Show cover of The Junior Kekuewa Jr. Show from Hawaii!

The Junior Kekuewa Jr. Show from Hawaii!

Random, sometimes politically incorrect, Life Coaching with The Law of Attraction, true stories from real-life experiences, with Comedy! This will inspire you. 🙏🏽❤️🕉 😉 New Podcasts Weekly! Junior Kekuewa Jr.! Law of Attraction Life Coach. 🙏🏽❤️🕉 Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this podcast do not reflect the views of our sponsors, affiliates, this platform, members of our distribution network, or any other entity. Names have been changed or omitted for privacy. Contact: Website: ©️Voicemaster Enterprises LLC 2023


In this podcast, Junior talks about his first mentor, his Mom’s youngest brother, and how the question always came down to: “What about God”? This podcast will leave you with many questions. as always if you need more information, you can write to Junior at or go to the website at, or you can book a session at Just know that what you are being told and what is, are two very different things. There is the exoteric knowledge, and there is the esoteric knowledge. The good news is that everything is being revealed to mankind. Stay tuned for more on the podcast! Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company. ©️2024

2/10/25 • 57:56

In this episode, Junior explains how your subconscious can be reprogrammed, and your faith in your higher power, whatever you believe that to be, will always be there for you if you have real faith. The system cannot separate you from God, or your higher self. You are in the world, not of the world. You are a spiritual being having a physical experience. So many people claim to believe in a higher power, but when it comes time to trust it, they don't. It is visible by their results, that their beliefs are not in alignment with the results they are getting. You can always tell what is inside a person by what is around the person. That's why the old saying goes. Show me the five people you hang around with and I will tell you who you are. You can't fake it in life like that. Whatever ever is around you on the outside exists in you on the inside. It's that simple. So look around you and ask yourself what would you like to change. It's very easy to do, and it starts with a pen and a writing tablet. If you need more help contact Junior at for a free 30-minute consultation. Here for You Life Coaching Is a Voicemaster Enterprises Company ©2025 All rights reserved.

2/3/25 • 51:20

In this podcast, Junior discusses doubt and fear as two major factors in your manifestations, not materializing. All positive emotions come from love and all negative emotions come from fear. We get happiness, contentment, peace, confidence, and joy from love. From fear, we get anger, anxiety, guilt, self-doubt, and low self-esteem. There are only two emotions at the base of all human activity. You are either operating from love or fear and you have the choice in which to reside. Ask yourself, “Do I want to live in love or do I want to live in fear?”. You have control over this. When you change how you think about things, the things you think about change. Life is no longer a major challenge. You don’t see life happening to you, but start to see life happening for you. You can do anything you put your mind to. The hardest part is to decide whatever it is that you want and to commit to it. If you need help from Junior, you can write to him at: or go to the website at and register for the podcast. Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises company. ©️2025 all rights reserved.

1/27/25 • 57:12

In this episode, Junior discusses how your master is within. The kingdom is within. You are obligated to that entity when you are contracted to a physical or corporate entity. True freedom comes from realizing that the kingdom is within everything you seek should come from within. People spend their whole lives, seeking things outside of themselves to make them feel better or to complete them. They fail to realize that they are already complete. Everything they need is in them. They just need to access it. But before you go on the journey to access it, you need to see it for what it really is. Don’t evolve into a disgruntled human being. Evolve into someone who is happy with life and enjoys who they are. Your Master is within. If you need Junior‘s help, sign up on the website: or 🙏🏽❤️🕉️

1/20/25 • 55:48

In this episode, Junior discusses the subconscious mind, and how to reprogram it. Once you work through your subconscious mind on everything that you desire, the world changes. Your subconscious can bring you anything; great relationships, jobs, material things, and it can change your entire life. For more information contact Junior at: or book on the website at: Life is short, live your dreams! 🙏🏽❤️🕉️

1/13/25 • 57:04

In this episode, Junior discusses the law of attraction, and how it is very simple to do. The law of vibration also plays a part in manifestation. with the law of attraction, you attract, who you are not exactly everything you want, but you can manifest things you desire as well as people, circumstances and income. Every human was born with this capability, it’s called the subconscious mind. if you need help with this, Junior will send you books for free email him at or write: For sessions, go to the booking website: 🙏🏽❤️🕉️

1/6/25 • 59:53

In this episode, Junior talks about how there is a sacrifice for everything. When you are pursuing your dreams, you must remember that there will be a sacrifice that you have to make in order to achieve your dream. People who stay in their comfort zone never get as far as those who don't. You have to get out of your comfort zone and sacrifice something significant or your dreams will not be fulfilled to the fullest. Anyone who tells you that they did not sacrifice anything to get what they have is not telling you the truth. At Here For You Life Coaching, we specialize in showing people how to live their dreams. Living your dreams takes commitment, determination, self-discipline, and sacrifice. If you can do these things, you can live your dreams. If you need to contact Junior for more information: or Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises company ©️2023 All rights Reserved.

12/30/24 • 56:40

In this episode, Junior explains the principles of manifestation, how it works, and the most ideal ways to execute it. he also gives examples of how he did things that involved relationships instead of focusing on money. When you focus on relationships, people will help you when you least expect it. Junior also urges everyone to focus on the things they love and the people they love with emphasis, mostly on people. When you put people first and love people first, wonderful things begin to happen in your life. Whatever it is that you want from life you have to give it first. If you want money, give it first if you want attention give it first, if you want love give it first. You will probably not receive back from the same source that you give to so don’t worry about reciprocity. The important thing is just to become the change you want to see in the world. You need to initiate the change. if you want to work with Junior, you can find him at or register for podcast alerts at If you’d like to write to Junior, you can reach him at Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises Company©️2023 All rights reserved.

12/23/24 • 55:50

In this episode, Junior discusses self-discipline and where to start. The subconscious mind learns through repetition. What you repeat over and over becomes your paradigm. To rewrite an existing paradigm, you must do three things that will change your circumstances the fastest. I think it, write it, and speak it into existence. You were born with these tools. You were born with infinite knowledge. You have to awaken it within you. If you need more help with these things, write to Junior here: or go to the website: to sign up for sessions. All sessions are done on FaceTime, Zoom, or Skype. To read our reviews click on our Google site: Here for You Life Coaching. 🙏🏽❤️🕉 Here for You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises company ©️2024

12/18/24 • 53:04

In this podcast, Junior talks about how things are presented to us upside down and backward in society. He also talks about how we can transcend anything and live extraordinary lives if we choose to do so. Changing your paradigm is the fastest way. When you reprogram your subconscious mind, you will find yourself with new habits. Every action leads to a result; if you correct or deliberately change your actions, you will change your results in life. If you need help with this, you can contact Junior here: junior@hereforyoulifecoaching or book on the website at Here for You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company. ©️2024. All rights reserved.

12/9/24 • 51:22

Junior talks about how sometimes committing to your dreams is very strenuous in this podcast. Sometimes, you want to give up and give in and do something else. Sometimes, people do something else just because it pays better. There are many reasons why people leave their dreams behind. Sometimes, they leave them behind because they think it was a silly idea they had as a kid. This is not the truth. You can live your dreams. You can do what you want and make money, especially now that technology exists as it does. Living your dreams takes a lot of guts, perseverance, and patience. Just know that if you stay the course, eventually, God will deliver, and you will live the life of your dreams. If you need Junior’s help with these things, you can contact him here: or go to the website to sign up for alerts on future podcasts go to Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises company. ©️2023 all rights reserved.

12/3/24 • 55:12

In this episode, Junior discusses manifestation in various ways. The four pillars of manifestation are affirmations, meditation, vocalization, and visualization. Junior also outlines how your subconscious involves all of your senses. Remember how you manifest your life, whether you believe in it or not, whether you know it or not, whether you want to or not. The good part is when you can intentionally manifest your life by deliberately performing actions that result in your ideal outcome. If you need help with this, contact Junior here: or book on the website at Here for You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company, ©️2024, all rights reserved.

11/25/24 • 50:50

In this episode, Junior covers several topics, one of which is manifesting an intentional life. When we see things in politics manifest to one extreme, we see the pendulum swing back because there is a balance to everything. When human beings visualize something in mass numbers, manifestation happens as well. These synchronicities are not random occurrences or events, but are carefully orchestrated manifestations. To live and intentional life means to function on intuition and where you are inspired to go. The more you rely on intuitive thought and the more you act on intuitive thought the more things will happen in your favor, and you will be living an intentional life; a life made of purpose than just random occurrences. if you need Junior's help, contact him at or book on the website at www.hereforyoulifecoaching.comHere for You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises company. ©️ 2024 All rights reserved.

11/18/24 • 51:31

In this episode, Junior discusses cutting the cord with toxic people. It doesn’t matter if they are blood relatives, close friends, or associates. The reason why you should do this is because on the energetic level it will drain you. Human beings link up with each other energetically either positively or negatively. If you are having interactions with people and feel drained, this is happening to you. When you become aware of this, you need to make a decision. Some people limit interactions, but that is not being honest with themselves. They really want to do is disconnect, but they do not have the confidence to do it. If you need help with your confidence, Junior can help you. You can reach him at or on the website at: here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company. ©️2024 All rights reserved.

11/15/24 • 56:23

In this episode, Junior discusses how the human voice can heal people, center them, and eliminate fear and anxiety from them. Making no medical claims he goes on to speak of the miracles that he witnessed, and the changes that happen in body language, confidence, demeanor and attitudes. Your voice, if used correctly can heal you. You don’t have to have musical talent, as long as you have muscles, air and energy, you can do this. if you’ve tried other methods to combat anxiety and nothing has worked you need to try this. If you know someone who is plagued by fear, anxiety, guilt, shame and frustration, please pass this along to them so that it can help them. Junior is willing to help almost anyone. To contact Junior you can write to him at Or book directly on the website at If you want to subscribe to the podcasts subscribe at Remember that you are a human being, and you are more complex and sophisticated than you realize. You have many built-in mechanisms that can help you. Because we live in commerce, you have been distracted out of these natural healing modes to purchase ‘cures’ or remedies. Think energy, frequency, vibration, and velocity. Although, Junior makes no medical claims he has gotten people off medication, and changed many lives. Please consult a physician for medication purposes. For natural holistic healing from emotional issues, remember that the eyes or the mirrors of the soul and the voice is the mirror of the feelings and emotions. You know how to look at a pair of eyes and you know how to listen to a voice you can tell a lot about a human being. The prison is the mind, but remember that the kingdom is within, God is very real and lives within you, call upon that energy! Thank you for listening. Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises company. ©️2023 All rights reserved.

11/11/24 • 57:08

In this episode, Junior tells of how he manifested meeting José Feliciano. Manifestation is done in many different ways. It happens whether you think it’s happening or not, whether you are aware of it or not. Life becomes extraordinary when you can deliberately make it happen to bring you the things, experiences, and relationships you want. If you need Junior‘s help, contact or the website Life is short; live your dreams! 🙏🏽❤️🕉

11/4/24 • 57:33

In this episode, Junior discusses how to define your ideal life. That you have to write down the details. You can design your life by writing it out. Not many people take the time to do this, but you take the time to do it you will see profound results in your life. Remember that the fastest process is affirmations, meditation vocalization, and visualization. Manifestation happens whether you think so or not or whether you believe it does or not. The blessings come when you can write down what you want and where you want to go and then experience it. You can control your manifestations. It just takes a little self-discipline. if you need juniors help you can write to him at or sign up for podcast notifications at, if you’d like to book a session with Junior you can schedule it at Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises company. ©️2024 all rights reserved.

10/28/24 • 53:11

In this episode, Junior gives some law of attraction basics. Fundamentals that you need to manifest at your optimal level. The law of attraction works, whether you think it does or not or whether you want to or not. When you get to the point where you can make things happen and have control over your manifestations, your entire life will change. Junior explains that it is only half true when you hear people say that you manifest who you are instead of what you want. The reason is that on the one hand, you do manifest who you are, but you can raise that vibration, and when you do, it will attract better circumstances, things, and situations that are on a higher vibrational level. If you need more information or seek training, contact Junior at: or register on the podcast website to get notifications about future podcasts: Life is short, live your dreams! 🙏🏽❤️🕉️

10/21/24 • 56:17

In this podcast, Junior talks a little bit about female nature, and addresses the men in our audience. Understand that she is not like you, gentlemen. If you want to understand women, you need to study and do your homework. That’s the only way you are going to be a true benefit for her and yourself. Junior also talks about how the human voice heals and what’s involved. The human voice triggers neurotransmitters and create a hormonal soup so to speak in the brain. It changes lives. Although he makes no medical claims, Junior explains how people have left therapy gotten off their meds, and have completely changed as individuals by escaping the matrix that surrounds us. It helps you to be your authentic self. If you need more information or help in these areas, contact Junior: or write to him at don’t forget to sign up for podcast alerts at: Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company. ©️2024 All rights reserved. The views expressed on the podcast do not reflect our carriers, affiliates, or sponsors. Medical disclaimer: we do not make any medical claims, no advice or information given is meant as a substitute for professional medical help. Thank you for listening! 🙏🏽❤️🕉️

10/14/24 • 56:03

In this podcast Junior discusses how one is a slave to their creations. Be careful what you create for yourself because you will have to spend time on it. If you create a business for yourself make sure you enjoy it. If you create a situation for yourself, whatever it is, make sure it is an ideal situation so that you enjoy it. Nothing is worse than being an unhappy slave. There are many wealthy slaves in the world. Some of them have made money in things that they never anticipated and when things shifted that way they no longer enjoyed it but they are tethered to it. Life is short, live your dreams! If you need Junior‘s help you can email him at To book sessions go to: you can also leave a free audio question on the podcast website at:

10/7/24 • 53:40

In this episode, Junior discusses the first time he manifested a brand-new car. It was a mental and spiritual process. The steps are as follows: 1. Visualize 2. Write it in the present tense as if you possess it. 3. Take the baby steps. 4. Enjoy your results! ANYONE can do this! If you need help, write to Junior here: or or book a session at If you think small, you get small in life. Expand your thinking and allow ‘Bigger’! God is real. 🙏🏽❤️🕉️

9/30/24 • 59:53

In this episode, Junior talks about manifestation and how he started his consultant firm VMAC Consultants. One of his points was did you don’t have to know how something is going to happen because the house is always God’s job. You don’t have to know how to do something, you can do anything your way. You do not have to conform to the way everybody else does something. The main thing is that you achieve the objective and make sure it is a win-win for everyone involved. Junior also points out that his first and biggest client came from within another company of his that he was totally not expecting. The only thing he was expecting was that VMAC would work. It is important that you take the baby steps. Do your affirmations, meditation, visualization and vocalization and you can manifest the life of your dreams. Life is short, live your dreams! If you need Junior’s help, go to the website: or you can write to Junior at subscribe to podcast notifications at Disclaimer: the views presented on the podcast are exclusively the views of Junior, Kekuewa Jr. and do not reflect Voicemaster Enterprises LLC, or our affiliates and carriers. ©️Voicemaster Enterprises LLC 2023 All rights reserved.

9/23/24 • 51:33

In this episode, Junior discusses his ADHD and it is a blessing and a curse for him at the same time. ADHD is a huge blessing in the way that you can accomplish many things in record time. However, when your brain goes into overdrive, and you begin losing sleep, or other similar scenarios, it can be a curse. ADHD awareness is important because, in the old days, the solution was the belt. After all, no medical professional knew what was going on, ADHD had not been invented yet. And as Junior explains, the only medication was the belt or other disciplinary actions. If you or your child has ADHD, just know that you can use it as a blessing and be productive and build the life of your dreams. Because if you allow it to get the best of you and you do not learn to control your mind, it can get the best of you. no matter how hard you try, you will have some of these instances where it will operate against you. The trick is to work hard at self-discipline so that you can direct your busy mind, and give it a job. When you do that, your ADHD, will serve you. if you have a child with ADHD, support what they gravitate to, reward all of their positive actions, and seek medical advice and support. Remember that the word ‘ability’ is in the word disability, so don’t ‘dis’ yourself or your child. Direct your ‘extra’ energy in the positive, and it will bring you great rewards. If you need to contact Junior about this, you can reach him at: or go to the website at, Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises company. ©️2024 all rights reserved.

9/16/24 • 58:13

In this episode, Junior discusses a hypothesis that the subconscious is the body. That your senses contribute to your subconscious learning, and that if you feed your senses, the things you want to do or have, you can accomplish all of those things. He also discusses power, and how you retain your power by not using it. It is very easy to manifest things, places, and even people and experiences. But you need to do the mental work first. If you need help with this, Junior will help you you can find him at, or on the website at You can also register for alerts to receive the next podcast at Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises Company ©️2024 All rights reserved.

9/9/24 • 56:37

In this episode, Junior discusses how his mission became unlocking introverts. How the human voice can heal you from negative emotions like worry, fear, doubt, shame, and guilt, and how science is only now figuring this all out. He is also writing a book about and will be released soon on Amazon. Everything is energy, frequency, and vibration. The key to unlocking introverts is through the expression of the voice with velocity. It literally opens the person up. When someone is open, they are able to attract anything they desire. When a person is closed off, expression happens in a different way, in a negative way; and they can become sick. A human being can be tuned to a higher frequency through their voice, and project a better overall vibration. It will change your life. To find out more just write to Junior at or go to the website at and sign up for podcast notifications. Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company. ©️2024

9/2/24 • 57:09

In this episode, Junior talks about how aloha is slowly disappearing from Hawaii. How there is an anti-tourist sentiment, as well as an anti-military one. He also explains how paradigms are changed, the value of self-confidence, and how self-confidence is responsible for total change in a human being. When self-confidence is developed, just about every other negative issue subsides. The majority of negativity is rooted in fear. Fear cannot live with confidence resides. If you need to book an appointment with Junior, you can find them here: or write him at life is short, live your dreams! 🙏🏽❤️🕉️ ©️2023 Here For You Life Coaching.

8/26/24 • 56:14

In this episode, Junior, discusses role reversal in relationships. It is very important if you are a man in a relationship to maintain leadership. When a man stops leading, he forces his female into leadership unwillingly. That can last for a little while, but then it starts to get ugly because she is not a natural leader. She is a nurturer, or at least she should be if she is in the feminine role. The majority of men know nothing about females before they get in a relationship. If you are about to get into a relationship with a female, you should learn as much as you can about how they are hardwired. Just know that you can turn a relationship around if it has switched polarities. It takes a little effort, but it can be done. If you need help understanding female nature or how to turn a relationship around so that it benefits both of you, contact Junior at for or join the podcast notifications at or write Junior at Just remember that life is short, so live your dreams! 🙏🏽❤️🕉️

8/19/24 • 53:28

In this episode, Junior covers a wide variety of topics pertaining to life coaching. He explains the subconscious, conscious and superconscious minds. He also discusses how the older generation can benefit from the younger and vice versa. Younger people need mentors, people with life experience. Older people need younger people’s expertise and know how. There needs to be more of an exchange of this type in the world to make the world a better place and easier to live in. There are two kinds of people. The person who succeeds and kicks the ladder out from under him, and the person who succeeds and opens the door for others, and shows them the way! If you need Junior’s help, you can find him here: or write to him at or on Instagram: @hereforyou808 or TikTok @jrkjr Voicemaster Enterprises LLC All rights reserved. ©️2023

8/12/24 • 54:17

In this episode, Junior talks about how he manifested his horse Duchess, a horse he later renamed Bebeh Girl. Sometimes you manifest things that you think about a lot, even if it originated in childhood. The law of attraction says, did you manifest who you are. You can also manifest through your subconscious anything that you desire, if and only if you follow the process. You need to visualize it, write it, and speak it. Ask, believe and receive. It works because you are a human being. It also works because you were born with this ability. Jesus Christ said the kingdom is within. Many other teachers who have come to the planet have said the same thing. Einstein said imagination is more powerful than Knowledge because imagination is unlimited. If you would like to get a hold of Junior for life coaching, you can reach him here: or book a session here: or sign up to receive free alerts from the Podcasts here: 🙏🏽❤️🕉️

8/5/24 • 57:17

In this episode, Junior talks about his first mentor; his Uncle. At 13, his uncle took him aside and decided to open his eyes to the world. As a result, Junior began to see things as they were and was more able to navigate the world and see previously hidden things. He also mentions that everything is hidden right before you if you know what to look for. It was because of Junior's Uncle that he was able to achieve the things that he did. It was because of his Uncle that he could live his dreams and do what he wanted to do rather than do what he thought he should do to succeed or to make money. Everything is built within. The Kingdom is within. Your success is within. Your energy is within. It resides in the spiritual world, not the physical one. When you tap into the spiritual, it takes command over the physical. If you'd like to learn more about these things, you can contact Junior on the website at for or you can write to him for free advice at Here for You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC Company ©️2024 all rights reserved.

7/22/24 • 56:24