Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev Dr Penny Taylor, LCSW and Rev Dr Bill Ressl, LCSW. Each episode explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. Episodes feature a message by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
In this episode Bill asks if you know the type… What type? Those type… the type Jesus talks about in today’s scripture. One that says yes – but does nothing. And the other type that Jesus talks about – the one who says “no way” but actually does what they have been asked. Bill also explores the space, functions, and people within the Temple in Jesus’ time as well as our God talk and God walk in today’s world. In this episode Bill shares a message grounded in the gospel of Matthew, Chapter 21, verses 23-32 with the community of Westchester Community Church, United Church of Christ in Westchester, Illinois on Sunday, October 1, 2023. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
1/30/25 • 28:33
In this episode Penny and Bill examine being human and the challenge of being bothered by others and the realities of the persistence of asking and prayer. Think about living a prayer-filled life each and every day as well as each and every moment. Penny and Bill share a message grounded in Psalm 138 and the gospel of Luke, Chapter 11, verses 1-13 with the community of St Peter’s United Church of Christ in Skokie, Illinois on Sunday, July 24, 2022. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
1/30/25 • 21:36
In this episode - Penny helps to see the time is now. Imagine a world filled with love – a love that fills people physically and spiritually. Penny looks at Jesus’ agenda – grounded in the movement of social justice and love. Yes, Jesus’ ministry was one of social justice, sharing love, and empowering people to stop social oppression while joining together to grow in love and justice. In this episode Penny shares a message grounded in the gospel of Matthew, Chapter 14, verses 13-21 originally presented during online Sunday worship. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
1/30/25 • 08:54
In this episode - Bill examines the dynamics and forms of life leading to growth or destruction – which do we value? Today we meet Mary, Martha, Lazarus, and Judas who questions Mary’s actions of “wasting” expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet. Mary had an intentionality to her actions – focused on love and Jesus that at times can seem a bit strange to the forms of society then and now. Bill shares a message grounded in the gospel of John, Chapter 12, verses 1-8 originally presented during online Sunday worship. Come, let us explore the potentials of vitality and growth as well as all the possibilities around us. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
1/16/25 • 13:33
In this episode - Penny and Bill delve deep into wine – Jesus’ first miracle changing water into wine at the wedding at Cana. Concerns can often arise at a wedding – and it did at a wedding at Cana that Jesus was at when the wine ran out. At first, he simply wanted to continue enjoying the wedding, but his mother encouraged him to create some wine. Jesus made the finest wine out of water. Feeling a little low – and who doesn’t once in a while? Be filled with God’s grace. Know that God can fill you with grace – accept it – believe it and enjoy the amazing journey… and live it. Penny and Bill share a message grounded in the gospel of John, Chapter 2, verses 1-11 originally presented online. Come, explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
1/16/25 • 08:52
In this episode - Penny explores the sacred reality of God’s profound love. Share love and be an instrument of God’s peace and love – or share violence and anger? It’s a choice here and now. Experience something new – experience profound love… the sacred reality of God’s love that is very real and alive here and now. Share the power of love made visible in Jesus’ baptism. Share love. It’s not hard to do. It is possible. Start today. In this episode Penny shares a message grounded in the gospel of Mark, Chapter 1, verses 4-11 originally presented during online Sunday worship. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
1/16/25 • 10:36
Welcome. In this episode, Penny and Bill share together the reality that Christmas is much more than one day – it can be a lived reality of hope, peace, love, and joy every day. Our podcast today is a story set to music. A story that encourages each of us to prepare the way of the Lord in our life, today, here and now. To begin to live the love that is Christ’s message, a love that is capable of being made visible in each of our lives, if we so wish. Join Penny and Bill in song and scripture to celebrate the gift of hope, peace, joy, and love that is Christmas and the foundation for every day of life. Come, prepare the way. All are invited to sing along. Find the words to these public domain songs online and join in the festive singing… O Little Town of Bethlehem Away in a Manger What Child is This? O Come, All Ye Faithful Joy to the World Go Tell It On the Mountain We Wish You A Merry Christmas Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/25/24 • 23:02
In this episode - Bill talks about the choices we make in life - how we are an individual in life and how we participate with others. Bill unpacks understandings of individuation and participation through the Parable of the Prodigal and His Brother. Courage from deep within opens possibilities of new life. Love offers a path of understanding through the most difficult moments. Renewal is possible. Come let us explore how even the smallest amount of courage can be life changing. Bill shares a message grounded in the gospel of Luke, Chapter 15, verses 1-3 and 11b-32 originally presented during online Sunday worship. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/24/24 • 15:02
In this episode, join Penny as she explores Jesus as the Good Shepherd - our Ultimate Concern, who knows us by name. Who is Jesus? Jesus is the Good Shepherd who knows us. Jesus knows us by name, by voice… he knows each of us intimately. He knows our struggles and joys. Jesus knows the flock and each of us is already part of the flock – all we need do is accept it. Believe it! Let’s be more loving and focused on having a relationship with the Good Shepherd. In this episode Penny shares a message grounded in the gospel of John, Chapter 10, verses 1-18 originally presented during online Sunday worship. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/23/24 • 08:51
In this episode - Penny and Bill explore taking time to smell the flowers – taking time to be with God. Do we take time for God? Jesus did. Take Time to smell the flowers, aka sabbath time. Explore the amazing story of Jesus taking some time to be with God and reading from the scroll of Isaiah. Learn how God’s grace is all around if we open our eyes. Let’s take some time for God. Penny and Bill share a message grounded in the gospel of Luke, Chapter 4, verses 12-21 originally presented online. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/19/24 • 10:22
In this episode - Bill dives deep into renewal in this season of Eastertide. Why now? It’s Eastertide! Let's explore… A new reality has begun – it is here. How do we live into this new time? What does it look like? Do we doubt like Doubting Thomas? Do we simply return to what we did in the past – or do we look beyond and live into today’s new possibility? Celebrate the new reality in front of us – and remember, yes it can be hard… but great things can become visible in new ways and it can be very good. In this episode Bill shares a message grounded in Second Corinthians, Chapter 4, verses 16-18 originally presented during online Sunday worship. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/18/24 • 09:23
In this episode - Penny examines blindness as Jesus heals a man born blind with mud made from his spit. Imagine seeing the world for the first time by breaking the barriers of blindness. The local community questions what is happening – who did it – why? They knew the blind man as a beggar, not part of their community - although he knew them. He lived with them, heard their stories, and had always been very present in the community. The community responded and drove him out. Jesus found him and asked: “Do you believe?” He said: “Lord, I believe.” The blind man had always been and was part of God’s spiritual community, although at times he was challenged by society. Let Christ be present with you here and how – let your light, your love, the radical power of Jesus Christ deep within shine in your life… and share it. Penny shares a message from the gospel of John, chapter 8, verses 1-12 and 35-41 originally presented online. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/17/24 • 12:51
In this episode – Penny talks about a special guest. The crowd is wild. Jesus is walking by. Let us share the story. It is time to celebrate our relationship with God. We are in a time of turmoil – and like the days of old we are invited to tell the story so each generation can hear it, share it, and live Christ’s love. Come, let your light shine! In this episode Penny shares a message grounded in the gospel of Matthew, Chapter 21, verses 1-11 originally presented during online Sunday worship. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/16/24 • 08:28
In this episode - Penny and Bill look at the dramatic story of God opening the sky. Imagine ~ the sky opened! Why did God open the sky? Was God happy or mad? Did God say anything? Explore the amazing story of Jesus’ baptism when the sky opened, a dove appeared, and a voice spoke from the heavens saying: “I am well pleased.” Why was God pleased? Is God pleased with us today? Join Penny and Bill as they reflect on what God said at Jesus’ baptism and what it may mean for life today. Penny and Bill share a message from the gospel of Luke, Chapter 3, verses 15-17 and 21-22 originally presented online. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/13/24 • 07:29
In this episode - Penny examines inviting God to be present as we mix it up sharing simple gifts of peace and love. It’s about gratefulness - believing and sharing it forward. Discover God’s peace through sharing simple gifts with one another, such as sharing peace and love in unity together. Share the gifts God has given for the glory of God in all the diversity of life. We are each unique, with unique gifts to share and to use for the common good. Use all your gifts – talents, skills, and capacities – here and now. Be a blessing today and in every way. Penny shares a message grounded in the gospel of John, Chapter 17, verses 1-11 originally presented during online Sunday worship. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/13/24 • 09:21
In this episode - Penny delves into life’s reality – it’s a choice… be bad or good. Each of us can do either. What would a Good Shepherd do? What does civility look like? What type of world do we wish to live in… to create… to leave to a future generation? Do we follow the model of the Good Shepherd or who else? Come – let’s explore. Let your life shine as an example of the Good Shepherd. Be present with Christ here and how – let your light, your love, the radical power of Jesus Christ deep within shine in your life… and share it. Penny shares a message grounded in the gospel of John, Chapter 10, verses 1-10 originally presented during online Sunday worship. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/13/24 • 14:00
In this episode - Bill focuses on the painful daily struggle… do we corrupt another day or work toward healing? Every day every person has a choice… do we continue to expand the ills of otherness made visible in the world through oppression, disenfranchisement, and disempowerment - or do we spend the next 24 hours working toward loving one another – our self, our family and friends, and our enemies. A new day is possible here and now – if we desire. Bill shares a message grounded in the gospel of John, Chapter 10, verses 1-10 originally presented online. Come explore… are we a thief stealing, killing, and destroying – or do we follow in Christ’s love? Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/13/24 • 12:05
In this episode - Penny and Bill explore how following the star, God’s call for your life, invites sharing your treasures with the world. Examine the story of the Magi, the 3 Kings, the Wise Ones, who followed their star and shared their gifts. What if they had given up or not shared their gifts? What star do you follow? What treasures do you share? Penny and Bill share a message grounded in the gospel of Matthew, Chapter 2, verses 1-12 originally presented online. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/13/24 • 09:38
In this episode - Penny explores Mary’s gratefulness at the empty tomb of Jesus. …It was a dark morning. Jesus was dead. Mary visits the tomb and discovers it empty. Jesus’ body is gone! Who took it? Mary runs back to tell the other disciples. They run to the tomb. Upon entering the tomb, indeed Jesus’ body is gone. The disciples return home. Mary stays at the tomb. Weeps. Two angels and a gardener appear… Penny shares a message grounded in the gospel of John, Chapter 20, verses 1-18 originally presented during online Sunday worship. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/13/24 • 09:42
In this episode – Bill explores that Loneliness is very real. It can strip us of our humanness. Bill shares his thoughts on changing loneliness into solitude – a choice? Is it possible? Is there a difference? Expanding upon the theological thought of systematic theologian Paul Tillich, Bill looks at the difference between these two experiences and looks back to a story of an old Christian Brother from high school. Loneliness can take us down into places that destroy our humanness – the other, solitude the cousin of loneliness, can turn loneliness into something else that holds us through the hardest of times. Bill shares a message grounded in Romans, Chapter 8, verses 31, 35, and 37 originally presented online. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/6/24 • 12:31
In this episode - Bill delves deep into solitude, the cousin of loneliness, recognizing that we are never alone. Loneliness can destroy us – solitude holds us together. For where two or three are gathered Christ is present – but how can that be if we are all alone? Bill looks to scripture for an answer… the Advocate is ever present with us. So what? Bill unpacks the Good News – in solitude Christ is present. Bill shares a message grounded in the gospel of Matthew Chapter 18 verse 20, the gospel of John Chapter 14 verses 15-16 and from Romans Chapter 8, verses 31, 35, and 37-39. Be lonely no more – come join the journey. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/6/24 • 12:16
In this episode - Penny focuses on where to find strength and support in difficult times, especially in the painful experience of the death of a friend. Penny reflects on how Jesus shared time, had empathy, and consoled his friends – Mary and Martha. All were distraught at Lazarus’ death. Jesus reminds his friends that if you believe you need not worry about anything – then Jesus tells Lazarus: “Come out!” Lazarus rises from the dead and many believed for the first time in their life. Penny shares a message grounded in the Gospel of John, Chapter 11, verses 17-45. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/6/24 • 08:18
In this episode - Penny explores the peace that healed the disciples who were in lock down, paralyzed by doubt and fear. Have you ever experienced that type of fear and the peace that heals? The disciples were hiding in fear. Jesus had died on the cross. Doubt and fear filled their hearts - so they hid. Jesus appeared to them and said: “Peace be with you.” He was not angry. He was not filled with hatred that he had been betrayed by some, dismissed by others, and that all were paralyzed in fear not living in the love he had encouraged. Rather, he shared his peace. Find peace. Experience God’s peace that heals. It’s free and all around us – be open to God’s free gift of peace and love. Penny shares a message grounded in the gospel of John, Chapter 20, verses 19-31 originally presented during online Sunday worship. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/6/24 • 15:54
In this episode Penny explores what can be done when we are frozen in fear. How do we discover a new mission? How can we begin Transformation? Penny reflects on the angel, the woman, and the tomb. What did the angel tell the women who went to visit Jesus’ body at the tomb? Did they remain frozen in fear or did awareness, freedom, and courage take hold? Listen and see how God provides in the most unusual ways. Be transformed. Penny shares a message grounded in the gospel of Mark, Chapter 16, verses 1-8 originally presented online during Sunday worship. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
12/6/24 • 10:48
In this episode Penny and Bill dive deep exploring the light within that overcomes life’s anxieties. Discover God’s grace and see the light of Christ’s love alive in the world. Discover that darkness can seem to be all around, but light overtakes darkness ~ and that light is God’s grace that is deep within each of us. Penny and Bill share a message grounded in the gospel of John, Chapter 1, verses 1-18 originally presented online. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
10/11/24 • 07:44
In this episode Bill looks at free will, the choices we make that become our destiny, the legacy we leave behind. What we do or don’t do has consequences. What impact do our actions have for our life and those around us – destroy or nurture? Today we look at the story of a barren fig tree, the gardener, and the landowner. The landowner wants the barren fig tree cut down - the gardener suggests giving it one more year, one more chance. What happens? Do we make informed choices or do not? What does it mean to have freedom? What does it mean that our choices inform our destiny and the destiny of others – the legacy of our actions? Bill shares a message grounded in the gospel of Luke, Chapter 13, verses 1-9 originally presented during online Sunday worship. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
10/11/24 • 15:27
In this episode Bill explores every generation has a choice ~ continue or stand against abuse, violence, oppression, and disenfranchisement. Do we wish to remain weary, carrying heavy burdens with no rest? There is another way. Bill looks at Christ’s yoke of love that encourages individual and social responsibility in relation to the world in Jesus’ time, at the time of the American Revolution, and today with police brutality, domestic violence, and the realities of a variety of different issues. Bill shares a message grounded in the gospel of Matthew, chapter 11, verses 16-19 and 25-30 originally presented during online Sunday worship. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
10/11/24 • 22:18
In this episode Penny highlights the mysterious role that we are all called to be ambassadors of God’s divine love. Each of us is called to do great things like the great architects that built Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris, France. Built in honor of God and named for Our Lady, Mary the Mother of Jesus, the builders used all their talents and skills to build a magnificent building – a space others have celebrated through the centuries. In this episode Penny explores how each of us is called to do great things. Penny shares from the gospel of John, Chapter 14, verses 1-14. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
10/11/24 • 09:37
In this episode Penny takes a trip on the wild side exploring life’s wild adventures and how God is always with us – we are not alone. Penny enjoys hiking and having adventures. It can be pretty wild out there when walking in nature. Like the time at Glacier National Park when Penny and Bill went off the pathway to see the snow field that was still melting down the mountain. What did Bill see? Tan in color… a mountain lion? Hear Penny explain how when fear sets in you can get lost in the wilderness of life and how the pathways of life are often filled with wild adventures. She’ll also look at an adventure from long-ago in the gospel of Luke, Chapter 24, verses:13-35 when two men were walking on the road to Emmaus. They had a pretty wild journey – one that they could have never anticipated. Originally presented during online Sunday worship. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
10/11/24 • 15:34
In this episode Penny asks: “Have you ever asked someone you don’t know for a drink?” Jesus did. Faith blossomed. Jesus was thirsty and asked a Samaritan woman for a drink of water, breaking the cultural codes of his day. Jesus’ conversation with the woman about “living water” opened her eyes and the eyes of those in her community. “Living water” minimizes thirst and has the capacity to plant seeds of faith and create relationships across differences. Penny shares a message from the Gospel of John, Chapter 4, verses 5-15 and 25-26 originally presented during online Sunday worship. Come explore the possibilities. Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.
10/11/24 • 08:39