Show cover of Heart of the Matter Radio Podcast

Heart of the Matter Radio Podcast

Celebrating women from the past as we develop powerful new ways to navigate our nutty, upside-down world. Hostess Cynthia L Simmons leads listeners toward God's timeless wisdom. He's always the Heart of the Matter


Welcome to Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. As we celebrate Valentine's Day, we are covering riveting love stories. Today we featured Lori Ann and Dell Wood. They love to hold hands and laugh. But their idyllic life took an unexpected route when Lori Ann collapsed and almost died. Join us as we journey with them through the unthinkable. 

2/7/25 • 29:44

Welcome to Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast where we share God's timeless wisdom. We are several weeks into the New Year now, and it's easy to fall back into negative self talk and anxiety. I have found a deep dive into Scripture useful in managing daily stress. My guest was author Janet McHenry who shared about her latest book on prayer and Bible reading. Join us to discover how to free your mind. 

1/23/25 • 13:34

Welcome to the latest episode of Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast.  Cynthia's guest was author and counselor Debbie W Wilson. The two ladies chatted about ways to improve our thought patterns in 2025. Too often negative thoughts pop into our heads, and drag us down.  Debbie offered ways to evaluated your thoughts to see where they originate. She also offered a free download for anyone who would like to read more. You can find that here.

1/16/25 • 23:44

Welcome to the latest episode of Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. Christmas is a beautiful season. However, the true message often gets buried. This week Cynthia's guest was Melissa Heiland. Cynthia and Melissa discussed creative ways to teach the true meaning of Christmas. A must listen.

12/12/24 • 14:21

Welcome to the latest Heart of the Matter episode. Cynthia interviewed Annie Yorty, author of 25 Symbols of Christmas. Have you ever wondered why we put up wreaths and give away candy canes. Annie shared the fascinating background of many Christmas traditions.  You will not want to miss this.

12/5/24 • 20:29

Welcome to the Thanksgiving Day episode. We offer a prayer of thanksgiving for all our blessings.

11/28/24 • 01:22

Welcome to the latest Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. Imagine moving from college graduation to being first lady of the United States? Frances Cleveland made that huge change gracefully. This week Author Evelyn J Taylor discussed life's transitions. Ms Taylor explored ways and strategies to shift your mindset during life's inevitable changes. 

11/21/24 • 21:17

Welcome to the next episode of Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. Are you looking for inspiration, hope and encouragement? Our podcast explored the lives of godly men and women from the past. Author MichelleLazurek, talked about writing  her latest children's book, Hall of Faith. Join us and discover what inspired her.

11/7/24 • 10:38

Welcome to the newest episode of Heart of the Matter Radio Podcast. My guest this week was author Lynne Rienstra who authored Sacred Refuge. We discussed how to find that rest in the Lord. Lynne shared stories of people who had suffered horribly but found peace in Jesus. Listen and you'll be inspired. 

10/24/24 • 27:13

Welcome to anothere episode of Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. This week my guest was Author Bonnie Fite. She related stories from the Jamestown and Plymouth colonies revealing God's protection and thier enduring faith. You won't hear these inspiring stories anywhere else. Enjoy!

10/17/24 • 19:40

Welcome to another episode of Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. In this episode, Cynthia interviews Dr. Michelle Bengstrom who wrote Sacred Scars. During this conversation, Dr. Bengstrom shared a person must feel their pain in order to heal. However, you can know healing and restored inner beauty. Enjoy this fascinating discussion.

9/12/24 • 16:36

Welcome to the latest episode of Heart of the Mattter Radio/Podcast. In a world filled with darkness, we can easily feel ourselves overwhelmead. However, as individuals we can be the power that cuts through the gloom. Join Cynthia's interview with author John Di Girolamo. He offered suggestions and tools for keeping our families safe.

8/8/24 • 27:50

Welcome to Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. This week our guest was Tammy Largin who wrote a book about parenting. She drew a comparison between child-rearng and arrows in a warrior's quiver. The discussion centered around problems we face in our technology rich world and challenging your offspring to make good choices. Join us for this thought-provoking conversation.

7/11/24 • 16:14

Welcome to Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast.  Rachel Anderson came this week to discuss how to live with purpose and meaning. She told fun stories about how God taught her as she raised her three boys. Join us for this inspiring discussion.

6/27/24 • 09:09

Welcome to Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. In this episode we focus on opening your home to long-term guests. Melissa Heiland shared how she and her husband minister to weary friends or guests from around the world. She discussed privacy and boundaries as well as chatting with your guest about what to expect. Join us on this ministry journey.

6/20/24 • 14:11

Welcome to Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. In this episode, hostess, Cynthia L Simmons, shared a short but fascinating snippet of history you might not know.  What if you got thirsty and had no refrigerator and no grocery store? Join us in this interesting blog.

6/13/24 • 03:45

Welcome to another Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. In this episode, we chatted about the complex emotions surrounding abortion like fear of God's retribution. Camille Cates was my guest. She related the dramatic story of her unplanned preganancies and her choice to abort. Camille opened up about her deep seated pain and guilt. She explained the difference in Biblical grief verses worldly sorrow. Join our conversation and discover peace through God's mercy.

4/25/24 • 32:11

In this riveting podcast, Cynthia explores the problem of the wayward child. As Cynthia opened the interview, she related the story of Susannah Wesley and her prodigal child. Afterward, she asked her guest, Deborah Crawford to share the struggles she faced when her daughter made poor choices. The ladies discussed the gut-wrenching pain of letting go and trusting God. Join Cynthia and Deborah as they shared how they found hope in the middle of pain.

2/29/24 • 20:41

In this President's Day podcast, Cynthia and Rebecca Price Janney, author and historian, discuss intriguing stories. Discover how John Quincy Adams made an impact by refusing to accept a gag order on slavery. From enduring marriages and diplomacy, this episode makes history live and sheds light on our lives today.  

2/15/24 • 22:10

Welcome to another episode of Heart of the Matter Radio Podcast. We all enjoy a love story, and this week Cynthia shared a tidbitt from the courtship of Charles Haddon Spurgeon and his wife Susannah. Susie was very shy, but Spurgeon had set London ablaze when he came to New Park Street Chapel. The church had to hire a new auditorium to handle the crowds he attracted. However, he tended to forget everything when he started speaking. Once he even forgot Susie. Listen for a snippet of their story. You can find more on the book by Cynthia called Women Who Overcame. 

2/8/24 • 05:12

In this podcast episode,  hostess Cynthia L Simmons discussed the connection of red lipstick, World War 2, and patriotism. She explored how American women expressed their femininity and kept their spirits up during a pivotal time in history. Drawing parallels to the idea of love, Cynthia also discussed the idea of agape love as we launch into the month of February.  Join us as we dive into history and consider how to improve the present.

2/1/24 • 03:12

Welcome to the latest episode of Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast where we celebrate women from the past and learn new and powerful ways to cope with our nutty, upside-down world.  This week we had a special guest, Katie Leigh who plays Connie Kendall on Adventures in Odyssey. She was joined by a mutual friend, author Peggy Sue Wells.  Katie shared how she got the job at Focus on the Family and her heart for sharing truth with others. Peggy Sue explained how she became friends with Katie. Both ladies expressed their desire to minister and make the world a better place. Join us as we hear their inspiring stories and invaluable lessons.

1/25/24 • 20:24

Welcome to another episode of Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. In this episode  Cynthia and her guest Dawn Damon discuss what a brave-hearted woman looks like. Dawn shared her insights on discovering your vision and living as God intended you to live. Join Cynthia and Dawn as they discuss practical tips to make 2024 more successful.

1/18/24 • 39:30

Welcome to our second podcast for 2024. Cynthia and her guest, author Nicki White, discuss stories of people who rose above circumstances and lived out what they believed. Nicki also offered encouraging ideas about how we can reach out to needy people this year and make a difference in our world. Join us as we brainstorm tackling 2024.

1/12/24 • 12:53

Welcome to Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. 2024 has arrived. Typically, people consider their plans and resolutions for the new year. This week, Cynthia mentioned the craziness around us. She asked author Peggy Sue Wells to give thoughts about stewardship in this situation. Peggy Sue pointed out the importance of self-care and of controlling your thoughts rather than leaping into crisis mode. She highlighted the need for prayer and loving people as well as listening to the opinions of others. This month Peggy Sue will be giving away her Mark Wayne Adventure Series ebooks. If you would like to be part of the drawing, email

1/4/24 • 27:55

Welcome to Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. In this week's New Year podcast, Cynthia related a story about the man who accidentally ignited Thee Great London Fire, which took place in 1666. Imagine how ashamed he must have felt. Based on that event, she invited listeners to consider their own legacy. What will people remember about your life? 

12/28/23 • 03:43

Welcome to the Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. This week Cynthia offered a holiday message about creating lasting memories with those we love. She emphasized the need for transcendency in our lives. and for giving messages that clearly communicate our hope. As a Christmas gift, Cynthia offered listeners her childhood memories of Christmas as well as a cake recipe her mother used to make for the season. 

12/22/23 • 06:03

Welcome to the Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. This week we go back in history to learn about Teddy Roosevelt's parents. His mother, Mittie Bulloch, lived in Roswell, Georgia, just north of Atlanta. Our guest this week, Gwendolyn I. Koehler researched their lives and transcribed their letters. In this episode, she shared their romantic journey and their gorgeous winter wedding at Bulloch Hall. To learn more about Bulloch Hall, you can check visiting hours here. Ms. Koehler's book, Mittie and Thee: an 1853 Roosevelt Romance, can be found on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. As a Christmas gift, you may click here to receive Cynthia's childhood memories and a favorite childhood reicpe. 

12/14/23 • 31:23

Welcome to Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. In this episode, author and counselor Tina Yeager chatted about ways to whip holiday burn out. Tina offered useful ideas on managing social obligations and genius ways to give meaningful gifts without spending a fortune. She also offers a course you can check out here. Use the codes FRIDAY23 or ACT NOW to get a discount. In addition, Cynthia is offering a gift to all her listeners. She complied Christmas memories from her childhood and a favorite cake her mother used to make. You can access that here.

12/7/23 • 12:06

Welcome to the Thanksgiving episode of Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. Cynthia steps back ino history and hightlights Sarah Josepha Hale. Sarah, who lived during the Civil War, believed a national day of thanksgiving would unite and fractured nation. Due to her persistance, President Lincoln finally made the Thanksgiving a national holiday. Grab a cup of hot cocoa and listen to this delightful story while you count your blessings. This year, Cynthia is offering her childhood memories as a gift to her listeners. Click here  to receive the gift

11/23/23 • 04:13