Show cover of Meditation Lights with Holly Honeychurch

Meditation Lights with Holly Honeychurch

Join me for some refreshing, stress relieving mini meditations accompanied by sacred harp music and ambient sound.


This beautiful prayer, first received by Reinhold Niebuhr, is a comforting listen to help calm your heart and mind. It is repeated three times and set against peaceful harp music. ★ Support this podcast ★

10/8/24 • 06:29

"The Lord will keep you from all harm - he will watch over your life". This is a beautiful prayer reminding us of how well we are looked after by the Lord. How He is always with us, by our side. The prayer is repeated 3 times and is set against the backdrop of harp and birdsong. Listen to feel the love and power of the celestial heavens. Listen to receive divine blessings and protection in your life. It's a prayer of healing and solace.  ★ Support this podcast ★

9/29/24 • 06:09

This prayer recording is soft, gentle, and pensive. There are moments to reflect and listen to the haunting harp music. It's a lullaby for the soul and a mystical healing for the heart. It's a connection to Jesus and a connection to our best selves.St Thomas Aquinas spoke this prayer every morning before an image of Jesus. He was a 13th-century Italian philosopher and theologian who became a Saint and a Doctor of the Church. He has been described as "the most influential thinker of the medieval period" and "the greatest of the medieval philosopher-theologians" by John Wippel in his book - The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy.  ★ Support this podcast ★

5/22/24 • 08:01

A five minute powerful affirmation boost. Keep remembering to trust yourself and discern what's best for you. You've got this. Make healthy choices. It'll help you to heal and shine. Let's get trusting! Note to self: Don't be so hard on yourself. 😉Find the whole 30 day affirmation course here.I made a video too. ★ Support this podcast ★

4/29/24 • 04:46

A prayer of peace-making. A prayer to release bondage. Let go of hatred. Find peace and tranquillity in your heart. This prayer finds forgiveness for parents, siblings, children, teachers, the church, society members, and anyone else who you want to try and forgive. It may not be easy but it's definitely good for your spirit in the long run. This is a prayer of support with a calming birdsong in the background. It's from a book called Selected Healing Prayers compiled by Father M.K. Paul and published by St Pauls Publishing.  ★ Support this podcast ★

4/16/24 • 10:03

"This is a place of comfort, safety, discernment and self-empowerment. I protect myself from negativity and darkness in all its guises. I am ready to receive help and open my heart to protection." Listen to this channelled prayer of protection to feel strength and safety from your own inner knowing. It's a three minute activation about the power of protection. With soft, ambient music in the background.  ★ Support this podcast ★

4/4/24 • 02:54

Here are three exquisite prayers from Cardinal A Newman. He was so poetic and graceful with his words. I am in awe of his sacred eloquence. I found some beautiful harp melodies during my practice session and I'm full of gratitude that I can share them with you now. The Holy Spirit was sure working through me to create this piece. It wanted to be shared! Amen.Blessings to all of you dear angels. ★ Support this podcast ★

3/21/24 • 04:43

This delicate hymn is by Peter Madden and based on John 14. I used to love singing it at school during assembly, so it's been with me a long time. This relaxing little hymn is repeated 10 times because it's so short and I wanted to celebrate it over and over! It's got a lovely melody and sounds like a real heavenly lullaby. It's enchanting, relaxing and connects you to a safe, sacred space. ★ Support this podcast ★

2/27/24 • 09:07

Cardinal Newman lived 1801 - 1890. His prayers and teachings are poetic, full of grace and fervour. Included in this special track are the following prayers:A Prayer to the Unchangeable GodA Prayer to the Sacred HeartA Prayer for the Faithful DepartedA Prayer to Persevere in the Love of GodA Prayer of SurrenderPrayer for the Light of TruthFaith and the WorldThe Lord's PrayerHail MaryGlory Be  May you be healed and nurtured by them. Amen.Yay 50 episodes! Alleluia! 🌟 ★ Support this podcast ★

2/20/24 • 11:09

Hello lovely ones, many blessings to you this 2024. A dear friend of mine, Annie, gave me A Simple Prayer Book. I have loved reading it and these prayers are some of my favourites. They are heartfelt, wise, powerful and full of surrender, faith and majesty. They are accompanied by a new piece of music, composed by the sea in my new seaside, windswept home. I am blessed to have the opportunity to create this ethereal music and share these mystical prayers with you. God bless.This episode includes the Prayer of Thomas Aquinas and Prayers After Holy Communion. ★ Support this podcast ★

1/21/24 • 09:12

The Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary touches my heart so deeply. It's the most gracious, powerful and mystical prayer to pray. Tears streamed down my face the first time I heard it as I felt such purity reach my heart. I was humbled in Our Lady's presence. Lit by Her grace. Imagine the most powerful mother, full of love and compassion, shining down Her light from the heavens. Wrapping us in a wholesome, nurturing embrace. That's what I feel when I say this prayer. May it bring you as much comfort as it brings to me. Find the prayer here.Today, as an accompaniment, there's a cosy fireside soundscape and some haunting harp melodies in B Minor.Blessings and thanks, Holly. ★ Support this podcast ★

10/29/23 • 06:45

Hello dear family,I would love you to listen to this sermon from Father Andrew Robinson. The first time I heard his gentle words I had tears streaming down my face. It's just so beautiful. I've added some ethereal music, which makes it even more glorious.I had help editing this track and would like to thank my 'partner in shine' Simon, for adding his expertise in making the finished sound ever so angelic and magical.Please share. It needs to be heard! With love.Recorded in St Mary's Church, Lanark. ★ Support this podcast ★

8/29/23 • 06:52

This is a beautiful prayer repeated five times and accompanied by ambient harp music. Call on Mary to pray for you. Send up your worries to her and feel the embrace of Her divine grace and love. This is a prayer of comfort and radiance. Here's a little quote I found by William Fitzgerald about the prayer - "Asking Mary to intercede as our Advocate before God does not guarantee that a supplicant's specific request will be granted, only that divine aid and assistance in the supplicant's best interest will be given through Mary's help." May we always receive what is best for us.Image by Gustavo Belemmi.I have a new album called The Mother & The Angel. ★ Support this podcast ★

8/14/23 • 07:50

A longer episode today."Just as the sun shines in the sky and the moons radiates through the night, the Divine Mother is always here for you". This a line from the channelled message I received from our sweet, sacred, universal mother - Our Immaculate Lady, the Virgin Mary, the Star of the Sea, the Sweetest Rose in God's Garden of Flowers. I feel great love and comfort thinking of Her and standing in Her infinite grace.Here you will find a poetic, beautiful meditation connecting you with the feminine power of the Divine Mother. Feel nurtured and comforted. Gain strength from celestial wisdom and support. This magical meditation in E Major is here to soothe and empower you. You will connect with the most perfect mother. A universal mother. The words are accompanied by ethereal harp music. 25 mins meditation and 10 mins pure harp to finish. Darling image by CBCome find me and support me so you can enjoy more magical, mystical music and prayers. Thank you. Love Holly. ✨🌿✨ ★ Support this podcast ★

7/12/23 • 35:44

This prayer meditation is made up of two prayers. The first, The Lord is my Shepherd, is repeated three times. Then, a Night Prayer is repeated five times. The prayers are whispered in an English accent. They are soothing and comforting. Listen - join in - to feel healed, protected and connected to God. Ambient music slowly begins after the first prayer. It's high vibrational and celestial. ★ Support this podcast ★

6/25/23 • 08:55

A mystical prayer to the sweet Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Lady, the Star of the Sea and the Mother of the Universe. Salve Regina is repeated ten times. Soft seashore waves and ambient music are slowly introduced to the prayer. It's sacred, holy and soothing. A strengthening, ancient lullaby. Beautiful image by Jacques Gaimard. ★ Support this podcast ★

5/22/23 • 13:45

A sweet, wee affirmation meditation to make you feel happy, content and effervescent. Featuring lovely harp and birdsong.Buy my lovely course Five Minute Sparkle and feel the magic. ★ Support this podcast ★

5/9/23 • 05:46

Prayers from the Saint Michael Novena published by W.H. Litho. Here you will find strengthening prayers of protection and peace, contemplating and calling on the power of Archangel Michael. The prayers are truly beautiful and are softly spoken for about ten minutes. They are accompanied by high vibrational, healing music recorded originally on a harp and then slowed down to create ambient, heavenly music. Use these prayers to help your situation. Call on Saint Michael to guide your way home. ★ Support this podcast ★

4/21/23 • 16:08

Adoro a língua portuguesa e tive a sorte de aprender alguns hinos celestiais e também as orações do Pai Nosso e da Ave Maria em português. O episódio de hoje é uma gravação suave dessas duas orações repetidas dez vezes. É acompanhado por música de harpa emotiva e canto silencioso dos pássaros. Eu fiz essa pequena apresentação de slides para acompanhar a gravação.I love the Portuguese language and was lucky enough to learn some celestial hymns and also Our Father and Hail Mary prayers in Portuguese. Today's episode is a soft recording of those two prayers repeated ten times. It's accompanied by emotive harp music and quiet birdsong. I made this little slideshow to go with the recording.🤍 ★ Support this podcast ★

4/8/23 • 12:01

Praise be to God. This is a whispered ten minute track of The Lord's Prayer and The Hail Mary Prayer. Each prayer is repeated ten times. It is soft and calming - a sacred, whispered lullaby of holy words. It is gentle,  powerful and healing. Find solace in these ancient words and surrender to God. Feel embraced by the Divine Mother and radiate with light. You may even hear a distant, melodic song bird in the background as I recorded it at dusk.Stained glass image by Falco. 🌷 ★ Support this podcast ★

3/30/23 • 09:44

Happy Friday! This is a day from my new course. It will help you 💚Day 13 is about introspection. Take time for yourself, away from the chaos of the day. Be like a hibernating bear and curl up in your nest, looking after your own needs and nourishing your spirit. Avoid social media. Alternatively go on a solo walk and exercise your body. Whatever you choose, protect yourself from toxic situations. This time is about looking after you. Practise solitude. Be with your thoughts, away from others. You have a beautiful heart and soul. Choose the chance to listen to your inner knowing. You can only listen when you're peaceful, quiet and powerfully alone.I choose to nourish my inner self so I feel fulfilled and healthy.I clear away any negative energy from my thoughts and body.I trust these moments of healing solitude.What does introspection feel like to you?I'm like a bear. I get cosy, warm and snug with all my favourite things. I love being on my own. It's healthy and I feel so happy. The trouble arises when I have to be social again....I wish I could do it more but my life is busy. I try to take moments when I can and I always appreciate every second to rejuvenate my unique spirit. Five minutes to myself does wonders for my mental health. Ten minutes…woweee!I find introspection hard. I'm always on the go, always around people, I definitely need to try it because I say yes to everything and it leaves me burnt out. Maybe I don't know how to be on my own. Maybe I should try.I love being by myself but I need to choose how I spend my time wisely (rather than glued to my phone). I'm going to try doing a couple of nourishing things, like listening to healing music or a teacher's wise words, maybe read a book. It'll be really good for me. ★ Support this podcast ★

3/24/23 • 06:25

This is empowering Day 14 from my soon to be released course. I've included the description and a question for you to consider.Day 14 wishes for you to remember your confidence, strength and self-worth. You are so worthy and wonderful. Do what's good for you. Stay in the light -high and pure. Make decisions about who you spend your time with - kind healing people are best. You are a temple, full of thoughts and emotions. Say nice things to yourself, praise yourself, hug yourself. You need you! And then stand tall. You are a unique being. Do not let anyone put you down. Walk away with your head held high. You are loved. What does self-respect look like to you?1, Having healthy, non-toxic relationships with friends and family.2, Only using positive words to describe myself.3, Knowing that I have value in this world.4, Being able to say no and stand up for myself when I'm not comfortable with a situation, person, relationship. ★ Support this podcast ★

3/6/23 • 05:22

Happy Monday! This episode is taken from my new 30 day course which I'm in the middle of making right now. It includes serene vibrations and healing affirmations. Be devoted to yourself, your wellbeing and the expansive universe. Feel sacred, confident and joyful. Here is a question you might like to ask yourself -What does it feel like to be devoted?1. I’m relaxed, in a peaceful state. I feel confident and strong.2. It makes me feel full of love and happiness3. I feel humble and tranquil. I can let go of my ego and leave worry behind. I trust.4. I feel connected to celestial realms and the flow of the universe. I feel magical and empowered. Sign up to my happy newsletterAbout my music ★ Support this podcast ★

2/13/23 • 05:28

A shining meditation full of goodness and light. Received on the night of the snowy full moon. It will help you make decisions, be gentle on yourself and show strength with a compassionate heart. It will help you discern what's right for your heart. You'll meditate on the moon, you'll receive a moon bath of grace. Wise, calm words from the celestial planes honouring your path and offering healing words of love, encouragement and protection.The blue ray of light I mention is a reference to Archangel Michael holding a blue ray of powerful light that can cut through any negativity.Music is from my Cosmic Harp track The Angels, They Speak. If you'd like to buy the full hour long soothing track, you are welcome. Please support my amazing goal! up for my joyful newsletter my music ★ Support this podcast ★

2/6/23 • 10:06

This is a day from a course I'm currently creating, which reminds you of your virtues and your own inner knowing. I use positive affirmations to connect you with your magical self to cultivate confidence and power. Trust yourself. You know deep down what the right answer is, even if your mind tries to trick you into thinking otherwise. A short, punchy lesson accompanied by beautiful, uplifting harp music.Become a member Shine, Joy or Radiance member here. 💛Help me reach my goal. 🙏🏻Love to all you sweet folk. Shine on! ★ Support this podcast ★

1/23/23 • 04:51

Come take some time for yourself for a while, away from maddening relationships, which leave you diminished and confused. We'll talk coping strategies and remind you of your own self-worth. If you'd like to hear more of the ambient track in this meditation, you can listen to it on Bandcamp. It's called Into the Land of the Snow Crystal.  ★ Support this podcast ★

1/8/23 • 10:48

A New Year's blessing to help you fly.This new year I wish for you an abundance of love and laughter. I wish for you peace and forgiveness. That you may have a lightness of spirit so bright, you will heal the world with your smile and kind eyes. I wish for you the discernment to know when to say no and the courage of heart to know when to say yes. May you fly high with the connection of others and have a safe space to return to for rejuvenation and rest. May you always have enough and always be grateful for what you have. I wish your heart to be full of wonder and adventure. I wish for your inner child to cartwheel, dance and sing with bubbles and starlight. I wish you to remember how powerful you are, holding infinite magical galaxies in the palm of your hand. May you have the best of all things good. Please support my sacred harp work and donate to my worthy goal 💗 you ✨ ★ Support this podcast ★

1/1/23 • 08:24

A sweet, gentle, nourishing meditation inviting you into a safe space in the rainforest to charge up on the power of life and let go of anything you don't need. Take a few breaths and bathe in glorious nature and tropical birdsong. Serene soul harp will guide you on.Please support me by checking out my website and donating to my worthy goal. You'll find all sorts of magic 💗 ★ Support this podcast ★

11/28/22 • 08:58

I love a cat's purr. I also love it when I put sound effects on that purr creating something cosmic to dive into and float in. Come tumble into this cosmic purr, it's a hypnotic ride.Cat by Marek 😻 ★ Support this podcast ★

10/31/22 • 05:47

Connect to the full moon and release all burden and frustration into her feminine energy. Feel comforted and relaxed. Create your own positive mantra to return to if you are feeling stressed. Learn to forgive. Sail away with beautiful harp music into the moon's nurturing embrace. This is a magical time of rejuvenation.Listen to the full harp song here. ★ Support this podcast ★

10/10/22 • 10:52

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