Show cover of The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon

The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon

Got a few minutes? That's all you need to catch up with the truly odd, real things going on in the world today... no, not THAT weirdness. The OTHER weirdness. Stories you haven't heard elsewhere, direct from radio's storehouse of weird news and conversation starters, Talk Topics at Daily, and short. Real short. Follow Talk Topics on Twitter @talktopics and Perry Michael Simon at @pmsimon wherever fine social media is available.


I'm feeling guilty about ordering "non-essential" stuff for delivery during a pandemic. I'm feeling guilty about ordering ANYTHING for delivery during a pandemic.

5/8/20 • 01:27

Are you using your pandemic down-time in a constructive manner? Yeah, me neither.

5/6/20 • 01:24

A lot has changed since March. I'm not certain we'll get back what we had in the meantime, and I'm not talking about the economy.

5/4/20 • 01:24

Guess who's back? (Sort of. Kinda.) The Bulletin lives....

5/1/20 • 00:47

The podcast goes on hiatus after 666 episodes (this is the 667th), because everyone needs a break.

3/19/20 • 00:31

A poll shows more people today think the coronavirus threat is "blown out of proportion" than thought so a month ago. We are truly in a post-facts world. (Source: NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll)

3/18/20 • 01:11

Toilet paper isn't really in short supply. It's just that... okay, we'll go into why you can't easily find TP at your local market, and how that's by design.

3/17/20 • 01:15

Things take a dark turn, and Mr. Brightside has some trouble finding humor in anything. I talk about how the incessant coronavirus news is affecting what I do for a living.

3/16/20 • 01:14

We live in a time when we need instructions on safety when eating out. That's distressing. (Source: USA Today)

3/13/20 • 01:29

What happens when there are too many massive news stories happening all at once? This. This is what happens.

3/12/20 • 01:14

VHS tapes are making a comeback? Not really, but for some people, videotape remains a big deal, like vinyl records. (Source: CNBC via NBC News)

3/11/20 • 00:52

Elbow bumps replacing fist bumps replacing handshakes...

3/10/20 • 00:58

We love technology until it just won't do what it's supposed to do, like automatically reset clocks for Daylight Saving Time. That's when the cursing starts.

3/9/20 • 01:23

Monopoly takes too long to play. It's complicated and boring. Why, then, is it so popular? (Source: BBC)

3/6/20 • 01:29

Could you live with your toilet right next to your bed, in the same room? In London, people pay big bucks for that, not because they want to, but because that's what's available. The real estate market is insane. (Source: CNN)

3/5/20 • 01:24

Coronavirus has some people turning survivalist, hoarding supplies in case we're all quarantined. Are you ready to go that far? (Source: KTVT/Dallas-Fort Worth)

3/4/20 • 01:14

The passing of the founder of Trader Joe's serves as a reminder that not too many other businesses are as universally highly regarded. Except for the parking. (Source: Washington Post)

3/3/20 • 01:02

Coronavirus threatens the way we greet each other. Can you live without handshakes or European-style cheek kisses? Yes, you can. (Source: Los Angeles Times)

3/2/20 • 01:02

It's that season again. Peeps are back. Shamrock shakes, too. Spare me. (Source: USA Today; CNN)

2/28/20 • 01:36

The pending demise of a Spanish-language newsstand in L.A. is a reminder of how far print has fallen. It also raises the question of whether anyone's reading anything but social media posts and text messages anymore. (Source: Los Angeles Times)

2/27/20 • 01:27

Parents still think that kids get "sugar highs" that cause them to bounce off walls. It's not true, but that doesn't prevent the myth from persisting. (Source: New York Times)

2/26/20 • 00:58

Coronavirus isn't the only health-related danger flight attendants have to face these days. They're always dealing with illness and bacteria. It's your fault. (Source: Los Angeles Times)

2/25/20 • 01:02

Two airlines have increased their baggage fees. It's not because their costs are higher; it's because they can. (Source: USA Today)

2/24/20 • 01:06

Yet another study shows that the Mediterranean diet is very good for you. And yet again, you won't take the hint. (Source: CNN)

2/21/20 • 00:59

Burial and cremation have new competition. You can now be composted. You'll probably want to wait until after you're dead, though. (Source: BBC)

2/20/20 • 00:52

You listen to music or podcasts while working out. Perhaps you should reconsider that. (Source: The Atlantic)

2/19/20 • 00:59

A new health fad turns out to be a very bad idea. It could cause you to develop long-term and even fatal damage. That's what you get for taking health advice from Instagram. (Source: Los Angeles Times)

2/18/20 • 00:58

No, pets aren't gonna catch coronavirus. Stop putting masks on them. (Source: CTV)

2/17/20 • 01:03

It's Valentine's Day, so let's keep it quick. You won't want to delay candy and dinner.

2/14/20 • 01:26

The trend towards allowing workers to take breaks during the day sometimes leads to too much time spent on surfing the web and Facebook and other pursuits. It's called "cyberloafing," and maybe there's a limit. Or maybe not. (Source: BBC)

2/13/20 • 01:15