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Orchard Community Church Sunday Morning Messages

Sunday morning messages from Orchard Community Church in beautiful Ventura, California. Listen in to hear the Good News from Pastor Matt Hoyt and occasional guest preachers.


“The Method: Sanctification” 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12The method God uses to bring about our spiritual transformation is called sanctification.  In the process of our sanctification, we are to seek to work with God in the work He is seeking to do in us.___________________________________________Faith in Uncertain Times1 ThessaloniansWe live in uncertain times.  Wars rage, our nation is deeply divided, and as Christians, we find ourselves in a culture that is increasingly resistant to our faith. In the book of 1 Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul writes to a church that was also dealing with uncertain times.  The Thessalonians lived in a world that was hostile to their faith, enduring persecution and even violence at times. As new believers, they also grappled with confusion about their doctrines and faced the divisive influence of individuals sowing discord among them. Yet, unlike most churches Paul wrote to, he offered the Thessalonians no correction, only encouragement and praise.  The Thessalonians provide a great model to learn from as we seek to live our faith in these uncertain times.Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

2/11/25 • 44:54

Our Hero of the Day: AristarchusActs 19:29; 20:4; 27:2; Colossians 4:10; Philemon 1:23-24; 1 Corinthians 4:2A little-known character like Aristarchus can sometimes teach us very big lessons, especially if we look closely.Guest Preacher: Wes HaysteadOrchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

2/4/25 • 21:48

“The Mission: Transformation” 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13              The mission of our faith is spiritual transformation. What God desires for us is that we grow and change and become more and more like Jesus.______________________________________________________________Faith in Uncertain Times1 ThessaloniansWe live in uncertain times.  Wars rage, our nation is deeply divided, and as Christians, we find ourselves in a culture that is increasingly resistant to our faith. In the book of 1 Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul writes to a church that was also dealing with uncertain times.  The Thessalonians lived in a world that was hostile to their faith, enduring persecution and even violence at times. As new believers, they also grappled with confusion about their doctrines and faced the divisive influence of individuals sowing discord among them. Yet, unlike most churches Paul wrote to, he offered the Thessalonians no correction, only encouragement and praise.  The Thessalonians provide a great model to learn from as we seek to live our faith in these uncertain times.Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

1/26/25 • 31:36

The Manner: Life and Ministry 1 Thessalonians 2:1-16                 In this passage, Paul advises us on how to go about life and ministry to others, seek to please God alone, encourage others in faith, and rely on God’s word._______________________________Faith in Uncertain Times1 ThessaloniansWe live in uncertain times.  Wars rage, our nation is deeply divided, and as Christians, we find ourselves in a culture that is increasingly resistant to our faith. In the book of 1 Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul writes to a church that was also dealing with uncertain times.  The Thessalonians lived in a world that was hostile to their faith, enduring persecution and even violence at times. As new believers, they also grappled with confusion about their doctrines and faced the divisive influence of individuals sowing discord among them. Yet, unlike most churches Paul wrote to, he offered the Thessalonians no correction, only encouragement and praise.  The Thessalonians provide a great model to learn from as we seek to live our faith in these uncertain times.Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

1/21/25 • 34:10

The Model: Imitating Jesus1 Thessalonians 1:1-10                                               Jesus is the model for our life and faith; we are to imitate him and other models of mature believers as they follow Him.  In time, we should desire to become models for others._____________________________________________Faith in Uncertain Times1 ThessaloniansWe live in uncertain times.  Wars rage, our nation is deeply divided, and as Christians, we find ourselves in a culture that is increasingly resistant to our faith. In the book of 1 Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul writes to a church that was also dealing with uncertain times.  The Thessalonians lived in a world that was hostile to their faith, enduring persecution and even violence at times. As new believers, they also grappled with confusion about their doctrines and faced the divisive influence of individuals sowing discord among them. Yet, unlike most churches Paul wrote to, he offered the Thessalonians no correction, only encouragement and praise.  The Thessalonians provide a great model to learn from as we seek to live our faith in these uncertain times.Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

1/13/25 • 35:05

“Living into Everyday Glory” (Magi) Matthew 2:1-12, Psalm 19:1, 1 Corinthians 10:31, 2 Corinthians 3:18 The star the Magi saw was a reflection of Jesus’ birth, of the glory of God touching the earth. The Magi could have stayed home; instead, they went seeking after God’s Glory, and they weren’t disappointed. Will we seek after God’s glory too? ___________________________________Christmas GloryThis Advent and Christmas season, we’ll focus on the profound theme of God's glory. It can be challenging to define God's glory since it manifests in numerous ways throughout the Bible. It embodies the greatness and perfection of His character and attributes. [1] Additionally, God’s glory reveals His special presence in the world, evident in both creation and His redemptive acts. [2]  We can also glorify God through our worship and praise. However, it was on that first Christmas that the ultimate expression of God's glory entered our world with the birth of Jesus. [3] Yet, Jesus came, not only to display God's glory but to invite us to embody and reflect it in our own lives. This may surprise us; we might think God's glory is reserved for exceptionally spiritual people, for extraordinary acts, or even for the realm of fantasy and escape, but we can experience and reflect God’s glory right here and now by following Jesus and living out God's call in our everyday lives. [4]  In fact, Isaiah 43:7 says that we were created by God for His glory![1] Revell Bible Dictionary, 47;[2] Revell, 47.[3] Revell, 47; John 1:14[4] Revell, 47; 2 Corinthians 3:18, John 15:8.Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

1/7/25 • 38:33

Experiencing God’s Glory (Us) On this Sunday, a few members of our Orchard family will share stories of how they have experienced God’s glory through His work in their lives, and together, we'll lift up prayers for the New Year.Faith Stories Sunday____________________________________Christmas GloryThis Advent and Christmas season, we’ll focus on the profound theme of God's glory. It can be challenging to define God's glory since it manifests in numerous ways throughout the Bible. It embodies the greatness and perfection of His character and attributes. [1] Additionally, God’s glory reveals His special presence in the world, evident in both creation and His redemptive acts. [2]  We can also glorify God through our worship and praise. However, it was on that first Christmas that the ultimate expression of God's glory entered our world with the birth of Jesus. [3] Yet, Jesus came, not only to display God's glory but to invite us to embody and reflect it in our own lives. This may surprise us; we might think God's glory is reserved for exceptionally spiritual people, for extraordinary acts, or even for the realm of fantasy and escape, but we can experience and reflect God’s glory right here and now by following Jesus and living out God's call in our everyday lives. [4]  In fact, Isaiah 43:7 says that we were created by God for His glory![1] Revell Bible Dictionary, 47;[2] Revell, 47.[3] Revell, 47; John 1:14[4] Revell, 47; 2 Corinthians 3:18, John 15:8.Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

12/30/24 • 12:10

The Glory of a Savior (Jesus)Luke 2:1-7, John 1:1-14, Hebrews 1:3On the first Christmas, the ultimate expression of God's glory entered our world. God himself came to us as a baby in a manger who would grow up to be our Lord and Savior.Christmas Eve Service_______________________________________________Christmas GloryThis Advent and Christmas season, we’ll focus on the profound theme of God's glory. It can be challenging to define God's glory since it manifests in numerous ways throughout the Bible. It embodies the greatness and perfection of His character and attributes. [1] Additionally, God’s glory reveals His special presence in the world, evident in both creation and His redemptive acts. [2]  We can also glorify God through our worship and praise. However, it was on that first Christmas that the ultimate expression of God's glory entered our world with the birth of Jesus. [3] Yet, Jesus came, not only to display God's glory but to invite us to embody and reflect it in our own lives. This may surprise us; we might think God's glory is reserved for exceptionally spiritual people, for extraordinary acts, or even for the realm of fantasy and escape, but we can experience and reflect God’s glory right here and now by following Jesus and living out God's call in our everyday lives. [4]  In fact, Isaiah 43:7 says that we were created by God for His glory![1] Revell Bible Dictionary, 47;[2] Revell, 47.[3] Revell, 47; John 1:14[4] Revell, 47; 2 Corinthians 3:18, John 15:8.Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

12/27/24 • 22:25

The Glory of Love (Joseph) Matthew 1:18-25, Romans 3:23, John 3:16, Hebrews 2:10When an angel appeared to Joseph, it was the glory of God touching the earth! The angel proclaimed that he would have a son, Jesus the Messiah, who would bring with Him the gift of love.________________________________________________________________Christmas GloryThis Advent and Christmas season, we’ll focus on the profound theme of God's glory. It can be challenging to define God's glory since it manifests in numerous ways throughout the Bible. It embodies the greatness and perfection of His character and attributes. [1] Additionally, God’s glory reveals His special presence in the world, evident in both creation and His redemptive acts. [2]  We can also glorify God through our worship and praise. However, it was on that first Christmas that the ultimate expression of God's glory entered our world with the birth of Jesus. [3] Yet, Jesus came, not only to display God's glory but to invite us to embody and reflect it in our own lives. This may surprise us; we might think God's glory is reserved for exceptionally spiritual people, for extraordinary acts, or even for the realm of fantasy and escape, but we can experience and reflect God’s glory right here and now by following Jesus and living out God's call in our everyday lives. [4]  In fact, Isaiah 43:7 says that we were created by God for His glory![1] Revell Bible Dictionary, 47;[2] Revell, 47.[3] Revell, 47; John 1:14[4] Revell, 47; 2 Corinthians 3:18, John 15:8.Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

12/19/24 • 31:55

The Glory of Peace (Shepherds)Luke 2:8-15, Romans 5:1-4Pastor Matt HoytWhen an angel appeared to Shepherds, it was the glory of God touching the earth! The angel proclaimed the news that Jesus the Messiah had been born and would bring with Him the gift of peace.____________________________________________________________Christmas GloryThis Advent and Christmas season, we’ll focus on the profound theme of God's glory. It can be challenging to define God's glory since it manifests in numerous ways throughout the Bible. It embodies the greatness and perfection of His character and attributes. Additionally, God’s glory reveals His special presence in the world, which is evident in both creation and His redemptive acts. We can also glorify God through our worship and praise. However, it was on that first Christmas that the ultimate expression of God's glory entered our world with the birth of Jesus. Yet, Jesus came not only to display God's glory but to invite us to embody and reflect it in our own lives. This may surprise us; we might think God's glory is reserved for exceptionally spiritual people, for extraordinary acts, or even for the realm of fantasy and escape, but we can experience and reflect God’s glory right here and now by following Jesus and living out God's call in our everyday lives. In fact, Isaiah 43:7 says that we were created by God for His glory!Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

12/9/24 • 33:26

The Glory of Hope (Mary) Luke 1:26-38, Titus 2:11-13When an angel appeared to Mary, it was the glory of God touching the earth! The angel proclaimed that she would bear a child, Jesus, the Messiah, who would bring with Him the gift of hope.__________________________________________________________This Advent and Christmas season, we’ll focus on the profound theme of God's glory. It can be challenging to define God's glory since it manifests in numerous ways throughout the Bible. It embodies the greatness and perfection of His character and attributes. Additionally, God’s glory reveals His special presence in the world, evident in both creation and His redemptive acts. We can also glorify God through our worship and praise. However, it was on that first Christmas that the ultimate expression of God's glory entered our world with the birth of Jesus. Yet, Jesus came, not only to display God's glory but to invite us to embody and reflect it in our own lives. This may surprise us; we might think God's glory is reserved for exceptionally spiritual people, for extraordinary acts, or even for the realm of fantasy and escape, but we can experience and reflect God’s glory right here and now by following Jesus and living out God's call in our everyday lives. In fact, Isaiah 43:7 says that we were created by God for His glory!.Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

12/4/24 • 34:49

2 Corinthians 8:1, 9:6-14  I Timothy 6:18God’s word calls us to the destination of becoming people who are generous with all that we’ve given in ways that glorify God.________________________________________________ Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

11/26/24 • 34:58

John 6:1-15God’s word calls us to move toward trusting in God’s provision for our lives and our ability to give. Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

11/21/24 • 29:36

The Wrong Direction (Greed & Selfish Motives) Luke 12:13-21God’s word calls us to steer clear of greed and other selfish motives that cause us to place too much value on money and possessions.  We are to trust God, resist temptation, and be willing to give.________________________________________Navigating GenerosityGod is incredibly generous. He’s given us everything we have, including our very lives.  In turn, God calls us to be generous as well.  The idea of being generous people may appeal to us, but navigating our way to generosity isn’t as simple as we’d like.  It’s easy to get turned in the wrong direction or lost along the way.  With this series, we’ll focus on steering clear of greed and selfish motives and toward trusting in God’s provision so that we can reach our destination of becoming generous people.Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

11/13/24 • 34:48

Guest Preacher Josh Matthews Numbers 13:26-33, Proverbs 29:18, John 16:33 _____________________________Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

11/5/24 • 32:00

Romans 16:16, Colossians 4:10, Matthew 5:43-48We are called to greet one another as a sign of welcoming and belonging and also as an act of love and care.______________________________Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

10/28/24 • 33:33

Ephesians 5:21, 25, Matthew 26:39, 42, 45, Philippians 2:8Submission is a biblical principle. We are called to submit not only to God, those in authority over us, and in marriage but also to one another as an act of obedience to God and care for one another.  We also need to realize that even Jesus practiced submission, and He is our model for life and faith. ___________________________Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

10/22/24 • 31:46

Bear with One Another and Bear One Another's Burdens”Ephesians 4:2, Colossians 3:13, Galatians 6:2, Romans 15:1.We are called to “Bear with One Another and Bear One Another's Burdens,” which means that we are to walk with one another through the hard things and times of this life and seek to support and help one another as we do.________________________Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

10/15/24 • 34:56

Be Magnified By God- Guest Preacher Kristy LaBarge Exodus 3:1-4When we say yes to God's call, even when it seems mundane or insignificant, God can do great things with our lives.________________________________Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

10/7/24 • 23:23

Romans 15:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-14, 1 Cor. 4:14, Acts 20:31 We are called to instruct/admonish one another when we see another believer getting off track in their life or faith.  This is incredibly hard to do well and very hard to receive well, and yet when we get off track, we need people who are willing and able to warn us and call us to correction. _______________________________________Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

10/1/24 • 35:39

Romans 15:5, Romans 12:16, Philippians 2:5, Romans 8:5, Romans 12:3, 1 Corinthians 13:11, Philippians 3:15We are called to be of the same mind and therefore in harmony in that way.  This comes from seeking to have the same mindset as Jesus rather than focusing on human desires._______________________________Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

9/24/24 • 27:24

Galatians 5:13 and Mark 10:35-45We are called to serve one another in love.  Serving others is a way to put our love for one another into practice in concrete ways in this world. Serving others is also the model that Jesus set for us, and at the very heart of who he was. Having a servant's heart is one of the greatest attributes we can have in God's eyes._______________________________________Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

9/24/24 • 33:17

Surrender, Sacrifice, Service - Guest Preacher Nita Hanson Philippians 2:5-8, Matthew 10:37-39 ________________________________________________________Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

9/16/24 • 21:43

"Honor and be Humble with One Another"Romans 12:10, I Peter 5:5 and Philippines 2:1-11, Matthew 23:12.Scripture calls to honor one another, which means to put others above ourselves, and to humble ourselves means to put ourselves below or behind others.  Jesus is our best example of both of these things, and we also see from Him that, in the end, God exalts those who humble themselves.____________________________________________________________Community: The One Another VersesOne of the greatest gifts God gives us is the community of the Church.  This community supports and encourages us in so many ways. It is also an important witness to the world and an essential tool for ministry as we reach out to those who don't know Jesus and seek to draw them into the Church.  Yet, life in community isn't always easy.  For that reason, this fall, we'll be looking at what is known as the "one another" passages. To paraphrase Scott Hubbard, the "one another" passages offer a brilliant picture of life together in community, not only under the lordship of Christ but also in the pattern of Christ.  Rightly understood, the one-another passages are nothing less than the life of Christ at work in the people of Christ to the glory of Christ. Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

9/2/24 • 33:04

"Encourage and Build Up One Another" 2 Corinthians 13:11, Romans 14:19, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Hebrews 3:13, 1 Thessalonians 4:18, 1 Timothy 5:1-2, Hebrews 10:23-25  Life and faith are hard; for these reasons, scripture calls us to "encourage one another" and "build one another up.  We are to be a support system for one another to carry us through hard times and help us thrive.___________________________________________________________Community: The One Another VersesOne of the greatest gifts God gives us is the community of the Church.  This community supports and encourages us in so many ways. It is also an important witness to the world and an essential tool for ministry as we reach out to those who don't know Jesus and seek to draw them into the Church.  Yet, life in community isn't always easy.  For that reason, this fall, we'll be looking at what is known as the "one another" passages. To paraphrase Scott Hubbard, the "one another" passages offer a brilliant picture of life together in community, not only under the lordship of Christ but also in the pattern of Christ.  Rightly understood, the one-another passages are nothing less than the life of Christ at work in the people of Christ to the glory of Christ. Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

8/27/24 • 35:40

"Members of One Another" Romans 12:3-8 and Matthew 12:46-50Christianity is not a solo quest, nor is it something we do together with no responsibility to one another.  Scripture says that we are "members of one another," which means we share a deep spiritual bond and commitment to one another in Christ._________________________________________________Community: The One Another VersesOne of the greatest gifts God gives us is the community of the Church.  This community supports and encourages us in so many ways. It is also an important witness to the world and an essential tool for ministry as we reach out to those who don't know Jesus and seek to draw them into the Church.  Yet, life in community isn't always easy.  For that reason, this fall, we'll be looking at what is known as the "one another" passages. To paraphrase Scott Hubbard, the "one another" passages offer a brilliant picture of life together in community, not only under the lordship of Christ but also in the pattern of Christ.  Rightly understood, the one-another passages are nothing less than the life of Christ at work in the people of Christ to the glory of Christ.Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

8/20/24 • 42:19

"Love and Forgive One Another"John 13:34-35 and Colossians 3:13To begin this series, we'll look at the two "one another" statements that are most fundamental to our life together in community, the call to love and forgive one another, and note how they both flow from our relationship with Jesus.______________________________________________________________________Community: The One Another VersesOne of the greatest gifts God gives us is the community of the Church.  This community supports and encourages us in so many ways. It is also an important witness to the world and an essential tool for ministry as we reach out to those who don't know Jesus and seek to draw them into the Church.  Yet, life in community isn't always easy.  For that reason, this fall, we'll be looking at what is known as the "one another" passages. To paraphrase Scott Hubbard, the "one another" passages offer a brilliant picture of life together in community, not only under the lordship of Christ but also in the pattern of Christ.  Rightly understood, the one-another passages are nothing less than the life of Christ at work in the people of Christ to the glory of Christ. [1][1] Scott Hubbard “The Art of One-Anothering; How the Church Loves Like Christ” found at: Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

8/12/24 • 30:49

“Worship vs Ritual” Matthew 15:8, Isaiah 29:13, Psalm 29:1-2, John 9:39When we’re just going through the motion spiritually, our worship degenerates into an empty ritual because our desire is not for God, so our hearts are not in it.  It’s about worshipping Jesus._____________________________________________________Going Through the Motions (Tent Series)Our hope is to have vibrant and alive faith. Yet, try as we might, it’s easy to end up going through the motions in our spiritual lives.  Sometimes, without even realizing it, we can slip into living our spiritual lives on autopilot, falling into tradition and habit, doing what we think we ought to do, what others expect from us, or simply trying to appease God rather than to really know and love Him. With this series, we’ll seek to look at some of the foundational concepts of faith with fresh eyes and open hearts to avoid ending up just going through the motions.Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

8/6/24 • 28:25

“Conformed vs Transformed”            Romans 12:2 Mark 1:16-20, Romans 8:29When we’re just going through the motions spiritually, we inevitably begin to conform to the patterns of this world rather than seeking to be transformed and conformed more and more into the likeness of Christ. It’s about becoming like Jesus.                                                                                                                 “Good Deeds vs. Serving Jesus” James 2:14-18, Matthew 23:27, Hebrew 3:6, Ephesians 2:8-10When we’re just going through the motions spiritually, we may cease to serve God, or we may continue to serve, but since what we’re doing is no longer done by faith, these good deeds fall short of pleasing God and the glory of seeking to build His kingdom. It’s about building Jesus’ Kingdom._________________________________________________Going Through the Motions (Tent Series)Our hope is to have vibrant and alive faith. Yet, try as we might, it’s easy to end up going through the motions in our spiritual lives.  Sometimes, without even realizing it, we can slip into living our spiritual lives on autopilot, falling into tradition and habit, doing what we think we ought to do, what others expect from us, or simply trying to appease God rather than to really know and love Him. With this series, we’ll seek to look at some of the foundational concepts of faith with fresh eyes and open hearts to avoid ending up just going through the motions.Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

7/30/24 • 36:00

Today Jimmy Mac, Orchard's Worship Director, shares his faith story. Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

7/23/24 • 44:03