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The Explanation Podcast

The Explanation: How to bring peace and prosperity to humankind. Our 21st century world must assemble with the Bible narrative if there's any value there. Join me and check out the original language, the Biblical Hebrew, of the dawn of our Universe and humankind in the first chapters of Genesis. They establish the history of Earth and the story of humanity. Unlock Bible meaning with a unique, no fuss study method, see the Bible pieces form a perfectly assembled puzzle and reveal the answers for today's society. The Bible is more contemporary than you realize. Dare to dig for Bible meaning.


The manufacturer is the best-placed advocate. God created humans and gave us Proverbs. Proverbs are Rules for Life We may consider the word proverb as a quaint inspirational maxim, but it is much more in Biblical Hebrew. Proverb is "mashal" and means to rule. The Commandments and Proverbs are Guardrails We are all subject to the hazards of life and need solid guardrails and instructions to keep us on the right track. A Practical Workbook The WHY and HOW are solved; now we move on to WHAT we can and must do for the optimum operation of these two spirits we possess, the instructions to apply to bring mental health. Healing Mental Health Healing mental health means favorably leveraging our thoughts and actions concerning those inner fears and outer forces. The key is that each of the approximately 800 proverb instructions can be associated with one or more of the mental traits and actions in the above diagram. Focus on a Proverb/Action for a Week The goal is to determine what specific aspect, and I do mean precise detail, of your character you will focus your attention on this week. This video is Chapter 22 of the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook uncovering consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This video comes from #mindandbody #transformyourmind #consciousnessexplained PS. Join the free mini-course Uncover the Mystery of Adam and Eve's Nakedness. Eye-opening Biblical Hebrew.

9/6/24 • 18:16

Religion considers the 10 Commandments from a theological, Testament, Covenant, or doctrinal perspective. What about the practical? Short History of the Commandments They were present from the Garden of Eden, through Cain, Noah, Nimrod, Abraham and his descendants, God formalized the 10 Commandments to the 12-tribe nation of Israel and the mixed multitude on Mount Sinai at the Exodus. Solomon Published Wisdom Books One of the highlights of the history of the Israel era is Solomon's prayer to God. God gave Solomon THE understanding of HOW TO govern UNconverted people (the nation of Israel, and by extension ALL people) in these five domains so they'd benefit the most from their life in this world. Solomon's Children, ALL people Solomon had children, but the audience to whom he addresses Proverbs goes far beyond his own begotten family, his tribes, and even his nation. Proverbs are for ALL people; meditate on these passages. Pro. 1:4 Whoso is simple (Sam: ALL people), let him turn in here: as for him that wants understanding... 10 Commandments in Proverbs for Everyone, Everywhere The 10 Commandments are very much alive. The 10 Commandments are the wisdom of Proverbs calling from everywhere to everyone. Listen up. Here are the new Proverbs 10 Commandments: Many Books about Psychology Notice God's response to Solomon's request for wisdom: "none like you before you, neither after you." God gave him understanding (Biblical Hebrew meaning, among others, publish). It's time for practical applied psychology from Proverbs, starting with keeping God's 10 Commandments, the whole duty of humans, to nurture and heal minds. This video is Chapter 21 of the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook uncovering consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This video comes from #mindandbody #transformyourmind #consciousnessexplained PS. Join the free mini-course Uncover the Mystery of Adam and Eve's Nakedness. Eye-opening Biblical Hebrew.

8/30/24 • 20:18

Just like a skyscraper or a plane, when God formed man, it required norms for quality and durability. Then, ongoing maintenance specifications must be met to keep it at its optimum functioning level. These same principles apply to planet Earth and when the Creator formed man, its human inhabitants. But, when proper upkeep is not met, water seeps in, as does mental ill-health. God formed man and woman with tolerant consciousnesses and minds. We can feed our mental faculties an awful lot of junk ideas, drugs, phony practices, fake news, and lies before there are signs of a downward spiral from mental equilibrium to instability. However, there is a pivot point where this happens, and the pendulum begins to swing in the opposite direction. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil contains the knowledge of good. What is that? It is the good that human wisdom should be able to RECOGNIZE and DO! The coats of skins portray this good, this is human righteousness. This is human wisdom and righteousness, knowledge of good and evil. People devise their own code of ethics, and their knowledge can be, and in many cases is, in agreement with God's code of ethics; this is the coats of skins God dressed His formed man and woman with. When applied, this wisdom had definite promises (Deuteronomy 30:9-19) that are still valid today. Mental disease is a national and personal CHOICE. God formed man, all of us, to do good and be blessed with mental stability. If we choose evil, mental ill-health is inevitable. This video is Chapter 20 of the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook uncovering consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This video comes from #mindandbody #transformyourmind #consciousnessexplained PS. Join the free mini-course Uncover the Mystery of Adam and Eve's Nakedness. Eye-opening Biblical Hebrew.

8/30/24 • 16:38

Two Greek words compose Bible psychology; psyche, meaning consciousness, and logos, meaning study. In English. We use psyche with other significations like spirit and soul. Consciousness and Mind At the base of the mind is consciousness. As defined by Genesis 2:7, this is the neshama, the understanding and awareness that God places in each human being. Consciousness is present from birth and is the fundamental makeup of every human. Neshama identifies what a human is. The mind is continuously active regarding consciousness. Bible psychology involves both working together. Everything the mind does, thinking mentally, or accomplishing physically, is associated with the five elements of consciousness. What about the Brain? The physical brain is the transducer that converts mind waves to brainwaves and vice-versa. It allows our mind to interact with our body to transmit our physical sensations (from our five senses) to our non-physical thoughts and vice versa. Internal and external influences Our consciousness and minds are subject to every influence around us. So these effects need to be added to the definition of the psychology diagram. To different degrees, each person has intuition, personal experiences, subconscious activity, dreams, emotions, and feelings. These are very powerful because they are vivid personal events we have lived in our minds and bodies. They are real and authentic. There’s no point in denying them and no point in trying to convince someone of their non-existence. Bible psychology Bible psychology is NOT about humankind’s research of the psyche; Bible psychology is the psuche and pneuma under the benevolence of God’s Logos. From Creation, we have neshama and ruach, with God informing Adam and Eve how to use them. In the next chapter, we shall see the Old Testament teachings on mental health well-being for ALL humans, which, we will see are still valid today. The definition of Bible psychology: God’s Word applied to the neshama and ruach. The Logos as the basis for mastering our psuche and pneuma. This video is Chapter 19 of the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook uncovering consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This video comes from #mindandbody #transformyourmind #consciousnessexplained PS. Join the free mini-course Uncover the Mystery of Adam and Eve's Nakedness. Eye-opening Biblical Hebrew.

8/30/24 • 18:27

God yearns for non-believers to savor mental health. Here's conclusive Biblical proof gleaned from the Biblical Hebrew. A strange event occurs immediately before the couple's expulsion from the Garden of Eden. The narrative turns to clothing; why? The figurative profoundness of Biblical Hebrew reveals God's love for all humankind, regardless of belief, race, gender, or any other criteria. Figuratively, clothing points us to a frame of mind coupled with a way of acting—behavior. God made Adam and Eve, non-believers, coats (H3801)—to protect their minds adapted to their new sinful way of thinking. In the Garden of Eden, God's dwelling, God's SPIRITUAL rules apply. However, in Eden, and especially beyond, where Cain would go and where we are today, different rules apply. Why? because the Serpent is the god of this world. Adam and Eve moved from a GODLY plane in the Garden to a HUMAN plane in this world. They were downgrading, moving backward. God did not expect as much from them in this new world. Oh yes, God expected something, as the clothing represents. Adam and Eve represent non-believers who move into a new era in Eden. Later, Cain, along with the entirety of humanity, is sent out of Eden into "this world." The coats of skins are for non-believers. They represent the new rules of life. Israel was to be a BEACON nation. The LIGHT shining in the dark, the coats of skins projecting GOD'S RIGHTEOUS statutes, judgments, and law. Israel and ALL nations could God and His code of ethics as the one leading to peace of mind and prosperity. This video is Chapter 18 of the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook uncovering consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This video comes from #mindandbody #transformyourmind #consciousnessexplained PS. Join the free mini-course Uncover the Mystery of Adam and Eve's Nakedness. Eye-opening Biblical Hebrew.

8/30/24 • 18:37

The National Institute of Health reports on powerful influences you succumbed to even before you were born. The Effects of Internal Influences on Mental Health Subconscious It is a deep layer of the ruach-mind is a powerful force in shaping mental health. It is an area where trances, hypnosis, deeper psychoanalysis, methods of meditation, manifestation, voices, and charlatan religion penetrate. Emotions - Feelings Feelings, closely related to emotions, are the subjective experiences that arise from our thoughts and perceptions. While emotions such as joy, love, and gratitude or anger, sadness, and fear are often automatic. Transform Your Mind Upgrade Your Life is Bible Psychology 101; it promotes God's celestial truth, not our personal internal influences. External Influences on Mental Health Parents - Family Parents are the primary caregivers and play a foundational role in the mental health of their children. There are a zillion promoted ways to do so, and we have free will to choose what we desire. Along with God-given consciousness and mind, God gave the proven method for sound mental health for all humankind, believers and non-believers alike. We shall see the compass direction to take and the guardrails to keep within to nurture sane minds and start healing mental illness.

7/19/24 • 16:38

Powerful Bible Ruach Secrets: Mental Activity UnveiledHumans are endowed with two spirits; neshama and Bible ruach. They work together inseparably and are known as consciousness and mind.Bible Ruach =  Power, Ability, ImpelLet's reveal the nature of this spirit. How it functions in connection with neshama. Exodus 35:21And they (the Israelites) came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit H7307 made willing H5068…The spirit in humans makes willing, it moves us to want to accomplish something with our lives. Human Bible  Ruach = Attitudes, Sentiments, EmotionsThe ruach is the origin of our cognition, the mental action of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. Ruach is the power operating human mental processes. Human Bible Ruach = MindIn the following contexts, the Bible ruach, the human spirit refers specifically to mind. The translators even used that word in the first verse of Genesis 26, which is correct. Genesis 26:35Which were a grief of mind (H7307) to Isaac and to Rebekah. In the New Testament, Spirit is PneumaWhen we come to the New Testament, the spirit in humans is pneuma in Greek.  Likewise, it is the active doing part of the neshama-ruach duo, synonymous with the mind.  Matthew 26:41Watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation: the spirit (G4151-pneuma) indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. (Sam: the contrast of the positive desires of the mind and the negative actions of the body). We now understand what ruach is, mind, and its relationship to neshama. It activates, energizes, powers, and stimulates consciousness. This video is Chapter 16, from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook uncovering consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. video comes from #mindandbody   #transformyourmind  #consciousnessexplained  PS. Join the free mini-course Uncover the Mystery of Adam and Eve's Nakedness. Eye-opening Biblical Hebrew.

7/11/24 • 18:41

Mental Makeup - 2 Spirits The Bible reveals the composition of the human mind and the way to treat it to reach the serenity so many crave today. All humans possess and are mentally animated by two, yes, 2 spirits. God infused a portion of His own Neshama into humans to make them in His Image, with His fundamental characteristics that I've summarized in five qualities: Purpose, Conduct, Reasoning, Socializing, and Ruling. How Our 2 Spirits Work Together Here's another analogy to describe the 2 spirits: a five-page notepad and a pencil. At birth, each of us receives a five-page notepad. Each page represents one of the five aspects of consciousness: Purpose, Conduct, Reasoning, Socialization, and Rulership. That's our innate neshama spirit received at birth. The pencil represents the personal story we write daily on each page. That's our ruach spirit. We need the page to write on and the pen to write with. The two elements, the 2 spirits, are independent but also interdependent. Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life involves looking at what we've written on our five notepad pages and recognizing what needs modifying or erasing What should we write with our ruach, spirit in humans, based on the right principles? When the five traits are better aligned, we will improve our mental health and upgrade our lives; that's what this book is all about. This video is Chapter 15 from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook based on the book Mind-Body Problem Solved, which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This video comes from #mindandbody #transformyourmind #consciousnessexplained PS. Join the value-for-value Bible course to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

6/13/24 • 15:40

Socialization and Rulership. Why Humanity is Unique and Excels Animals Humans are exceptional. We are incomparable when it comes to integrating society (socialization) or managing our own and others' lives (rulership). A recent study was excited to announce that three crows can vocally count to four! After arduous training, the birds only succeeded in reaching four 40% of the time. Well, two to four-year-old kids can do that and so much more with simple teaching and succeed 100% of the time. Making the comparison that animals have the same intelligence as humans is ludicrous. Why so? Humans possess a portion of God's Neshama, while animals do not (Joshua 11:14). This divine essence breathed into humans at Creation (Genesis 2:7) confers on humans their humanity. Neshama is the equivalent of consciousness through which God endows every human being with His Image via five of His characteristics. We've discussed purpose, conduct, and reasoning; In this chapter, we broach socialization and rulership Rulership - Overseeing Oneself, People, and Possessions Management is simply the human quality of overseeing one's life, including time, possessions, people, responsibilities, and anything else we are called on to oversee. Animal responsibilities are set by their species, and there's no deviation unless humans step in to alter that definitive path, like trying to teach crows to count. With humans, at birth, we have no way of knowing what rulership path each person will carve out for themselves. Therein lies the responsibility of taking control of one's life, belongings and people with whom they will have interactions, no matter the level as employee or employer. This post is Chapter 14 from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. Buy the book Mind-Body Problem Solved, which explains WHY you possess consciousness and mind, WHAT they are, and HOW to nurture and heal them effectively. Join the value-for-value Bible course to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture, based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

6/6/24 • 14:22

Human Conduct – Second Trait of ConsciousnessThe essence of human conduct can be encapsulated in seven key points, each reflecting a facet of our complex nature and interactions with each other and the worldAll links for this video: Two-faced HumanityHumanity's complexity lies in its dual nature, where individuals exhibit both virtue and vice.2. Free WillAt the core of human existence lies the capacity for free will, granting individuals the power to make choices and shape their destinies.3. Human BehaviorHuman behavior emerges from the interplay of dual-faced and free will, forming a unique amalgamation of individual traits and choices.4. Ethics = Blueprint for BehaviorEthics are the guiding principles that govern human behavior, providing a moral compass for navigating life's complexities.5. Justice, its Relationship with Ethics6. Self-Reproach. Path to Personal Growth7. Forgiveness, Key to HealingReasoning – Third Trait of ConsciousnessIn the Bible, we have one of the clearest examples of reasoning with Eve1. Observation, IntuitionIt serves as humanity's primary mode of gathering information, laying the foundation for reasoning.2. PhilosophyDelves into the fundamental questions of existence.3. ScienceAims to decipher the mysteries of the universe through empirical observation and logical deduction4. ReligionBillions of individuals adhering to diverse belief systems worldwide.5. TheologyIt is the profound search for the God-intended meaning of life.This video is Chapter 10 from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook based on the book Mind-Body Problem Solved, which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. video comes from #transformyourmind #consciousnessexplained PS. Join the value-for-value Bible course to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

5/29/24 • 18:39

Humans possess Purpose because God endowed us with His Neshama. We are in His Image; He has a purpose. Likewise, we possess this quality. Get the links for this chapter: God Has Purpose Here's how we know God's Neshama possesses the trait of Purpose. Genesis 2:7 says And the LORD God formed (H3335) man... H3335 means squeezing into shape, to mould into a form; form a resolution): potter, purpose. Humans Alone Possess Purpose Do humans have the quality of yatsar, purpose? Here is a verse confirming that we have the same image of God in that we inherently possess purpose. Isaiah 44:12 The smith with the tongs both works in the coals, and fashions (H3335) it with hammers, and works it with the strength of his arms... Aspects of Purpose We can subdivide this human singularity into many more qualities that endow every human being: Manage Space-Time, Creativity, Imagination, Learning, Choices, Growth Mindset, and Challenges. Having a Purpose is Primary in Life's Trajectory Neither Science nor Psychology understands the origin of this uniquely human trait, yet they grasp the importance of having a plan with objectives. “Make your work to be in keeping with your purpose.” ― Leonardo da Vinci What's Your Purpose? Although science and psychology are ignorant of the origin of establishing and striving toward a long-term mission, they fully know its importance on the human psyche.Life is an arrow heading for its target; you must plunge toward your aspiration. You must establish your mission in life. Your goal is to find your purpose. There are many excellent free and paid resources in libraries and on the internet... Here's an article with fifteen key questions to get you started. This video is Chapter 12 from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook based on the book Mind-Body Problem Solved, which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This video comes from #mindandbody #transformyourmind #consciousnessexplained PS. Join the value-for-value Bible course to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

5/22/24 • 16:06

Only Humans, not animals, are endowed with neshama, direct from God. Humans are a unique species related explicitly to their Creator.See all the links for this video: and Only Humans on Earth Possess NeshamaNeshama isn’t just any breath; it’s unique. The Bible affirms that God alone gives neshama, inhabiting every human being—but humans alone, as we shall see.Job 33:4The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath (H5397) of the Almighty has given me lifeOnly Humans Possess Neshama, NOT AnimalsNow, it’s time to debunk evolution. Above, we see clearly that God shared His Neshama with humans. On no occasion does the Bible say animals possess this Divine Essence. In fact, God’s Word reveals that animals do NOT possess neshama.Joshua 11:14 And all the spoil of these cities, and the cattle, the children of Israel took for a prey to themselves; but every man they smote with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them, neither left they any to breathe (H5397).More Evidence: Only Humans Possess NeshamaWe’ll end this chapter by comparing how Strong erroneously defined H995 understanding and H5397 neshama.H5397נְשָׁמָה nᵉshâmâh nesh-aw-maw'; from H5395 (נָשַׁם); a puff, i.e. wind, angry or vital breath, divine inspiration, intellect. or (concretely) an animal:[/box]The error is “or (concretely) an animal” is wrong. James Strong confused humans with animals.We have now established HOW God equipped only humans to function with neshama: consciousness, awareness, and understanding. That's where mental health begins. That is the basis for knowing WHAT practical steps must be taken to nurture and heal the human mental capacity.This video is Chapter 11 from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook based on the book Mind-Body Problem Solved, which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. video comes from #transformyourmind #consciousnessexplained

5/15/24 • 17:09

There's much paranormal activity, including levitation, after-death experiences, ghosts, multiple personalities, and voices...Links for this video:+ - Paranormal Activities+ - Mind Control+ - Elizabeth Gilbert on Genius+ - Breath of Life. + - Neshama is Translated Inspiration.Examples of Paranormal Cannot be DeniedThere is so much evidence of paranormal activity that major websites and stores have dedicated libraries of books to these mysterious, dreadful, but true encounters.The Explanation has written extensively about sound people who have personally experienced supernatural effects. Please watch this video about paranormal activity and its real influence on individuals and read this article about Mind Control. (links above)This TED Talk by Elizabeth Gilbert, a best-selling author, on Your Elusive Creative Genious is enlightening, and I encourage you to watch it. She shares the radical idea that, instead of the rare person "being" a genius, all of us "have" a genius.Paranormal Activity Exists, Dualism ReignsThe logical conclusion The Explanation draws from paranormal activity is that its existence is reality. WARNING: This reality must be avoided. It is serious, and its practice can cause damaging results. We must talk about it and will return to this subject. We acknowledge the existence of paranormal activity but disapprove of its practice for our own sanity.The Nature of NeshamaIn Genesis 2:7, Breath is translated neshama, which gives understanding (Job 32:8), which are immaterial qualities all humans possess. It's our consciousness.This video is Chapter 10 from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook based on the book Mind-Body Problem Solved, which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use.

5/8/24 • 16:04

Human consciousness and mind are among our turbulent age's greatest, if not the most significant, enigmas. Human Consciousness and Human Darkness There are hundreds of references to the absolute confusion reigning among scholars of human consciousness. Ignorance of Human Consciousness philosophy, religion, and science are at odds regarding this fundamental subject. The result of this confusion is mental illness because we don't know how to prevent it or how to cure it. How can you fix anything when you don't know what it is, nor why it exists? Why We Need Human Consciousness If you need a printing press to render four colors, you must equip it with the necessary components, such as tubes to feed the different colors, rollers to transfer them, etc. A satisfactory result is impossible if we don't furnish all the parts. Consciousness and mind, coupled together, are the only components that allow humans to accomplish God's plan: be aware of and acknowledge their sinfulness, recognize their misbehavior, which leads to mental illness and anxiety, come out of Babylon, and make a concerted decision to step onto the path that leads to spiritual Jerusalem and peace of mind. Neshama, the Cornerstone of Being Human Breath is neshama in Biblical Hebrew; only a deep understanding of what it is and how it functions yields the God-given way to Transform Your Mind and Upgrade Your Life. Section 2 reveals how God equipped each human with the exact and perfect spiritual mechanism to resolve anxiety, face adversity, support hardship, and come out victorious. It also explains how God is and will accomplish His goals through reticent, even rebellious humans and how He has endowed us with excellent qualities to move forward when we walk in step with Him. This video is Chapter 9 from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook based on the book Mind-Body Problem Solved, which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This video comes from #mindandbody #transformyourmind #consciousnessexplained PS. Join the value-for-value Bible course to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

5/1/24 • 13:41

Happy is He (and She), Who... Why Your Mental Health is at Stake. The real question, and the reason for this book, is. In Babylon, can humans make a choice to lead a happy is he decent life? Yes. Did God provide a way of life IN Babylon for humans to survive and thrive? Yes. That way is not necessarily easy, but God equipped Adam and Eve with that happy is he way IN the Garden of Eden just before He expelled them. Just like you'd equip your brother or sister with a parachute before you helped them out of a plane before a skydive. What is the parachute God gave each of us? Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law (this is the parachute), happy is he. God designed humans to be happy and blessed. This state includes a number of concepts, which The Explanation will detail in this book. For now, grasp the overall picture. Again, the first point to note appears to be an incongruity guide: What has that got to do with happiness? Proverbs 23:19 Hear you, my son, and be wise, and guide H833 your heart in the way. Happy is he is the opposite of teachers with false vision. It is the teaching of a loving father to his son. And it involves guiding the heart which represents the mind. The father is teaching the proper way and encouraging his son to follow that instruction which leads to blessings. It involves going forward in the right direction, and step-by-step progress. This video is Chapter 8 from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook based on the book Mind-Body Problem Solved, which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This video comes from #mindandbody #transformyourmind #consciousnessexplained PS. Join the value-for-value Bible course to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

4/24/24 • 17:06

Are we ready to follow the way from Babylon to Jerusalem? To transform our minds and change citizenship?The Bible reveals God's plan to bring peace and prosperity to all humankind. This long-term endeavor revolves around one point: transforming everybody's mind. Let's discover that fascinating narrative via two cities, Jerusalem and Babylon, and three consecutive timeframes, 6000 years, 1000 years, and 100 years.First Period: Satan's Babylon, 6000 Years of DeceptionNod is the Land of Wandering and sorrow, East of Eden (i.e. Babylon). It is not just walking and exploring; it's essentially figurative, meaning a wandering mind, a deceived mind. Once you're out of the Garden and Eden itself, you're roaming around in a quicksand minefield of conflicting hypotheses in science, philosophy, intuition, and religion.First Period: God's Jerusalem of FirstbornDuring this 6000-year timeframe, there are a few bright spots. Abraham, the father of the faithful whom God calls out of the East to return to Jerusalem.Second Period: 1000 Years of Godly Rule from JerusalemThis is the Millenial reign when all those prepared during the 6000 years wil reign as SPIRIT Kings, Queens, and Priests on EARTH. They will be the private teachers of the multitude of survivors of Armageddon.Third Period: probably 100 years, the resurrection of all people who never heard God's truth.All the dead from the 6000-year first period come back to a healthy life in a Godly, Jerusalem world. They'll be taught God's ways and compare this Jerusalem society with their former Babylonian society.This video is Chapter 7 from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook based on the book Mind-Body Problem Solved, which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. video comes from #transformyourmind #consciousnessexplainedPS. Join the value-for-value Bible course to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

4/17/24 • 17:18

The Garden of Eden is the closest place to paradise, the home of a loving God. Why would He allow an evil Serpent to enter? God refurbished Earth and created humans, whom He placed in His HQ Garden of Eden, to rule and socialize. Knowing only God, the couple was in a Godly state of mind. But one element in this paradisiac picture looks out of place, The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which leads to death. Why would a good God plant an evil Tree in the midst of His Garden? Why would God tell Adam NOT to eat of this Tree? If God didn't want Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of that nauseous Tree, why plant it in front of them in the first place? Is all of this a fictitious myth? Make-believe? The imaginations of ancient authors? These events are the first five minutes of the plot of humankind's story. If we cannot answer these questions with Bible-corroborated replies, we cannot correctly assemble the puzzle of why God placed humans on Earth. To top it off, an incredible event took place. God allowed an evil Serpent into His Garden. The story says God threw Adam and Eve into the lion's den. That isn't an allegory, "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil (the evil Serpent), as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour:" 1 Peter 5:8. All hell broke loose in the Garden and continues to this day in our world. In this short episode, numerous fundamental questions about God and humans cry out for solid Biblical answers. How good is God, considering He's at the origin of these events? He could've not planted the Tree of Good and Evil. He could've prevented this evil Serpent from breaking into the Garden. By the way, God could've simply put an end to the Serpent; why didn't He? Why did He allow the couple to choose whether or not to eat from the forbidden Tree? Did God know ahead of time they'd eat the forbidden fruit? The outcome was Adam and Eve's reasoning ability was drastically altered by their decision-making abilities to the point that instead of enjoying the openness and beauty of the Garden, they hid from their Creator in the obscurity of a clump of trees. their mental stability took a turn for the worse. That's why we've got to go back to the beginning and answer such fundamental questions. This video is Chapter 6 from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook based on the book Mind-Body Problem Solved, which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This video comes from #mindandbody #transformyourmind #consciousnessexplained PS. Join the value-for-value Bible course to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

4/10/24 • 15:33

If you want to discover the story of humanity, uncover the figurative meaning of the creation of woman. After renewing Earth, God created the first human. He then planted a Garden and put the man in the Garden. Only after that does God create the woman from the side of the man, who reacts by saying, "She was taken out of man." Have you ever wondered about these strange events and even more about their chronology? For instance, why didn't God create the woman and then put the couple in the Garden together? Story of Humanity in the Name Eve Naming Eve in Genesis 3:20 presses home the meaning of life. This verse immediately follows after God pronounces the imminence of the man and woman's death. The question is, how does God’s plan continue? How can you save humans from death? The Story of Humanity in the Hebrew root of Eve, LIFE. The root of the name Eve epitomizes the entirety of God’s intention for humanity, particularly following their eating of the forbidden fruit. Below, I have re-ordered the list of Strong’s KJV translations to show you the progressive nature of the steps to take humans through their PHYSICAL and SPIRITUAL lifespan into ETERNAL life in God’s Family. The Story of Humanity is the Restoration of the Relationship God had with Adam and Eve in the Beginning. God intends to revive (H2421) to bring about circumstances so that humankind learns to have a spirit of humility and contrition. He will heal, lead, restore, and comfort. All the implications are included in the meaning of the name Eve. Let’s donate for mental health. Support the publication of Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. Contribute at This video is Chapter 5 from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook based on the book Mind-Body Problem Solved, which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This video comes from #mindandbody #transformyourmind #consciousnessexplained PS. Join the value-for-value Bible course to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

4/3/24 • 13:47

Let’s go back about 6000 years… In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve could cook and eat anything their eyes and stomachs craved except one tree. Guess what? They were drawn to it, and after a convincing conversation with a stranger, they ate the forbidden fruit. This flip-flopped their reasoning capacity and minds forever; instead of incorporating God’s instructions, they wanted to follow their thoughts. This is corroborated in Romans. Romans 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. God decided to let them follow their heart – or, in modern language, follow their inner voice or follow their intuition. This reversal of reasoning is a crucial turning point in history. From this point onward, humans became jumbled in their thinking. Humankind obliged their Creator God to teach them a lesson: You cannot disobey without consequences. He put them out of the Garden and padlocked the gate. Adam and Eve were now in the world with their jaded, hiding in the trees from God frame of mind. 2 Timothy 3:8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. Only when humans have exhausted all possible experiments, inventions, and conceptions of their depraved minds will they come to their senses, realize they don’t have the solution, and turn to their Creator in all humility with a sincere God help us. This video is Chapter 4 from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook based on the book Mind-Body Problem Solved, which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This video comes from #mindandbody #transformyourmind #consciousnessexplained PS. Join the value-for-value Bible course to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

3/28/24 • 15:14

God's goal is clear. First, He created a lavish Earth to provide all the vital inorganic minerals, organic trees, and food resources. Second, He created humans and gave them two major injunctions: multiply your numbers through families and, therefore, socialization; manage the minerals and living organisms and, therefore, rulership. God gave us the family institution, which cares for humans, and a luscious Earth, which humans are to take care of, to develop His image. 1. God's Goal of Socialization Throughout childhood and adolescence, children graduate, step by step, from dependence to independence. Parenting is caregivering, guiding, and supporting while their offspring gradually assert their autonomy. That's growing into the image of their parents. Like father like son, like mother like daughter. 2. God's Goal of Rulership God created Earth so humans could have a room with toys to manage. That's a bit tongue-in-cheek but not far from reality because as we mellow, we progress to more sophisticated objects in more seasoned environments. As individuals progress through life, their focus naturally shifts toward developing and managing (ruling) their personal careers. This entails acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies to thrive academically and seize future professional opportunities. Such educational and vocational growth is an ongoing process that takes time and typically extends into early adulthood. Learning from our trials and errors in our families and professional work is the way to bring ourselves more in line with God's image. God's goal is being accomplished right now in the lives of every human because He created and put us on a luscious Earth to experiment. Let’s donate for mental health. Support the publication of Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. Contribute at This video is Chapter 3 from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook based on the book Mind-Body Problem Solved, which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This video comes from #mindandbody #transformyourmind #consciousnessexplained PS. Join the value-for-value Bible course to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

3/22/24 • 15:28

The Creation of Earth. Earth is not only habitable but, compared to other planets, it’s luscious and bountiful, capable of furnishing 24 billion meals a day! The Goal of the Creation of Humans God created Earth as the space where His earthly family, His sons and daughters would learn to grow up and develop all their potential. Revelation 5:9-10 10 And have made us to our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. The Goal of the Creation of Earth Earth is luscious and bountiful, and it provides enough tools for EVERYONE to prepare. God has given us the inventory as a practice-groung so we can prepare for our future roles in His Kingdom. Creation of Earth, to Dominate and Subdue It The second injunction God gave humans was to dominate and subdue the Earth. That is uplifting rulership and management. Genesis 1:28 28 And God blessed them, and God said … replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth. Respect Earth Like Apprentices Respect Their Resources and Tools Working Labor, in All its Forms, is the Calling of All Humans Ecclesiastes 5:19 18 Behold that which I have seen: it is good and comely for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labour that he takes under the sun all the days of his life, which God gives him: for it is his portion. Humans, not just Christians, are supposed to use and handle the world with an outward-oriented perspective. This video is Chapter 1 from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook based on the book Mind-Body Problem Solved, which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This video comes from #mindandbody #transformyourmind #consciousnessexplained PS. Join the value-for-value Bible course to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

3/13/24 • 15:59

God's creation of humans is often scoffed at. Why would an intelligent God imagine such a contorted, seemingly contradictory idea, fact or fiction? A Creation of humans by some god is almost ludicrous to many people in a 21st-century scientific world. Let's cut through the Gordian knot and go to the crux of the matter. The Explanation bases its understanding and teaching on the Bible, God's Word. The so-called Lord's prayer starts with "Our Father Who is in heaven..." God is the Father of believers, and because the creation of humans was accomplished by God, He is the Father of all humans, past, present, and future, who, by definition, are His sons and daughters (2 Corinthians 6:18). Expanding God's Family is the Reason for the Creation of Humans Father, son, and daughter; that's a family relationship. By the same token, according to the Words of the Father's Son, Christ, we are His brothers, sisters, and mothers. Understand the divine purpose. Christ Himself is the Son, as He refers to His Father. We are Christ's brothers, sisters, and mothers if we do the Father's will. Now, the big question; In what institution do we find the father, mother, son, sister, and brother relationship? The family, of course. Nowhere else. God created humans to be an integral part of His family. Please read that twice. Is God's creation of humans to join His family corroborated elsewhere in the Bible? Yes. This video is Chapter 1 from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. It is a practical workbook based on the book Mind-Body Problem Solved, which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This video comes from #creation #family #God PS. Join the free Bible course based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

3/6/24 • 13:25

Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. The essential guide to mental health. A book that explains WHY you have consciousness and mind, HOW they function, and WHAT to do to be saner.Why am I writing this book?To reveal that God is interested in the well-being of every individual on the face of Earth. Whoever you are, there’s a method to upgrade your life.“Wow, Sam, you believe in God and a social God at that? Next, you’ll be telling us He has a well-thought-out plan for installing (you might say, creating) humans on Earth.”You took the words right out of my mouth. The capstone is that He gave each human consciousness and mind to function the way we humans do to execute His purpose.“Can you give evidence for that? You realize that most people, be they science, philosophy, or religion-based, would be dubious over such a bold claim.”Right again. That will be our quest at the beginning of this book. The Explanation will elaborate on the following topics to inspire you to upgrade your life.• Why God created humans and placed them on Earth. How His purpose operates.• Why humans possess consciousness and mind. Precisely how consciousness and mind function.• Why human conduct is two-faced with good and evil. How this opposition should be handled.Finally, we’ll see what you can implement immediately to upgrade your life. The solution you will receive is your psychological COMPASS, which will show you precisely how to prioritize your mind’s options. It is your life guidance tool that shepherds you surely, at your tempo, toward your personal well-being and your place in society that God wants you to occupy, whether you believe in Him or not.That is Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life.Buy the book Mind-Body Problem Solved, it explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness & mind & how to maximize their positive use. video comes from #transform #consciousnessPS. Join the free Bible course based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

2/28/24 • 11:37

Which Bible book would you examine first? Study Genesis first, and here's why: First major participants are identified. It reveals the "Spirit." Elohim, Yahveh, and the Spirit are taken for granted. Why is "Without Form and Void" stated in Gen. 1:2? "Void" and "Spirit" are in opposition. Why? "Void" to "Light" The Bible story in 3 words. The first ‘5 Minutes’ of the Story of Humanity. Belief in the Miracle of Creation. The Ultimate Question about God Answered. Miracles Established Our World and Science. The Bible is Not a Science Book But is Scientific. Genesis Reveals the Relationship Between Theology & Science. God’s Word and theology pose the basis of science. Grasp God's Unique Perspective for the World & Humankind. Creation Week Reveals the Beginning & Ending of God’s Plan. TWO Distinct Types of Created Living Beings. Discover God’s Makeup. His Combined Male and Female Nature. Genesis Reveals the Key Spiritual Characters of the Bible Story. Discover the Extreme Contrast of Human Composition. The Vicious Villain, the Ugly 3rd Character in the Bible Story. Genesis reveals humans are not animals. God's master plan unfolds in Creation events. Genesis Chronology Unlocks God’s Purpose for Creating Humanity. Incredible Creation and Destiny of the Man and Woman in Genesis 2. God States His Entire Higher Purpose for Humanity in Genesis 1 and 2. Genesis Reveals 2 Creations. The Physical and the Spiritual. 1st We Rule & Teach NOW, to 2nd: become FUTURE Kings & Priests. Please like, share, and subscribe for more in-depth Bible Study to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture. How to do in-depth Bible study 24/7/365 free. Go to to use the Bible tools: King James Bible + Hebrew-Greek Interlinear Bible + Strong's Concordance. FREE Online Hebrew course to unlock Bible meaning by mastering Biblical Hebrew without learning the alphabet, vocabulary, grammar, and conjugations. This video comes from #biblestudy #bible #scriptureengagement

2/22/24 • 28:27

Here's the big picture you'll learn. Seven more reasons to plunge into the 1st book of the Bible. 22. You always know what a baby animal will become and do. Never for a human baby. 23 Creation Events Unfold God’s Astonishing Master Plan for Humankind. 24 Genesis Chronology Unlocks God’s Purpose for Creating Humanity. 25 Incredible Creation and Destiny of the Man and Woman in Genesis 2. 26 God States His Entire Higher Purpose for Humanity in Genesis 1 and 2. 27 Genesis Reveals 2 Creations. The Physical is Evident, but the Spiritual is Hidden. 28 1st Physical then 2nd Spiritual. We Rule & Teach NOW to become FUTURE Kings & Priests. Please like, share, and subscribe for more in-depth Bible Study to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture. How to do in-depth Bible study 24/7/365 free. Go to to use the Bible tools: King James Bible + Hebrew-Greek Interlinear Bible + Strong's Concordance. FREE Online Hebrew course to unlock Bible meaning by mastering Biblical Hebrew without learning the alphabet, vocabulary, grammar, and conjugations. This video comes from #biblestudy #bible #scriptureengagement

2/15/24 • 06:50

The importance of Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Today, we don't know what is to be human! How can I say this? Because we don't know what consciousness and mind are. Yet, that is what makes us human, they confer on us our cognitive and mental attributes. Amazingly, Genesis 2:7 gives us the clues we need to solve this enigma. It says, "(hu)man became a living soul." If you want the full story and the answers to all the queries below then get "Mind-Body Problem Solved." You can also watch the entire book online here, 1. Why are Lord (Yahveh) singular and God (Elohim) plural? 2. Who is the Lord? What is the Lord’s relationship to the Higher Power? Watch: 3. What does formed mean? For instance, why doesn’t it say created? Watch: 4. Why from the dust? What’s the difference between dust and ground? Watch: 5. Why breathe into the nostrils? Why breathe at all? God could’ve used any method Watch: 6. Did you know that breathed and breath are two different words in Hebrew? What does each mean? What is their relationship? Watch: 7. The Hebrew says the breath of lives. It’s plural. What’s that all about? By the way, the Tree of Life is also the Tree of Lives. Again plural. Watch: Buy the book Mind-Body Problem Solved which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This video comes from #neshama #ruach #biblicalhebrew PS. Join the free Bible course based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

2/8/24 • 14:39

Grasp God's Unique Perspective for the World & Humankind. Study Genesis First - 15 The beginning of Gen. 1:1-2:3 is divided into 3 sections: 1. Gen 1:1-25: God prepares Earth for humans like arranging the baby’s room before it’s arrival. 2. Gen 1:26-31: Humans created in God’s own image. 3. Gen. 2:1-3: The 7th Day Sabbath. God rested, and humans rested. Creation Week Reveals Beginning & Ending of God’s Plan. Study Genesis First - 16 1. Genesis starts with the Earth without form, void, and darkness everywhere. 2. The week ends with the 7th Day of Rest; The last weekly day symbolizes ceasing of void. Without form is replaced by lack or absence of suffering. Darkness becomes stillness and rest. Genesis 1 Plunges Bible Readers into TWO Distinct Types of Created Living Beings. - 17 All animals carry the description: “after his/their kind” Then, there's a radical break in the context. 26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… (similar to "after their kind"). The former animalkind is GOOD but the latter Godkind, humankind, is very good. Discover God’s Makeup. His Pure Combined Male and Female Nature. - 18 God is the perfect combination of male and female qualities. Genesis Reveals the Key Spiritual Characters of the Bible Story. Let's get it Right - 19 Why is God, Elohim, in 7-Day Creation week solely mentioned 34 times in Genesis 1-2? Why is Yahveh Elohim solely used 11 times in the narrative of the Creation of the man and woman in Genesis 2? Genesis gives clues to the answer: Be fruitful, and multiply (plural). Man and woman shall be one flesh (singular). Genesis Reveals the Extreme Contrast of Human Composition - 20 1. Dust. The lowliest material on Earth. Useless waste. 2. Breath = In Hebrew, Neshama. The Highest of High. The Vicious Villain, the Ugly Third Character in the Bible Story of Humankind - 21 it introduces Good God, bad dust-humans, and the ugly Serpent. Please like, share, and subscribe for more in-depth Bible Study to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture. How to do in-depth Bible study 24/7/365 free. Go to to use the Bible tools: King James Bible + Hebrew-Greek Interlinear Bible + Strong's Concordance. FREE Online Hebrew course to unlock Bible meaning by mastering Biblical Hebrew without learning the alphabet, vocabulary, grammar, and conjugations. This video comes from #biblestudy #bible #scriptureengagement

2/7/24 • 06:53

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. This scripture is a goldmine of is a goldmine of   WHAT, HOW, and WHY of human beings. It is the first Bible verse to really grasp the human role in the rest of the Bible and how to live your life here and now. 1. You’ll understand WHAT neshama and ruach are; consciousness and mind that confer on us God’s image.2. The best way HOW to nurture and heal our minds.3. WHY God gave us neshama/consciousness and ruach/mind to prepare for spiritual life and eternal life He has in store for us. In spite of a troubled world, there’s everything to hope for.Read all about it in Mind-Body Problem Solved. Watch this next video: to witness the makings of a human being. Buy the book Mind-Body Problem Solved which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This short comes from #ruach #biblicalhebrew PS. Join the free Bible course based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

2/6/24 • 00:58

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God breathed the breath of liveS; and man became a living soul. Breath of lives (“im” makes it plural). Living soul (singular), Only the inspired Hebrew, not translations, reveals this plurality. Unless you know WHAT those multiple lives are (like the Tree of liveS, also plural) you cannot fully understand Genesis 2:7 When and HOW are these liveS obtainable? They involve physical and spiritual resurrections. Conversely, can a living soul be destroyed definitively? These are the destinations of human beings in God’s plan. Read Mind-Body Problem Solved for God’s complete purpose for the Creation of billions of human beings. Watch this next video: to comprehend how to grasp multiple liveS and reach the Image of God. Buy the book Mind-Body Problem Solved which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This short comes from #breathoflife #soul #biblicalhebrew PS. Join the free Bible course based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

2/5/24 • 00:59

Genesis 2:7 indicates Neshama alone. Understand neshama is ONLY for Humans Neshama is explicitly related to the breath of life for human beings. Remember adam, in Hebrew, means persons, not just man. Joshua 11:14 And all the … cattle, the children of Israel took for a prey to themselves; but every man (H120 adam) they smote … until they had destroyed them, neither left they any to breathe (with neshama H5397). All humans with neshama were destroyed; NOT animals which do not have neshama. Animals and humans possess ruach… another reason neshama and NOT ruach is mentioned directly in the Creation of human beings. God’s Neshama is conferred on humans giving only humans the ‘image of God.’ More details in the book Mind-Body Problem Solved. Watch this next video: to understand that only humans possess neshama, which sets them totally apart from animals. Buy the book Mind-Body Problem Solved which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. This short comes from #breathoflife #spirit #biblicalhebrew PS. Join the free Bible course based on 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss.

2/2/24 • 00:59

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