Bat Minute is a podcast that originally investigated Tim Burton's 1989 movie 'Batman' one minute at a time, three days a week... and has now moved on to the rest of the movies in the franchise! Your intrepid hosts on this journey are Jon Parker and Niall McGowan! Episodes release on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the season.
An introductory episode to say hello and get you used to the show. Bat Minute '89 is an upcoming podcast hosted by Jon Parker and Niall McGowan, analysing and investigating Tim Burton's 'Batman' ONE MINUTE AT A TIME. The show will be three days per week when it launches, releasing on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
6/7/17 • 21:00
And we're off! In our first proper episode we burst out of the Bat Minute cave and rush to analyse Minute 1, which is made up entirely of credits. Beforehand we talk about the events that lead the film that would become Tim Burton's Batman into development Hell and out again, emerging as the fabulous film it is. It's a bit info heavy, but that's what happens when you have nothing but names to talk about! Our next episode follows on Wednesday!
7/3/17 • 37:13
In Minute 2 we're firmly in credits town, so we make the best of it by wandering through the names of the talented folks who are popping up, including a stop in the smooth, cool waters of Lake Billy Dee Williams. Again, info heavy, so you'll have to forgive us! The next episode follows on Friday!
7/5/17 • 35:01
The film starts proper now, and so does the podcast (as we have clear visuals to talk about)! In Minute 3 we burst through the final few credits and spill out onto the streets of Gotham. It looks like a nice neighbourhood. Nothing can go wrong, right? The next episode follows on Monday!
7/7/17 • 38:26
The excitement continues in our second week here at Bat Minute '89 as our intrepid heroes are still trying to obtain a cab but are instead forced to brave the streets of Gotham! Can Biggs Darklighter navigate the city a little better than he did the Death Star trench? Tune in to find out, folks! The next episode follows on Wednesday!
7/10/17 • 28:41
CRIME! SHENANIGANS! Biggs is taken out from behind once more. This time, however, he's been robbed! Will the crooks escape with the loot? One thinks so, while the other worries about a mysterious 'Bat'. Could this be the BatMAN from the title? The only way to be sure is to tune in, Bat Fans! The next episode follows on Friday!
7/12/17 • 35:25
The week ends with drama, vampirism and a vicious Bat Beatdown! Can these crooks survive the onslaught, or will they face the same fate as Johnny Gobs? Will we even find out within the time span of one minute? The only way to know is to tune in, Bat fans! The next episode follows on Monday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!
7/14/17 • 43:53
Brutal Batman, cheesy catchphrases and Lando Calrissian start us off with another exciting week of the show! Can The Bat overcome the problems of his awkward cowl and defeat the crooks? Will Lando clean up the (cloud) city? Tune in to find out, folks! The next episode follows on Wednesday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!
7/17/17 • 39:11
Lando Strikes Back! The week continues with a pathetic police chief, a cyBORG mayor and Dent aspiring to take on a nest of vipers. Saucy Jack is looking to rid the city of decent people - if only he can find the time to remove his shoes from his lady's face. Are his card tricks in Vogue? Tune in to find out! The next episode follows on Friday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!
7/19/17 • 40:49
Jack Napier thinks he's cock of the walk in his fancy suits and with his dame by his side, but will scheming against his boss make him look like a fool, a joker if you will? Top this off with Jack facts and Jerry Hall chat and you've got yourself another exciting episode of Bat Minute '89! The next episode follows on Monday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!
7/21/17 • 34:39
Arcade Eddie is stretchered away as Porkins enters the fray. He tells tales of a giant Bat which nobody is buying... all except for reporter Alexander Knox! Will Knox be the man to get the scoop, or will he be made to look like a chump? Find out on today's Bat Minute '89! The next episode follows on Wednesday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!
7/24/17 • 30:55
The Bat's tax history is up for examination as Knox persists in his hunt. Bob the Goon picks an inopportune moment to wash a car. CROOKED COPS! All this and more, only on today's Bat Minute '89! The next episode follows on Friday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!
7/26/17 • 31:24
Saucy yet psycho, Jack shoves Red Six straight out of his way on his path to the top, but Porkins isn't standing for shenanigans. Ever faithful Bob the Goon will do anything to protect his man. PARADE PLANNING UNDER THREAT! Could a single minute BE any more exciting? The answer is... possibly. But you'll never know without first tuning in to the exciting chat, only on BAT MINUTE '89! The next episode follows on Monday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!
7/28/17 • 40:02
Monday starts and there isn't even a single balloon in sight but the perpetual mayor has plans to turn things around. Lando simply swaps his cape for a scarf. Dracula is afoot in the press office as Knox converses with a pair of rather lovely legs. What happens in between? And around? And all about? TUNE IN TO FIND OUT, BAT FANS! The next episode follows on Wednesday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!
7/31/17 • 41:20
REVOLUTION! CORTO MALTESE IN TURMOIL! The real scoop, however, is Knox and his presumptuous ways with the ladies. Can he woo Vicki Vale? Not on your life! She's more into BATmen than regular men, that's for sure. The PEWlitzer price is on the line as the two agree to form a sleuth super group. Will they end up getting married? There's only one way to find out folks... tune in to today's BAT MINUTE '89! The next episode follows on Friday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!
8/2/17 • 39:09
Huge buildings can't cheer up Grissom and his fury at the current crime crackdown. Jack tries to play his cards right but is sent on an important errand. Alicia's shopping habits ruin a perfectly lovely gangster meeting. Whatever next? All of this AND MORE is covered right here on today's BAT MINUTE '89! The next episode follows on Monday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!
8/4/17 • 35:24
Saucy Jack seems suspicious of a setup but Grissom says he needs somebody he can trust. Will his lucky deck deal him a winning hand, or does the house always win? All this and more on today's Bat Minute '89! The next episode follows on Wednesday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!
8/7/17 • 32:22
That vile snake Grissom is up to no good and getting Eckhardt in on his schemes. Meanwhile, at Stately Wayne Manor, Bruce is throwing a party to save the festival. Why he doesn't just donate a bucket of cash himself is anybody's guess. Alfred and Knox FINALLY MEET! It's what we've all been waiting for... What happens between these two titans? The only way to be sure is to head over to 1007 Mountain Drive or to listen to day's BAT MINUTE '89! The next episode follows on Friday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!
8/9/17 • 35:11
Knox is out of his depth and failing to blend in. Alfred just wants rid of the guy! Vicki Vale enters the fray complete with sleeves, sleeves and more sleeves. What a dress! Bruce has his eye on her for sure as he takes a shot of dutch courage and swoops in for the kill! How did we get here? What twists and turns could there be in only sixty seconds? Tune in to find out, Bat Minute Mites! The next episode follows on Monday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!
8/11/17 • 32:41
We return to Wayne's makeshift casino as Knox harasses ol' Gamblin' Gordon. He says there is no Bat but Knox is having none of it! He wants those files! Ghosts and goblins ain't a problem for Harvey - this cool customer is far too smooth to let anything like that Dent his enjoyment of the evening's entertainment. NAPIER'S PLAN IS IN MOTION! What else, you say? We are joined by OUR FIRST EVER GUEST! Rikky Wiley is on the line with us for Bat chat. You may know him from his rapping career with the group Dick Limerick Academy or from his recent forays onto the comedy scene. How could you miss this? You couldn't. If you do, you need to rethink your life and join us for more Bat Minute '89! The next episode follows on Wednesday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute! Rikky Wiley.
8/14/17 • 38:45
CRAZY ARMOUR! A STEAMPUNK RATCATCHER! AN INDIANA JONES CROSSOVER! But the most important thing? Six light switches. Possibly more. THE THRILLS COME QUICK ON BAT MINUTE '89! Once again we are joined by none other than special guest Rikky Wiley - rapper, MC, comedy-doing-man and Ewok fan. You'd be a real JOKER if you missed this one. The next episode follows on Friday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute! Rikky Wiley.
8/16/17 • 50:58
We're creeping through Bruce's halls and admiring his balls as we finish off another exciting week of Bat Minute '89. Master Wayne reveals himself to Vicki and Knox! Worst of all? A CHAMPAGNE EMERGENCY! For the final time (for now!) we are joined by special guest Rikky Wiley - the DLA-deviant is bringing it RAW. Say bye to him, good listeners! The next episode follows on Friday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute! Rikky Wiley.
8/18/17 • 38:56
Bruce decides his new flirting tactic should be to belittle Vicki's current job. Nice one, Mr Wayne. In reality, it's all to cover up his Batlife, of course! GORDON HAS LEFT THE SCENE! Bruce must act quickly. Will Knox get his grant? BRUCE'S PEEPHOLE REVEALED! In addition to all this excitement we are joined from all the way in Hong Kong by musician (with the band 'Pumpkin Bomb') and world-traveller Gaz Flint to shoot the bat breeze. He's a longtime fan of the movies, the comics, the games - the whole schmear! Also check out his YouTube series about his travels 'gingerinasia'. The next episode follows on Wednesday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute! Gaz Flint.
8/21/17 • 34:34
Camera crazy Bruce has a little spying problem on today's minute! Or should that be cameraS crazy - emphasis on the plural for sure! As he stalks and creeps on his guests we see some other shady shenanigans taking place over at the chemical plant... Once more we are joined by musician, globe trotter, red panda enthusiast and Bat fanatic GAZ FLINT for chat that will ricochet back and forth like an errant Batarang in a bounce house. Make sure to check out his band 'Pumpkin Bomb' and his YouTube videos at 'gingerinasia'. The next episode follows on Friday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute! Gaz Flint.
8/23/17 • 28:05
As Porkins prepares to penetrate enemy lines, Jack and his goons realise that something is amiss... IT'S A TRAP! Have they been ratted out? Set up? Jack knows the score but there's no time for this nonsense as a deadly shootout with the cops ensues! For the final time in this stint we are joined once again by Hong Kong-based punk rockin' Bat-Mite GAZ FLINT of the band 'Pumpkin Bomb'. Join us as we bid him adieu... for now! That's also all from us in general for the week! How will you cope without us all weekend? I wish I knew... I wish I knew... The next episode follows on Monday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute! Gaz Flint.
8/25/17 • 35:47
Action galore as the cops and crooks engage in a violent shootout! Gordon finally looks cool! Levers will be pulled! Valves will be twirled! Can Jack outrun his pursuers? Can Gordon get his man? Will Xenomorphs get everyone in sight? The answers to these questions and more can be found on today's exciting edition of Bat Minute '89! We are joined by Bat super-fan Dan Kampling who will be dropping his words of wisdom and bestowing us with knowledge while we generally just make a mess of everything. Not to be missed! The next episode follows on Wednesday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute! Dan Kampling.
8/28/17 • 30:34
A VICIOUS MONSTER DESCENDS FROM THE RAFTERS! It is impervious to bullets! TO PAIN! It grapples its enemies and dangles them precariously over ledges! A MAN LOSES HIS HAT! And then... it is gone. Meanwhile, Jack Napier spills chemicals and walks Ripley's path as another exciting shootout begins! What a minute folks! Once again we are joined by the exceptionally knowledgeable Bat Computer himself, Dan Kampling, so make sure to tune in for his smooth-talking, Jesse Ventura ways. The next episode follows on Friday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute! Dan Kampling.
8/30/17 • 37:14
COMEDY BULLETS EVERYWHERE! SURPRISE BAT FISTS! PEOPLE WHO HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT GUNS, TALKING ABOUT GUNS! These are just some of the thrilling topics being discussed on this Friday's can't-miss episode of your favourite show: Bat Minute '89. See: DRAMATIC CAPE SWOOSHING! Witness: THE BAT DESCEND WITH GRACE! Marvel: AS THE DARK KNIGHT LIFTS JACK WITH EASE! Bob the Goon attempts to 'do' Gordon as Napier fights for his life. For the final time this week we are joined by Dan Kampling, the king of bats himself, so make sure you don't miss this. The next episode follows on Monday! Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute! Dan Kampling.
9/1/17 • 41:59
The Bat Boys are taking it old school this week as they are working as the original dynamic duo. What excitement is in store? Jack and the Bat are keen to swap fashion tips, but things take a turn for the worse when Napier decides to reach for his BULLET gun rather than his GLUE gun. The Bat makes himself elusive... A Prince reference can't console us as our beloved Porkins takes one for the team YET AGAIN! Can this guy catch a break? NAPIER IN DANGER! Will The Bat step up to save him after all? Can he forgive his crimes? We'll have to leave you dangling over a vat of antici... pation on that one, Bat fans! The next episode follows on Wednesday! Same Bat pod, different Bat minute!
9/4/17 • 47:09
Continuing the old-school feel today it's the Bat Boys and ONLY the Bat Boys on this episode. I think I'm going to drop this Bat Boys thing, jeez... Minute 29 sees a sliced and diced Napier clinging to the Bat for dear life, while he himself pulls a face like he's trying to open a jar of sauce. JACK TAKES A TUMBLE! JACK MAKES A SPLASH! Does he survive? Does he die? He certainly won't be turned insane and into an even worse crook by it, that's for sure. Batman has one other foe to vanquish - a stiff neck. A CORPSE RISES FROM THE DEPTHS! All this and more on today's NON-STOP, ACTION PACKED, Bat Minute '89! The next episode follows on Friday. Same Bat pod, different Bat minute.
9/6/17 • 41:12