#ChangingTheNarrative one conversation at a time • Education • Social Cohesion • Dialogue A platform run by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Australia.
Have you ever been confused as to why there is so much bad press regarding Muslims or why Islam is often scapegoated by politicians and the media?Or do you find it difficult to understand the teachings of Islam in the context of the modern world?Well, you've come to the right place!Welcome to the Muslims Down Under Podcast, a podcast presented as part of the Muslims Down Under platform. In this podcast, we seek to enable contemplation by engaging in intellectual conversation about Muslims and Islam on issues that are often ignored or misinterpreted. Episodes include conversations on a range of current and contemporary topics that aim to educate, clarify misconceptions, and remove misunderstandings.Whether you're fascinated by the differences between culture and religion, or understanding the pursuit of happiness in light of the religion of Islam interests you more - join us on a unique journey as we explore these topics and much more.You can find us at MuslimsDownUnder.com or learn more about Islam at TrueIslam.com.au.Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
10/7/20 • 01:12
Most people spend their lives chasing happiness and success, yet never seem to arrive at a happily ever after. It seems as though the only way to become happy is to attain something bigger or better, faster or fancier. We rely on materialistic pursuits to make us happy, wanting more and more. What does it take to acquire true contentment in life? Will achieving standards set by a materialistic society really lead to happiness? In this episode, we explore this present-day phenomena in detail and discuss why striving towards a higher purpose by actually foregoing our personal egotistical pursuits, is the only way to achieve a pure form of happiness.Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
12/11/20 • 16:32
In the modern world, our life goals are more often than not driven by materialistic standards. The same constructs exist for the relationships we establish in our lives. Since ego-based relationships are based on superficial and temporary qualities, they exert tremendous amounts of pressure to be ‘perfect’ - when in reality no one is really perfect. This is also what causes relationships to fail and for people to experience depression and heartache. In reality, true love is much more than what society often leads us to believe; it is something that is built, nurtured, and established through effort and pure intentions. Every individual has the capacity to love in this way; it is an innate potential that can be consciously developed. This is in essence what Islam teaches; when we choose our spouses based on their righteousness, and when we develop and grow, the bond between two individuals based on moral and spiritual characteristics, we end up nurturing a form of love that is based on meaningful qualities and allows one to be at peace with not only yourself, but others as well, and most importantly with God.Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
12/18/20 • 16:10
There has always been an undefined intersection between religion and culture. Often there is confusion and misunderstandings when we see culture being represented as religion or vice versa. It is important to understand the differences between the two, and where exactly the intersections lie, and more so, how can someone determine whether what they see or hear about is as a result of a particular culture or a teaching of a certain faith. When we start to blur the lines between cultural practices or traditions and the teachings of a certain faith, culture begins to influence religion and causes people to act in contradiction to the actual teachings of religion. In actuality, religion transcends culture and it is important to educate ourselves on what is an innovation of culture and what the teachings of a particular religion are - listen to an in-depth discussion about this interesting topic in this podcast episode.Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
12/25/20 • 20:21
Unfortunately, a large portion of Australian society harbors a misunderstanding that people from different faiths or cultures don’t contribute or integrate within Australian society. More specifically, there is also a common misconception that Australian values clash with the values of Australian Muslims. As a result of this confusion, Muslims experience ongoing prejudice and discrimination. To eradicate these false impressions, the concept of integration and assimilation needs to be understood from a logical perspective. Australian values are those that sustain the growth, progress, and advancement of the nation. For any Muslim living in Australia, the teachings of Islam explicitly instruct them to be active, contributing, and peaceful members of society. Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
1/1/21 • 17:30
The concept of feminism is probably one of the biggest ongoing phenomena of the 21st century. Furthermore, we live in a society where the discussion around Muslim women, their rights, and the teachings of Islam in regards to women is often a hot topic of conversation. But, are the concerns regarding the rights and equality of Muslim women legitimate? And, what role does feminism in the teachings of Islam? In reality, the advocacy and establishment of women’s rights were granted well before modern society - more than 1400 years ago with the advent of Islam. Islam provides a proactive and logical explanation of the rights and role of women in society; it promotes the value of women and liberates them from comparing themselves to men based on the common societal understanding of equality. Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
1/8/21 • 19:01
Just like anything else, one must be able to justify belief with reasoning and logic. Religion also experiences the debate between faith and reason, with a common misunderstanding that there is no need for rationality when discussing religion. Contrary to this, Islam describes that rationality must be important for any true religion. It promotes critical thinking and explains that this is a God-given faculty, given specifically to humans so that they are able to understand and judge between right and wrong. To understand religion, it is important for one to be able to rationalise its teaching for that religion to have any effect on our lives. No religion with any element of irrationality can be acceptable to the universal conscience of man. Further, Islam explains that reason alone is not sufficient to attain certainty in anything; reason must be aided by revelation. Reason can only get you to the hypothesis that there ought to be a Creator; revelation assists in arriving at the conclusion that there is a Creator. So, when reason is supported by an objective standard such as revelation, it is able to attain certainty through repeated empirical evidence.Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
1/15/21 • 21:11
Experiencing true spirituality is something that most people recognise as beyond their grasp or only for those who are disconnected from the world around them. But, in the modern world, being spiritual has become a buzzword of modern culture; more and more, people consider themselves as spiritual as opposed to being religious. But can you experience true spirituality without being religious? In this episode, we discuss the true meaning of spirituality, the role it plays in the 21st century, and how one can establish a true relationship with God. We explain why religion is a fundamental prerequisite to experience true spirituality, and how the teachings of Islam provide a prescriptive practice teaching mankind how to practically develop their spirituality. Describing a balanced and logical approach, we delve into how the natural, moral and spiritual states of man are able to progress in order to arrive at a state of existence where man is at peace with himself and is in perfect harmony with the Creator.Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
1/22/21 • 18:14
Have you always wanted to live a life that is balanced yet meaningful in every way? Living a balanced life means having a positive, productive lifestyle that enables a focus on developing good habits in all spheres of life.Welcome to the Muslims Down Under Podcast, a podcast presented as part of the Muslims Down Under platform. In this podcast series, we discuss practical ways to live a balanced life as informed by the principles of Islam. Episodes include conversations on a range of current and contemporary topics that aim to educate, inform, and deliver an understanding of how to live your faith. Whether it’s learning how to maintain a work-life balance, managing your money, or learning effective parenting skills – join us as we explore these topics and many more. Featuring special guest experts from around the world, our podcast provides a balanced approached to living your best life. You can find us at www.MuslimsDownUnder.com or learn more about Islam at www.TrueIslam.com.au.Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
9/29/21 • 01:02
We had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Susan Carland to discuss how faith plays a role in her life, how she has experienced being a Muslim woman in a western world, and how she continues to excel and achieve in her life. Stereotypical notions of sexism, prejudice, and discrimination, as well as her Muslim identity - these are just some of the topics we talk about in our brand new episode to kickstart the second series of the Muslims Down Under podcast. Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
10/1/21 • 51:35
The present-day modern dilemma of doing more, achieving more, and trying to be better is one that causes undue stress for many. But, what are the essential steps one needs to take to be more productive in a meaningful way? In this episode, we discuss how you can understand what productivity requires and how you can achieve it in a practical method.Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
10/8/21 • 33:00
It is no easy task to achieve work-life balance in today’s unpredictable and fast-paced world.As we grow increasingly more connected through technology and social media, it is becoming more and more difficult to separate work from our personal lives. What is the importance of achieving this balance? What are some strategies to achieve a good work-life balance? Find out the answers to these questions and much more in this episode of the podcast.Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
10/15/21 • 57:09
Parenting is probably one of the most challenging, yet rewarding endeavors one can do in their lifetime. The importance and value of proper parenting are unquestionable, as it lays the foundations for societies. How do we establish foundations that enable a good upbringing for our children? What are strategies that can help us to develop healthy, positive habits that contribute to their development and nourishment? We discuss these questions in this episode of the Muslims Down Under podcast. Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
10/22/21 • 42:02
Managing money is more than just making ends meet. Ensuring that your financial future is based on crucial financial skills and knowledge is fundamental. In this episode of the podcast, we discuss practical strategies on how to manage your income. If you’re struggling with money management issues such as living paycheck to paycheck despite making more than enough money, these strategies will help improve your financial habits.Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
10/29/21 • 62:15
Living a healthy life requires that all aspects of our health are nourished. Each aspect of our health supports and affects other aspects, and they all act as a resource for our function. A healthy lifestyle also provides the means to lead a full life with meaning and purpose. In part one of this episode, we discuss the importance of physical and mental health and discuss practical ways to help us sustain our health.Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
11/5/21 • 34:21
Besides our physical and mental health, developing social and behavioral health is also relevant to our overall health and wellbeing. In part two of this episode, we discuss why maintaining social and behavioral health is crucial to our health. In addition, we discuss how our spiritual health can also be nourished and why it is essential that our soul is nourished in order for all other aspects of our health to thrive. We discuss a way of life where we are able to live in a balanced way that is based on sophisticated understandings. Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
11/12/21 • 40:55
Everyone has a natural drive to achieve and acquire more, but living a minimalistic lifestyle is much more than owning fewer possessions. In this episode, we discuss ways to live a simple, meaningful life that is based on our own self-worth, values and relative to our individual situations. An approach that is worthwhile for developing our consciousness, and channelling our natural drives towards things that really matter, this episode discusses the importance and value of minimalism. Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
11/19/21 • 33:46
Staying positive is always easier said than done. In this special episode, we interview Karamah, a survivor of the recent Palestinian war crisis. She shares her unique and incredibly exceptional life perspective on how her faith keeps her optimistic.Through her lived experience, we discuss how patience, prayer, and positive attitudes can help us achieve a positive lifestyle that is based on gratitude and trust in God.Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
11/26/21 • 39:13
Welcome to the Muslims Down Under Podcast, a podcast presented as part of the Muslims Down Under platform. Whether it’s learning how to fast or pray, or recognising the importance of tolerance, social inclusion and human rights – join us this season as we explore these topics and so many more. Featuring special guest experts, our podcast provides a balanced approach to understanding how Islam can provide a pathway that practically demonstrates how its teachings are relevant today and every day. You can find us at MuslimsDownUnder.com or learn more about Islam at TrueIslam.com.au.Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
3/31/22 • 01:18
In recent times, the practice of fasting has become popular for its physical health benefits. Although these benefits of fasting are numerous, when observed as a spiritual discipline, the practice of fasting nurtures both the physical and the spiritual, by bridging the gap between the body and the soul. Find out more about the practice of fasting, according to the teachings of Islam in this episode of the Muslims Down Under podcast.Visit our website to find out more: www.MuslimsDownUnder.comMuslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
4/1/22 • 24:20
These days, with a rise in stress, anxiety, and general unrest, many turn to practices such as yoga or meditation, to regain their sense of peace and calm. But, do these practices really provide them with the contentment they crave?In our latest episode, we explore the power of prayer and why this practice can help you achieve so much more in life, according to the teachings of Islam.Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
5/12/22 • 33:20
In this special interview with Senator Pat Dodson, we understand discrimination and how it can affect those struggling for social justice. Coinciding with NAIDOC week in Australia, this episode explores the issue of discrimination and prejudice, and how it continues to impact our society. Understanding the nuances of discrimination to improve the society we live in, can make a difference. Because biases often penetrate into the deep structural and systematic nature of societies, at times we may be immune to subtle, hidden forms of discrimination. To address unconscious biases requires acknowledgment that everyone has them. It requires that we challenge our beliefs and reflect on our thoughts, actions, and behaviour. Creating a more inclusive and equitable environment around us can become a reality. But, we must make time and take action to educate ourselves. Listen to the latest episode of the Muslims Down Under podcast and learn more on how to enable practical reform from discrimination. Visit our website for more: www.MuslimsDownUnder.comMuslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
6/30/22 • 29:54
In this episode, we had the wonderful opportunity to speak with Senator Fatima Payman.Senator Fatima Payman is the first hijab-wearing Muslim woman in the federal Australian Parliament. Elected to the Senate for Western Australia, in 2022, Senator Payman originally migrated from Afghanistan to Australia in 1999, and since then has been serving the Australian community in various capacities and leadership positions. As a Muslim woman, she exemplifies her faith in many aspects, inspiring hope, and leading the way for a more accepting, and tolerant society. Learn more about her story and how she is #ChangingTheNarrative, as we discuss aspects of Islamophobia, social justice, and why she is more than just her 'hijab'.To watch the full video version of this podcast visit our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/vuRlxFH-OPY or check out our social media for more podcast content: MuslimsDwnUnderMuslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
9/16/22 • 30:37
In this episode, we had the privilege of interviewing Tasneem Chopra OAM, ambassador of ‘Racism. It Stops With Me’- a campaign launched by the Australian Human Rights Commission, Australia. Tasneem is a first-generation Muslim who has done advocacy work on navigating diversity, inclusion, and equity and is passionate about female representation. In 2018, Tasneem was named an Anti-Racism Champion by the Australian Human Rights Commission and was also appointed as the ambassador of Women of Colour Australia. Among her many achievements, she received an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for her services to community, diversity, and inclusion leadership.Listen to an insightful episode as we discuss aspects of social justice and practical ways to change the narrative. Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
10/6/22 • 53:32
In this episode we had the privilege to speak to Mr. Chin Tan, the Australian Human Rights Race Discrimination Commissioner. We discuss the progress of tolerance and unity in Australia since the tragic Christchurch Mosque attack in New Zealand that resulted in a consistent rise of violence, hate speech, and discrimination in Australia. Exploring what more can be done to tackle racial discrimination in an effort to establish cohesion and harmony, we discuss the importance of youth and for Muslims themselves to be a part of the national efforts to address this systemic social injustice.Listen to this insightful episode as we progress to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time!Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
11/3/22 • 48:41
In this episode of our podcast, we discuss social justice responsibility. Who is responsible for maintaining social justice to create a more harmonious and peaceful society?We had the privilege to speak with Imam Hadi, who provides an insightful understanding of the answer to these questions and much more in light of the teachings of Islam. Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
1/26/23 • 49:43
Every year, International Women's Day brings an outpour of feminist activism aiming to promote the role, impact, and value of women across the globe. In the latest episode of the Muslims Down Under podcast, we discuss these concepts and unpack the essential question - has feminism really empowered women? Or have the opportunistic waves that aim to restore women's fundamental human rights all but erased the very understanding of what a woman is?Find out the answers in this episode of our podcast!Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
3/2/23 • 24:18
Are we de-humanising Muslims in Australia by not recognising their worth and value within Australian society? Do our stereotypical assumptions about Islam and Muslims halter our pathway to progress as a united society?In the latest episode of our podcast, we spoke with Rita Markwell, the Australian Muslim Advocacy Networks' legal, policy, and strategic advisor. Rita shares some interesting insights into the concepts of racism, prejudice, and continued discrimination of Muslims in Australia. Listen to the full episode as we explore how we can #ChangeTheNarrative in the context of developing harmony and justice within society. Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
4/27/23 • 35:02
How can Australia provide support and protection for refugees, and what steps can be taken to create a more just and compassionate society? In the latest episode of our podcast, we chat with Kamljit Athwal, a renowned community advisor, and consultant. On World Refugee Day, we take a deep dive into the experiences, stories, and struggles of refugees living in Australia. Join us as we talk about the challenges they face, their hopes for their future, and their fight for equality and a fair go. Listen to the full episode for a thought-provoking conversation that will challenge your perspective and inspire you to take action. Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
4/28/23 • 57:51
In this episode of our podcast, join us for a thought-provoking discussion and inspiring story of leadership and advocacy from Muslim women in Australia as we speak to Maha Abdo OAM, a passionate advocate for empowering women. We delve into the challenges and triumphs of Muslim women in pursuing authentic leadership roles and making their voices heard in society. From breaking down cultural barriers to promoting diversity and inclusion, this episode features an engaging conversation and insight that will leave you feeling informed, inspired, and empowered. Muslims Down Under is a platform that aims to #ChangeTheNarrative one conversation at a time. Join us, and help spread the word. Together we can do so much more! Website: www.MuslimsDownUnder.com YouTube: Muslims Down Under Facebook: @MuslimsDwnUnder Twitter: @MuslimsDwnUnder Instagram: muslimsdwnunder
5/14/23 • 30:18