Show cover of North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble

North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in the North GA area, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast comprises a Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: Our guests will highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA who are working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #podcastsaboutdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thdistrictcongressionalchair


The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #SheaRoberts #NorthFulton #Dekalb #DemMessaging #GAPOLActivist #GAPOLAdvocate #gapol #legislation #LegislativeAdvocacy #GoldDome #Lawmakers #GABluePac #GeneralAssembly #GeorgiaHouse #GAHouseofRepresentatives #ProtectGAChildren #GunReform #AbortionRights #WomensRights #StateoftheStateGA #GeorgiaBluePac #CivilRights  #SerSupport the Show.

5/31/23 • 44:05

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #GraceAkan #Attorney #DemocraticActivist  #DemMessaging #GAPOLActivist #GAPOLAdvocate #gapol #SocialImpact #DemocraticCandidates #CandidateAccelerator #PoliticalRacesGA #Character #Values #RuralGA #RuralGeorgia #Messaging #Communications #WinRaces Support the Show.

5/17/23 • 38:52

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #MikeStLouis #Character #Values #DemMessaging #GAPOLActivist #GAPOLAdvocate #gapol #legislation #LegislativeAdvocacy #GoldDome #Lawmakers #MajorityMakers #GeneralAssembly #GeorgiaHouse #GAHouseofRepresentatives #ProtectGAChildren #DeKalbDemsCaucus #CopCitySupport the Show.

5/3/23 • 31:52

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #MeganDesrosiers #CoastalAdvocacy #gapol #legislation  #LegislativeAdvocacy #Coastlines #CoastalProtection #WildlifeProtection #OkefenokeeSwamp #NonPartisan #SeaTurtles #FightMining #GAConservationSupport the Show.

4/19/23 • 34:25

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #BrianDiNapoli #BiPartisanship #CivilDiscourse #GAPOLActivist #GAPOLAdvocate #gapol #legislation #LegislativeAdvocacy #GoldDome #Lawmakers #CivilityPolitics #Teamwork #YouthAdvocate Support the Show.

4/5/23 • 27:35

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #AnneHeikkila #EnvironmentalActivist #EnvironmentalAdvocate #GeorgiaForestWatch #GreatOldBroadsforWilderness #ForestLands #PublicLands #TourismImpact #ParkRangers #NationalParks #StateParks #gapol #legislation #LegislativeAdvocacy #GoldDome #SustainabilitySupport the Show.

3/22/23 • 27:47

he North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #DomKelly #DisabilityActivist #DisabilityAdvocate #NewDisabledSouth #nonprof #marginalizedgroups #DisabilityAccess #VotingAccess #southernstates #discrimination #bigotry #CP #gapol #legislationSupport the Show.

3/8/23 • 33:23

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #AviDhyani #GenZ #DisabilityAdvocate #DemCandidates #Midterms #RuralUrbanPolitics #DPG #DemocraticPartyofGeorgia #gapol #DemocraticMessaging #Messaging #Progressives #DemActivism #DemocratActivist  #GAHSD #BoddieCampaign #WarnockCampaign #CP #GenZDemocrat #GenZLeader #YouthVote #YouthActivism #NationalHSDemsSupport the Show.

2/22/23 • 27:17

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #JuneKrise #DemCandidates #Midterms #RuralPolitics #DPG #DemocraticPartyofGeorgia #gapol #DemocraticMessaging #Messaging #Progressives #DemActivism #DemocratActivist #RuralPolitics #Liberal #RuralCountySupport #LocalResources #StateResources #RuralGeorgiaSupport the Show.

2/8/23 • 34:30

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #VondaMone #Reshardelshair #VondaMiles #WilliamKBoddie #DemCandidates #CampaignManagers #Midterms #RuralPolitics #gapol #DemocraticMessaging #Messaging #SuburbanPol #Atlanta #Progressives #DemActivism #DemocratActivist #SuburbanPolitics #Liberal #LeanLeft #GenZ #Activism Support the Show.

1/25/23 • 43:47

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #JeremyBrasseal #AmericaOne #AmericaOneRadio #AmericaOneProgressiveRadio #InternetRadio #ProgressiveTalk #Midterms #RuralPolitics #gapol #Georgia #DemocraticMessaging #Messaging #SuburbanPol #Atlanta #NotAtlanta #Liberals #Progressive #InternetvsOnAir #GA #DemActivism #DemocratActivist #SuburbanPolitics #Liberal #LeanLeSupport the Show.

1/11/23 • 34:02

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #ZaeBrewer #GenZ #GenZActivist #YoungDemocrats #CollegeDemocrats #GAYoungDemocrats #NAACP #Equity #Fairness #Elections #GenZVotes #Midterms #RuralPolitics #gapol #Georgia #GenZIssues #GenZMatters #LocalPolitics #RegionalPolitics #GAStatewidePolitics #DemocraticActivism #KSUSupport the Show.

12/14/22 • 31:50

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #DougDeMoura #MelissaClink #PeteFuller #Fannin Dems #JacksonDems #Forsyth Dems #DemocraticLeaders #DemocraticPartyofGeorgia #GADems #PostElection #ElectionAnalysis #gapol #DPG #GADems #Midterms #PoliticalDiscussion #RedvsBlue #DemCandidates #VotinginGA #GARedistricting #VoterSuppression #VoterRights #VotinginGeorgia #DeSupport the Show.

11/30/22 • 42:06

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #BraverAngels #BraverAngelsGA #BraverAngelsGeorgia #PoliticalDiscourse #CrossPartyCivility #Republicans #Democrats #RedandBlue #Workshops #Tolerance #CivilDiscourse #PoliticalCivility #BarbaraBrown #SharynDowd #Bravery #Courage #GAPOL #Conversation #UnitedAmericaSupport the Show.

11/16/22 • 35:26

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #AshlandSwann #DemocraticOperative #Campaigns #CampaignManager #Lobbyist #StaceyAbrams #StaceyAbramsOneGA #RegionalPolitics #MetroPolitics #RuralPolitics #PoliticalRaces #GAGovernorSupport the Show.

11/2/22 • 21:28

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #CharlieHayslett #AJC #Politics #PoliticalBlogger #UrbanRuralDivide #Midterms #Elections #Voting #trends #statistics #history #MetroAtlanta #RuralVotes #UrbanVotes #RuralUrbanDivide #PoliticalBlogSupport the Show.

10/26/22 • 29:01

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #NakitaHeminway #DemocraticCandidate #GADemocrat #GAAgriculture #GAFarmers #GAAgricultureCommissioner #Farmer #FamilyFarms #MigrantProtection #MigrantLaws #MigrantReform #FarmWorkers #Hemp #HempProduction #MarijuanaLegalization #MarijuanaReform #GAAgriBusiness #GAFamilies #NoChildHungry #LocallyGrown #LocalProduce #FarmSupport the Show.

10/19/22 • 35:51

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #JenJordan #DemocraticCandidate #GADemocrat #GASenator #GAAttorneyGeneral #Lawyer #Attorney #ConsumerProtection #ReproductiveJustice #AbortionisHealthcare #ReproductiveJustice #EconomicJustice #GunReform #ZealousAdvocate #VotingRights #VoterProtection #VotingLaws #VotingAccess #Legal #CriminalJusticeReform #PrisonReformSupport the Show.

10/12/22 • 37:58

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #PattyDurand #DemocraticCandidate #GADemocrat #GAPublicServiceCommission #PSC #GeorgiaPower #GAPowerRateHikes #GAPowerRates #Regulatory #Oversight #Transparancy #PlantVogtle #Energy #EnergyCosts #RenewableEnergies #GreenEnergies #Solar #Wind #EnergyPolicySupport the Show.

10/5/22 • 35:19

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #WilliamBoddie #DemocraticCandidate #GADemocrat #GALaborCommissoner #Labor #Unions #Politician #Unemployment #WorkTraining #Jobs #Workers #WorkerAdvocate #GAFamilies #EconomicJustice #WorkPrograms #TechnicalSchools #TechColleges #Apprenticeships #AccessibilitySupport the Show.

9/28/22 • 42:15

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #AntonioDaza #Candidate #GADemocrat #USCongress #GACD11 #Politician #Democrat #USHouseofRepresentatives #Business #SmallBusiness #HumanRights #CivilRights #ImmigrationReform #VotingRights #Healthcare #Environment #ReproductiveRights #GunReform #Justice #LGBTQRights Support the Show.

9/21/22 • 33:59

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #JaniceLawsRobinson #Candidate #GADemocrat #GAInsuranceCommissoner #Insurance #InsuranceRates #Politician #InsuranceRegulation #AutoInsurance #PriceGouging #HomeInsurance #InsuranceAgent #ConsumerAdvocateSupport the showSupport the Show.

9/14/22 • 27:58

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #SheliaEdwards #Candidate #Democrat #GAPublic Service Commission #GAPSC #Utilities #ElectricityRates #GAPower #GAPowerRates #ConsumerProtection #Regulatory #PlantVogtle #CoalAsh #Solar #WindSupport the Show.

9/7/22 • 26:36

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #KaylaHollifield #Candidate #Democrat #GAHouseofRepresentatives #GAHD11 #AppalachianIndivisible #GeorgiaAssembly Support the Show.

8/31/22 • 22:15

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #BrendaLopezRomero #LegalAdvocate #ImmigrationAdvocate #GAStateRepresentative #Bipartisanship #Equity #Diversity #VotingRights #PoliticalVeteran #WomanLeader #Hispanic #Latina #Latino #LatinxSupport the Show.

8/24/22 • 34:21

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #StaceyAbrams #DemocraticCandidate #GeorgiaGovernor #GAGovernor #Bipartisanship #ProChoice #Economy #FairFight #Equity #Diversity #Fairness #VotingRights #StarTrek #Author #Poverty #CivilRights #Human Rights #LGBTQ+ #GAHouseofRepresenatives #GubernatorialCandidateGA #ACLU Support the Show.

8/17/22 • 22:57

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #AlishaThomasSearcy #Candidate #GeorgiaStateSchoolSuperintendent #GASchoolSuperintendent #Education #PublicSchools #PublicEducation #SchoolSafety #TeacherBurnout #Parents #Schoolkids #BipartisanshipSupport the Show.

8/10/22 • 40:12

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #MelitaEasters #Activist #ProChoice #ProChoiceDemocraticWomen #ExecutiveDirectorGAWINList #GA  #Equity #Elections #AbortionRights #Policy #Democrats #PoliticalActivism #SCOTUS #Roe #RoevWade #AbortionRights #AbortionisHealthcare #AbortionisEssential #WomensRights #HumanRights #CivilRights #Journalist #GeorgiaGang #PlaywSupport the Show.

8/3/22 • 30:52

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GALTGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #BryceBerry #Chair #Activist #GA  #Equity #AbortionRights #Policy #Democrats #PoliticalActivism #GrassRootsPolitics #YoungDemocrats #President #YoungDemocratsGA #Roe #Diversity #Inclusion #CRT #DEISupport the Show.

7/27/22 • 25:10

The North GA Blue: Getting into Good Trouble podcast covers democratic politics in North GA, the 9th Congressional District, and across the state of Georgia. The podcast is in Q&A/Interview format with various democratic politicos including county chairs, democratic operatives, politicians, and more. It is our mission to deliver crucial information to our listeners in a timely manner as we fight for community values and principles in the 3rd most Conservative district in the state. Our website is: guests highlight democratic activities and actions to work toward a Blue Georgia. The 9th Congressional District spans 20 counties across the region and covers a good deal of northern GA including Blue Ridge, Morganton, Fannin, Union, Banks, Athens/Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyth, Franklin, Gilmer, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Our democratic party podcast also disseminates information and interviews powerful Democrats across the state of GA working to overthrow the suppression tactics of the GOP and ensure democracy and our values, grassroots efforts, and goals remain intact. #podcasts #politicalpodcasts #democraticpolitics #democraticparty #stateofga #SCOTUS #SeparationChurchandState #democraticactivism, #democraticgrassroots #community #gademocraticparty #georgiademocrats #democraticpodcasts #bestdemocraticpodcasts #GAPOL #ClimateChange #freedemocraticpodcasts #deepdemocracypodcasts #gademocrats #democracy #republic #democraticpodcastslisten #fightthegop #votersuppression #voterrights #bluestates #redstates #podcastsdemocraticpolitics #grassrootsactivism #climatechange #environment #9thCongressionalDistrict #9thcongressionaldistrictchairs #ruraldemocrats #racialequity #racism #RacialEquity #POC #politicalactivist  #racialjustice #equity #RaisingtheWage #GAMinimumWage #MinimumWage #education #diversity #inclusion #workingtorestoredemocracy #voterrights #democraticoperative #localpolitics #countypolitics #statepolitics #politicalraces #voterturnout #redistricting #gerrymandering #votersuppression #voterrights #politicalhistory #gapol #ruralrevival #ruraloutreach #DemocraticPartyofGA  #DPG #EconomicJustice #democraticgoals #democraticcharacter #democraticvalues #democraticintegrity  #TurnGABlue #Transparancy #GADems  #gapol #BestDemocratPodcast #Ethics #Integrity #ElectingDemocrats #LocalElections #CountyElections #StatewideElectionsGA #NationalElections #Healthcare #SocialJustice #EconomicJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #UnderservedPopulations #BlackCommunities #HispanicCommunities #LatinoCommunities #BlackandBrownPeople #RacialEquity #RacialJustice #LGBTQ+  #GayRights #CivilRights #Advocacy #PoliticalAdvocacy #Activist #ProChoice #Immigration #MedicaidforAll #ACA #GunReform #ObamaCare  #Education #VoterRights #ProChoice #WomensRights #DemocraticCandidates #AtlantaGA #GAGovernor #ProgressivePolicies #ElectProgessiveWomen #Healthcare #EconomicSecurity #CriminalJusticeReform #Equity #Equality #Education #VotingRights #GASB202 #ProgressiveWomen #Unions #JohnLewisVotingRightsAdvancementAct #FreedomToVoteAct #VoterSupressionGA #VoterSuppression #VotingRestrictions #CivilRightsViolations #VotingAttacks #VoterSupression #CommunityOrganizer #Diversity #Inclusion #Policy #Action #BlackWomen #BlackandBrownPeople #POC #UnderservedPopulations #PoliticalActivist #ElectProgressiveWomen #ProChoiceWomen #ProChoice #WomenSupportingWomen #ERA #ReproductiveJustice #Education #GunLaws #ProChoiceDemocrats  #ProgressivePublicPolicy #KimFloria #Candidate #Activist #Politician #GAHD30 #Equity #Poverty #Policy #Democrats #Activism #GrassRootsPolitics #RuralDemocrats #GunReform #Healthcare #GunViolence #AssaultWeapons #Fairness  #WeaponsBans #Communities #RunForSomething #ChangefortheBetter #Vote #GAHouseSupport the Show.

7/20/22 • 24:13