Show cover of Reason for Truth

Reason for Truth

This podcast serves to gives reasons for truth for the Christian faith. It is intended to train and equip anyone with a desire to know truth and share it with others. Twice a week, consistently, we help you cut through the fog of cultures distorted truth-because in our relative world, the truth doesn’t change but the human will to distort it does. We cut through the distortion of current events with the truth of god as an antidote to the false messages of this sinful world.Become a supporter of this podcast:


Turkey is a self-proclaimed "secular nation" but be sure-it's not a country with religious freedom. Tune in to find out WHY!Make sure to SUBASCRIBE and Join our Communuty at www.Steven Garofalo.ComSee you over there!Become a supporter of this podcast:

1/16/25 • 13:04

Politics are fickle. The problem is that politics are fickle and nobody remains in power forever. Because that is the case, politicians tend to amass as much money as they can before in a matter of time-they will be deposed from office, retire, or die. No human being rules in politics or business forever. This is where compromise and corruption infests and infects the godless leader's sole. When a person, especially a politician fails to seek God’s wisdom or listen to their pastor-no longer reads their Bible. It’s a matter of time before they become a fickle politician. And in time, that leads only to their becoming a depraved law maker or leader.Please hit that SUBSCRIBE Button as a free way to help support us.I want to invite you to join our community at www.StevenGarofalo.ComBecome a supporter of this podcast:

1/14/25 • 14:36

What does it mean to minister? To minister to another is according to the dictionary says this: “To attend to the needs of (someone) "her doctor was busy ministering to the injured"A Better Question Is: “What is the biblical meaning of ministering BIBLICALLY-Ministering is learning of and attending to others' needs. It is doing the Lord's work. When we minister, we are representing Jesus Christ and acting as His agents to watch over, lift, and strengthen those around us.Please SUBSCRIBEWe Invite You To Our Community: www.StevenGarofalo.ComBecome a supporter of this podcast:

1/9/25 • 05:04

When we SHARE our faith with others, let's keep in mind that those the Lord leads us to is responsible for the response to the supernatural Gospel message. Furthermore, there are only four responses which I have listed below. This ought to instruct us as to who we are speaking with. It's our job to lead others to Christ. It's up the Holy Spirit to work in their heart to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. And, it's up to each individual to FREELY RECEIVE Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Today I am going to show share each of those four responses and read you the short Parable of the Sower below and ask that you note in memory the four responses to the Gospel which will help you in your efforts while sharing your faith.Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to our Channel!Join Our Community At: www.StevenGarofalo.ComBecome a supporter of this podcast:

1/7/25 • 07:37

We just found out that the publish button for PART 1 was not pushed so we just released Part One of the Temptation Series and now this is the Follow up As PART2! Today we will look at the LIMITATIONS of the tempter...Satan and his demons.Pleases SUBSCRIBE and Join Our Community TODAY! at: www.StevenGarofalo.ComThis will help us immensely no matter where in the world you live.Become a supporter of this podcast:

1/3/25 • 15:41

All of us face TEMPTATIONS on a daily basis. We face temptation to eat too much, Sexual temptations, temptation to compromise to get more money and power. The list of things that tempt us seems endless. Today we are going to look at the reality of temptation and how it affects the Christian differently from the non-Christian. Let's get started.By SUBSCRIBING to our Channel-you are helping SUPPORT our efforts and spread the message. I hope you will consider doing so today.I INVITE you to join our community at NO CHARGE at www.StevenGarofalo.Com There is a paid Subscriber Level, but you can join at No Cost. I hope to see you over there!Become a supporter of this podcast:

1/3/25 • 05:30

'This Generation Is Not Hopeless': As 40 Percent of Gen Z Feels Unlovable, Signs of Revival Emerge. Gen Z is often talked about as a very conservative but sometimes depressed generation. Today, through an article by CBN, Christian Broadcast Network, published on 12/17/2024 04:55:30 PM by writer Charlene Aaron, I am going to show you that there is new hope, new life, and new energy happening with Gen Z.Please help support our efforts for FREE by SUBSCRIBING!I want to invite you to join my community at: STEVENGAROFALO.COMBecome a supporter of this podcast:

12/31/24 • 12:43

With the United States and world at a moral cross roads, today, we are looking back to an interview from 2015 whereby Steven was interviewed regarding "Religious Freedom". This is not a critique of any specific issues-but is a look back almost ten years (a full decade) to see where we came from. WHY? Becuase heading into 2026 we can look back to see where we are going. Again, the issue is not a critique on sexual orientation, but about religious freedom. People are people-and all people are sinners. Let's make sure to be compassionate with non-Christians in an effort to reach them for Christ while standing without compromise on the orthodox Word of God. Is that difficult. Yes it is.I want to INVITE you to Do TWO things:1) SUBSCRIBE to this CHANNEL.2) And Please Join My Community TODAY at www.StevenGarofalo.ComBoth of these things help support our motivation to serve our Lord and in many other ways. GOD BLESS YOU!Become a supporter of this podcast:

12/26/24 • 42:54

God is love and Christ is God and came in Love as well as "being" Love. Today, we are going to look at WHY Christmas IS or EQUALS LOVE...GOD'S LOVE! MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family.Please SUBSCRIBE to our Channel and help us spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.It costs nothing to LIKE-SHARE and SUBSCRIBE so please help us out would be most appreciated.I want to INVITE you to join my community at NO COST at: www.StevenGarofalo.Com and let's prepare for the New Year in Community!Become a supporter of this podcast:

12/24/24 • 11:42

In Matthew 11:28-30 we find the greatest invitation ever given to mankind by Jesus Himself. Today, I am going to illustrate that invitation of salvation and break down the three KEY components Jesus extends to all people: 1) To receive salvation, 2) To be disciples, and 3) To serve our Lord Jesus Christ. Pleas SUBSCRIBE to our channel!I would like to invite you to join my community at no charge for entry at: www.StevenGarofalo.ComBecome a supporter of this podcast:

12/19/24 • 08:27

We live in a broken world filled with broken people. In truth, all sinners are broken in one way or another-some more and some less. The truth and good news is that God can only use a broken person because they have “been there” and have “empathy” for the lost and broken world. In Matthew 18, Jesus gives us a blueprint for what and how to live as Christian in a broken world. Let’s get started. (TRUTH TEXT-Matthew 18:12-14)Get EQUIPPED to better do Evangelism at: OUR COMMUNITY AT: www.StevenGarofalo.ComBecome a supporter of this podcast:

12/17/24 • 07:50

Most of the world today doesn’t know “WHO” they worship; at least not outside of themselves. Today, I am going to show you through five simple points why it’s so essential that we as Christians know exactly “WHO” we worship according to the words Jesus himself. And I am going do this using the story of the Samaritan woman at the well found in John 4. Let's get started!Please SUPPORT us by simply and at NO COST by SUBSCRIBING!For those who want to go deeper with Reason For Truth and Steven Garofalo, please join our COMMUNITY at: www.StevenGarofalo.ComYou can join the community at no cost and if you decide you want to support us on the subscriber level, you can do that.Become a supporter of this podcast:

12/12/24 • 09:51

Are we called to not be direct with others? Is that bad, morally wrong, or just a reflection of our culture? TODAY, I am going to show you what the Bible says about giving an “APT REPLY” or being too direct. Let’s get started.Please Support with No Cost by simply SUBSCRIBING to our channel. This will help spread our message immensely.Join Our Community at: www.StevenGarofalo.ComBecome a supporter of this podcast:

12/10/24 • 07:49

IN A RECENT STUDY ON THE STATE OF AMERICAN 'CHRISTIANITY': Of American churchgoers, recent studies unveiled exactly why Christianity and many churches are failing at their core mission. Today, we are going to look at why the church is failing and at the end, I will propose to you the question as to how you can be part of the solution!You can support us at no cost by SUBSCRIBING to this channel. This will help uptick the algorithm and increase our reach around the globe!Please SUBSCRIBE! Join our COMMUNITY at: www.StevenGarofalo.ComBecome a supporter of this podcast:

12/5/24 • 07:32

Is Christian driven "Artificial Intelligence" content biblical? Today we ask Jake Carlson at the Apologetics Project to gain deep biblical wisdom to help guide us into the new AI ERA as Christians!Please make sure to SUBSCRIBE to our channel!And...Join Our Community Today at No Cost or On The Subscriber Level at: STEVENGAROFALO.COMBecome a supporter of this podcast:

12/3/24 • 20:59

HAPPY THANKSGIVING FROM FROM THE HEART...From our family to yours.Please join our Community at: www.StevenGarofalo.ComBecome a supporter of this podcast:

11/28/24 • 04:04

In the WEST, God is often taken for granted. In reality though, when natural disasters, loss, pain and suffering enter into our lives, God all of a sudden-becomes real. TODAY, I am going to continue from a past episode and take you through what the Bible says about God becoming real in your life and in mine. Make sure to "SUBSCRIBE!"Join Our Community at: www.StevenGarofalo.ComBecome a supporter of this podcast:

11/26/24 • 12:34

We are called in faith to be CERTAIN of God’s promises. Today, I am going to show you through Isaiah, chapter 12, just what that looks like according to God through the ancient prophet Isaiah. Let's jump right in!Please Support us at no cost by Helping Us Reach More people by simply hitting the SUBSCRIBE ButtonJoin our Community at: www.StevenGarofalo.ComBecome a supporter of this podcast:

11/21/24 • 07:43

Christians were given another chance live in a free country advance the Christian faith in America and around the world. It’s a matter of perspective-God’s perspective. And we ought to adopt God’s perspective. If the past four years has taught us anything, it’s that Christians are not accustomed to adversity, and that needs to change, because while good times are here today, there is always tomorrow. In America, we are not accustomed to “bad times” eluding to a country where Christians are persecuted on a serious level. I find it amazing that God has blessed us repeatedly despite our moral decline and slow abandonment of Him. We now have the opportunity to make an impact for Christ in America and the world.Please SUBSCRIBE-Like & Share with othersGet Equipped! www.EQUIPPEDACADEMY.COMBecome a supporter of this podcast:

11/19/24 • 07:09

Though the Christian church in India goes back to the time of St. Thomas the Apostle, church growth in India has been slow until now. India is predominately Hindu (74%), with some Muslims (20%) The truly exciting thing is that the percentage of Christians has increased substantially from 2.5% a decade ago to about 5.8% today. That represents a huge increase in the growth rate. Something is happening! Missiologist and church growth expert C. Peter Wagner has been receiving reports that the percentage may actually be 25% Christian — at least in parts of this large country — most of the growth coming in the past 10 to 15 years. And the growth may not all be in traditional churches. A substantial part may come from Jesus-follower groups within the Hindu culture. Today, we are going to look at what God is doing in India!Please SUBSCRIBE!Join Our Community at: www.StevenGarofalo.ComBecome a supporter of this podcast:

11/14/24 • 14:48

Are Christians biblically commanded to ALWAYS DO EVERYTHING the government tells them to do? What about when going to war? I am not confusing the WW2 time period with today. These are two different times in history, two different generations, which very different moral values. That being said, the principle of biblical moral grounds for obeying government is just the same. It seems that World War II was the last war that I see as definitively morally justified to warrant war. War leads to death and destruction on all sides in order to squelch evil. Today, I am going to show you that for the most part, we are to follow the government, but the Bible is clear that we are to avoid EXTREME PATRIOTISM as well. What is "Extreme Patriotism"? In light of Romans 13:1 as a primary verse which says, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgement." (There is also Romans 13:3-13:5 which speak further to the issue.)But, there is more to God's position on the ethics and morality of listening to government when we look at the Bible. For example, just because a government (often an immoral or biblically immorally run government) commands (Christians to) war, doesn't mean the that war is justifiable biblically. As such, we as individual Christians act rightly/biblically when we critically analyze the WHY behind THAT we are to go to war. After all, war entails death, destruction, injury and mental scars that last a lifetime. As such, we are called to analyze government mandates with a biblical worldview and act rightly in light of what God says. And if a godless government asks Christians to fight a biblically immoral war and kill or harm other human beings, we are called as Christians to analyze that war and our level of involvement in military service. This is a touchy subject and I am VERY patriotic. That said, I serve God before I serve any government or human leader(s). I pray this episode brings more clarity than it does emotion. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to our channel! Join our COMMUNITY at: www.StevenGarofalo.ComBecome a supporter of this podcast:

11/12/24 • 17:45

God’s people are called to practice “HOSPITALITY”, for at any time we may be entertaining angels. We are going to address that subject in PART2. For today, on the flip side, I want to define wise generosity-meaning how are we as Christians to give? I have seen my fair share of Christians abuse this verse and other parts of God’s Word by selfishly taking from other Christians when they are not in need-failing to give back in return (when they are fully able), saying not to expect anything in return. So which is true? That's what we are going to address in today's episode.Please LIKE and Give us a good rating which will really help us.Make sure to SUBSCRIBE!!Join our Community at: StevenGarofalo.ComBecome a supporter of this podcast:

11/7/24 • 11:58

The Prophet Isaiah who lived between 740-680 B.C. Was a “Social Reformer”-but not in the way that we think of a social reformer today. Today, I am going show you in brief how much things really HAVE NOT changed in almost 3000 years. And, in the end my conclusion is simply to say: “YOU THINK WE WOULD HAVE LEARNED...BY NOW”!SUBSCRIBE TODAY! To make sure that you don't miss any of our episodes!Join Our Community! www.StevenGarofalo.ComBecome a supporter of this podcast:

11/5/24 • 10:31

Human beings tend to see God’s grace, patients and forgiveness as either being limitless, or having some arbitrary pre-set limit that we tend to assign or define personally. Today, I am going to show you that when it comes to God’s desire for all to come to repent of their sin and authentically follow Jesus as Lord and Savior-that even the worst of the worst sinners find NO limit to God’s forgiveness and acceptance. Let’s jump right in.Make sure to SUBSCRIBE!Join Our Community at: www.StevenGarofalo.Locals.ComBecome a supporter of this podcast:

10/29/24 • 12:49

In today’s uncertain world, we tend to have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Today, I am going to show you what king Solomon says in Ecclesiastes about sleeping well and what keeps us up at night. Let’s jump right in.Please SUBSCRIBE and SHARE this with you friends to do the same!Join Our Community at: www.STEVENGAROFALO.LOCALS.COMBecome a supporter of this podcast:

10/24/24 • 08:09

I’m young enough to understand today’s culture but old enough to remember a day when men and women of godly character were elevated as role models. Today, I am going to make the simple case that a core factor in America’s decline is found in the lack of faithful Christian Role Models. What I mean by faithful role model is not today’s famous speakers who failed and rose from the ashes, but those who consistently lived a faithful life to God, wife, husband, children and community as opposed to those who did wrong and were elevated to a popular platform based on those failures. Let’s get started.ONLINE TRAINING: www.EquippedAcademy.ComJoin Our Community: www.StevenGarofalo.Locals.ComBecome a supporter of this podcast:

10/22/24 • 12:12

 It seems like since the Covid Virus that society, even families are so divided. By WHY? Today, I am going to show you why-FIRST by what the secular world of psychology and second by the biblical words of Jesus Christ Himself. Let’s get started.Take an ONLINE Course at: www.EquippedAcademy.ComJoin The COMMUNITY at: StevenGarofalo.Locals.ComBecome a supporter of this podcast:

10/17/24 • 19:32

Margaret Thatcher once said, “Watch your thoughts, for they will become actions. Watch your actions, for they'll become... habits. Watch your habits for they will forge your character. Watch your character, for it will make your destiny.”-MARGARET THATCHERPaul said in Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2).God's Word is clear that our thoughts and actions are accountable to God and hold consequences. Tune in to hear more!Join Our Community at: StevenGarofalo.Locals.ComSUBSCRIBE to our channel!Become a supporter of this podcast:

10/15/24 • 11:38

If you are new to the community, I (Steven Garofalo) have been friends with David Berkowitz for many years. I wrote about him in one of my books which made it to a pastor in Dallas, TX who ministered to David for many years and David contacted me. That was many years ago and we still write letter in Christian fellowship. Please be praying for David, see his website at www.AriseAndShine.Org and enjoy today's episode directly from two of David's letters to me.Join our Community-BLOG at: StevenGarofalo.Locals.ComSUBSCRIBE to this CHANNEL!Become a supporter of this podcast:

10/10/24 • 10:46

At PRESENT, The United States of America has the largest Christian population in the world, with Christians making up over 70% of the country’s overall population. This begs the question as to WHAT DID MAKE AMERICA GREAT? Was it our capitalist system? Our freedoms? Our money? Our spirit? I would assert that you can plug any and all of these things into one SIMPLE REASON which is our putting God in FRONT of our lives, our culture, laws, values, and money. Join Our Community at: www.StevenGarofalo.Locals.ComMake sure to "SUBSCRIBE"!Become a supporter of this podcast:

10/8/24 • 10:37