode I visit Howland Falls in Bear Island with Nick Guitard who is the author of the Waterfalls of New Brunswick and The Lost Wilderness books.  We discuss what drove him to write the books, a bit about the publishing process, and about some of his adventures visiting the waterfalls and other geological features around the province of New Brunswick.  You can find more details on both of the books at the Explore Everywhere Media online store.  The following is a list of some of the locations we discuss:Walton Glen Gorge LookoutEye of the NeedleWallace (Quiddy) FallsFall Brook FallsHayes FallsHowland FallsMcLeod Brook FallsShogomoc FallsGibson (Kilmarnock Falls)Kilmarnock Deadwater (paddling route)Trout Brook FallsSplit Rock FallsLong FallsBalancing RockChimney RockLower Joslin FallsGarden Creek FallsMullin Stream FallsReddin Falls (mentioned that it's in Kiersteadville)

5/31/23 • 44:05

In this episode of the podcast I interview Stéphanie Albert from the Sentier Pluriel de Grande-Digue Association.  We discuss all of the work her group of volunteers does to develop and maintain the hiking trails in Grande-Digue, in the southwest corner of New Brunswick.   We also discuss all the other volunteers and organizations that make this trail system possible.  Following our interview I hike all five trails (more than 10 km) and share what I experienced on my hike.For more information on the trails go their website here.

5/17/23 • 53:27

In Episode 1 of our Winter visit to Roosevelt-Campobello International Park we got a tour of the trails in the park from Pete Colman, the park's Natural Areas Supervisor.  In this episode we go and pick up Vicki and hike out to the dome bog overlooking Lower Duck Pond.  On day 2 I get up early and hike the Customs House Trail and then Vicki and I hike up to the lookout at Friar's Head and then down to Friar's Bay Beach.  We end our day by hiking the short Life Guard Trail at the Quoddy Head Lighthouse in Maine on our way home.For more information on the trails in Roosevelt-Campobello International park go to the Hiking NB page for the Roosevelt-Campobello International Park.  For more information on the fascinating history of the park check out the Roosevelt-Campobello International Park's website.

5/3/23 • 41:59

Vicki and I are given a tour of the trails at Roosevelt-Campobello International Park on Campobello Island in New Brunswick by Pete Colman.  Pete is the Natural Areas Supervisor for the park.  We discuss the plans they have to put more of a focus on their amazing natural area, while maintaining the historical significance of the park.  We visit Fox Hill Meadow, Con Robinson Point, Raccoon Point, Liberty Point and the lookout at Lower Duck Pond.In the second episode we pick up Vicki and hike out to the bog at Lower Duck Pond and Vicki and my hikes in the park on day 2.For more information on the trails in the park go to the Hiking NB page for the Roosevelt-Campobello International Park.  For more information on the fascinating history of the park check out the Roosevelt-Campobello International Park's website.

4/19/23 • 50:57

On this adventure we finish our paddle to Molly's Rock and explore where the Maliseet Trail crosses land around Benton.  We walk out to Eel River behind the St. Mary the Virgin Anglican Church to a site that is expected to be the start of a land crossing on the Maliseet Trail, where there may have been a summer village.  We also hear stories about the hardships of travel in this area from Henry David Thoreau, stories of hardships endured by John Gyles (circa 1689) and hear about the mystery of the lost golden calf of 1877.For more information on the Molly's Rock paddling route check out the Molly's Rock page on the Paddling NB website.  For more information and a map of the full Maliseet Trail check out Maliseet Trail page on the Hiking NB website.

6/23/22 • 37:09

On this adventure we join Dino Kubik with Canoe Kayak NB on a group paddle to Molly's Rock on the Benton Deadwater.  The Benton Deadwater is a part of Eel River and is part of the Maliseet Trail that joined the St. John River Valley with Bangor Maine.  This was a main travel route for thousands of years when canoes were the main mode of transportation in the area.  Join us as we explore the history and the beauty of the area.For more information on this paddling route check out Mollys Rock on the Paddling NB website.

6/16/22 • 34:13

In this episode I talk with Emily Taylor Smith about the two books she has written:Around the Province in 88 Days - One Woman, Two Pairs of Sneakers and 3000 Kilometres of Nova Scotia Coastline.No Thanks, I Want to Walk - Two Months on Foot Around New Brunswick and the GaspéWe talk about her long hikes around Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Gaspé Peninsula in Quebec.  We discuss the many benefits of walking both short and long distances.  We talk about the many locations that she visited along the way and the locations she has plans to hike in the future.The following are just some of the places we discussed:Fundy FootpathKouchibouguac National ParkConfederation TrailThe Island Walk

5/27/21 • 52:58

Welcome to 2021!  On this episode I am interviewed by Jenna Morton and Tosh Taylor for the Jenna and Tosh Podcast (Pickle Planet Podcast), for the Podcast Hub, and for Rogers TV in Moncton.  We discuss hiking trails around Moncton, in Albert County, and throughout the province.  We provide suggestions for family hikes with young kids but also cover trails and tips for a full range of difficulty.Check out their websites here:Pickle Planet - Your Guide to Family Life in MonctonThe Podcast HubFor the video from this episode check out Rogers TV in Moncton.Trails we discuss are: Sussex BluffsFundy Park - Laverty FallsFundy Park - Moosehorn TrailFundy Park - Third Vault FallsFundy Park - Kinnie Brook (kid focused)Fundy Park - Dickson Falls (most popular in Fundy Park)Fundy Park - Matthews Head (spectacular ocean views)Fundy Park - Caribou Plain (winter)Fundy Park - Upper Salmon River to Black Hole (not Black Brook)Fundy Trail Parkway - Walton Glen GorgeNepisiguit Mi'gmaq TrailMount Carleton TrailMount Katahdin in MaineDobson TrailMapleton ParkCentennial ParkFundy Footpath

1/21/21 • 27:14

A short episode where I go for a walk at the Big Pokiok Nature Park to get away from all the news about Covid 19.

11/22/20 • 06:10

This episode starts with an interview of Adam Wilkins and Leah Alexander, the driving force behind the Split Rock and Troy's Trail in Lorneville near Saint John.  They take me on a tour of the Musquash Head Lighthouse and we hike Troy's Trail and the Black Beach Trail in the Musquash Estuary Nature Preserve.  They talk about how their group (Explore Lorneville Inc.) is working with the Nature Conservancy of Canada on fundraising campaign to save the Musquash Head Lighthouse, transfer land for conservation/preservation, and maintain & improve the trails in the area.  Please help out and donate today!  Donate here: tuned to the Hiking NB Facebook and Instagram page for an upcoming contest as part of this fundraiser.Keep updated on the Split Rock and Troy's Trail on their Facebook Group.Products mentionedYankyTrail WrapTrails mentionedSplit Rock TrailBlack Beach Trail

10/7/20 • 67:44

In this episode I interview Bob and Judy Stone.  Bob is the past coordinator of the Friends of Grand Manan Trails group.  We discuss their favourite trails on Grand Manan, some history of the trails, and what brought them to the island.Products MentionedHeritage Trails and Footpaths on Grand Manan, New Brunswick bookA for Adventure BoookTrails MentionedLighthouse Trail around Dark HarbourFlock of Sheep TrailSouthern HeadBradford CoveWhite Head IslandRoss IslandHole-In-The-WallEel Lake Trail

9/3/20 • 46:19

In this episode I hike up to Western Head on Grand Manan Island in New Brunswick with Eric Aubanel.  Eric is the current President of the Friends of Grand Manan Trails organization.  We discuss some strange and amazing trees that we see on our hike and others on the island.  We talk about what kind of wildlife you may encounter on your hikes.  We identify a few birds that we hear along the way and discuss what other birds you may encounter on your hikes of the island.Products MentionedHeritage Trails and Footpaths on Grand Manan, New Brunswick bookThe Bay of Fundy - Coastal Hiking and Tidal Beach Explorations bookTrails MentionedFundy FootpathLighthouse Trail - Western Head and Dark HarbourFlock of Sheep TrailSouthern HeadBradford CoveWhite Head IslandRoss IslandHole-In-The-WallSeven Days WorkEel Brook Falls

8/20/20 • 51:02

In this episode I do my first interview.  I hike to the top of Currie Mountain near Fredericton and talk to Toon Pronk about the geology across the province and how it relates to hiking trails.Types of rock we discussedBasaltsGabroFelsic magma, rhyoliteFeldsparsSedimentaryTypes of landscape features we discussedDrumlinsMorainesEskerDeltaCalderaAccretionary terrainTectonic platesProducts mentionedHiking Trails of New Brunswick BookWaterfalls of New Brunswick BookTrails mentionedCurrie MountainWalton Glen GorgeGrand Manan IslandFlock of Sheep Trail (Grand Manan)Turtle MountainSpednic LakeKillarney LakeDragons Tooth on the Fundy Footpath (Seely Beach to Big Salmon River Section)Martin HeadChimney RockMount SagamookMount CarletonFundy Trail ParkwayPangburn Beach (Fundy Trail Parkway)Kouchibouguac National ParkOdell Park (Ledges on the Arboretum Woods Trail)Odell Park (Botatnical garden around the pond on the Arboretum Field Trail)Moss Glen Nature TrailSussex BluffsAdditional ResourcesGeology of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island BookFour Billion Years and Counting - Canada's Geological Heritage BookThe Last Billion Years - A Geological History of the Maritime Provinces of Canada BookNova Scotia Pebbles Guide (free download)

8/13/20 • 67:18

In this episode we take a quick hike on the K access trail to the Nepisiguit Mi'gmaq Trail in wilderness in the northern part of New Brunswick.  This 141 kilometre long trail has many access points making it ideal for section hiking it if you don't have the 7 to 10 days it would require to hike the whole thing.  It rained and the mosquitos were really thick but the location was beautiful.  While waiting under a tree for the rain to recede I was surprised by an animal who was just as surprised to see me.  I also explore the Otter campsite and teepee on the access trail as I lose my GPS and have to go back and find it.Trails in this EpisodeNepisiguit Mi'gmaq TrailProducts in this EpisodeNepisiguit Mi'gmaq Trail MapYanky

8/6/20 • 32:43

In this episode of the podcast we hike the Upper Salmon River Trail at Fundy National Park in New Brunswick.  Our goal was to swim in Black Hole and then hike back the way we came.  In the intro I discuss the trails at Fundy National Park and my recommendations for hiking at Fundy National Park, Mount Carleton Park and Grand Manan.Products mentioned in the PodcastBay of Fundy - Coastal Hiking and Tidal Beach Explorations BookHeritage Trails and Footpaths on Grand Manan BookTrail mentioned in the PodcastUpper Salmon River Trail (trail page coming soon)Fundy National ParkKinnie Brook TrailDickson Falls TrailThird Vault Falls TrailCoastal Trail

7/19/20 • 48:01

In this weeks episode of the Explore Everywhere Podcast I take you with me as I visit 3 waterfalls in the woods around Bathurst, New Brunswick.  The adventure starts as I am leaving Pabineau Falls, then I head deeper into the woods of northern New Brunswick to find Rainbow Falls and Buck Falls.  Along the way I see some fascinating and exciting creatures and animals.Trails in this episodePabineau Falls TrailRainbow Falls TrailBuck Falls TrailTrail pages coming soon.I also discuss my SPOT device that I use for safety when I visit remote areas that are outside of the realm of cell reception.

7/2/20 • 47:41

This week we give you our top 10 recommendations for swimming waterfalls in the province of New Brunswick.  We also provide other ideas for ways to beat the heat in summer.Original Top 5 Blog PostProducts MentionedHiking Trails of New Brunswick Book 4th editionWaterfalls of New Brunswick Book Waterfalls of New Brunswick Book: A GuidePaddling NBFacebook pageFacebook groupTrails mentionedTetagouche FallsRainbow FallsGibson (Kilmarock Falls)Sheephouse FallsLong Beach Brook FallsMullin Stream FallsFall Brook FallsShogomoc FallsMoosehorn TrailCrooked Creek FallsWelsford FallsHowland FallsCoac Falls

6/28/20 • 30:21

In this episode Vicki and I take two of the kids on a hike around the Chitticks Beach and Barnaby Head trails at New River Beach Provincial Park on the south coast of New Brunswick, Canada.  The girls do a dramatic reading, in both official languages, of the interpretive sign at Chitticks Beach.  We returned through the bog where everyone got their feet wet.Products mentioned in this episode:Hiking Trails of New Brunswick Book, 4th EditionTrail Wrap

6/9/20 • 22:27

Join me as I hike down to Seely Beach on the Fundy Footpath and camp for the night.  I stay up way past everyone else who is camping there to take pictures of the stars.  I also got up very early in the morning to take pictures of the sun rising over the Fundy Coast near Martin Head.  On my hike back to the car I talk about the difference between the Fundy Trail Parkway, the Fundy Footpath and Fundy National Park.For more information on this trail go to the Seely Beach Access Trail page.For more information on the products mentioned in this episode go to:Bay of Fundy BookYanky

5/31/20 • 35:58

This week we talk about park opening dates.  I talk about my plans for exploring the remaining trails I have left to hike on the Fundy Trail Parkway including using the new extension road from Sussex and visiting the new lookout platform at Walton Glen Gorge.I also discuss a new project called Paddling NB we are working on this summer as we plan to stay close to home.  We have pulled an old canoe out of storage and have already been out for an evening paddle in the Saint John River near Nackawic.  Check out the Paddling NB Facebook page.  Website coming soon.  For an updated list of when parks and trails are going to open go to the Covid 19 Updates page.

5/14/20 • 11:33

This week Shelbie and I get quarantined on Middle Island in the Miramichi.  A windy and cold snowshoe around a small island that used to be in quarantine station in the mid-1800s.  I also discuss my thoughts on Covid 19 and spring safety around waterfalls and other ice features.Featured Product:A for Adventure BookBook mentioned:Islands of New Brunswick by Allison MitchamMusic created and performed by me.

3/18/20 • 19:42

This week Vicki and I and three of the kids go explore Shin Brook Falls in the northern woods of Maine between Shin Pond and the north entrance to Baxter State Park.  I talk about our other explorations of trails in the area and about Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument.  At the top of this map of the National Monument you will see Sugarloaf Mountain that is mentioned in the episode.  You will also see the trails in the National Monument that have yet to be explored.You can find more information and pictures from our hike on the Shin Brook Falls page on the Hiking ME website.Featured Product:Heritage Trails of Grand Manan GuidebookOther trails mentioned in this episode:Seboeis River TrailMusic created and performed by me.

3/4/20 • 15:52

This week Vicki and I take you with us as we explore the trails on and around Spooner Island in the town of Hampton in New Brunswick.  We learn about the history of Spooner island and a bit about the landscape that surrounds Hampton making it the town that is is today.You can find more information and pictures from our hike on the Spooner Island Trails page on the Hiking NB website.Featured Product:Nepisiguit Mi'gmaq Trail and Paddling MapOther trails mentioned in this episode:Dutch Point Trails (coming soon).Intro by Vicki and I.Music created and performed by me.

2/19/20 • 28:05

This week the boys and I take you with us swimming at Four Falls in New Brunswick.  Four Falls is an easily accessible waterfall that flows over 4 tiers.  The stream below flows into the Aroostook River.  The deep pool below one of the falls makes a great place to swim but be careful.  The rocks are very slippery.  I discuss a bit of the history of the Four Falls area and other waterfalls to visit in the area (listed below).  I also discuss a little about safety around waterfalls.  We left something behind at the falls and I had to make the 2.5 hour drive back to get it.You can find more information and pictures from our hike on the Four Falls Trail page on the Hiking NB website.Featured ProductYanky SportOther trails mentioned in this episode:Grand Falls Gorge TrailsRobinson (Maggie's) FallsIntro by Isaac and Peyton.Music created and performed by me.

2/12/20 • 30:27

This week we take you with Vicki and I on a hike of the Moss Glen Nature Trail on the Kingston Peninsula in New Brunswick.  I discuss what property types you may come across while hiking and the different trespassing rules in the province.  I also discuss different problems and issues I have experienced while hiking throughout the province.You can find more information and pictures from our hike on the Moss Glen Nature Trail page on the Hiking NB website.Other trails mentioned in this episode:Moss Glen Falls TrailSussex BluffsMidland Ice CavesFall Brook Falls TrailIntro by Vicki.Music created and performed by me.

2/5/20 • 42:58

The third episode of the Explore Everywhere Podcast takes you on a hike up to Hays Falls on the Maliseet Trail near Meductic, New Brunswick.  We discuss things to consider when hiking in the winter, including accessible trails in the province and where you can borrow or rent snowshoes.  We also discuss the ancient history of the 200 kilometre (125 mile) portage trail that used to go between the St. John River valley in New Brunswick to the Penobscot River in Maine.For more information on this trail go to the Maliseet Trail page on the Hiking NB website.Also check out the Hiking PEI, Hiking ME and Hiking NS webpages that were mentioned in the episode.Music created and performed by me.

1/29/20 • 22:21

The second episode of the Explore Everywhere Podcast takes you along with James and Vicki as they explore the Sea Dog Cove Nature Preserve on the Kingston Peninsula in New Brunswick, Canada.  James talks about some of the big events happening in the trail community in 2020 and about NB Nature Trust, who owns and manages the Sea Dog Nature Preserve.For more information on this trail go to the Sea Dog Cove Nature Preserve Trail page on the Hiking NB website.Also check out the Hiking PEI, Hiking ME and Hiking NS webpages that were mentioned in the episode.Intro by VickiMusic created and performed by me.

1/22/20 • 29:42

The first episode of the Explore Everywhere Podcast including a hike on the Bouctouche Dunes in New Brunswick, Canada.  I ran into several animals and saw signs of several other animals that you wouldn't expect to see on a sand dune.I am the creator of the Hiking NB website with a goal to hike every trail in the province.For more information on this trail go to Bouctouche Dunes trail page on Hiking NB.Also check out the Hiking PEI, Hiking ME and Hiking NS webpages that were mentioned in the episode.Music created and performed by me.

1/4/20 • 30:14