Hi! We are Kelly McElroy and Jason Schneemann, Co-hosts of sustainabiliME. We love learning about everything related to sustainability and the environment. In this podcast we will do just that. We will showcase a cool story, project, idea, etc. related to this topic as well as discuss at least one thing the average person could consider implementing in their own life related to sustainability.
Today Jason and Kelly will be evaluating their carbon footprint now that they have moved to a new house in a new town. According to the Nature Conservancy, "The average carbon footprint for a person in the United States is 16 tons, one of the highest rates in the world. Globally, the average carbon footprint is closer to 4 tons. To have the best chance of avoiding a 2℃ rise in global temperatures, the average global carbon footprint per year needs to drop to under 2 tons by 2050." In order to make progress, you first need to measure where you are at, so that's exactly what Kelly and Jason are about to do. This is part of a decarbonization series where Kelly and Jason will evaluate the various ways individuals can reduce their carbon emissions in their own home. Topics that will be covered include heat pumps, induction stove tops, solar, and more! Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Nature Conservancy Carbon Footprint Calculator: https://www.nature.org/en-us/get-involved/how-to-help/carbon-footprint-calculator/
5/9/24 • 30:56
We're Back! That's right, after taking a break, Kelly and Jason are back in the podcast booth... or at least the living room couch recording the podcast. After moving to the Metro Detroit area, they decided to dive into the topic of home decarbonization from weatherization, HVAC, kitchen appliances and more. In today's episode, they will be introducing the topic for this series. Since this will take some research, episodes will not drop every week as they did in the past, however they will do their best not to have a 4 month drought again anytime soon. So give this podcast a follow on social media @sustainabiliME.pod and share with your friends and family! Also HAPPY EARTH DAY!!! Also HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY SUSTAINABILIME!!!
4/22/24 • 19:49
Today Jason and Kelly will be providing an overview of the recent COP 28 that took place between November 30th to December 12th in Dubai. This Conference of Parties (COP) gathered to discuss all things climate change related. Specifically, they discussed reducing fossil fuel usage, loss and damage, adaptation, and food. So was this a good COP or a bad COP? Listen to find out! Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Sources: https://www.carbonbrief.org/cop28-key-outcomes-agreed-at-the-un-climate-talks-in-dubai/ https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/Summary_GCA_COP28.pdf https://www.carbonbrief.org/qa-what-is-the-global-stocktake-and-could-it-accelerate-climate-action/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/dec/13/what-the-cop28-agreement-says-and-what-it-means https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidblackmon/2023/12/13/cop28-offers-transition-away-from-fossil-fuels-but-no-phaseout/?sh=7ba0abfa6587 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/dec/17/cop28-sustainable-agriculture-food-greenhouse-gases
12/20/23 • 35:49
Today Jason and Kelly will be covering the sustainable stories from the month of November. These stories include: MI Clean Energy Bills, Kenya tree planting, Deforestation decrease in Brazil, the Vatican going electric, and the first commercial transatlantic flight with SAF. Follow us on social media @sustainabilime.pod Sources: Kenya Tree Planting: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/07/kenya-makes-13-november-nationwide-tree-planting-day-a-public-holiday https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-67400448 Tree Equity App: https://www.treeequityscore.org/map#9/42.3854/-83.1075 Amazon Deforestation: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-is-the-amazon-so-important-for-climate-change1/ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/09/climate/amazon-deforestation.html Vatican going electric: https://apnews.com/article/vatican-pope-environment-volkswagen-058e7118a074c095a6b47cd1a770419d https://www.nbcnews.com/business/autos/pope-francis-get-all-electric-popemobile-ev-startup-fisker-n1268224 Transatlantic SAF Flight: https://www.reuters.com/sustainability/virgin-atlantic-jet-lift-off-maiden-transatlantic-flight-low-carbon-fuel-2023-11-28/
12/13/23 • 27:38
Today I’ll be chatting with Jeff Grasser, Senior Resort Operations & Sustainability Manager for Copper Mountain Ski Resort located in Frisco, Colorado. It’s really exciting to be releasing this episode today, because as of this week, the 2023-2024 ski season at Copper is officially upon us. What’s also exciting is the fact that Copper Mountain is truly serious about their sustainability efforts through their Play Forever campaign. Jeff will be covering all of the pillars of that campaign including energy, waste, land, and community. He will be really diving into the land preservation and enhancement techniques that enhance biodiversity and carbon sequestration on the mountain. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Copper Mountain Ski Resort Copper Mountain Play Forever POWDR
11/15/23 • 35:38
Today Jason and Kelly will be covering the sustainable stories from the month of October. These stories include Kelly getting a job, the Pope and climate change, California's senate bill 253, and the US clean hydrogen hubs. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Sources: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/05/climate/the-popes-warning-to-a-warming-world.html#:~:text=In%20clear%2C%20precise%20language%2C%20the,selfishly%20turning%20a%20blind%20eye. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/10/13/biden-harris-administration-announces-regional-clean-hydrogen-hubs-to-drive-clean-manufacturing-and-jobs/ https://www.greenbiz.com/article/gov-newsom-ratifies-emissions-law-impacts-5300-california-companies
11/9/23 • 22:09
Today I’ll be chatting with Paul Hickman, Owner and Founder of Urban Ashes in Ann Arbor, MI. Urban Ashes is an urban wood consulting and design company with a mission to collaborate with municipalities, businesses, and universities to design, develop, and implement circular UrbanWood Triconomies. I’ve been seeing a lot of beautiful furniture made from urban wood, so I’m really excited to learn more about all of the sustainable practices. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Urban Ashes Urban Wood Network
10/25/23 • 39:06
Today I’ll be chatting with Nick Kemp, Technical Director of Fresh Coast Climate Solutions. Fresh Coast is a climate consulting company focused on bold solutions and transformative action in various areas such as carbon and climate, water, biodiversity, cleantech, and ESG. This makes Nick the perfect person to talk about today’s topic - Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting 101. Recently, many of us have been hearing a variety of climate commitments from companies. From going carbon neutral or net zero to reducing scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, and so on. But What exactly are these emissions that they are talking about and how are they calculated? Today, Nick is going to explain all of that! Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Sources: Fresh Coast Climate Solutions GHG Protocol Science Based Targets (SBTi) EPA GHG Emission Factors Hub EPA eGRID SEC Climate Disclosure Proposal EU Law: CSRD Michigan Climate Wise Program Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI)
10/18/23 • 44:32
Today Jason and Kelly will be covering sustainable stories from the month of September 2023. These stories include: Shell moving away from offsets, heat pump efficiency, Climate Corps, Starbucks reusable cups, Lego ditching rPET, and Ireland refusing a new LNG terminal. Follow us on social media @sustainabilime.pod Sources: https://www.greenbiz.com/article/cost-effective-new-study-confirms-heat-pump-efficiency-freezing-temperatures https://www.npr.org/2023/09/20/1200483937/biden-climate-corps-job-training https://www.irishtimes.com/environment/2023/09/15/planning-board-refuses-permission-for-650m-shannon-lng-terminal/ https://www.whitehouse.gov/climatecorps/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/08/shell-signals-retreat-from-carbon-offsetting https://www.lego.com/en-us/aboutus/news/2021/june/prototype-lego-brick-recycled-plastic?locale=en-us https://time.com/6314978/sustainability-starbucks-cup-overhaul/
10/10/23 • 26:57
Today I’ll be chatting with Greg Woodring, President of Ann Arbor for Public Power. A2P2 is a group advocating for a 100% renewable, public-owned electric utility for the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Prior to moving to Ann Arbor, I wasn’t too familiar with public power systems, but it turns out that they are more common than I thought. Check out today's episode to learn more! Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Ann Arbor for Public Power: https://annarborpublicpower.org/ Ann Arbor Sustainable Energy Utility: https://www.a2gov.org/departments/sustainability/Sustainability-Me/Pages/Ann-Arbor's-Sustainable-Energy-Utility-(SEU).aspx
9/19/23 • 29:40
Today Jason and Kelly will be covering the sustainable stories from the month of August 2023. These stories include Vogtle Unit 3 being operational, Norway's largest floating wind farm, London's low emission zones, and Montana's climate lawsuit. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Sources: https://www.georgiapower.com/company/news-center/2023-articles/vogtle-unit-3-goes-into-operation.html https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/08/23/norway-worlds-biggest-floating-wind-farm-will-power-oil-and-gas-platforms#:~:text=The%20world's%20biggest%20floating%20wind,nearby%20oil%20and%20gas%20platforms. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/28/cars/ulez-expansion-london-vehicle-emissions/index.html https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/14/montana-judge-sides-with-youth-in-climate-trial-00107668
9/6/23 • 26:59
Today I’ll be chatting with Jean-François Gauthier, VP of Strategic Initiatives at GHGSat - Global Emissions Monitoring. GHGSat is a global leader in greenhouse gas emissions monitoring. They use satellite based and aerial remote sensing technology to identify emissions such as methane leaks and provide this information to companies looking to better their environmental impact. I personally find this technology to be fascinating and am excited to learn more. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod GHGSat: https://www.ghgsat.com/en/ Global Methane Pledge: https://www.globalmethanepledge.org/
8/29/23 • 40:23
Today I’ll be chatting with Kendra Schneider, the founder of Takeout Takeout out of Lansing, MI. Takeout Takeout is a company focused on providing reusable and returnable takeout containers for restaurants and businesses. I personally love the idea of a returnable takeout container, because I absolutely hate the waste associated with takeout food - especially the flimsy plastic and styrofoam containers. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Takeout Takeout website: https://www.takeouttakeoutmi.com/ UM Reusable Takeout Container Study: https://seas.umich.edu/news/u-m-study-finds-reusable-take-out-food-containers-can-significantly-reduce-plastic-waste
8/15/23 • 22:18
Today Jason and Kelly will be covering the sustainable stories from the month of July 2023. These stories include a nature restoration bill in the EU, DTE planning to retire their Monroe Coal Plant early, a new clothing repair law in France, and the largest wind turbine becoming operational. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Sources: https://www.freep.com/story/money/business/michigan/2023/07/12/dte-coal-monroe-power-plant-closing/70404985007/ https://www.sciencealert.com/the-largest-and-most-powerful-wind-turbine-ever-built-is-now-operational https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/12/eu-passes-nature-restoration-law-vote-meps https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/12/stitch-in-time-france-to-help-pay-for-clothes-to-be-mended-to-cut-waste
8/1/23 • 19:01
Today I will be chatting with Riley Nelson, Head of Sustainability for NASCAR. NASCAR recently released commitments for achieving net zero operating emissions by 2035 which really peaked my interest! I’m so excited to learn more about all of the sustainability initiatives that NASCAR is pursuing. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod NASCAR Sustainability Commitments NASCAR Impact
7/25/23 • 18:41
Today I will be chatting with Dr. Sarah Mills, Lecturer at the School for Environment and Sustainability and Sr. Research Specialist at the Graham Sustainability Institute all at the University of Michigan. Sarah’s current research is focused on energy policy and land use planning, which is a topic I personally find fascinating especially since it highlights the interdependence between rural and urban communities. As the push for renewable energy continues to grow in order to clean the grid, this topic is going to be more and more important. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Sources: https://graham.umich.edu/users/sbmills https://www.bostonsolar.us/solar-blog-resource-center/blog/the-basics-of-the-itc-vs-ptc-for-commercial-solar-installation/
7/11/23 • 35:57
Today Jason and Kelly will be covering the sustainable stories from the month of June 2023. These stories include: drone displays, 3M's PFAS settlement, the Church of England divesting from fossil fuels, and EV chargers. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Sources: https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/02/us/drones-replace-july-fourth-fireworks-trnd/index.html https://www.reuters.com/sustainability/church-england-plans-disinvest-fossil-fuels-this-year-2023-06-22/ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/22/business/3m-settlement-forever-chemicals-lawsuit.html https://apnews.com/article/tesla-connector-gm-ford-electric-vehicle-charging-a180cc55bbe3d7d7738a2690ca22ab0d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhTpnMnaZjo https://www.target.com/p/dartwood-reusable-water-balloons-kid-pool-toy-magnetic-self-sealing-reusable-water-balloon-for-kids-12-pack/-/A-88766437
7/5/23 • 29:05
On today's episode, Jason and Kelly will be discussing the ongoing Canadian wildfires. We will discuss what is happening, how many fires there are currently, health and safety impacts, and why these fires are so bad. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Sources: Current Canadian Fire Status Colorado Avalanche Player Opens Home EPA: Health Impacts from Wildfires The Guardian: Canada Wildfires and US Smoke Pollution NYT: Canadian Wildfires BBC: Is Climate Change Fueling Canadian Fires? Climate vs. Weather Definitions NYT: Canada's Ability to Prevent Forest Fires Lags Behind Need Washington Examiner: Fire Underfunding and Mismanagement USDA: Biden's 2024 Proposed Budget - Wildfire Smithsonian: Smokey Bear History
6/13/23 • 27:38
Today Jason and Kelly will be covering the sustainable stories from the month of May 2023. These stories include: Mars Bars Packaging, France's ban on short-haul domestic flights, diapers used in building houses, and electricity from humidity. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Sources: https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/12/02/is-france-banning-private-jets-everything-we-know-from-a-week-of-green-transport-proposals https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/may/29/mars-bar-wrappers-changed-to-paper-from-plastic-in-uk-trial https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/this-new-device-generates-electricity-from-thin-air-180982263/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/concrete-made-with-shredded-diapers-is-just-as-strong-and-saves-landfill-space/
6/6/23 • 24:13
Today I will be chatting with Maulik Vaishnav, Vice President of Innovation at the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), about all things related to sustainable transit in the city of Chicago. We will touch on the current rollouts and future plans for technological upgrades and how they will be implemented in an equitable way across the city. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod CTA Sustainability: https://www.transitchicago.com/environment/
5/23/23 • 40:24
Today I’ll be chatting with Kilian Roach, Director of Compliance and Sustainable Engagement at Comprenew. Comprenew is a company focused on electronic recycling and refurbishment located in Grand Rapids, MI. Electronics are everywhere now from our phones, tvs, computers, and video games. Each of these items contain metals that can be reused in new products so electronic recycling and refurbishment is only becoming more and more important. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Comprenew: https://comprenew.org/ Basel Convention: https://www.unep.org/resources/report/basel-convention-control-transboundary-movements-hazardous-wastes#:~:text=The%20Basel%20Convention%20regulates%20the,flammable%2C%20ecotoxic%20and%20infectious%20wastes.
5/9/23 • 26:20
Today Jason and Kelly will be covering the sustainable stories from the month of April 2023. These stories include: Boston's climate building codes, EPA proposed tailpipe rules, Apple using recycled metals, and Lego building a carbon neutral factory. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Sources: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/04/05/science/boston-city-council-votes-adopt-new-climate-friendly-state-building-code/ https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/12/politics/car-pollution-standards-electric-vehicles-biden-climate/index.html https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2023/04/apple-will-use-100-percent-recycled-cobalt-in-batteries-by-2025/ https://www.emergingrisks.co.uk/lego-in-1-billion-carbon-neutral-factory-plan/
4/25/23 • 21:16
Today is a day of reflection. Jason will be interviewing Kelly about completing her masters degree in sustainability as well as the past 4 years of podcasting on sustainabiliME. All of these events line up with Earth Day... that has gotta mean something right?! Happy Earth Day everyone! Follow us on social media @sustainabilime.pod If you would like to learn more about the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan, click here: https://seas.umich.edu/
4/21/23 • 32:04
Today I’ll be chatting with Hannah Craik, founder of Salonvironment. Hannah is a licensed cosmetologist and hairdresser, but found herself wanting to help the beauty industry become more sustainable. Thus, she started Salonvironment to help educate the salon industry and help them to recycle. This is an industry that I’m not super familiar with, so I’m super excited to learn from Hannah. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Sources: https://www.salonvironment.com/ https://greencirclesalons.com/ https://shop.terracycle.com/en-US/products/mixed-salon-waste-saloncycle-recycling-box https://earth911.com/
4/11/23 • 27:05
Today Jason and Kelly will be covering the sustainable stories from the month of March 2023. These stories include: United's Chief Trash Officer, Allbirds M0.0NSHOT, U.S. Renewables, and Mackinac Island's electric ferry. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Sources: https://apnews.com/article/renewable-energy-coal-nuclear-climate-change-dd4a0b168fe057f430e37398615155a0 https://www.michigan.gov/egle/newsroom/press-releases/2023/03/10/first-electric-powered-mackinac-island-ferry-is-in-the-works https://www.allbirds.com/pages/moonshot-zero-carbon-shoes https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/company/responsibility/chief-trash-officer.html
4/4/23 • 22:41
Today I’ll be chatting with Brianna Treat, Director of Sustainability for Climate Pledge Arena and the Seattle Kraken. The Seattle Kraken is the newest team to join the NHL, and the Climate Pledge Arena is one of the most impressive arena’s in the world. In fact, they strive to be the most progressive, responsible, and sustainable arena in the world and so far, I’d say they are doing a great job! As many of you know, I’m a huge NHL fan, so I’m beyond excited to chat with Brianna about everything that Climate Pledge Arena is doing. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Sources: https://climatepledgearena.com/sustainability/ https://www.usgbc.org/leed https://true.gbci.org/true-advisor https://living-future.org/
3/28/23 • 38:41
On this week's episode, Jason and Kelly will continue the series on sustainable labels and certification. This particular episode will focus on milk, specifically, dairy, oat, soy, almond, and rice. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Sources: https://ourworldindata.org/environmental-impact-milks https://www.organicvalley.coop/blog/difference-between-pasteurized-and-ultra-pasteurized-milk/ https://www.validusservices.com/validus-certified-programs https://www.rainforest-alliance.org/ https://www.nongmoproject.org/ https://horizon.com/pioneeringorganic
3/21/23 • 26:09
On this week's episode, we will continue talking about sustainable product labels. We intended to talk about food as a broad category, however we this plan changed once we realized how many labels were involved with eggs alone. Who knew?! We will dive into Certified Humane, Animal Welfare Approved, Global Animal Partnership, UEP Cage Free Certified, and more. Check out our social media @sustainabiliME.pod Sources: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/1/30/18197688/organic-cage-free-wild-caught-certified-humane https://certifiedhumane.org/ https://uepcertified.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/uep-certified-info-graphic-1.png
3/14/23 • 27:04
It's officially Episode 200! What an accomplishment! There was another very recent accomplishment coming out of the United Nations... the High Seas Treaty! Today Jason and Kelly will provide an overview on this new treaty which is aimed at protecting marine life in international waters. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Sources: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/mar/05/high-seas-treaty-agreement-to-protect-international-waters-finally-reached-at-un https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/reports/2020/03/a-path-to-creating-the-first-generation-of-high-seas-protected-areas
3/7/23 • 21:30
Today Jason and Kelly will be covering the sustainable stories from the month of February 2023. These stories include: REI banning PFAS, recycling wind turbine blades, Our Next Energy launching renewable energy storage, and the dodo bird. Follow us on social media @sustainabiliME.pod Sources: https://www.vestas.com/en/media/company-news/2023/vestas-unveils-circularity-solution-to-end-landfill-for-c3710818 https://grist.org/accountability/rei-will-ban-forever-chemicals-from-clothes-and-cookware-in-2024/ https://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/autos/2023/02/23/novi-based-our-next-energy-expands-into-renewable-energy-storage/69932611007/ https://www.sciencealert.com/a-billion-dollar-biotech-company-plans-to-bring-the-dodo-back-to-life
2/28/23 • 24:48