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Parenting Roundabout

Join parenting writers Terri Mauro and Catherine Holecko for a weekly look at the things parents are talking about, complaining about, and obsessing about right now.


Each Tuesday, we discuss an older entertainment property, and currently, that's Lost. The meeting of the tail-section and mid-section survivors seemed to be more of a gentle tap than a violent collision, but it led us to the Reunions Montage at the end: Sawyer and Kate! Michael and Vincent! Rose and Bernard! Sun and Jin! Jack and some woman he met in a bar at the airport!Next Tuesday, we'll continue with season 2, episode 9, "What Kate Did." Tomorrow, we're back with our sweet sitcom, A Man on the Inside.

2/11/25 • 19:01

Here's what we're reading, recommending, and revisiting this week.Catherine's library find ties in nicely with our new TV series watch, A Man on the Inside. It's a nonfiction children's book called Animal Snoops: The Wondrous World of Wildlife Spies by Peter Christie. Check it out if you've got a kid who's fascinated by fauna, or by covert ops.​Terri's random recommendation this week is one sec, a productivity tool available as an app or a browser extension. It makes you pause and think about what you're doing before you open a social media feed, or any other time-sucking online place.In the archives, we checked in on an episode from 2021 on the best and worst times of day for parents.Next week's lineup: Lost S2 E8, "Collision," on Tuesday, February 11A Man on the Inside S1 E3, "The Emily Always Rings Twice," on Wednesday, February 12Weekly roundup on Thursday, February 13Until then (and anytime you're in need), the archives are available.

2/6/25 • 20:49

Every Wednesday, we share our thoughts on a newer entertainment property. We recently started the Netflix comedy series A Man on the Inside. Ted Danson stars as Charles, a widower who's hired to go undercover at a retirement home to solve a burglary case. But there's plenty of parenting to be found here, as Charles's daughter Emily deals with three teens doing stupid teen things.Next Wednesday, we'll continue with season 1, episode 3, "The Emily Always Rings Twice." We'll be back tomorrow with our weekly roundup.

2/5/25 • 17:19

Each Tuesday, we discuss an older entertainment property, and currently, that's Lost. This episode caught us up on what's been happening with the tail-section survivors. And what's been happening is pretty grim. Their leader, Ana Lucia, has all the responsibilities of a leader with absolutely no benefits. As moms, we relate.Next Tuesday, we'll continue with season 2, episode 8, "Collision." Tomorrow, we're kicking off a new series watch: A Man on the Inside.

2/4/25 • 17:58

Here's what we're watching, recommending, and revisiting this week.Catherine's library find is an old Hallmark movie called Christmas at Cartwright's that grabbed her attention with its name--since she used to share it. To her knowledge, there aren't any real department stores called Cartwright's, though. ​Terri's random recommendation this week is also store-adjacent. She suggests visiting a Barnes & Noble cafe for lunch. She and her family particularly recommend the Caprese sandwich, grilled cheese, spinach feta pretzels, and raspberry cheesecake.​​In the archives, we checked in on an episode from 2020 on family rituals.Next week's lineup: Lost S2 E7, "The Other 48 Days," on Tuesday, February 4A Man on the Inside S1 E2, "The Man Who Knew Too Much About Bridges," on Wednesday, February 5Weekly roundup on Thursday, February 6Until then (and anytime you're in need), the archives are available.

1/30/25 • 20:58

Every Wednesday we share our thoughts on a newer entertainment property. Today, we're kicking off our watch of the new Netflix comedy series A Man on the Inside, starring Ted Danson and Stephanie Beatriz. We very much enjoyed the first episode, from spotting familiar The Good Place faces to the embrace of physical newspapers and snail mail.Next Wednesday, we'll continue with season 1, episode 2, "The Man Who Knew Too Much About Bridges." We'll be back tomorrow with our weekly roundup.

1/29/25 • 21:34

Each Tuesday, we discuss an older entertainment property, and currently, that's Lost. Things go from bad (in flashback) to much, much worse (on the island) for Shannon in this one, as we meet her evil stepmother and then she meets not The Others, but the Tailies. Meanwhile, Locke adds to his Island Dad cred by teaching Claire how to swaddle the baby.Next Tuesday, we'll continue with season 2, episode 7, "The Other 48 days." Tomorrow, we're kicking off a new series watch: A Man on the Inside.

1/28/25 • 15:30

Here's what we're reading, recommending, and revisiting this week.Catherine's library find is Cranky, by Phuc Tran with illustrations by Pete Oswald. It's a picture book starring a crabby crane who does not want to talk about what's bothering him, so don't ask! Mentioned: The Food Group series, also illustrated by Oswald.​Terri's random recommendation this week is some Apple synergy: Apple Music playlists from our beloved Shrinking (an Apple TV+ show). You can listen to songs from season 1 and season 2 (that one includes the extended, very profane version of "Cheater B*tch"). Mentioned: "Collateral" (which plays just before the accident Louis causes) and "Looking Too Closely" (from the final minutes of season 2).​​In the archives, we checked in on an episode from 2022 on pondering praise.Next week's lineup: Lost S2 E6, "Abandoned," on Tuesday, January 28A Man on the Inside S1 E1, "Tinker Tailor Older Spy," on Wednesday, January 29Weekly roundup on Thursday, January 30Until then (and anytime you're in need), the archives are available.

1/23/25 • 17:55

Every week, we share our thoughts on a newer entertainment property. Currently, that's season 2 of Shrinking. It wrapped up this week with a grand gesture of forgiveness befitting of the season's theme. It also added "magnanimous" to Derrick 2's character traits, to go along with "hot." We'll miss these characters a lot and are looking forward to season 3 (coming in 2026). ​Next week, we'll kick off a new series watch: A Man on the Inside, a Michael Schur-helmed show starring Ted Danson and Stephanie Beatriz. Episode 1 is called "Tinker Tailor Older Spy" and it's on Netflix. We'll be back tomorrow with our weekly roundup.

1/22/25 • 28:54

Each Tuesday, we discuss an older entertainment property, and currently, that's Lost. This episode went nowhere, much like our survivors; it gave us a bit more of Sun and Jin's story in flashback, but nothing very important. We could, however, relate to both Sun's and Michael's foolhardy desperation to do something in a situation they can't control.Next Tuesday, we'll continue with season 2, episode 6, "Abandoned." Tomorrow, it's Shrinking, season 2, episode 12 (the season finale).

1/21/25 • 15:33

Here's what we're reading, recommending, and revisiting this week.Catherine's library find is The Change by Kirsten Miller, a novel of revenge and crime-fighting fueled by menopausal women's rage (which made it very satisfying).​Terri's random recommendation this week is the Rosary in a Year podcast, a chart-topper offering a deep dive into this prayer (perfect for the new year). Mentioned: The Bible in a Year podcast and the Catechism in a Year podcast.​​In the archives, we checked in on an episode from 2021 on reserving our judgment (or at least trying to).Next week's lineup: Lost S2 E5, "...and Found," on Tuesday, January 21Shrinking S2 E12, "The Last Thanksgiving," on Wednesday, January 22Weekly roundup on Thursday, January 23Until then (and anytime you're in need), the archives are available.

1/16/25 • 18:47

Every week, we share our thoughts on a newer entertainment property. Currently, that's season 2 of Shrinking. This episode included one unnecessary break-up, one child who gave a parent a dose of their own medicine, and one person who's possibly in the wrong profession. Mentioned: Disney adults and a women-hanging-out scene from Jerry Maguire.​Next week, we'll watch the finale of season 2, "The Last Thanksgiving.” (Yes, we're watching this a few weeks behind its initial drops. That's parenting for you!) We'll be back tomorrow with our weekly roundup.

1/15/25 • 15:07

Each Tuesday, we discuss an older entertainment property, and currently, that's Lost. On the island, poor Hurley got stuck with a thankless job, while in flashback, he got a scolding from his mom that we found relatable. Elsewhere, we learned more about the Dharma Initiative bunker and the tail-section survivors.​Next Tuesday, we'll continue with season 2, episode 5, "...and Found." Tomorrow, it's Shrinking, season 2, episode 11.

1/14/25 • 19:05

Here's what we're reading, recommending, and revisiting this week.Catherine's library find is a resource that you can most likely find at your own library:, a repository of archives from all over the U.S. and six other countries. Find your great-grandparents' wedding announcement or read up on crimes like the Panama Hat Heist of 1904.​Terri's random recommendation this week is not one, but three books: Two she's recently finished, and one she's just starting. She finished (and loved) A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles and enjoyed Jim O'Heir's memoir about Parks & Rec, Welcome to Pawnee--but suggests skipping the audiobook on this one. And as a dutiful English major, she's now reading Everybody Behaves Badly: The True Story Behind Hemingway's Masterpiece The Sun Also Rises by Lesley M. M. Blume. Mentioned: The TV adaption of A Gentleman in Moscow, which we watched and enjoyed last summer.​​In the archives, we checked in on an episode from 2019 on parenting best-sellers on Amazon. Guess what? Things haven't changed much in five years!Next week's lineup: Lost S2 E4, "Everybody Hates Hugo," on Tuesday, January 14Shrinking S2 E11, "The Drugs Don't Work," on Wednesday, January 15Weekly roundup on Thursday, January 16Until then (and anytime you're in need), the archives are available.

1/9/25 • 28:22

Every week, we share our thoughts on a newer entertainment property. Currently, that's season 2 of Shrinking. On this episode, a parent tried and ultimately failed to make a child's birthday special, and a child tried to set boundaries with a parent--which also didn't go very well. But at least Liz is back to her snarky self.​Next week, we'll watch season 2, episode 11, "The Drugs Don't Work.” (Yes, we're watching this a few weeks behind its initial drops. That's parenting for you!) We'll be back tomorrow with our weekly roundup.

1/8/25 • 16:07

Each Tuesday, we discuss an older entertainment property, and currently, that's Lost. On this episode, we met a few of the threatening Others that Jin warned us about at the end of the previous episode, re-met a survivor seen previously in flashback, and heard yet again that Locke wasn't always the tough guy he is now. Mentioned: Game show challenges for parents and Mouse Rat's song "The Pit" from Parks & Rec.​Next Tuesday, we'll continue with season 2, episode 4, "Everybody Hates Hugo." Tomorrow, it's Shrinking, season 2, episode 10.

1/7/25 • 21:20

Every week, we share our thoughts on a newer entertainment property. Currently, that's season 2 of Shrinking. There were a lot of parenting and family breakthroughs in this episode, along with a little more comic relief than we got last time (thanks, Sean). ​Next week, we'll watch season 2, episode 10, "Changing Patterns.” (Yes, we're watching this a few weeks behind its initial drops. That's parenting for you!) And we'll be changing back to our usual pattern of Shrinking on Wednesdays and the weekly roundup on Thursdays.

1/2/25 • 14:04

While we’re celebrating New Year’s with our families, we bring you this relic of podcasts past: A speed round devoted to our resolutions for the coming year. That year was 2020, but … yeah, we’re still rolling them over. And since this is a replay, you'll hear from our old pal Nicole Eredics. We miss you, Nicole!

1/1/25 • 05:48

Each Tuesday, we discuss an older entertainment property, and currently, that's Lost. Along with Michael flashbacks and the aftermath of Walt's kidnapping and the raft explosion, this episode revisited the in-the-hatch events of the prior one. So we got some time and pacing weirdness to go along with all the other island weirdness.Next Tuesday, we'll continue with season 2, episode 3, "Orientation." Tomorrow, we'll replay a New Year's chat from our archives, and then we'll be back with a new episode on Thursday (Shrinking, S2 E9).

12/31/24 • 20:06

On Wednesdays (usually), we share our thoughts on a newer entertainment property. Currently, that's season 2 of Shrinking, a happy fun sitcom that does its best to make us cry every week. This was an extra-sad one, with many characters facing the consequences of their actions (Liz, Derek, Louis, Jimmy) and their mortality (Paul). Like we said, fun and happy! Mentioned: Shrinking playlists on Apple Music (season 1 and season 2).​Next week, we'll watch season 2, episode 9, "Full Grown Dude Face.” (Yes, we're watching this a few weeks behind its initial drops. That's parenting for you!) Look for that on Thursday, January 2, as we continue our shuffled holiday schedule for another week.

12/26/24 • 14:39

While we’re celebrating Christmas with our families, we bring you this relic of Christmas past: One of the only original podcast episodes we put out on Christmas day, back in 2019. As you’ll see, we don’t take vacations from complaining.We'll be back tomorrow with our discussion of Shrinking, season 2, episode 8, "Last Drink."

12/25/24 • 13:14

Each Tuesday, we discuss an older entertainment property, and currently, that's Lost. In this season 2 kickoff, we meet a new character, get yet another Jack flashback, and watch both Locke and Kate take a dive down into the hatch. Mentioned: Our discussion of a Good Place scene that called back to the opening of this Lost episode.Next Tuesday, we'll continue with season 2, episode 2, "Adrift." Tomorrow, a special Christmas relic, and then Shrinking, season 2, episode 8 on Thursday.

12/24/24 • 23:45

Here's what we're reading, recommending, and revisiting this week.Catherine's library find is a board book that's ostensibly for babies... about electrical engineering. Better yet, it has a Christmas theme! (And it's part of a whole series of science-themed board books). We'll stick with colors, shapes, and ABCs, thanks.​Terri's random recommendation this week is a lighter topic than electrical engineering: Funny videos on Instagram. Check out Farbsy for goofy takes on workplace emails, customer support for pets, and more.​​In the archives, we checked out an episode from 2019 on the good news/bad news of being needed as a parent. Mentioned: Googling Is for Old People. That's a Problem for Google, at the Wall Street Journal; the penny problem on The West Wing and at the New York Times. Next week's lineup: Lost S2 E1, "Man of Science, Man of Faith," on Tuesday, December 24Shrinking S2 E8, "Last Drink," on Wednesday, December 25Weekly roundup on Thursday, December 26Until then (and anytime you're in need), the archives are available.

12/19/24 • 22:40

On Wednesdays, we share our thoughts on a newer entertainment property. Currently, that's season 2 of Shrinking. This episode gave us the happy resolution of one of the unhappy plotlines we've been following, as Alice and Summer made up (but only after Summer worked out her feelings in a very NSFW song). But it also included the reveal of two serious betrayals, so we have that fallout to look forward to next week. Mentioned: An in-on-the-joke response to the episode from Craig of Craigslist.​Next week, we'll watch season 2, episode 8, "Last Drink.” (Yes, we're watching this a few weeks behind its initial drops. That's parenting for you!) We'll be back tomorrow with our weekly roundup.

12/18/24 • 17:55

Each Tuesday, we discuss an older entertainment property, and currently, that's Lost. This two-hour episode, the season finale, was predictably action-packed--with some catastrophes we did, in fact, predict. Mentioned: Guest Taylor Cole's musical tribute to Locke on the Extra Hot Great podcast.Next Tuesday, we'll starts season 2 with episode 1, "Man of Science, Man of Faith." Tomorrow, it's Shrinking, season 2, episode 7.

12/17/24 • 20:31

Here's what we're reading, recommending, and revisiting this week.Catherine's library find is a trio of cozy mysteries by Claudia Gray, all starring Jane Austen characters: The Murder of Mr. Wickham (2022), The Late Mrs. Willoughby (2023), and The Perils of Lady Catherine de Bough (2024). These are an absolutely delightful (and non-stressful) way to revisit these characters, and there's even a little helping of romance. Mentioned: Death Comes to Pemberley, another contemporary author's take on an Austen-themed mystery.​Terri's random recommendation is Artful Plus, the premium version of Artful Agenda, a digital planner we both use. With Artful Plus, you get a habit tracker and the ability to make and use your own stickers, among other perks. Mentioned: The Artful Agenda Facebook group, Artfully Obsessed.​​In the archives, we discussed an episode from 2020 on how parents can pay it forward (which we think is more helpful than starting or participating in a drive-thru pay-it-forward chain). Mentioned: Books from our former co-hosts: Inclusion in Action by Nicole Eredics and Neurodiversity-Affirming Schools (January 2025) by Amanda Morin.Next week's lineup: Lost S1 E23, "Exodus: Part 2," on Tuesday, December 17Shrinking S2 E6, "Get in the Sea," on Wednesday, December 18Weekly roundup on Thursday, December 19Until then (and anytime you're in need), the archives are available.

12/12/24 • 28:50

On Wednesdays, we share our thoughts on a newer entertainment property. Currently, that's season 2 of Shrinking, and an episode that gave us quite a lot of parenting and therapizing and dads trying to overcome daddy issues (plus Gabby trying to manage her complicated family, too). Good on the dads and surrogate dad figures! But at least one other storyline is going someplace we'd rather not follow.​Next week, we'll watch season 2, episode 7, "Get in the Sea.” (Yes, we're watching this a few weeks behind its initial drops. That's parenting for you!) We'll be back tomorrow with our weekly roundup.

12/11/24 • 13:27

Each Tuesday, we discuss an older entertainment property, and currently, that's Lost. This episode gave us the launching of the raft (so, everything's going to be fine from this point on, right?) and the return of Danielle Rousseau, bearing ominous warnings (so, maybe not so fine). Next Tuesday, we'll discuss season 1, episode 23, "Exodus: Part 2" (the two-hour second half of the season finale). Tomorrow, it's Shrinking, season 2, episode 6.

12/10/24 • 19:55

Here's what we're reading, recommending, and revisiting this week.Catherine's library find is an instructional picture book for kids called How to Pee Your Pants* (*the Right Way) by Rachel Michelle Wilson. It's cute and relatable (and Terri thinks it could have applications beyond the preschool crowd).​Terri's random recommendation is back, and this week she has a simple way to reflect on the holiday season: The Pray More Advent retreat from Pray More Novenas.​​In the archives, we checked out an episode from 2020 on the joy of flying solo (otherwise known as alone time for mom).Next week's lineup: Lost S1 E23, "Exodus: Part 1," on Tuesday, December 10Shrinking S2 E6, "In a Lonely Place," on Wednesday, December 11Weekly roundup on Thursday, December 12Until then (and anytime you're in need), the archives are available.

12/5/24 • 18:10

On Wednesdays, we share our thoughts on a newer entertainment property. Currently, that's season 2 of Shrinking. And TBH the honesty in this episode caused a lot more problems than it solved, and that's not really why we're here. Bring back the jokes and the friends hanging out!Next week, we'll watch season 2, episode 6, "In a Lonely Place.” (Yes, we're watching this a few weeks behind its initial drops. That's parenting for you!) We'll be back tomorrow with our weekly roundup.

12/4/24 • 16:13