Show cover of Literary Treks: A Star Trek Books and Comics Podcast

Literary Treks: A Star Trek Books and Comics Podcast

Literary Treks is a podcast dedicated entirely to Star Trek in written form. Each episode hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettit explore Star Trek books and comics and chat with authors.


Star Trek: Gateways: One Small Step.     In 2001, the Star Trek literary universe was at the hight of it’s popularity especially as it continuing series like Deep Space Nine and The Next Generation, which lead to a massive crossover between all the ongoing series that Pocket books were publishing at the time. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan talk about One Small Step. We discuss the new series, watching an episode, the virus, impersonating Kalandans, the Klingons, the gateways, restructuring, something that works well, our ratings and final thoughts.  In the news there is a new book announcement as well as comic reviews on Star Trek 500 and Star Trek Defiant issues 17-21.   News New Book Announcement (00:03:00) Star Trek 500 (00:06:47) Star Trek Defiant 17-21 (00:11:16)                 Feature: One Small Step  A New Series (00:23:57) Watching an Episode (00:28:58) The Virus (00:30:57) Impersonating Kalandans (00:32:22) The Klingons (00:37:25) The Gateways (00:43:36) Restructuring (00:44:29) Something That Works Well (00:53:39) Ratings (00:59:33) Final Thoughts (01:01:30)         Hosts Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan  Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

2/7/25 • 63:15

The Pandora Principle.     Star Trek books are some of the longest running tie-in fiction series out there which means that you never know when an entry will be a diamond in the rough or just rough. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan talk about the TOS novel, The Pandora Principle. We discuss, development hell, get him out of the way, the first chapter, Saavik, a positive or negative, mystery boxes, what?, disjointed, our ratings and final thoughts.  In the news we look at the upcoming new releases for books as well as review some comics with Star Trek issues 19-24 and Defiant issues 12-16.   News New Books Coming (00:03:21) Star Trek 19-24 (00:11:30) Star Trek Defiant 12-16 (00:17:21)                  Feature: The Pandora Principle   Development Hell (00:27:28) Get Him Out of the Way (00:32:30) The First Chapter (00:37:08) Saavik (00:39:12) A Positive or Negative (00:44:05) Mystery Boxes (00:50:11) Wait, What? (00:52:41) Disjointed (00:55:49) Ratings (01:00:26) Final Thoughts (01:02:18)         Hosts Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan  Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

12/27/24 • 67:40

Una McCormack: Asylum.     One of the joys of tie-in fiction is the way that it can delve into the backgrounds of characters to make the viewing experience feel richer because the fan has a greater understanding of what motivates the characters.  In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Jonathan Koan and Casey Pettitt are proud to welcome author Una McCormack to talk about her Strange New Worlds novel, Asylum. We discuss starting the book, timelines, the Academy storyline, lectures, and interesting friendship, the mystery, themes, writing the SNW crew, references, using talents, heartbreak, a fun note, where to find Una and our final thoughts.                 Feature: Una McCormack Starting the Book (00:03:50) Timeframes (00:06:24) The Academy Storyline (00:09:49) Lectures (00:13:05) An Interesting Friendship (00:16:09) The Mystery (00:18:02) Themes and Questions (00:22:42) Writing the SNW Crew (00:27:12) References (00:29:19) Using Talents (00:34:41) A Fun Note (00:44:56) Where to Find Una and What is Coming (00:48:23) Final Thoughts (00:50:30)       Hosts Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan  Guest  Una McCormack Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

11/8/24 • 53:46

The Nanotech War.     Star Trek Voyager is a polarizing series to say the least and yet in the realm of literature, it has made for some of the best stories in Treklit. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan talk about The Nanotech War. We discuss the book not being numbered, first impression, first contact, B’Elanna and Seven’s arcs, putting everything back in the box, wrapping up with our ratings and final thoughts. In the news we return to the comics and discuss the Sons of Star Trek series, the Star Trek 2024 Annual as well as the Star Trek Celebrations one shot.   News Sons of Star Trek (00:04:21) Star Trek 2024 Annual (00:11:53) Star Trek Celebrations (00:16:03)                 Feature: The Nanotech War     No Number (00:20:26) First Impressions (00:21:54) First Contact (00:27:30) B’Elanna’s Arc (00:34:47) 7 of 9 (00:41:27) Put Everything Back in the  Box (00:48:48) Ratings (00:51:32) Final Thoughts (00:56:21)       Hosts Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan  Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

10/18/24 • 58:40

Catalyst of Shadows.     The almost ninety year period between The Original Series and The Next Generation was perfect fodder for the novels to mine, connecting the dots between the eras as well as characters we would meet in the 24th century to those we knew from the 23rd century.  In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan talk about The Lost Era book, Catalyst of Shadows. We discuss an Uhura story, Crusher vs Pulaski, the rest of the cast, other characters, the mystery, trauma, flashbacks and timelines, plus our ratings and final thoughts.  In the news we talk about a newish book, a comic milestone and an upcoming novel release.   News A Newish Book (00:03:52) Star Trek 500 (00:05:46) Strange New Worlds: Asylum (00:08:01)                  Feature: Catalyst of Shadows  An Uhura Story (00:10:17) Crusher vs Pulaski (00:17:42) The Rest of the Cast (00:18:56) Other Characters (00:24:08) The Mystery (00:31:25) Trauma (00:42:55) Flashbacks and Timelines (00:47:16) Ratings (01:01:19) Final Thoughts (01:05:59)            Hosts Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan  Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

9/27/24 • 69:20

Deny Thy Father.     On of the beauties of tie-in fiction is the ability to go back and fill in important details or stories that might have been alluded to in a series yet the full story was never told, which is what made the idea of Star Trek’s Lost Era so enticing for fans.  In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan talk about The Lost Era novel, Deny Thy Father. We discuss the story, the connective tissue, as snapshot, a change, political thrillers, big action, how it all turns out, cameos, Star Trek stories, ratings and final thoughts. In the news we discuss the release of the final covers for two upcoming books.    News Cover Reveals (00:03:00)                 Feature: Deny Thy Father The Story (00:04:22) Connective Tissue (00:10:54) A Snapshot (00:15:53) A Change (00:21:05) Political Thriller (00:26:12) The Big Action (00:33:47) How It All Turns Out (00:31:11) Cameos (00:39:09) How to Do Star Trek Books (00:44:16) Ratings (00:48:40) Final Thoughts (00:50:07)        Hosts Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan    Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

8/31/24 • 51:56

Greg Cox: Lost to Eternity.     One of the beauties of Star Trek is all the treads that one can pull on from the plethora of stories that have been told over the years making the books the perfect place to explore all these possibilities.  In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan welcome author Greg Cox to talk about his new Star Trek book, Lost to Eternity. They discuss, being back with a new book, the genesis of the book, Saavik, a new species, the antagonist, bringing it together, writing 2024, no Past Tense, approvals, what’s coming up and final thoughts. Feature: Greg Cox Greg Cox is Back (00:03:53) The Genesis (00:04:53) Saavik (00:13:53) A New Species (00:17:54) The Antagonist (00:26:10) Bringing it Together (00:32:44) Writing 2024 (00:39:58) No Past Tense (00:43:56) Approvals (00:47:38) What’s Coming Up (00:50:05) Final Thoughts (00:57:04)          Hosts Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan  Guest  Greg Cox Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

7/30/24 • 60:52

Well of Souls.     Captain Rachael Garrett and the crew of the Enteprise-C were some of the biggest highlights of an already stellar episode of The Next Generation making them the perfect subject for one of The Lost Era novels from Pocket Books. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan talk about the Well of Souls. They discuss their expectations, kind of being in it, other characters, the structure, doing too much, ending with their ratings and final thoughts.  In the news section they discuss the latest book announcement!    News Toward the Night Announcement (00:03:11)                  Feature: Well of Souls    Expectations (00:10:20) Kind of In It (00:12:37) Other Characters (00:19:01) The Structure (00:29:08) Do Too Much (00:34:14) Rating (00:43:10) Final Thought (00:46:06)        Hosts Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan  Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

7/5/24 • 49:49

Dayton Ward: Pliable Truths.     The best tie-in fiction is something that takes the reader on a journey they never knew they needed to go on and transforms the way they look at the source material forever when they are done. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Jonathan Koan welcome author Dayton Ward to talk about his new Star Trek: The Next Generation book, Pliable Truths. We discuss the genesis of the book, Picard’s struggle, similar themes and true evil, an inconvenient truth, the O’Briens, cameos, the Oceanside, capital Qs, the end, where to find and what’s next plus our final thoughts. Feature: Dayton Ward Idea for the Book (00:03:11) Picard’s Struggle (00:08:01) Similar Themes and True Evil (00:10:50) Inconvenient Truth (00:20:07) The O’Briens (00:27:36) Cameos (00:34:22) The Oceanside (00:39:53) Capital Qs (00:45:30) The End (00:49:05) Where to Find and What’s Next (00:55:35) Final Thoughts (01:01:42)          Hosts Matthew Rushing and Jonathan Koan  Guest  Dayton Ward Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

5/21/24 • 65:15

Comics Catch Up.     Comics have been an important medium for Star Trek ever since the release of the first Gold Key comic in 1967 and they have continued over various publishers since that time. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan catch up on all the issues they’ve missed recently. They discuss being new to Star Trek comics, Picard’s Academy, The Scorpius Run, Sons of Star Trek, Star Trek, Star Trek: Defiant, wrapping up and their final thoughts.  In the news they discuss a new release that is imminent and the delay of an upcoming book as well.    News New Releases Coming  (00:02:55)               Feature: Comics Catch Up New to Comics (00:04:27) Picard’s Academy (00:06:10) Strange New Worlds: The Scorpius Run (00:11:20) Sons of Star Trek (00:21:42) Star Trek (00:31:44) Star Trek: Defiant (00:44:48) Wrapping Up (00:51:45) Final Thoughts (00:53:55)         Hosts Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan  Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

4/27/24 • 56:02

The Art and Making of Star Trek: Picard.     On August 4th, 2018 at Star Trek Las Vegas a man well known to Star Trek fans walked on stage and announced that he was back to continue the journey of a character that had begun 31 years prior.  In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing, Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan talk about The Art and Making of Star Trek: Picard. We discuss a new show, kicking off the story, had it been done before, seasons 1-3, is anything missing, our ratings and final thoughts.                  Feature: The Art and Making of Star Trek: Picard A New Show (00:03:08) Kicking Off This New Show (00:09:48) It Has Been Done Before (00:16:46) Season One (00:21:33) Season Two (00:28:54) Don’t Step On Toes (00:35:01) Season Three (00:41:23) Anything Missing? (00:48:08) Ratings (00:51:14) Final Thoughts (00:55:18)         Hosts Matthew Rushing, Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan  Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

3/30/24 • 57:37

David Mack: Firewall.     With the release of Star Trek: Picard the questions of what happened to our favorite characters from shows like Deep Space Nine and Voyager was once again up in the air and the introduction of Seven of Nine to the show made the questions around her history after the series even more mysterious. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts, Matthew, Casey and Jonathan welcome author David Mack to discuss his new Picard era novel, Firewall. We discus the background of the story, writing in the Picard timeline, Seven’s emotions, an anchor, getting in the way, new characters, the spy element, staying true, the framing device, production, making the map, what’s next for David and our final thoughts.  In the news section we discuss two newly announced books for 2024!   News Book News (00:01:43)                Feature: David Mack The Background of This Story (00:09:45) Writing in the Picard Timeline (00:13:18) Seven’s Emotions (00:20:25) An Anchor (00:30:40) Getting in the Way (00:36:50) New Characters (00:41:33) The Spy Element (00:46:16) Staying True (00:54:34) Framing Device (00:56:39) The Production of the Book (01:00:54) Making the Map (01:05:08) What is Coming Next (01:08:54) Final Thoughts (01:18:08)          Hosts Matthew Rushing, Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan  Guest  David Mack Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

2/28/24 • 82:50

The Art of the Impossible.     The era between the Star Trek TOS movies and the beginning of The Next Generation has a lot of events that are referenced in the shows but were never seen, which is fertile ground for the novels to cover. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt welcome a new host to the show in Jonathan Koan to help us talk about the next book in The Lost Era, The Art of the Impossible. We discuss the Cardassian and Klingon conflict, the juxtaposition, Curzon, many characters, other things, our ratings and final thoughts.    News A New Host (00:01:47)                  Feature: The Art of the Impossible Cardassian and Klingon Conflict (00:14:18) The Juxtaposition (00:30:47) Curzon (00:33:32) Many Characters (00:41:17) Other Characters (00:50:18) Ratings (00:54:34) Final Thoughts (00:59:03)          Hosts Matthew Rushing, Casey Pettitt and Jonathan Koan  Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

2/3/24 • 64:32

The Sundered.     The period between Star Trek Generations and the beginning of The Next Generation is ripe for storytelling and yet has scarcely been mined except in the novels. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt talk about the Lost Era novel, The Sundered. We discuss characters on the cover, the Neyel, the Tholians, responsibility, communication, connections, our ratings and final thoughts.  In the news section we judge to new books by their covers!   News New Book Covers (00:03:00)                  Feature: The Sundered Characters on the Covers (00:10:45) The Neyel (00:17:51) The Tholians (00:28:36) Responsibility (00:38:16) Communication (00:44:49) Connections (00:48:51) Ratings (00:56:08) Final Thoughts (00:58:19)           Hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt  Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

12/22/23 • 60:58

Derek Tyler Attico: The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko.     The captains of Star Trek are some of the most revered characters in the saga yet there is only one whose story is as unique as the one who lead on Deep Space Nine. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt welcome author Derek Tyler Attico to talk his book, The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko. We discuss the framing device, the family, Academy years, early career, Curzon, filling in more details, in the Celestial Temple,, ending with Benny, one last question, where to find Derek and our final thoughts. In the news we review Defiant #9 and Picard's Academy #2.   News Defiant # 9 (00:03:11)                    Picard's Academy #2 (00:08:52)   Feature: Derek Tyler Attico    The Framing Device (00:12:30) The Family (00:19:36) Academy Years (00:32:26) Early Career (00:38:44) Curzon (00:43:55) Filling in More Detail (00:46:36) In the Celestial Temple (00:52:18) Ending With Benny (00:57:37) One Last Question (01:00:58) Where to Find Derek (01:04:05) Final Thoughts (01:07:33)         Hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt    Guest  Derek Tyler Attico   Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

11/21/23 • 70:31

John and Maria Jose Tenuto: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: The Making of the Classic Film.     Coming off the heals of Star Trek: The Motion Picture it was not a forgone conclusion that there would be a sequel yet since its release in 1982 the mystique around the second Star Trek movie has only grown.  In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt welcome John and Maria Jose Tenuto to discuss their new book, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: The Making of the Classic Film. We discuss their Star Trek history, passion, Gene Roddenberry, a new captain, many scripts, an unsung hero, surprises, what to put in the book, never surpassed, favorite part, where to find them online and our final thoughts.  For the news section we discuss the Holo-ween mini series as well as Star Trek #13.   News Holo-ween Comic Series (00:02:48) Star Trek #13 (00:07:44)                  Feature: John and Maria Jose Tenudo Star Trek History (00:12:00) Passion (00:16:58) Gene Roddenberry (00:21:47) A New Captain (00:25:36) Many Scripts (00:28:57) Unsung Hero (00:32:53) Surprises (00:37:06) What to Put in the Book (00:44:00) Never Surpassed (00:51:07) Favorite Part (01:08:51) Where Online (00:14:49) Final Thoughts (01:17:54)           Hosts Matthew Rushing and C Bryan Jones  Guests  John and Maria Jose Tenuto Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

11/5/23 • 81:00

Making it So.     When people think of Star Trek, there are actors names that immediately come to mind and one of the first is Patrick Stewart for his portrayal of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt talk about Patrick Stewart's memoir, Making it So. We discuss his early life, theater life, leading to Picard, left out, Star Trek work, other movies, Star Trek Picard, further stories our ratings and final thoughts.  In a monster news section we have a contest announcement,  some sad news, two book announcements, a comic announcement, then review Star Trek #12, Shax's Best Day, Defiant #8, Motion Picture Echos #5, The Scorpious Run #2 and Picard's Academy #1.   News Contest (00:02:17) Sad News (00:04:24) Pliable Truths (00:05:12) Lost To Eternity (00:10:16)                 Sons of Star Trek (00:13:58) Star Trek #12 (00:18:32) Shax's Best Day (00:22:35) Defiant #8 (00:24:52) Motion Picture Echos #5 (00:29:03) The Scorpious Run #2 (00:32:22) Picard's Academy #1 (00:35:43) Feature: Making it So   Something Interesting (00:42:58) Early Life (00:47:21) Theater Life (00:52:55) Leading to Picard (01:00:51) Left Out (01:04:37) Star Trek Work (01:07:29) Other Movies (01:12:05) Star Trek Picard (01:15:28) Further Stories (01:26:07) Ratings (01:29:22) Final Thoughts (01:31:56)        Hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt  Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

10/24/23 • 93:57

Cast No Shadow.     The fallout of the conspiracy that Kirk and his crew uncover in The Undiscovered Country is not something that we get to see on screen, thankfully the books exist. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt talk about Cast No Shadow. We discuss unpacking Valeris, Spock's small role, unpacking the conspiracy, fueling hate, Elias Vaughn's first mission, one last question, our ratings and final thoughts.  In the news section we review Star Trek #11, Defiant #7 and a new Strange New Worlds comic, The Scorpius Run.   News Star Trek #11 and Defiant #7 (00:02:53)  Strange New Worlds: The Scorpius Run #1 (00:06:25)                Feature: Cast No Shadow Unpacking Valeris (00:12:41) Spock's Small Role (00:26:08) Unpacking the Conspiracy (00:31:49) Fueling Hate (00:39:23) Elias Vaughn's First Mission (00:45:12) One Last Question (00:49:28) Ratings (00:52:35) Final Thoughts (00:55:00)         Hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt  Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

9/16/23 • 57:08

The Buried Age.     Jean-Luc Picard's life is so much more than his time on the Enterprise, in fact he had a whole lifetime of events that helped forge the man we saw on screen in The Next Generation. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt talk about Lost Era novel, The Buried Age. We discuss Picard's buried age, failure, the Manroloth, the science, setting up TNG, our ratings and final thoughts.  The news is jam-packed with goodies as we talk about licensing news, a cover reveal and then review Dog of War #4, The Motion Picture Echos #3, Star Trek #10, Star Trek Defiant #5 and Day of Blood #1.   News Licensing News (00:03:35) Cover Reveal (00:07:45) Dog of War #4 (00:10:20) The Motion Picture Echos #3 (00:15:20) Star Trek #10 (00:21:57) Star Trek Defiant #5 (00:27:11) Day of Blood #1 (00:31:50)                  Feature: The Buried Age Picard's Buried Age (00:37:56) Failure (00:49:59) The Manroloth (00:57:32) The Science (01:10:29) Setting Up TNG (01:15:32) Ratings (01:25:14) Final Thoughts (01:27:31)           Hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt  Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

8/13/23 • 90:02

Rebels: The Liberated.     The revelations finally come in the final book in this trilogy, how the Tiffnaki came to be on the planet and just who the Liberated are that have taken over Emissary's Sanctuary. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt talk about end of the Deep Space Nine trilogy Rebels with The Liberated. We discuss the natives, the Liberated, the past, how bad was it, our ratings and final thoughts.  There is a lot of news as we discuss an audiobook and new book announcement, discuss comics and canon, then review Star Trek #9 and The Motion Picture: Echoes #2.   News New Audiobook (00:03:04) New Book Announcement (00:04:50) Comics and Canon (00:08:30) Star Trek #9 (00:11:21) The Motion Picture: Echoes #2 (00:15:20)                  Feature: The Liberated The Natives (00:18:40) The Liberated (00:27:31) The Past (00:32:38) How Bad Was It (00:35:40) Ratings (00:38:30) Final Thoughts (00:40:12)          Hosts Matthew Rushing and C Casey Pettitt  Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

7/2/23 • 43:51

Dayton Ward: Somewhere to Belong.     The crew of the U.S.S. Discovery was hurled into the 31st century and it left a lot of lingering questions for fans as season 4 picked up with everyone seeming to be completely fine with the massive change in their lives. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt welcome author Dayton Ward to talk about his new book, Somewhere to Belong that fills in the gaps between seasons 3 and 4 of Star Trek: Discovery. We discuss the setting, the Xaheans, storylines, mental health, writing with shows in production, the spore drive, writing advanced tech, movie night, the legacy, what's next and our final thoughts.  In the new we review the annual issue of the Star Trek comic.   News Star Trek Annual 2023 (00:03:31)            Feature: Dayton Ward The Setting (00:10:58) The Xaheans (00:16:42) Storylines (00:25:16) Mental Health (00:27:59) Writing With Shows in Production (00:34:22) The Spore Drive (00:40:06) Writing Advanced Tech (00:47:33) Movie Night (00:51:13) The Legacy (00:54:04) What's Next (00:56:35)         Final Thoughts (01:03:46) Hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt  Guest  Dayton Ward Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

6/11/23 • 68:52

Dark Matters: Shadow of Heaven.     The crew of the U.S.S. Voyager is on one of the most important missions they have ever been given as the fate of every galaxy hangs in the balance and Harry once again finds love in all the wrong places.  In this episode of Literary Treks, hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt talk about the final book in the Star Trek: Voyager, Dark Matters trilogy, Shadow of Heaven. We discuss Paris and Chakotay, Janeway, Jekri, Harry's bad luck, interluding character, our ratings and final thoughts. In the news section we discuss a lot of comics starting by celebrating the Eisner Awards nominations then reviewing Dog of War #2, The Motion Picture: Echoes #1, Star Trek #7, Day of Blood: Prelude, Defiant #3 and Star Trek #8.   News Eisner Awards Nominations (00:03:33) Dog of War #2 (00:04:41) The Motion Picture: Echoes #1 (00:08:15) Star Trek #7 (00:13:16) Day of Blood: Prelude (00:17:40) Defiant #3 (00:20:58) Star Trek #8 (00:24:35)                 Feature: Shadow of Heaven   Paris and Chakotay (00:29:53) Janeway (00:37:37) Jekri (00:39:50) Harry's Bad Luck (00:46:28) Interluding Character (00:48:02) Ratings (00:51:23) Final Thoughts (00:54:25)        Hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt  Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

5/28/23 • 58:40

Rebels: The Courageous.     Deep Space Nine is no longer under Starfleet's care as the Bajorans take running the station for a test drive, while Sisko and the crew of the Defiant find themselves in a no-win Prime Directive scenario on one of the strangest worlds you'll ever read about for Star Trek. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt talk about the second book in the Deep Space Nine trilogy Rebels, The Courageous. We discuss Sisko and his group's story, the Defiant, Jadzia and Julian, an Orb experience, our ratings and final thoughts.  In the news we talk about post Picard literature, then we review Star Trek #6, Defiant #2, The Illyrian Enigma #4 and The Dog of War #1.       News Post Picard Literature (00:02:56) Star Trek #6 (00:13:03) Defiant #2 (00:18:02) The Illyrian Enigma #4 (00:22:01) The Dog of War #1 (00:28:31)             Feature: The Courageous Sisko and Crew (00:34:05) Jadzia, Julian and the Defiant (00:37:59) An Orb Experience (00:45:01) Ratings (00:45:01) Final Thoughts (00:54:09)       Hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt  Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

4/30/23 • 57:35

Dark Matters: Ghost Dance.     The crew of the U.S.S. Voyager finds itself tasked with one of the most interesting missions they've had as they try to find a way of ridding the universe of the mutated dark matter. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt talk about Dark Matters: Ghost Dance. We discuss Paris and Chakotay, the Entity, the Romulan story, meanwhile on Voyager, Harry is in love again, our ratings and final thoughts.  In the news we have a new comic announcement plus our reviews of Resurgence #5, Star Trek #5 and Star Trek: Defiant #1.      News Comic Announcement (00:03:51) Resurgence #5 (00:06:01) Star Trek #5 (00:10:22) Star Trek: Defiant #1 (00:14:06)                  Feature: Dark Matters: Ghost Dance Paris and Chakotay (00:18:17) The Entity (00:28:46) The Romulan Story (00:32:35) Meanwhile on Voyager (00:37:49) Harry is in Love Again (00:43:43) Ratings (00:45:24) Final Thoughts (00:47:49)         Hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt  Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

4/10/23 • 51:52

John Jackson Miller: The High Country.     One of the joys of a new Star Trek series is when the literature is able to fill in gaps and create new adventures for the crew. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt are joined by author John Jackson Miller to talk about his new book, the first Strange New Worlds novel, The High Country. We discuss the timeline, the genesis, an event novel, as utopia's turn, willful blindness, everyone is trapped, you can't stop time, technology, use of characters, everything means something, what's next for John and our final thoughts.  In the news we have a new issue of The Illyrian Enigma to review!   News The Illyrian Enigma #3 (00:03:17)                  Feature: John Jackson Miller The Timeline (00:09:53) The Genesis (00:16:12) An Event Novel (00:33:16) As Utopia's Turn (00:38:46) Willful Blindness (00:44:01) Everyone is Trapped (00:46:01) You Can't Stop Time (00:52:34) Technology (01:04:12) Use of Characters (01:11:10) Everything Means Something (01:13:28) What is Next for John (01:17:19) Final Thoughts (01:23:12)        Hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt  Guest  John Jackson Miller Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

3/5/23 • 87:26

Rebels: The Conquered.     The mission of Captain Sisko was to help Bajor get ready for Federation membership so what better way to do that than to hand over the station to the Bajorians for sixty days to see if they are ready for the responsibility. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt talk about the first book in a trilogy, Rebels: The Conquered. We discuss Emissary's Sanctuary, a strange mission, perspective, Quark has a point, Dax in command, the Founders, tone, our ratings and final thoughts.  In a jam-packed news section we talk about the release of The High Country, a new comic announcement and review three new comic issues.    News The High Country Release (00:03:32) New Comic Announcement (00:04:53) Resurgence #4 (00:07:39) Illyrian Enigma #2 (00:10:14) Star Trek #4 (00:13:38)                 Feature: The Conquered Emissary's Sanctuary (00:20:54) A Strange Mission (00:29:38) Perspective (00:37:19) Quark has a Point (00:44:55) Dax in Command (00:49:32) The Founders (00:53:20) Tone (00:55:16) Ratings (00:58:59) Final Thoughts (01:01:53)        Hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt  Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

2/26/23 • 64:45

Dark Matters: Cloak and Dagger. By the time that Star Trek: Voyager was released, there were not as many numbered books coming out for the series, so compared with The Next Generation or The Original Series, the amount of literature for Voyager seems miniscule. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt talk about the nineteenth Voyager novel, Dark Matters: Cloak and Dagger. We discuss the needle's eye, the Shepherds, a mysterious character, disappearing act, it's short, bedfellows, our ratings and final thoughts. In the news we have a lot of comics to review starting with Star Trek #3, Resurgence #3 and Trill, plus a book announcement. News Book Announcement (00:03:38) Star Trek #3 (00:06:52) Star Trek: Resurgence #3 (00:13:02) Trill (00:16:06) Feature: Cloak and Dagger The Needle's Eye (00:19:31) The Shepherds (00:23:02) A Mysterious Character (00:34:26) Disappearing Act (00:36:44) It's Short (00:41:28) Bedfellows (00:44:14) Ratings (00:46:56) Final Thoughts (00:50:17) Hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt Guest David Mack Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

2/5/23 • 53:25

David Mack: Harm's Way. One of the beauties of tie-in fiction is the ability to fill in the gaps between episodes, giving authors the ability to show how characters deal with the aftermath of the life-changing events that don't always get seen onscreen in the next episode. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt welcome back author David Mack to talk about his latest novel for The Original Series, Harm's Way. We discuss working Vanguard back in, aftermath, is a beautiful lie beautiful, Spock, respect, the prime directive, the Klingons, just say no, the future and our final thoughts. In the news we review two new comics, issue two of Resurgence and the first issue of The Illyrian Enigma. News Resurgence #2 (00:03:56) The Illyrian Enigma (00:08:52) Feature: David Mack A Gentlemen's Agreement (00:13:50) Weaving Vanguard Back In (00:19:24) Aftermath (00:33:25) Is a Beautiful Lie Beautiful (00:42:29) Spock (00:50:01) Respect (00:56:32) The Prime Directive (01:02:06) The Klingons (01:05:27) Just Say No (01:15:32) The Future (01:22:39) Final Thoughts (01:43:43) Hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt Guest David Mack Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

1/6/23 • 107:38

Enterprise: The First Adventure. Every journey has a beginning which means the crew of the Enterprise from The Original Series had to become the family fans knew through working together, one mission at a time. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt talk about Enterprise: The First Adventure. We discuss the first mission, Kirk, Spock, Rand, Uhura, first contact, the Klingons, the vaudeville company, our ratings and final thoughts. In the news we review Lower Decks third issue and the second issue of Star Trek. News Lower Decks #3 (00:03:22) Star Trek #2 (00:10:14) Feature: Enterprise: The First Adventure The First Mission (00:16:04) Kirk (00:20:52) Spock (00:32:00) Rand (00:39:34) Uhura (00:45:40) First Contact (00:47:29) The Klingons (00:52:04) The Vaudeville Company (00:54:22) Ratings (00:59:58) Recommendations (01:01:37) Hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

12/18/22 • 64:44

Ship of the Line. One of the blessings of tie-in fiction is the ability of writers to fill in the gaps between episodes or movies in a franchise and Star Trek's literature has done that better than most. In this episode of Literary Treks Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt discuss Ship of the Line. We discuss back story, another gap, Madred, the Klingon villain, Picard's journey, Bateson's journey, Riker, diversity, it just ends, jargon, our ratings and final thoughts. In the news section we review the first issue of Star Trek: Resurgence, the comic lead-in to a new Star Trek video game. News Star Trek: Resurgence #1 (00:03:52) Feature: Ship of the Line Back Story (00:14:05) Another Gap (00:19:31) Madred (00:23:14) The Klingon Villain (00:26:09) Picard's Journey (00:29:23) Bateson's Journey (00:38:29) Riker (00:41:41) Diversity (00:45:31) It Just Ends (00:47:43) Jargon (00:50:11) Ratings (00:53:23) Final Thoughts (00:56:09) Hosts Matthew Rushing and Casey Pettitt Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Greg Rozier (Associate Producer) Casey Pettitt (Associate Producer)

12/4/22 • 60:20