Absolutely everything is interconnected in astonishing dynamic ways that we are only beginning to understand, including our mental and planetary wellbeing. The In Our Nature explores these connections, along with the unseen but profoundly influential currents, systems, cycles, patterns, stories, and constructs that shape both our inner lives and the world around us. Why are we the way we are? Why are we treating the world and each other in the ways we do? Why do we feel so rubbish? Is this in our nature? What's going on?Join me, Siobhán Friel, your host and fellow wanderer, as we curiously fondle the places where environmental, societal, historical, ecological and mythological contexts meet and mingle. The In Our Nature pod wants to shed light on the hidden connections and deeper patterns that are shaping this extraordinary time we are in, helping us see more clearly as we make our way forth. Come and join me.
Oh good, you're here. The Inner Peace & Other Cool Shit podcast will help you find freedom from overwhelm, worry, anxiety and stress by exploring a revolutionary understanding of how humans work. This isn't a tool or a technique. I'm sick of those and I bet you are, too. This is a deeper exploration of what's going on beyond our personal, conditioned thinking and how seeing this can help you live life with more peace, ease and other cool shit. I'm Siobhán, by the way. Let me in your ears and let's go.
2/15/22 • 01:21
In the first ever episode of the Inner Peace & Other Cool Shit podcast, we're jumping straight into an exploration of how us humans experience lifeHave you ever wondered how you experience life? Like, what even is our experience and where does it come from? Are we just at the mercy of whatever crap is thrown at us? Huh? Good news - no we are not. Come and explore: Why understanding how something works (including ourselves) changes everything How we think our experience is created Where our experience actually comes from Why understanding this is helpful, awesome, brilliant, cool, totally rad and other superfluous synonyms when it comes to finding freedom from anxiety, overwhelm and worry How to see this for yourself Plus! Meet Anxious Alice. She's coming on the ride with us. For other cool shit, visit siobhanfriel.com or @siobhanfriel on Instagram.
3/1/22 • 16:57
Our lives are a constant stream of thinking. It could be a good idea to understand the nature of thought, right? In this episode we're looking at the huuuuuge misunderstanding about thoughts which is keeping many of us stuck and miserable. Come and explore: How our whole life is made entirely of thought How we think thought works: how it behaves, what it means The true nature of thought is not what we think at all Why understanding this is a game-changer when it comes to freedom from anxiety, overwhelm and worry How to see this for yourselfMentioned:Changeable podcast from Dr Amy JohnsonFor more cool shit visit siobhanfriel.com or @siobhanfriel
3/1/22 • 19:29
Hot news! Feelings are not the complicated phenomena we need to manage, control, process, heal, or any of that. Feelings are very simple and totally awesome. Come and explore: The relationship between our thoughts and our feelings What we think our feelings mean and what we do with them as a result The true meaning of feelings....which is much, much, much simpler and way better for navigating this human life Why understanding this is transformative for finding freedom from anxiety, overwhelm and worry ...and living in more peace and calmHow to explore this for yourself How's Anxious Alice getting on ?For more cool shit visit siobhanfriel.com or @siobhanfriel
3/10/22 • 22:00
Inner peace. Ahhhh. Sounds nice, huh? Want some? Think you need to do a ton of stuff to get there? Good news: inner peace is already inside, waiting to be rediscovered, and there's nothing for you to DO. But there is something to SEE. Come and explore: Where inner peace actually is (um, the clue is in the 'inner', by the way)What's in the way of experiencing more peace How we can all experience about a trillion times more peace How to explore this in your own lifeCan Anxious Alice find peace?Say hello at instagram.com/siobhanfriel or siobhanfriel.com
3/18/22 • 16:45
Ever heard that little voice inside tell you to do (or not do) something? I bet you ignored it, right? Yep. Me too. Well we need to stop doing that because we all have a cool guidance system to help us traverse life. And we aren't using it, dammit. Come and explore: How Every Single Person has an inner guidance system Why so few of us believe or use this (does it sound too woo?) How to get over our hesitation and mistrust and learn to love this cool inbuilt tool How relying on our inner guidance helps with anxiety, overthinking and worryIs this a bit woo for Anxious Alice?Woo is a funny word, isn't it?Woo woo woo Mentioned in the show: Coach, Author, Speaker and cool dude: Michael NeillAwesome podcast: Psychology Has It Backwards
3/26/22 • 23:00
Insight is a brand new, totally fresh experience of thought...and life. They are big and small and loud and quiet and hard and soft and everything in between. They transform the shit out of everything. Come and explore: What is insight and why is it so darn awesome? We've all had a billion insights already but probably didn't recognise them How does insight help with anxiety, stress, worry and overthinking? How can we get more of these magical little things? Will Anxious Alice have an insight? Mentioned in the show: Coach and author Dr Amy JohnsonQuestion, comment, idea or suggestion? Contact Siobhán here or on Instagram
4/3/22 • 24:19
If you experience a ton of negative thinking, catastrophising, ruminating and unwanted comparison and judgement, then congratulations! You have a healthy human brain.Come and explore: The normal ways a brain behaves Why a brain being a brain is not a problem to be solved How understanding this can transform our relationship to anxiety, worrying and overthinkingWhat does Anxious Alice think about a brain being a brain? Is she even listening?Also, we possibly set a record for the number of times the word 'dog' is said in one podcast episodeWhat's your relationship style with your brain? Take the quiz at siobhanfriel.com/quizMentioned in the show: Want cool shit and updates and all that stuff? Sign up to the newsletter: siobhanfriel.com/subscribeStruggling? DM on IG (instagram.com/siobhanfriel) or chat to me on Zoom (https://siobhanfriel.com/contact/)
4/11/22 • 26:55
Hot news: our human minds are designed to settle on their own, completely naturally. But, unfortunately, we mistakenly keep our minds all stirred up and rarely experience this self-calming awesomeness. Aren't we silly?Come and explore: Why it makes perfect sense that a mind calms itself The misunderstandings that stand in our way from experiencing this How to see through these misunderstandings to experience more peace, calm and quiet Learn about Anxious Alice's HOLY F*CK moment Mentioned in the show: Speaker, author, coach, cool dude Michael Neill (again! He rocks though)
4/17/22 • 21:38
We all experience low moods. All of us. A lot! But a rubbish mood isn't all that rubbish when we know what's going on Come and explore: How low or bad moods are common, totally normal, and don't mean a thing about you The misunderstandings about moods that cause extra suffering How to see moods in a new way to experience more ease We get a peek into Anxious Alice's bad mood Also, come and ride a heavily pummelled metaphor about the weather Question, comment, idea, thought? Contact me via siobhanfriel.com or on Instagram @siobhanfriel
4/27/22 • 23:54
Everything is always changing: out there in the world and inside you. Our thoughts, feelings, moods, perspectives, ideas, emotions, opinions and everything else are constantly on the move. Come and explore: Why it SEEMS like we are stuck in life, and how it's actually impossible to actually BE stuckHow seeing the constantly changing nature of ....every f*cking thing ever!....helps us relate to anxiety, panic and overwhelm in a completely new wayHow to explore this more in your own life to find a new freedom Anxious Alice makes up a new term (bucket-gazing)Question, comment, idea or suggestion? Contact me at siobhanfriel.com
5/5/22 • 28:55
Ever heard or read that 'everything you need is inside you' and thought it was a load of crap? Same! But it's actually true. You are full of cool shit. Come and explore: How - whaat?! - we actually do have everything we need inside us alreadyThe pesky misunderstanding that keeps us from seeing this How we can uncover the incredible cool shit that lives within us all by looking at thoughts and feelings in a new way Why this even matters for anxiety, overwhelm, worry and all that stuff Plus, Anxious Alice goes a bit rogue Reach out on Instagram @siobhanfriel or siobhanfriel.com
5/12/22 • 23:19
If you are like: "yeah, I kinda see anxiety and worry is just a speedy mind but what about when a Real Life Bad Thing Happens?"...then this is the episode for you. Come and explore: Bad Things are part of being human and we'll all feel pain (sorry)...but we don't have to suffer What even is a Bad Thing?How do we innocently make a thing Bad?How to see the nature of experience in a new way to help navigate times of f*cking terriblenessAll explored through a very questionable metaphor of lakes and hailstones ...with free cuddles at the end Question, comment, idea or suggestion? Contact me at siobhanfriel.com or Instagram @siobhanfriel
5/21/22 • 26:15
Tried all the things to calm your frantic mind but you're still not fixed? Are you earnestly on the lookout for the next tool, technique, strategy or program to be a less f*cked-up human?Stop! There's nothing you need to do. I'm doggy-sitting for this one and you'll hear some considerable tail-thumps. If you're ok with that, then...Come and explore: Why a tool, technique or strategy looks really compelling and we keep going back for moreHow they look like they work...sometimes...but this is an illusion If not a tool or technique, how do we find freedom from worry, anxiety, overwhelm and all of that horrid-feeling humanness? Metaphors this week include burnt pizzas and sacrificing goats Question, comment, idea or suggestion? Contact me on Instagram @siobhanfriel or siobhanfriel.com
5/29/22 • 24:37
Thought is so much more than our personal, me-me-me thinking. Thought creates our life and understanding this incredible ....energy....thingy....means we can use it to our advantage to have a life of more peace and ease, and less anxiety and stress. Sound good?Come and explore: How - yep! - thought is creating every darn thing How seeing thought on a bigger, more expansive level can help us understand what's going on Learn about a simple distinction which can free us from tangled overthinking Metaphors this week include novelty penis ice cubes. Question, comment, idea or suggestion? Email me at hello@siobhanfriel.com or DM me on Instagram @siobhanfriel
6/6/22 • 25:33
I answer a few of your questions about the stuff we're talking about on the podcast. Y'know, stuff like seeing thoughts and feelings in a new way and how this helps with anxiety and uncovering inner peace and all that. Right?Come and explore the answers to..."But what about when thoughts are true...?"I don't have time to let my mind settle""My life sucks!""I'm still not taking action even when I feel better"AlsoA few ponderings that might help in frenzied problem-solving modeAnd - are YOU Anxious Alice? For details about the free live sessions mentioned in the show, get your butt on the mailing list at siobhanfriel.com/subscribe.Question, comment, idea or suggestion? Email me at hello@siobhanfriel.com or DM me on Instagram @siobhanfriel
6/14/22 • 29:19
If your brain is always hurling itself toward the Worst Possible Outcome with no regard for likelihood, reason or reality, then HIGH FIVE my friend! You have a healthy, normal brain. Come and explore: How predicting the worst possible thing was a key driver in the evolution of our entire species Catastrophising and doom-forecasting are normal....but totally suckLearn about the amazing way us humans are designed to suffer a lot less when it comes to this stuff Seeing something new about our true nature can connect us back to peace Is Anxious Alice stepping on Siobhán's toes? Does every other country apart from New Zealand have the Door Dash service?What's your relationship style...with your brain? Take the quiz at siobhanfriel.com/quizMentioned: It's been a minute since Dr Amy Johnson was mentioned on the show. Check out the podcast episode referred to here. Question, comment, idea? Contact Siobhán here.
6/22/22 • 25:44
Gosh, it sure looks like those other humans can make life hard sometimes. It's because of them that we get upset, angry, anxious and annoyed. If they were different, we'd be happier. Right?Erm, nope. We got that wrong. Let's take a fresh look at our relationships and interactions and see if we can all have a nicer time co-existing on Earth. Come and explore: The ways in which ALL humans are exactly the same The only difference we have (it's a big one though)OK I can't hold it in: the difference is our thinking (bet you guessed that, right?) How understanding how the other humans work can help us all get along Also, why we should definitely not change our appearance, or do anything at all, in response to being ghosted Question, comment, idea? Contact me at siobhanfriel.com
6/30/22 • 27:23
Do you suffer from repetitive, ultra-distressing, shit-feeling thoughts? You're not alone, friend. Today we're talking about those peace-stealing intrusive thoughts. Join me. Come and explore: Why we get intrusive thoughts How we innocently keep them in place by adding extra meaning to them (again, innocently)How to see intrusive thoughts in a fresh way and find a new freedomWhat a hologram hedge maze and BBQ-fork-wielding murderers have to do with intrusive thoughtsAnd: Massive overshares from me including my intrusive thoughts Anxious Alice doesn't listen at all and goes in to a spiral of despair. Oh, Alice. The hangout is soon! Head to siobhanfriel.com/hangout to get details and join us if you want to. Question, comment, idea? Contact me here.
7/8/22 • 26:53
If you like the sound of not having to believe your crappy, hurtful, mean and scary thoughts but you want to know for sure that it works this way, or you need 'proof', then this episode is for you. Come and explore: How do we know that our shitty thoughts can't be trusted?Where's the proof?Come to think of it, what is proof?The enormous difference that our relationship with our thinking makes in our life How to explore this 'safely' without missing out on any important messages from your brainAnd: Why a puddle of gooey brain-melt is a good thing What pudding has to do with all this stuff The hangout is soon! Head to siobhanfriel.com/hangout to get details and join us if you want to, or you can submit a question if you can't make it live.Question, comment, idea? Contact me here.
7/17/22 • 32:14
It's time to put together everything we've been exploring on the show so far into a yummy recipe. If you want to experience WAY LESS anxiety, worry, overwhelm, insecurity, doubt and overthinking, and WAY MORE peace, calm, ease and joy....this one's for you. Come and explore: A romp through the main themes of the show so far Why do we overthink and have the shitty feelings anyway?The misunderstanding around why it sucks so much How to see through the things that are keeping us stuck to feel all the good shit And: We are making a cake so grab your apron!Anxious Alice talks with her mouth full I have a special announcement!Mentioned:Grab the recipe booklet and video at siobhanfriel.com/freething20 Want to be a guest on the show or want to suggest one? Email me at hello@siobhanfriel.com Question, comment, idea? Contact me here.
7/27/22 • 34:46
It’s our very first guest episode on the show and WHAT A GUEST! I have mentioned Dr Amy Johnson in a number of episodes so it was a dream to chat with her. Dr Amy is a coach, teacher, author, psychologist, speaker and all-round-amazing human. She’s an expert on helping people end habits and anxiety with her no-willpower approach and it was through Amy’s work that I first came to the understanding that I share on the show. Are you checking this out before 12th September 2022? Amy's giving YOU an enormous 25% discount off the next Little School of Big Change, her flagship programme (which I did many years ago!). Details for the School here: https://dramyjohnson.com/lsbc-fall-registration-page/Enter code: LSBCCLUB at checkout to get the discount. Please join Dr Amy and me to explore: Amy’s first insight into our true nature as humansHer last experience of ‘anxiety’ and how that looks different to her nowWhat anxiety even is and how we innocently make it ‘bad’Dr Amy answers a listener question about ‘when a behaviour becomes a habit’.And: It’s LOVE BINGO! Tell me how many times I use the word ‘love’ in the episode and you’ll win a prize** What would Dr Amy spend $475 on?Want to be a guest on the show or want to nominate one? Email me at hello@siobhanfriel.com **Only kidding. There is no prize. Question, comment, idea? Contact me here.
8/3/22 • 32:51
“Just don’t trust your thoughts when you’re feeling rubbish!” people like me seem to say, making it sound way too simple. Grrr for people like me. GRRRRRR!!!!Because what about when you ALWAYS feel rubbish, particularly when feeling insecure and anxious around a certain thing like a relationship, your job, etc? What then? What do you DO then, if those thoughts can’t be trusted? How can you move forward? Come and explore: Why it seems like our mind just never settles The made-up assumptions that make the problem seem enormous – keeping a mind stirred upHow to see through these very-normal-and-very-human but very annoying little tricks of the mindTrusting that the clarity you want is right under your thinking (and let’s try and get you there)And: What choice is Anxious Alice facing? I have a speedy mind right now too! Question, comment, idea? Contact me here.
8/14/22 • 28:40
Ah, Imposter Syndrome. Another thing to diagnose ourselves with, manage or cure. Oh, great. But the sting of Imposter Syndrome is that if you don't have it....you are either conceited or incompetent. Say what now?Come and explore: Is Imposter Syndrome a thing? Is it though? What is it? What 'causes' Imposter Syndrome?How is our persistent need for labels and diagnoses preventing us from living lives of more peace and calm?What does all this mean for anxiety, overthinking and wanting to be a better human?And: What is Breakfast Syndrome and do you have it?Is Imposterish a good name for a coffee roastery?Question, comment, idea? Contact me here.
8/23/22 • 25:02
It was my honour to have the amazing, smart and funny James Abbott on the show. James is an expert in helping young people transform their relationship with anxiety (my words, not his, he is far too modest). He is co-founder of the brilliant Our Mental Health Rocks organisation, a wellbeing coach, facilitator and trainer, author, podcaster and doting dog dad to two scrummy sausage dogs. This episode is a long one but our chat is so illuminating and builds in awesomeness as it progresses, so get it bookmarked for a time when you have a chance to listen to the whole thing. Please join James and me to explore: How experiencing anxiety can make us feel like our real selves have been replaced by this condition that now needs to be managed (but 'we' never go anywhere - yay)How it's normal to try and fix anxiety - but we don't need to do that (yay again)The trick of anxiety and what it actually means The last time James experienced 'anxiety' and what he 'did' about it How turning away from techniques and turning toward yourself transforms anxiety (and what we mean by this)How we are perfectly designed to feel anxiety, and how it passes on its own and much more in the enormous episode! Cool shit from James: Our Mental Health Rocks - homeOur Mental Health Rocks - the podcast It's Not What You Think - his book James' Instagram The dogs Gus and Bosley on Instagram And: What would two sausage dogs tell us humans about how to deal with our feels?Why was James doing lavender-flavoured burps at a training session?Mentioned: Michael Neill's book "The Inside Our Revolution" and the lovely anxiety coach Nicola BirdWant to be a guest on the show or want to nominate one? Email me at hello@siobhanfriel.com Are you coming to the next hangout? Hope so! Plop yourself onto my friends list at siobhanfriel.com/subscribe and I'll be sending details soon. Question, comment, idea, anything else? Contact me here.(Gosh those show notes were long as hell. Still with me? You can go now, my friend)
9/1/22 • 61:14
If you are struggling with ....well, anything....it's natural you'll want some help from those who think they can provide it. Yay for helpful things! Guess what, though? You have your own internal bullshit detector which can sniff out the things which aren't helpful for you, and can guide you toward a more peaceful experience of life. (But don't take my word for it, eh?)Come and explore: Why - of course! - we seek help from others when we feel rubbish or think we have a problem How others try to help us and why blinding following their advice isn't always the best thing for usHow 'helping ourselves' is actually easier than we think How to seek guidance while also feeling confident to call bullshit on the stuff which doesn't resonate with youAnd: Anxious Alice has a great example of 'expert help' which didn't ring true for herAm I allowed to put 'bullshit' in the title without an asterisk? What's the rule? Lemme knowThe next hangout is on 28th September! Coming? Pop your name onto my friends list at siobhanfriel.com/subscribe or get the details from https://siobhanfriel.com/hangout/ Question, comment, idea, anything else? Contact me here.
9/10/22 • 31:45
Do you take your thoughts seriously? Do you think you create them? Do you think your thoughts are advising you of important information about you, the future, the past or what other people think of you?Yep. All part of being human. What a riot, huh?But we're told through influences, culture and messaging that our thoughts ARE important and we DO need to pay attention.But your thoughts are nothing to do with you. Come and explore: Why - of course! - we think our thoughts are important, personal and to be paid attention toHow this simply can't be true if you poke at it a bitThe impact that seeing through this illusion can have on our relationship with anxiety, overthinking, insecurity and all the thingsAnd if we aren't our thoughts and our thoughts aren't ours....well....who the hell ARE WE then? Actually, that last bit will be in part two, coming next week. But I'll leave it in anywayAnd: Gasp! No Anxious Alice this week. I missed herThe next hangout is on 28th September! Coming? Pop your name onto my friends' list at siobhanfriel.com/subscribe or get the details from https://siobhanfriel.com/hangout/Can't make the hangout but you have a question? DM me on Instagram or email me. Question, comment, idea, aaaaaaanything else? Contact me here.
9/19/22 • 31:32
Welcome to part 2 of our exploration! Perhaps you may be on board with the idea that you are not your thoughts (part one is here if you missed it)...so who are you then?Come and explore: Why, if we come to see we are not our thoughts, we instead think we are the things we DO: our behaviours, habits, actions and responses......But are we really though?If we are not the things that change, what or who are we?Are we even asking the right questions? Does it even matter? Why? Huh?And a little dash of woo, even suitable for those who don't like wooMentioned: The next hangout is on 28th September (which might be in the past by the time you read this!) Coming? Get the details from https://siobhanfriel.com/hangout/Missed the hangout, but want details for the next one, and/or for the Who-Are-You Playshop I mentioned in the show? Pop your name on to my friends' list and I will let you know all the thingsStruggling and want to chat to me? Grab a free slot here Pod episode: "Your Experience Is Always Moving (& Why This Matters)"Pod episode (the proof one): "But How Do We Know We Don’t Need to Believe Our Crappy Thoughts?"Question, comment, idea, aaaaaaanything else? Contact me here.
9/28/22 • 31:15
It was brilliant to have Matt Roberts on the show. Matt is a psychological performance coach and former international high jumper who now works with athletes and business leaders to guide them to their own source of flow and peak performance. He's also an exceedingly nice human and I loved hanging out with him. Please join Matt and me to explore: What is psychological freedom…and how can we experience it?The relationship between state of mind and our performanceThe compelling allure of goals, and how seeing this in a fresh way can set us freeWhat our feelings can show us about life ...and lots of mind-melty wisdomAnd: When was the last time Matt was pissed off?What do Ricky Gervais and cherry vodka have to do with anything?Some merch-worthy soundbites such as “What we can create in the world is infinite…and meaningless” 🤤Do you want your question answered on the show too? Email me at hello@siobhanfriel.com or DM me on Instagram Find Matt on the webs:Matt's website Matt on InstagramMatt's Facebook(This episode has little spots of rubbish audio quality because - guess what? - I'm not that good! But bear with us. It's completely tolerable) Question, comment, idea, anything else? Contact me here.
10/7/22 • 43:57
We recently explored how we don't create our thoughts. We can't control them and we don't 'think' them up. So where do they come from? Come and explore: Why do we have the thoughts we have?The visible and invisible influences which may inform our thoughts How seeing this is enormously helpful when it comes to our experience of anxiety, overthinking, worry, stress and all the others. Three pieces of Amazingly Good NewsAnxious Alice gets somewhat politicalMentioned: I went on a mentioning spree in this show!For newbies: listening to episodes 1, 2 and 3 are recommended before this one Episode 11: Clarity, Creativity, Confidence, Joy, Resilience & Lots of Other Cool ShitEpisode 14: Thought: How To Use This Mind-Boggling SuperpowerQuestion, comment, idea, anything else? Contact me here.
10/16/22 • 29:26